
Chapter 1063: Rolling

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Chu Yu left and went to Wanyu County.

Chu Die sat in the royal palace, united with the left seven and the right seven, and joined the nobles who had surrendered, and started a counterattack against the Wanyu County to disrupt the entire world economy of Tiangong!

Economic warfare is actually about money.

Not to mention those complicated processes, the fundamental reason lies in who has more resources.

Who can withstand huge losses better!

After seeing this kind of economic warfare, there is actually not much technical content in it.

As long as they are rich, ruthless, and decisive enough, no matter how cunning and powerful their opponents are, they can hardly make waves.

Xu Zhen personally took the lead!

With Wen Wei, Min Yushan, Cao Hongzhi and others, they led the Cangming Army and rushed to Qingping County and Xiongchuan County.

Before the expedition, a press conference was held for the entire Tiangong World.

"Wanyu County is at home, acting backwards, without merit, but arrogant and arrogant ..."

This press conference is actually a mantra for the Yujia of Wanyu County!

As soon as this word came out, the whole Tiangong world was shocked!

This is to ... Operation on Wanyu County!

God, our new domain master ... is it so new?

Having just defeated the invasion of the realm of demons, is it actually going to fight against Wanyu County?

But why are we so happy? Why do you like this domain owner so much?

Wanyu County is at home, and has always been honest on its own fiefdom and has never participated in anything.

In a peaceful era, such a family would naturally not be disgusted.

But two times before and after, the realm invaded. As the top clan of the chaotic domain, Wanyu County Yujia didn't even show it!

how? As long as you know Mingzhe to protect yourself at home?

Are you smart at home?

The lives of your family are precious?

Are we all mustards?

Oh, the realm demons are now repelled, and the new domain master ascended the throne, and you did n’t make any rewards to your home in Wanyu County.

Jump if you feel uncomfortable?

Specially sent a few worthless children to Wangcheng to provoke crazy, what is the difference from sending them to death?

Sooner or later will be slaughtered!

Of course, this is the result you want at home.

Seeking benevolence.

Then you use this as an excuse to open the big mouth of the blood basin wildly and want to bite a big piece of meat from the new domain master?

Is there any morality and shame?

It ’s simply not Bilian!

This kind of garbage family, the domain master is right!


Just hit them!

It's better to destroy all of Yu's troops attacking Qingping County and Xiongchuan County!

The Tiangong World network, especially those in Qingping County and Xiongchuan County, are filled with indignation.

The low profile of the endless years of Yu Yu in Wanyu County naturally has its benefits, just like a big tree, with its roots deep in the ground, not exposed to people.

The disadvantages are also obvious.

That is, even though this family is rich and adversarial, it has an unimaginably rich background. But in terms of manipulation of public opinion, it is a complete weakness!

Nor can it be blamed that Wanyu County Yujia does not have this layout. In fact, they do not need this layout at all.

Moreover, even if it is necessary, whether it is Chu domain master or Zhou Han, it is impossible for them to do so easily.

From the perspective of Yu Family in Wanyu County, all living beings are ants.

We do what we want, why should we care about other people's views?

Therefore, all the time, at home and abroad, disdain the various voices on the Tiangong World network.

It's just a group of little scum who only dare to bluff on the Internet. Would you let them come to Wanyu County?

See how many people have this courage?

Their lack of attention finally showed bad results at this moment.

Yu Jia was looking for trouble and making trouble.

So whether it is to attack Qingping County or Xiongchuan County, it makes no sense!

This is an undisputed unilateral invasion.

On the network of Tiangong World, there is also a crazy one-sided scolding.

Not only that, the company on Wanyu County, the manipulation of Tiangong World's cultivation resources, was also exploded.

This time the network of Tiangong World was completely exploded.

"This is simply a family of wolves with ambitions! What do they want? Do they want to be the enemy of the world?"

"Wanyu County is really crazy, are they taking themselves too seriously?"

"Our domain master can even kill the power of the realm demon clan, are you afraid that you will have a Wanyu County at home?"

"Disrupt the market and want us to be poor? Brothers, stop talking nonsense and resist Wanyu County at home!"

"Yes, boycott Wanyu County! Even if we don't have training resources at one and a half times, we don't need you at home!"

The power of the people is small.

At least most of the time, this seems to be the case.

They don't seem to have anything particularly capable of doing it.

If you want money, you do n’t have money.

But the people are water!

Water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it!

Wanyu County is in a turmoil around home.

They did not expect that the consequences of this incident would be so serious.

Let's control the market of Tiangong World?

It's not unbelievable before!

Do n’t you all obey?

Besides, we are not here for you!

Our enemy is the palace!

We are trying to test the palace!

