
Chapter 801: From one million years

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

Chu Yu was still running at a constant speed. Although he was restricted by the law and could not fly, but every step of his jump was similar to flying.

Fast speed!

He didn't even look back, he could feel that the guy was hanging in the back.

However, Chu Yu was not too worried.

Although his state is not so high, but the power reserve in his body is an amazing number.

It's okay to run like this for a year.

The owner of Heifengzhai was frightened by his own inference. The more he thought, the more he was afraid. He couldn't help but shouted and asked, "Boy, you have the ability to report to you!"

Chu Yu was happy and replied with a smile while running: "There is nothing to come, there is one poor boy coming out of the backcountry, you don't have to worry."

What's so ... fucking!

Dazhai master almost vomited blood.

What do I have to worry about?

Co-authoring, are you still thinking for me?

The more Chu Yu is like this, the more his heart is bottomed out.

If Chu Yu did not hesitate to say that he came from a certain giant, then he would be confused.

"I have no injustice with you, you kill me General Cat, I will not let you go!" Dazhai master growled.

"No injustice or no hatred? Such words come out of people like you, why is it so ironic?" Chu Yu replied with a sneer: "Anyway, I can't beat you now, and you'll be chased after you're happy. Account slowly. "


This is a flagrant threat!

Dazhai stopped fiercely and shouted: "I remember you!"

"Okay." Chu Yu answered easily.

At this time, in the distance ahead, a magnificent big city had appeared.

Going into the city!

What will the city of Eternal God Realm look like?

Chu Yu thought.

Not at all concerned about the Dazhai master in the sky behind him.

The Dazhai master looked at the figure farther and farther angrily, and watched him enter the city.

Do you want to give up?

He asked himself.

General Cat was killed, he was angry, and the whole person almost collapsed.

This is almost equivalent to breaking his future.

Looking for a creature like General Cat, I'm afraid it's impossible.

Even if Shou Yuan is endless, there are gifted creatures, who does n’t want to get it? How could it be his turn?

But what if you do n’t give up?

Although he is an immortal, in the old Montenegro generation, he can dominate the king.

But the city ahead does not belong to the old Montenegro.

The owner of this city is a terrible existence.

If you enter the city, eight out of nine will be left there forever.

A robber leader, what are you doing in town? Is it provoking?

The host of Dazhai showed a grudge in his eyes, and finally gritted his teeth and turned away.

But this hatred, he remembered it in his heart, thinking that one day, he must revenge!

Even if he came from a wealthy family, this hatred must be reported.

It's just that it won't be a fair and honest report.

He is not stupid again!

After all, he is a scholar.



Chu Yu Shi Shiran entered the city.

I found that the city is not bustling, there are not many vendors on both sides of the street, and most of the shops are also deserted. It is very different from the previous impression of the city.

But you can understand it if you think about it.

This is a world of eternal life, who would be doing nothing to wander around every day?

Even if it seems like in the nine cities of Daqian World, there are actually many people who are low-cultivated and will be the pawns of the trafficker.

But here, the weakest existence is the eternal level.

Although it exists at the bottom of this world, but with eternal life, how many people would be willing to be a hawker and keep a stall all day long?

Valuable things are not sold, who can buy ordinary items?

However, there are two places in this city, which must be very lively.

Qinglou, and casino.

The facts also confirmed Chu Yu's inference that when he passed by several blue houses, they were all very lively.

The windows upstairs also depended on the beautiful woman, staring at him with bright eyes.

"Little brother, come and play for a while ..."

Chu Yu was unimpressed. He felt a strange feeling in his heart, a little emotional, and a little funny.

These women who sell their bodies in the blue house, whatever they are, are placed in the dimension world of the Sifang Realm.

Absolutely the real queen!

Sell ​​yourself?

What do you want?

If you are happy, find a handsome young and handsome noodle, and eat fresh every day ...

How could you sell yourself?

You won't sell yourself in this life!

But here ...


The rule is the boss!

Chu Yu looked up at the sky.

It is said that these women have eternal life after birth, and death is almost no threat to them.

After measuring your talents, you only need to keep practicing, and that's all.

Once you reach the extreme you can achieve with your talents, what about the future ... right?

Or ......... It is a pastime for them to dedicate themselves to the blue house?

Not only feel comfortable with yourself, but also have the mother-of-pearl?

Chu Yu was confused.

But casinos, this is easier to understand.

As long as they are humans, they are almost gambling.

The difference is just gambling.

Who doesn't want to get rich overnight?

Who doesn't want to spend a fortune?

Therefore, places like casinos will almost always exist as long as there are places where humans gather.

Chu Yu thought that before the war between Chu Jie and the three giants, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian and others ran to the casino to bet and couldn't help but want to laugh.

At that time, in the nine cities of the Thousand Worlds, countless casinos lost their money.

