
Chapter 804: The truth is hidden in myth

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"Eternal God Realm is a perfect world created by a Divine Emperor. Originally, it was one with Immortal World. Endless creatures live and proliferate here. This world is very big, um, super big! It ’s hard to get out of a corner as long as hundreds of millions of years. "

"Later, the Divine Emperor disappeared, and no one knew exactly where he went. After many, many years, according to the Divine Emperor's calendar, it should be 100 billion years later. This world is divided into two factions."

"One of them thinks that souls should practice merit, virtue is perfect, and they will become the divine emperor ... Although, no one has ever been able to become an emperor from the Immortal Venerable, but that faction thinks so.

"Their theory is that Divine Emperor became Divine Emperor only after he created this perfect world without death."

"So, it's merits and deities."

Xiao Ling'er sat on the wooden bench in the pavilion and spoke softly.

Xiao Xuan'er interjected: "Oh, good old legends, I'm tired of listening."

Xiao Ling'er glanced at her: "But your sister Die'er hasn't heard it, at least, she hasn't heard it in this life."

Chu Die was speechless, but still listening quietly.

Xiao Linger continued: "The other school does not think so. They think that heaven and earth are benevolent and regard everything as a ruminant dog. Heaven is ruthless. To be precise, heaven is without emotion. In front of heaven, world spirits, follow There is no difference between stones and grass. "

"Cultivation is cultivation, don't talk about merit. Good and evil are nothing but the theory that the creatures themselves pull out."

"Will there be good and evil in a stone?"

"Use it to build a house, it can protect the creatures from the wind and rain; it can be used to kill people, and it can also kill people."

"At that time, this world is not only the creatures above the eternal level, but also countless, innumerable ... low-level life."

"There are many of them, none of them practice at all."

"But, never die."

"And, at that time, it was far easier for those who did not practice to want to give birth to heirs than to practice advanced souls."

"So, the spirits of this world are increasing day by day, and they are constantly increasing."

"The world is super big, so it doesn't matter if the creatures keep increasing like this."

"Resources are still abundant."

Xiao Linger said with a chuckle: "The years should be the most glorious and beautiful time in this world."

"All flowers bloom!"

"No matter what kind of creature it is, you can live your own wonderful life."

"But then, everything changed."

She sighed: "First, there was a huge disagreement between the two factions! None of them could persuade each other. From the beginning of the debate, to the establishment of a sect later, each passed the Fa and passed the Fa they thought was right. "

"Later, they began to attack each other, from Wendou to Wudou."

"In this way, grudges are gradually born."

Xiao Ling'er said: "Among them, the Xiao dynasty was established almost at that time."

"Our ancestors of the Xiao family are on the side of merit and virtue. We believe that since they are spirits, with wisdom and thoughts, then we must have good intentions and cultivate merits to help more spirits."

"At the time, countless dynasties, ancient religions, super families ... were established like mushrooms."

"A great war also inevitably broke out!"

"When the war continues to spread until the moment it spreads throughout the world. The God Emperor, who has disappeared forever, returns."

He said: "Can't go on like this."

"So, in one thought, he created a world again. That world is the place you came from."

Xiao Ling'er looked at Chu Die: "The God Emperor said that only by experiencing life, death, old age, death, can we truly understand the value of life. Only by losing it will we know how to cherish it."

"So, at that time, almost the vast majority of the creatures of this world were sealed in memory and thrown into that place."

"Began to experience life and death, and start endless reincarnation."

Xiao Ling'er said: "The Divine Emperor's original intention must be good. He hopes that the creatures in this world can understand and cherish it. So, he did just that. Then, he disappeared in this world again. No one still remains. Know where he went. "

Chu Die listened quietly, it sounded like this was like a fairy tale.

Belongs to the eternal **** realm, myth story.

But somehow, after hearing this story, she had an urge to cry.

You ... had you ever been a member of the Eternal God Realm, and then ... was thrown into the lower realm to experience endless reincarnation?

"A long time after the Divine Emperor disappeared again, this world was finally divided into two, divided into two places by those top-level existences. One place is called Immortal World, and the other place is called Eternal God Realm."

