
Chapter 1062: Counterattack of Wanyu County

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It's crazy!

What does Wang Cheng want to do there?

What does the domain owner want to do?

Doesn't he understand, what is the weight of the five words chaos domain and home?

Is n’t it clear to him that even the top sevens of the left and right seven chaotic domains would not want to provoke Wanyu County to their homes?

How dare he?

Where did he come to do this?

I killed a son from my home in Wanyu County, two offspring, and four guards who broke the top of the virtual realm ... Is this to rebel?

They actually uttered these two words of rebellion to Chu Yu, the orthodox chaotic domain owner, and it was really arrogant.

But this is from the perspective of the family, so there is nothing wrong with this!

It is true that Yu Jia does not have the ability to sweep the chaotic domain.

But if they want to overthrow Chu Yu's regime, in their view, there is no difficulty at all!

Is it remarkable that you Chu Yu can kill the energetic creatures of a realm demon group?

The same state exists in our Wanyu County!

Do you have seven left and seven right beside Chu Yu?

Sorry, our Wanyu County ... also has this level of strong!

It's just that we never want these people to show their heads.

Otherwise, even in that year, when the Chu masters were in the world, if our strong man at home went out, what would be the left seven and the right seven?

Are the innate creatures born in Yuantianchi amazing?

Sorry, for such creatures, we are at home in Wanyu County ... too many!

In their view, Chu Yu and the long princess are all crazy!

They dare to start with their children.

Originally Yu Jia also wanted to pass this incident, hit Chu Yu's face, let him consciously, and quickly gave the Feng reward to Yu Jia!

Not a reward ... Yu does not need to be rewarded!

It's what you should give!

The past domain masters, want to sit firmly in the position of the domain master, not to be better than home, okay?

Yu Jia is not a border guard general who guards one side. If he is provoked, he may increase the amount of foreign enemies and kill him.

Yu Jia is a real dragon dormant in the north of Tiangong World!

I'm here, who can help me?

What happened to my lack of effort?

Don't help ... I have a share of the resources of this world!

Who dare not give it?

Family children are killed, they don't need evidence at all!

Apart from Chu Yu and the long princess Chu Die, who can do this?

Who dares to do this?

The weak only need evidence, the strong only look at the results!

The result is that Yu's children died in Wangcheng!

Then this pot, Chu Yu, who is the master of the domain, and Chu Die, who is the long princess, don't want to carry it, but also have to!

As for whether they did it ... that's important?

Is it right?

"Immediately, send troops to Qingping County and Xiongchuan County!"

"At the same time, write to the palace and use the harshest language to let them hand over the murderer!"

"Also, let all the companies in Wanyu County immediately start to stir the economy of the whole Tiangong World!"

"I want the master of the doll domain to understand the truth, you have, I have a home in Wanyu County ... all! You don't have, we, too!"

A handsome young man, sitting on an extremely luxurious Shenmu chair, was commanded by his cold-eyed opponent.


The men ordered to leave.

At this time, in the study, the air twisted, and a figure seemed to squeeze out of the void.

Looking at the young man: "Homeowner, will this cause a strong rebound from that person? Anyway, that person is not a weak chicken. He really has the ability to fight against power."

The youth sitting on the Shenmu chair is Yu Hongdao, the owner of Yujia in Wanyu County. Looking at the young man, he is actually an old guy who has lived countless eras.

He has gone through too many times!

His true age may even be greater than that of the Chu domain master who had been in the world that year.

He watched the man coming out of the air and said lightly, "What about then? I am at home, a great old ancestor sits in town, and two great half-step great masters can really break through at any time. In addition, our enlightened ... … There are dozens of them. Our pinnacle of breaking the virtual realm is even more numerous. ”

He said indifferently: "That's how our home in Wanyu County has never been interested in the position of the domain master, otherwise ... what's the matter with the Chu family?"

He sneered: "Not to mention, the Chu family is only two generations so far, and it has been usurped by a generation in the middle ... This kind of small force that is not even a family, what is the right to challenge me at home ? "

The man walked out of the air for a moment and nodded: "The owner said it in a timely manner, but I was too cautious."

"It's not too cautious. The father and son surnamed Chu still have some origins. Speaking of that, if this kind of thing didn't happen, I wouldn't like to offend them to death." Yu Hongdao said lightly: "But since they have already lifted Slap it and slap it on my face at home, no wonder, we gave him a punch at home! "



In the northern part of Tiangong World, war broke out without warning.

Wanyu County has no excuses to send troops directly to the two neighboring counties, Qingping County and Xiongchuan County.

It is said that the two counties originally had inextricable relationships with Wanyu County, such as mutual marriage, such as various economic cooperation.

All along, the relationship with each other is still quite good.

