
Chapter 1064: Qingping County

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The Cangming army was crushed all the way, and the army of Qingping County was watching the lively side. This is a result of the collapse of the people of Yuyu in Wanyu County.

The first time, they launched a request for help from the family!

Although this move is very shameful!

Prior to the expedition, the generals sent by Yu's family patted their chests and promised that they would definitely beat the crying fathers and crying mothers of Qingping County, ensuring that they would complete the mission by 120%.

The results of it?

The doll army in Qingping County was totally beaten by crying dads and crying mothers.

They killed and killed all the way and pushed countless cities under the jurisdiction of Qingping County.

If it were not for the family to have strict orders, they would not be allowed to do anything else. I am afraid that those cities would not have grown up.

When marching to war, who doesn't want to take advantage of it and get cheaper?

But for the family, what they want is not to siege the city, but what they want is to completely occupy the two huge territories of Qingping County and Xiongchuan County!

The little doll domain master is not good, does not slap you hard, can you be sober?

As for the occupied cities, what can they do?

You have the ability to send me troops to beat me?

Master Chu Yu didn't do it that year, and Zhou Han didn't dare to do it. You Chu Yu ... are an abandoned crown prince in that year, with some skill, dare to do it?

Borrow your courage!

You dare not!

But who can think of this waste Prince as a little lunatic in their eyes!

Not only did they mobilize public opinion to crack down on the reputation of Wanyu County at home, which triggered the indignation of the whole people, but they dared to send troops!

Is King Zhen Zhen crazy?

Even if you don't stop him, dare to play with him?

Don't you know the details of my home in Wanyu County?

Not afraid that we are annoyed, invite the ancestor out of the mountain, slapping all of you?

It's too bloated!

Even at the moment when Xu Zhen led the army against Yu Jia's army, it was still this mentality.

But in the blink of an eye, it completely collapsed.

Ask for help!

Ask for help!

Even if you go back, you will be severely punished and you can't care about it.

If all this army was damaged here, it would be hilarious.

Even in the end, Wanyu County Yujia won this battle, but his face was dull!

The strong man in the family must be invited to come and wipe out the army of troops led by the king of Zhentian!

To hurt them hard!

The request for help was sent out in the first time.

But there was no response at all.

Yes, no response at all!

This made the Yu family's children here a little flustered.

So, the information for help was sent back one after another, and the wording was more serious than once.

But it was like a rock sinking into the sea, and no response was received!

"Isn't it, our family ... has something happened?" A younger Yu family cautiously expressed his guess.

This guess, but it sinks into everyone's heart.

"No! Don't talk nonsense! Our family, but there are ancestors sitting in town! Who dares to come to the door to find fault? Looking for death?"

"That is, even if the people on the other side of the palace are crazy, they don't have the courage!"

At this time, you can only brave yourself.

There was no reply from the family, and their group of people could only continue to fight the Cangming Army led by Xu Zhen.

However, I can't beat it!

In the past, they were somewhat disdainful to the Cangming Army.

It has been too long for Yu's home to rule the world in the northern part of Tiangong World!

Here, they are the supreme king!

Who can provoke them?

No one can!

They must have heard of the prestige of the Cangming Army, and they have also seen many records of the fighting of the Cangming Army on the Tiangong World network.

But deep down, most people at home are somewhat disapproving.

I think it's just fighting on the battlefield, we can too!

The army is spread out, and then use their own skills, and then use some tricks, um, and use a combination of points and so on ... How difficult is this?

Eyes are high and hands are low, not just a problem for ordinary people.

The same goes for practitioners!

Just as there are black-hearted things among practitioners, being able to perceive the avenue has really nothing to do with human nature.

Without direct confrontation, it will never be clear where the Cangjun really is.

Now they know, but everything is late.

Time cannot go backwards, and life cannot come back.

A large number of warriors at home, one in the red world and one in the virtual world, were killed there one by one.

Xu Zhen, Wen Wei, Min Yushan and Cao Hongzhi will stand on the high sky and look at the battle below with cold eyes.

"Unbearable." Wen Wei said lightly.

"For so many years, who gave them such courage? The great ancestor of their family?" Cao Hongzhi shook his head and sighed.

"It should be." Min Yushan smiled.

"Ancestral ancestors of the energy level, after all, it is still a bit powerful." Xu Zhen said softly, then smiled: "But we also have a character of the energy level.

Xu Zhen's tone, with a little unconscious pride.

Once upon a time, when he mentioned his son-in-law, deep down in his heart, he looked at it with a bit of disdain, all with colored eyes.

