
Chapter 802: Xiao Dynasty

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Hearing her words, Xu Xiaoxian leaned over, stretched out his hand with a smile, touched Chu Yu's face, and then said: "It looks so beautiful, maybe it's really! Hee hee!"

Chu Yu shot Xu Xiaoxian and said, "Nonsense."

"I have a feeling, Xiaoxian and Zilian, not necessarily nonsense." Lin Shi said quietly on the side.

Chu Yu glanced at her.

"What do you mean by the existence of the lower realm?" Lin Shi asked Chu Yu softly, looking at Chu Yu.

"Your question is too big to answer. But in simple terms, what exists is reasonable." Chu Yu said.

"Look, our world is connected to Eternal God Realm and Immortal Realm." Lin Shi sat by the pool, took off his shoes, and stretched a pair of white jade feet into the water, gently stirring like a girl Water splash. Looking at Chu Yu sideways: "Then it shows that there is an inevitable causality between these worlds."

Both Xu Xiaoxian and Jiang Zilian nodded.

"Then, to be honest, this eternal God Realm looks ... a little boring." Lin Shi said.

"Well, I also feel very boring." Xu Xiaoxian said: "It's far worse than the world!"

"So, the most wonderful place is actually in the world!" Lin Shi said: "The so-called red earth world is also called the flower world. That is the most wonderful place."

She looked at Chu Yu: "Then you see, here in the Eternal God Realm, all the creatures have endless longevity, and they will not die. So are you living like this all the time, aren't you bored?"

Xu Xiaoxian said: "And most of them will choose to test their talents when they are born. If they have great talents and can achieve true immortals and immortal respects, that would be quite happy. But if they find their greatest achievement, they can only be eternal ... Are you particularly depressed? "

Jiang Zilian said aside: "Yeah, look at that bearded Dong wax, isn't he? It feels like he wants to change his destiny ..."

"Oh, how is that bearded man?" Jiang Zilian asked Chu Yu while looking at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu smiled: "This time, his fate will indeed change."

"Oh?" The three girls looked at Chu Yu curiously.

Chu Yu said: "He went to whistle and attracted the big master of Heifeng Village, and then the big master of the village took people and roared to **** you three beautiful girls."

"Cut!" The three girls took a sip at the same time.

"The one that rushed to the front at that time was a big yellow cat. I was chopped with a knife." Chu Yu said lightly: "Later, the owner of Heifengzhai became crazy. He said that the big yellow cat could grow up. It ’s a real fairy, so he started to desperately chase me. "

Three girls: "..."

Chu Yu said with a smile: "Then I ran away, because I am definitely not his opponent. However, Dong Wa, who was cut off by the head of Heifengzhai on the spot, can't die anymore."

Jiang Zilian: "..."

Xu Xiaoxian: "If you die, that kind of person deserves it."

Lin Shixiu frowned slightly and said, "You said that Dong Wax is dead, will he reincarnate in the Thousand Worlds? He has a cause and effect between him and his husband, then, will he ... return to revenge in the future?"

"This question is worth studying." Jiang Zilian seems to find a new direction in life.

Lin Shidao said: "I mean, the husband's luck is too strong. Although he has gone through many hardships and difficulties, he has faced life and death countless times. But this luck, I think, even if it is this eternal god. , Would you envy? "

Xu Xiaoxian looked at her and said, "We are here this time, isn't it just to clarify this matter?"

With that said, Xu Xiaoxian stood up, stretched his waist, exposing a perfect curve, and said, "But, people who know this kind of inside story, I am afraid, they must be the power of Xianzun's level. We want to unveil These secrets must be promoted to that level as soon as possible! I went to practice ... you are free. "

With that said, she went directly into the half-stone tower that Chu Yu placed on the table.

At this time, the voice of the spirit of the tower spirit was heard from the stone tower: "I also want to practice, I also want to evolve ..."

"You get off." Chu Yu said.

All three women returned to the stone tower to practice.

This behavior may seem a little bit heartless, but in fact Chu Yu understands it.

They are all somewhat stimulated.

Here, a group of powerful bandits can make people like Chu Yu have to flee. Although Chu Yu told them as a joke, but in my heart, it was all a bit tasteless.

After all, in that world, which is not a stunning top-level existence!

No matter how you say, there can be no pride in your heart.

Even if the upstart enters the city, facing all kinds of strange contempt eyes, why would he not sneer with a sneer: a group of poor people, I have more money than you! Look at Mao?

Not to mention that they are in the lower realm and are not upstarts.

That is the endless years and the supreme cultivation of behavior, a little bit of strong self-confidence accumulated!

Chu Yu is also practicing!

This is a boring and boring world. At least, Chu Yu has a strong feeling from this city.

In fact, even if it is not boring, Chu Yu does not want to go out now.

too weak!