As a result, Wanyu County suddenly sent troops to them, beating them by surprise.

Its own strength is completely inferior to that of Wanyu County. With the sudden attack, it has become worse. In a few days, many cities have been lost.

Qingping County and Xiongchuan County are in a panic!

The tour flew to the palace as snow flakes.

If this sudden war is just a corner of the Tiangong World, then the resources of the entire Tiangong World suddenly become tense, which is a big thing.

In the world of ordinary people, clothing, food, housing, and transportation are the basic needs for survival. The resources for practicing the world and cultivating are just like the food for ordinary people. They are also basic needs!

Once there is a problem with the cultivation resources, the Tiangong World will immediately become turbulent!

All of this is naturally done by Wanyu County Yujia, and they do not even have any cover at all.

It is a posture to break the wrist with the palace.

At the same time, they also wrote to the palace, with extremely harsh and overbearing wording, demanding that the palace immediately solve the case, find out the murderer who killed the children of the family, catch it, and then let the Princess Zhu Chu ...... send it to Wanyu County!

At the same time, there was a letter sent to the palace, and there was another letter for Chu Die.



"Well, poked the horse honeycomb." Chu Die smiled and handed over a letter directly to Chu Yu to see.

Chu Yu glanced at it and threw it aside, sneeringly said, "I don't know what it is!"

Chu Die said: "Let me go to be a concubine for the talented children of their family, and also give a gift of tone, it is really huh."

Chu Yu said lightly: "Ignore them."

"Well, what are you going to do?" Chu Die looked at Chu Yu and asked casually.

Speaking of it, in the endless years, following Chu Yu, the wind and waves have experienced much more, and in the face of these things, there will not be so much tension.

Even if this home in Wanyu County is an invisible behemoth in the chaotic domain, what then?

They even repelled the realm of the realm, Yu Jia is more terrible than the realm of realm?

"Overthrow them." Chu Yu said lightly: "Wanyu County is a huge tumor that grows in the Tiangong World. There are certainly a few families like them. Now I am afraid that they are all hiding in secret. Hilarious. I told them to watch, look back, and make them cry too late! "

Subsequently, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian came over.

Xu Xiaoxian's eyes flashed with excitement, it hasn't been this busy for a long time!

Fighting the devil ... It was a war between races, full of blood and killing, but it didn't mean much.

But playing Wanyu County is fun.

She wanted to know how her man would solve this huge cancer in Wanyu County.

After all, this was a problem that Chu Yu and Zhou Han failed to solve.

However, not many people doubted whether the master Chu Yu had the ability to solve this problem.

At that time, the master of the Chu domain did not put his experience inwards at all, and wanted to completely solve the problem of the realm.

Otherwise, the family like Yujia may have been uprooted by the master of the Chu domain.

Chu Yu glanced at Xu Xiaoxian, then looked at Lin Shi and asked, "How is it?"

Lin Shi said: "Veterans and generals are also very dissatisfied, I feel that this time, Yu has done it!"

Xu Xiaoxian said: "The temperament has been done? They are simply too good, right? It is a huge tumor, which is rooted in this world and constantly absorbs the nutrients of this world, but has not paid anything! Family, what do you keep? "

Chu Die said: "This family, after countless epochs of accumulation, the resources must be very rich."

"Let's talk about **** them." Xu Xiaoxian asked.

Chu Yu glanced at her: "You can be honest with me, such an adult."

Xu Xiaoxian was aggrieved: "Only eighteen ..."

Lin Shi took a funny look at Xu Xiaoxian and said: "Veterans and handsome men don't have any background. Regarding the business, they will find their personal connections to stabilize, plus sister Chu Die has already set a good strategy, chaos No way. "

"Over Qingping County and Xiongchuan County, Xian'er's father is going to lead the team personally. Wen Wei and Min Yushan will go together to calm the war."

Lin Shi said, looking at Chu Yu: "In fact, the root is still in Wanyu County."

Chu Yu nodded: "Wanyu County, I will go there in person!"

Lin Shi looked at Chu Yu: "I believe you can solve this trouble, but be careful."

Chu Yu smiled: "If they can't solve them, what else can we talk about?"

Other ... Naturally, it is going to the real front!

To face those ancestors of the realm demons!

If there were no Yuyus in Wanyu County who suddenly came out to make trouble, Chu Yu has now embarked on a journey.

"Then, let's go with you ..." Lin Shi said seriously.

The side of Xu Xiaoxian looked excited.

Chu Yu shook his head: "No, you are not allowed to go."

Xu Xiaoxian suddenly collapsed and looked at Chu Yu in disappointment.

Chu Yu petted his hand and touched Xu Xiaoxian's head: "Girl, this time, I'm going to go to the killing ring. You, a girl, are not suitable for watching those **** scenes."

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