If it doesn't hurt the face on the other side of the palace so badly, how can it force them to bow their heads?

You guys are just a little bit unlucky, and you won't die. Why are you so angry?

We Wanyu County ... haven't offended you?

The whole people boycotted.

This is no joke.

Moreover, the residents of Tiangong World are not so forgetful. They will certainly not be able to do the kind of thing that resists three or five days and then buys people at a discount.

And if anyone dares to do this, they will definitely be spurned to death by those around them!

No one dared, and no one did it.

Although Wanyu County's home is rich and enemies, it is like a vast ocean, and its financial resources are unpredictable.

But even if it is the sea, it will take countless rivers to form!

Today's universal boycott means that all rivers are blocked at once.

As for the businessmen who have a little relationship with Yu Yu in Wanyu County, the sales suddenly fell.

Those shops that were once hot are also very impressive.

This time ... a little bit big!



With a large army, Xu Zhen rushed to the north at a very fast speed.

After arriving in the north, they did not divide their troops, but all of them rushed to Qingping County.

After seeing the army of Yujia in Wanyu County, all the Cangming army was killed.

Even the famous generals such as Xu Zhen did not firmly occupy the handsome account, but chose to join the crowd and kill the army of Wanyu County together!

The two armies engaged in battle, and it was instantly dark.

The Qingping County defenders, who had been beaten up very badly, found that after they came to the reinforcements, they suffocated and they immediately launched a crazy counterattack on their home army.

Even if there were relationships in the past, it was also a relationship between big people.

As for these little people, what does it have to do with them? They only knew that their countless brothers and friends and countless robes died in this sudden war.


Who really believes that thing?

Since ancient times, how many people can really return from reincarnation?

His Royal Highness is one ... but that is His Royal Highness!

In addition, how many people can do it?

So, for them, if they die, they are dead!

Wan Yujun Yu Jia attacked them like crazy, and the people who killed them, for this group of people who survived, from now on, with Wan Yujun Yu Jia, they were endless enemies!

If there is no chance, it will be ok.

After all, the world depends on strength.

But now the opportunity is in front of them, don't they understand it?


Shouting, earth-shattering!

At first glance, the armies of the two sides have already separated themselves.

This kind of height is even completely crushed!

Isn't Wanyu County a good home?

It must be great!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for people like Zhou Han to take them.

But this kind of greatness does not mean how powerful the Yujia march is.

It's that their family heritage is too strong and too deep!

The strong are like clouds!

But marching to war ...

On the home side of Wanyu County, they once thought that they were not bad in this respect.

Otherwise, where is the courage to attack Qingping County and Xiongchuan County at the same time?

To be fair, the army at Wanyu County is indeed not weak.

The overall quality is very high.

The strong are super.

A family that can cultivate such an army is absolutely beyond description.

But what they encountered was the vast army that swept through the realm of the realm of demons!

Even after so many years in the past, even today's army has gone.

But it is still not comparable to the family army of Wanyu County Yujia.

I haven't played it before, so the "very powerful" conclusion is what Wan Yujun thought.

It is estimated that from now on, if Yu's family can still exist, they will definitely change this view.

Yu Jia didn't even pay much attention to the famous group of left seven and right seven, and it was their ancestors to discuss marching war!

Not to mention that the military strength of the two sides is almost the same now, even if only one tenth of Wanyu County's home, Xu Zhen's group is confident to fight them.

Practitioners are talking about strength and skill. But if the strength is similar? If everyone is similar?

At this time, whose marching experience is more abundant, who has more strategies, and who can see through the other party's intentions ... becomes the main factor in determining the battlefield.

As a result, the army of Wanyu County's Yujia invasion into Qingping County was ruthlessly crushed.

It's really the kind of being crushed, there is no room at all.

Although the troops on Qingping County held their breath, they wanted to take revenge for the dead robe, and launched a crazy counterattack when the reinforcements arrived.

But soon, they discovered that on this battlefield, they seemed to have become a redundant party!

There is no such thing as them!

"Cangming Army ... It's really amazing!" A guard in Qingping County stared at the crushed Cangming Army in a dumbfounded voice, and said convincingly.

"That is, you don't want to think about it, what kind of army is the Cangming Army? Fight against the real world twice! What kind of army is this at home again? Don't look at them all wearing standard suits and holding standard weapons. This is a private army! Well, it's because of the well-equipped equipment, otherwise, they are definitely not our opponents! "

"Yes, if we have the same equipment, we must crush them!"

A group of defenders in Qingping County had nothing to do. They could only stand on the battlefield, watching the excitement, commenting, and bragging.

It would be more beautiful if there were not so many brothers and robes, and if there was a plate of peanuts and a pot of old wine.

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