
Chapter 805: Hell will be empty

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Chu Die was silent and nodded gently.

She was one of a group of people who felt particularly angry and unwilling and particularly unfair.

So she has a long history in the world, so she is very kind in her heart, but she has done so many wrong things almost crazy.

"Although it is a phantasmagorian, plausible world, endless creatures are all living in a muddled state. They reincarnate repeatedly, year after year, more and more addicted to that kind of reincarnation.

"But as a part of them, once they know the truth, as long as it is not a salted fish, I am afraid there will be emotional fluctuations. I will think about change, I want to resist!"

"Some people will fight and change for their own sake; but some people, with their hearts in mind, try to take everyone ... to change together!"

In Xiao Ling'er's eyes, there was a flash of light, and he said softly: "Xiao Zhen is such a person, and he ... is my Xiao Ling'er ..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Xuan'er covered her mouth: "Sister, calm, calm! Don't say it!"

In Xiao Ling'er's eyes, a flash of unwillingness flashed coldly: "They are afraid, but I am not afraid!"

Then she sighed quietly: "Well, as a princess of the Xiao Dynasty, I can't always, because of my willfulness, it will bring disaster to the entire dynasty."

She looked at Chu Die and said, "Do you understand our relationship?"

Chu Die nodded and said before that it was Xiao Xuan'er's brother-in-law, am I so stupid? Don't understand this?

But Chu Die is a bit strange. The conversation between them is straightforward and transparent, and there is nothing to hide.

Xiao Ling'er even directly said that Xiao Zhen was Xiao Xuan's brother-in-law.

But why can't I just say-that's my man?

This must be the sentence!

Why can't you put this sentence? Is there anything that can't be said?

Xiao Xuan'er said: "You can say anything else, but the sentence, once the sister said it, it will cause a huge disaster! That sentence is taboo."

Chu Die seemed to understand, but did not ask.

Xiao Ling'er said: "Until the beginning of someone constantly flying to the eternal **** realm and the fairy realm, the group of black hands behind the scenes was gradually a little scared! Ha ha, in fact, to be precise, there is no fear, after all, two worlds, Are under their control. "

"Eternal level or Daluo level, in their eyes, no doubt ants are generally fragile."

"But they still set up a particularly funny thing for this, called the talent tester."

"They were afraid of those who soared, awakened their memories, and then returned to their respective families. They were also afraid that those two worlds who hated the dark ages would rise again to overthrow them. So they finally made this funny thing. "Xiao Xuan'er added."

Chu Die could not help but glance at Xiao Xuan'er, innocent, mature and sensible, which one is really you?

Xiao Xuan'er smiled and said: "Sister Die'er, I'm still a baby."

Chu Die: "..."

"But, after all, I have lived for too many years, is there something in a million years?" Xiao Xuan'er glanced at his enchantment.

Xiao Linger said lightly: "Thirteen million years, old girl."

"You are not allowed to call me the old girl, I am a little princess! It is a baby! Boom Boom!" Xiao Xuan'er directly jumped.

Chu Die is full of black lines, okay, it's all boring, let's just consider you a baby.

Needless to say, there was Xiao Xuan'er occasionally interrupting on the side, and the overall atmosphere was not depressing.

Chu Die raised his own question for the first time, saying: "Talent tester, this is the original purpose?"

"Otherwise? What's the use of this thing? A creature with eternal life, in the future, is to have as much as possible. How can it be determined by a small tester? After the gadget was made, it was beaten. There are more times. But the black hands behind the scenes are thick-skinned, and naturally they will not care. "

Xiao Linger sneered: "Basically every ascendant can't help but be curious to test that thing. So most of them will be extremely depressed."

"Because of that thing, it is especially unfriendly to people with a lower-body breath in their bodies. No matter what talents, when they go to the test, they will hardly have any good results."

"Ordinarily, people who have ascended from the lower realm are extremely tenacious. Practitioners of the same realm can almost hang the eternal **** realm! Even the leapfrog challenge is not difficult."

Xiao Xuan'er said aside: "Yes, yes, Sister Die'er teased the practitioners of Da Luo Realm."

Xiao Ling'er said: "But these people don't really awaken the memories they once had. After all, the more tenacious they are after the test, the easier it will be to hit them, and in the end, they will be helpless."

Chu Die: "..."

Is this okay?

Xiao Ling'er said: "It sounds ridiculous, right? But after endless years of verification, this is actually very effective. So, you don't want to test that thing, it doesn't make sense! As long as you keep practicing, one day sooner or later you will step To the highest realm! Everyone who soars from the lower realm is a top-notch talent! "

Chu Die nodded. In fact, she always had the idea of ​​testing.