"War has not stopped because of the last return of the Divine Emperor, and the final division also seems to be an inevitable trend."

"The two factions are still fighting, but they have a consensus."

Xiao Ling'er said: "They all hate immature creatures."

Chu Die: "..."

Xiao Ling'er said: "In the eyes of those supreme beings, the lower-level living bodies are simply not worthy to live in this eternal place of life. Exactly, since the Divine Emperor has created a place of reincarnation, then those lower-level lives are simply Go to that place. "

"So, a terrible cleaning has arrived!"

"That time, we later called it ... the dark age."

"When the dark age comes, no one can hide."

"Even our Xiao dynasty was not spared. When that era came, all that stood in front of it was crushed into scum!"

"The black hands behind the scenes, whether they are from Immortal Realm or Eternal God Realm, have a highly consistent attitude ..."

Xiao Ling'er's tone became cold.

Xiao Xuaner glanced at her and interjected in time: "They are all bad guys!"

The atmosphere just got a little bit nervous, because Xiao Xuan'er's words became relaxed again.

Xiao Ling'er's tone also softened: "This is also the only time between Immortal Realm and Eternal God Realm to work together."

"The entire dark age lasted about tens of billions of years."

"They changed the laws of Immortal Realm and Eternal God Realm, and this time, the Divine Emperor, which was expected by countless people, failed to come back again."

Xiao Linger said lightly: "Many people say that the Divine Emperor, in fact, is dead! By the behind-the-scenes hands, united and killed."


Chu Die was shocked by the whole person.

Although she listens to this as a story, she understands that this story, out of ten ... is true!

In the status of Xiao Ling'er, the princess of the ancient dynasty could not have been full, and told himself a vague story.

So, the lower realm is not a zoo, but ... a real cage!

It's a prison!

It is the group of black hands behind the scenes that are used to imprison the "trash" creatures in their eyes!

But the legendary divine emperor should be a supreme being!

Eternal God Realm and Immortal Realm, the lowest level is the eternal level of souls, and then in order, Shang Xian, True Immortal and Immortal Venerable. But I have never heard of the existence of this level of Divine Emperor.

So Divine Emperor, in Chu Die's opinion, should be the top creature.

The existence that created this world is not the top, what is it?

Such a existence, will die?

In her eyes, she was puzzled.

Xiao Ling'er said: "This matter is true and false, it's hard to say. But one thing, the ability of Immortal Venerable is super powerful! Each of them has a true divine power! Zun united, whether he could kill the Divine Emperor, this matter, since ancient times, there have been countless arguments, just like the cultivation of immortals and merits, no one can convince each other. "

She looked at Chu Die: "This is the origin of your world. So, in that world, every creature undergoing reincarnation is actually a member of this world. They are all creatures with eternal life. "

"It's just that the vast majority of them, whose memories are sealed, are too dead to remember the things they once were. Or, most of them, originally in this world, did not like to practice."

"So, after they began their reincarnation, the changes are getting bigger and bigger."

"But at the same time, there are also some creatures, as they continue to cultivate in that world, then, gradually ... think of some past events."

"So, in that world, there are a lot of rumors about fairy realm and eternal **** realm. Most of them are vague."

"Later, on the side of Eternal God Realm, those old hands behind the scenes have re-enacted the rules of merit and deity. This rule has little effect on most people. But it can affect very few creatures, but Had a huge impact. So, they were expelled. "

Xiao Linger's mouth showed a sneering smile: "Maybe even those behind-the-scenes hands did not think that the turning point of history will appear on their group of spirits!"

Chu Die was slightly startled, as if thinking of something.

Xiao Linger continued: "Those creatures who have been expelled from the eternal realm of God appear in the lower realm. Although their memories are also sealed, they can be sealed ... but not completely! From this point of view, the group The behind-the-scenes technique is not as good as the Divine Emperor! "

"Some expelled souls have awakened a part of their memories after experiencing endless years of cultivation in the lower realm. So, more rumors about the eternal **** realm and the fairy world began to appear there. A little bit, spread out."

"In this way, more and more creatures know these things."

"When you know it, you will naturally feel angry and unwilling."

Xiao Linger looked at Chu Die: "Because this is particularly unfair, isn't it?"

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