"Miss Sister, Sister, please come and see, is the picture I drew beautiful?"

Chu Die just walked out of the retreat and heard Xiao Xuan'er's cheerful voice.

In a flash, Chu Die has been in the Eternal God Realm for a long time.

Tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years?

She was too lazy to count.

Entering here from the lower realm, the energy in the body is completely transformed.

As an experienced practitioner, she knows exactly what this conversion means.

Undead matter!

The energy that once constituted her body's universe was replaced by undead matter.

This world is full of this immortal substance.

In the air, in the crystal mother-of-pearl, in various big medicines ...


Regardless of whether you practice or not, these substances will enter the body all the time.


Xiao Xuan'er ran to Chu Die, still holding a picture in his hand.

Chu Die gave a glance, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

There is a circle on it, which looks like a head, and a stick below it is a body? But what the **** is the other circle linked below that stick?

Okay, there are two sticks under that circle, but there are still two circles under those two sticks.

Okay, abstract painting!

I just pulled out all the images.

"Very good!" Chu Die gave a standard smile.

"Really? Why don't they say they don't understand?"

Xiao Xuan'er looked at Chu Die innocently and then smiled: "It seems that my sister understands me! Hee hee, my sister is the best!"

Then toss the picture aside and pull Chu Die's hand: "Go, sister, I'll take you to see someone."

"Ah?" Chu Die stunned slightly, a little nervous in her heart.

Now she has just broken through to the realm of Darrow.

Speaking of that, she came to this world and had no chance to test the talent value that almost everyone in Eternal Realm would test.

Not wanting, but no chance.

At first he was running away, and later came here.

Xiao Xuan'er, there is no altar to test talent.

She didn't mention it, it is estimated that Xiao Xuan'er could not think of it.

For Chu Die, she is very grateful to this little girl. Since coming here, she has finally ended her days of upheavals.

After telling Xiao Xuan'er a story for a while, she began to practice retreat.

The resources for cultivation are all given by this little loli.

It can be said that this little loli is her benefactor!

She now knows that Little Loli's identity is scary and noble!

Xiao Xuan'er is a princess!

Real princess!

It is the youngest member of the Xiao Dynasty of the Eternal God Realm, and ... the most favored!

How big is the Xiao Dynasty? Xiao Xuan'er couldn't speak for himself, anyway, it was very big.

The territory where they are located is all under the Xiao Dynasty.

Xiao Xuan'er said that there are three people in their family.

Three Immortals!

What a terrifying force!

Xianzun is the most top-notch existence in the world.

Is at the top of the food chain.

"Sister, don't worry, it's not an outsider, it's my sister." Xiao Xuan'er said with a smile: "She came to see me and heard of you, I was a little curious. But my sister can rest assured, she is not a bad person.

Chu Die smiled bitterly in his heart. Isn't it a bad person, must he be a good person?

Only when children look at people, will they be defined by good people and bad people?

She is very clear about things in herself.

The lower realm soared up ... following a little princess of the dynasty, now, the little princess's family ... the big princess is here.

Forget it, don't think about it, the big deal is to continue the days of the past and the displacement.

Anyway, now, she is not the weakest creature in the world!

It is already Da Luo!

But, a little bit reluctant to this little loli.

She is really a good person!

Following Xiao Xuan'er, Chu Die thought a lot.

Xiao Xuan'er took her hand and led her all the way to a place.

This is a huge lotus pond. The lotus planted in it is a variety that Chu Die has never seen before. The lotus seeds produced radiate huge energy fluctuations.

Obviously a top medicine!

There are also colorful fish swimming in the pond.

Occasionally it will surface and jump up to eat those lotus seeds.

Ha ... a group of eternal, Luo Luo realm of fish!

It was raised here for viewing.

Take the top medicine casually!

Really ... extravagant!

By the lotus pond, stood a graceful young woman.

Wearing a white gauze skirt is not transparent, but it gives people unlimited imagination.

From the back view alone, it is already imaginative.

Hearing the footsteps, the woman turned back, this is a beautiful woman, Chu Die can also be regarded as a top beauty, the temperament is also extremely noble. Compared with the person in front of him, it seemed that there was a little less dust.

Seeing Xiao Xuan'er and Chu Die, the young woman smiled and then nodded gently to Chu Die: "Hello."

"I have seen Princess Xiao." Chu Die bent her knees slightly.

"My name is Xiao Ling'er, Xuan'er's sister. You are her friend. You don't need to be polite with me, just call me Ling'er." Xiao Ling'er said with a smile.

The anxiety hidden in Chu Die's heart calmed down somewhat.

"Sit down, please come here. I mainly want to know what a woman can make my sister praise; in addition, I heard that you are from the lower realm?"

Chu Die's heart that she had just laid down was instantly raised.

She looked at Xiao Ling'er and nodded.

"Good, me, from the lower realm."

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