Many casinos rely on a deep background and want to repay their debts. As a result, a group of women almost overturned their backstage together.

In the end, a group of women gathered a lot of resources.

In the end, they all stayed in Chu.

Because of those resources, at the level of eternity, they are almost useless.

Things that have obviously passed a long time, but in retrospect, it seems like yesterday.

Chu Yu came to the door of an inn, glanced at it, and wrote-Yuelai Inn.

Hey, there are so many inns with this name!

But at the next moment, Chu Yu couldn't help but frown.

Eternal God Realm, everything in this high-dimensional world, in fact ... is almost the same as the big thousand world!

Except that the life here will never die and the state is higher, the rest is really no different.

Could it be that, as I learned, our dimension is a zoo created by people in the eternal God Realm and the Immortal Realm, bored?

Used as a pastime when bored, and the place of reincarnation after the death of life and soul here?

To know the truth of this matter, I am afraid it is only possible to see the existence of the level of Xianzun.

Chu Yu sighed and stepped into this Yuelai Inn.

This store hasn't had a business in a while.

When Chu Yu came in, a young man with a second appearance was sleeping on the table.

Hearing his voice blankly, he raised his head, then wiped the corner of his mouth and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Chu Yu suddenly covered his face with black lines: "Let's stay!"

"Living, staying in the shop?" Xiao Er looked at Chu Yu's eyes as if he saw an idiot.

Chu Yu felt particularly uncomfortable.

"Why, you can't live in this shop?" Chu Yu asked.

"Yes, I can live! I can live! How long do you want to live?" Xiao Er finally recovered, knowing that this was a visitor.

"How to say?" Chu Yu asked.

"Twelve hours are counted as one day, and 365 days are counted as one year. In our store, we started in one million years." Xiao Er came to a thorough sober, and introduced it to Chu Yu, like several families.

Twelve hours a day, 365 days a year ...

This algorithm is really ... from the earth, to the fairy world, to the world of thousands, to the eternal **** realm at high latitudes.


However, it started in a million years.

Even if Chu Yu knew that Eternal God Realm did not die, a million years, it was nothing more than a digital unit.

But there is still a ridiculous feeling.

"One million years, how much?" Chu Yu asked.

"Hey, half ... half block?" Xiao Er scratched his head, seemed a little embarrassed, and felt that he was particularly black, a little suspected of bullying the foreigners, and changed his mouth again: "One tenth of the mother crystal is enough."

so cheap?

Chu Yu finally got a little better. Here, the least valuable thing ... just time!

Thinking about it, he took out a piece of Tian Jingmu Jinshi and threw it directly to Xiao Er: "Find me a better yard, and the rest, I do n’t need you to find it. However, occasionally I may ask you Some news, do you understand? "

Xiaoer looked at the flawless celestial mother-of-pearl in his hand, and happiness quickly overflowed from his eyes, nodding again and again: "You just ask, little knows everything!"

Well, an eternal-class shop second, with a humble attitude and absolutely in place service.

Xiao Er took Chu Yu to the best courtyard.

Covering an area of ​​tens of acres, pavilions and water pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, all kinds of gorgeous flowers dotted among them, struggling to fight.

The only pity is that there is no fish in this water.

Ordinary fish cannot survive here.

The eternal level of fish will not stay in this place.

Chu Yu said: "In the future, we must build a house, and then raise a pool of eternal, Daluo realm fish! Just as an ornamental fish! Tian Jingmu Jinshi is waiting for it, I don't believe that no fish is willing to come."

At this moment, he felt like an upstart, some of it was money!

After swept through a huge mineral vein, Chu Yu was really confident.

Subsequently, he released Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian and Jiang Zilian.

The three women glanced at the surrounding environment, and they were all at a loss.

"Where is this?" Xu Xiaoxian asked.

"What happened over there?" Lin Shi looked at Chu Yu.

"This is the city, the owner of the Heifengzhai Village. I met him, but it was not his opponent, so I ran away." Chu Yu said lightly.


The reactions of Xu Xiaoxian and Lin Shi were quite flat.

Jiang Zilian looked at Chu Yu like a monster: "Have you ever seen the owner of Heifengzhai Dazhai?"


"Is he really a practitioner in the fairyland?"


"Can fly?"


"Then you ran away?"


Jiang Zilian stared blankly at Chu Yu for a while, and gave a thumbs up: "You are amazing!"

Then, looked up and down at Chu Yu: "How did you run out? The magical power of Shangxian should already be very powerful, right?"

"It's a bit difficult." Chu Yu nodded.

Thinking of the magical power that the Dazhai master trapped him at that time, if there is no metal ball to help, I am afraid it will be really troublesome.

"Shouldn't you ... be the reincarnated from the top clan of this eternal **** realm?" Jiang Zilian said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "It's just a matter of evil spirits in the lower realm. When you come here, you are still so perverted ..."

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