If it was n’t Xiao Linger, I ’m afraid she would really find a chance to test.

At that time, if the result of the test, she said that she can only practice to Da Luo, or Shangxian ...

Think about that scene, she must be extremely lost?

Xiao Ling'er said: "More than that, there was a period of time when the number of practitioners who soared up in the lower realm was super! The merits became gods and cultivated into immortals ... Whether it is the eternal **** realm or the immortal world, there are a lot of people rushing in. "

"Especially those who entered the fairy world, one by one is incredible!"

"For example, there is a man who claims to be called Lao Tzu, and no one knows which power he once was. A deity called Dao Jing Jing almost hits half of the fairy realm. His teachings are all passed to the eternal **** realm. Here comes. "

"Uh, Lao Tzu ..." Of course Chu Die knew who the man was!

The saints in the era when the earth was sealed!

Xiao Ling'er said at this time: "I heard that the old man, who has already built a road in the lower realm of reincarnation forever, has been reincarnation, but he has been in reincarnation. Moreover, the place of reincarnation he chose was the foundation of the emperor. a place!"

"Earth." Chu Die murmured.

That place is really the beginning of mystery!

Xiao Ling'er did not know the details of the lower realm as Chu Die. She continued: "At that time, Immortal Realm and Eternal God Realm were both violently shaken, so the group of black hands behind the scenes shot again."

In Chu Die's eyes, a cold expression appeared, saying: "Hell."

Xiao Ling'er nodded and glanced at Chu Die with some approbation, saying: "Yes, it's hell! Originally, Divine Emperor created that world, but only hoped that all beings can experience the cycle of life and death, and realize the seven emotions and six desires, and finally understand the truth, so, Only six reincarnations have been established. "

"Let the souls switch their identities and experience life from different angles. Then, when they reincarnate to a certain degree, there will be an ascending channel to return to this world ..."

"But later, the world was divided into two parts, the ascending channel was also completely closed!"

"The appearance of **** has exacerbated the suffering of the underworld creatures."

"Countless ascendants who could have broken out of the lower realm have fallen into hell."

"This is a way for those black hands behind the scenes to do it once and for all."

"They are particularly proud of this masterpiece."

"It's almost, it is to abolish the foundation of the entire lower realm!"

"Xiao Zhen he ... it was at that time that he had compassion on the sufferings of all beings in the lower realm, so he spent many years looking for ways to reduce his merits."

"At that time, no one knew what he did."

"His Xiao is different from my Xiao. He is the prince of another Xiao dynasty."

"So, the information and resources he has access to are extremely rich."

"In the end, he succeeded and went to the lower bound with the memory of the necessary awakening."

"But because a traitor appeared, he went to the group of behind-the-scenes and reported him."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ling'er's voice became a little trembling, and the sadness pervaded.

But her eyes were clear and murmured: "The dynasty of the Xiao dynasty was overthrown, and all the tribes were slaughtered. At that time, it seemed as if the dark age came again."

There was a sneer in the corner of her mouth: "But it was precisely because of the disaster that more people couldn't help but endure the patience of the hands behind the scenes, they ... all went to the lower realm."

Xiao Linger stood up, leaned on the railing, looking at the lotus blooming in the pond, and said: "If, I guess right, a huge liquidation, it is very likely that it will start in the near future."

She turned back and looked at Chu Die: "Because, ascendants in the lower realm, in the last tens of millions of years, once again ... more."

"And, if I guessed right, you haven't had any news about Xiao Zhen for so many years. Then, he should be ..."

Chu Die blurted out: "Hell!"

Xiao Ling'er's body shook slightly, and his eyes were instantly veiled, but soon she calmed down.

Nod: "Yes, hell!"

"That place, maybe, soon, is empty!"

As a person who once entered Hell, the shock in Chu Die's heart was so strong that he couldn't add more!

Hell creatures, cruel and cold-blooded.

Everyone who can survive in **** is definitely the most outstanding creature in the lower realm.

If they come out of hell, no matter where they appear, it will be a disaster.

Isn't that the **** creature in the ancient **** realm?

But now, Xiao Ling'er said that Xiao Zhen, who has disappeared the endless years, went to **** out of ten!

Even if he is the prince of the dynasty once the eternal **** realm!

Even though he brought the lower bound of memory.

But in a place like **** ... can he survive?

There, no one will control what you used to be!

Who is not a little princess in hell? Oh no ... who wasn't the supreme being who stirred the clouds and upended the universe!

He, can really change the pattern there ...?

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