But in the end, Chu Yu used his own ability to conquer this Zhentian King a little bit.

It's growing too fast!

Why didn't the previous life show up at all?

Could it be that reincarnation ... really has such a great effect?

Or is it that the boss is on his wheel, and he has already paved the way for him?

Even if there is a foreshadowing ... that resource, how can it be comparable to Tiangong World?

So, in the final analysis, it's my son-in-law, too good!

You can't be dissatisfied!

It's like a bite of food that you don't even bother to eat. When you eat it, you find that it is delicious. Even if you don't want to admit it, there is only one sentence left in the end: "It's really fragrant!"

"It's safe here." Min Yushan said.

Xu Zhen nodded: "Let them speed up, we have to intercept those in Xiongchuan County."

"Good, don't let them slip!" Wen Wei said coldly: "The news of their defeat here will be passed on to those people."

Later, the army of Yu Jia who invaded Qingping County found sadly that the enemy's offensive ... was even more fierce!

What made them unbearable most was the countless generals, who directly urged their soldiers to hurry up with the open mind fluctuations, and do n’t bother to delay time.

"Have you not eaten? What are you doing there? Hurry up!"

"The commander said, and there are a bunch of dumb people in Xiongchuan County waiting for us to cut it!"

"Hurry up! The battle will end within an hour, our team can't lose its prestige and lose its reputation!"

"Fat trough, our team is the strongest, okay? Hurry up, be compared, and lose the old man, don't think of you any better!"

Thousands of soldiers in Yuyu County have gone crazy.

Are we the chips you guys used for the game?

Are we really so vulnerable in the eyes of your army?

Really are.

The soldiers at Yu's family are not without the kind of **** people. In the face of this crushing and humiliation, they are fearless and want to fight hard.

It's useless.

This group of veterans of the Cangjun Army has so much experience on the battlefield!

They simply don't give you any desperate opportunities!

Want to explode?


A group of people directly came up with a small world, instantly loaded the person who wanted to explode, and then threw the fireworks into the sky.

It is simply a group of ethics with smoking!

Even the last dignity is not left!

To let Cang Mingjun hear this kind of heartfelt opinion, he must scold them for farting and let you die with dignity, what shall we do? Are you dragged to death together?

How valuable is the Cangming Army?

The meaning of our existence is to protect the world of chaos! It is against the realm!

What kind of garbage is yours?

Let's fight you, it's a very shameless thing!

If it were not for the Celestial Army to want to fight this battle, when you will be willing to fight you?


Above the battlefield, there was a constant roar of terror.

Finally, under the stunned gaze of countless Qingping County soldiers, within an hour, Wanyu County's Yujia army completely collapsed!

The beating was completely free of any will to resist.

It's like a group of adults playing a group of kindergarten children.

Realm is almost the same?

On the battlefield, the realm is a fart!

Unless your level reaches the level above the entry level, you may be qualified to change the situation.

Otherwise, even if it is the pinnacle of breaking through the virtual realm, it is like scum in front of the battle of the Cangming army!

The defeat was downhill.

This decline is simply irreversible.

A group of senior generals in Yuyu County of Wanyu County are all like a mourning concubine.

They really looked at their army, and they were pushed horizontally by others.

Cang Mingjun pushed the world ... It turned out that it was really pushed the world, not a word of beauty!

Later, the group of senior generals finally turned their attention to the group of King Zhen Zhen above the distant sky.

At this time, does it make sense to return to the family?

The army they led has been annihilated by the whole army, and all of them have been killed!

What are you going to do?

It's better to die clean!

A group of senior generals at the home of Wanyu County flew towards Xu Zhen.

For a time, the top-level magic weapon, the arrogant supernatural power, in the sky.

A group of people at Xu Zhen have fun after watching it, but can they still be active?

This is ok!

After a joss stick.

Xu Zhen shook his head: "It's not too much."

Cao Hongzhi sucked his mouth: "How do you say? Actually the strength is pretty good, it is the experience of this battle, it is too weak!"

"Have they not fought a lot?" Wen Weidao said.

"If bullying is not counted, I guess they have never fought." Min Yushan said.

This group of senior generals in Yuyu, Wanyu County, and also a son of Yujia's heir, Yi Gongxiang's kung fu were wiped out by Xu Zhen and others.

There are also enlightened among them!

Although there are only two, you can look at the entire chaotic domain, and the enlightenment level monk of the virtual realm can't really be considered a weak person.

Definitely the top fighting power.

But in front of Xu Zhen's group of old guys, it was so ... vulnerable.

Very weak.

The Qingping County crisis was lifted.

Completely announce the recovery.

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