
Chapter 811: Give more

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The old man was a little angry.


For so many years, for the first time, a person is so valued, and then, he carefully arranged a game in the hope that he can practice with peace of mind and wait for the cultivation to be successful before coming out to walk the world ...

As a result, it was not only seen through by the other party, but also exposed in person.

Do n’t you understand?

Don't you touch the old man so painstakingly?

Damn stinky boy, don't know how to respect the old and love the young!

Chu Yu looked at the old man's exhalation, suddenly moved a little, clenched his fists and said: "Seniors are not angry, the juniors also know that the juniors are considered for the juniors, do not want the juniors to die on the road to growth ..."

"Huh, who cares!" The old man groaned angrily.

"Yes, yes, you are right about everything, let's go now, find a no-man's land, don't step into the realm of Immortal Venerable, and never come out!"

Chu Yu said.

"Really?" The old man looked at Chu Yu.

"Well, seriously." Chu Yu looked at the old man seriously: "It's just that there is a problem with the juniors."

The old man said: "You said."

"Senior, why do you value juniors so much?" Chu Yu asked.

Xiao Madman suddenly fell silent, silent for a long time.

Chu Yu nodded: "Senior is not convenient to say, just forget it. Perhaps, it is fate, hehehe."

"Fate is a fart." Xiao Madman glanced at Chu Yu and said, "Where is there so much love and hatred for no reason in this world?"

With that, Xiao Kuang said: "Because Xiao Zhen."

"He is one of my juniors."

"The Xiao Dynasty, from the Xiao Dynasty ..."

"My two brothers and I used to be the generals of the Xiao dynasty. I was given the surname Xiao for his outstanding military achievements. Although he is not the surname of the royal family, he is also noble.

"Later, in the generation of our brothers, they left the domain of the Xiao dynasty and called a group of people to lay down a river and mountains."

"So, in this world, the Xiao Dynasty appeared."

"Our two great dynasties watch each other and make good friends for generations."

"Xiao Zhen is the prince of the contemporary Xiao dynasty and was retaliated for trying to overthrow the dark forces."

"The Xiao dynasty disappeared in this eternal earth overnight."

"When Xiao Zhen left that year, he had vowed to rebirth hundreds of millions of times, and he would return with the power of a world."

"But, it's too hard!"

Xiao Madman sighed: "Once the lower realm, the memory must be sealed, even if it has the means to pass the sky, but it is also very guaranteed, can awaken the memory in the lower realm."

"Your body not only carries the breath of the lower realm, but also, in your soul, there are traces of Xiao Zhen ... a trace!"

Chu Yu was slightly startled. Although Xianzun's methods were thorough, how did he see that there was Xiao Zhen's mark in his soul?

"As long as the practitioner who walks out of the place where Xiao Zhen is located, once he ascends, he will leave a trace of his mark. There are not many people who can see this. The old man, I am one of them."

Xiao Kuang said: "Especially you, with two heavy objects on your body, is it true that the power of Eternal Realm is blind? If you can't find a good place to hide. How long can you live?"

Two pieces of heavy equipment ...

Metal ball, half stone tower!

"Your state is too low!"

"If it's in the lower realm, there are naturally few people who can see you through."

"But here is Eternal God Realm!"

Xiao Madman looked at Chu Yu with a solemn expression: "Here, there are too many people who can see you through."

He said, stood up, and sighed: "Well, when you meet the little guys, you are already destined to lose blood."

With that, he fumbled from his body and took out a lot of material.

Finally, take out a one-foot-square animal skin.

The hide looks fresh, and in some places you can still see the blood that has just dried up. There was a faint pressure on it.

If you use your consciousness to perceive, you can still hear the horrible beast roar.

Moreover, the monstrous coercion felt by Shen Nian is countless times greater than the passive coercion!

This is the real terror and coercion!

This beast is absolutely extraordinary!

The old man looked at the shocking appearance of several people and knew that they had all sensed it with their consciousness.

With a smirk, he said: "This is a fierce beast in a real fairyland. The IQ is not high, but it is extremely fierce, killing countless. The little girl who likes the finest skin and tender meat ..."

The women rolled their eyes together.

Broken old man, there is no shape at all.

The old man smiled and said: "I was beaten to death by the old man and peeled off. You know, what is the use of its skin?"

Xu Xiaoxian looked at the things prepared by the old man, and said with a sneer: "Isn't that just the symbol?"

"Smart!" The old man praised: "It's skin symbol is the best in the world!"

What's so smart about this, is this common sense?

Xu Xiaoxian's speechless face, even Jiang Zilian felt a little embarrassing.

The old man took out a pen and began to draw on the hide.

This pen is not easy!

Chu Yu's eyes lit up.

Xin Dao: It's a fairy deity. There are so many babies on her body, like a ding-dong cat.

The old man draws a symbol, the expression is solemn, the concentration is incomparable, the aura of the whole person instantly changes.

It's hard to imagine such a serious and serious side of such an old naughty game. But think about the scene where he shook the black streamer before and received the fairy spirit.

It is normal to live a life of endless years, even if there are a thousand faces in this world.

Chu Yu was also the first to see the Mighty Symbol.

Although he has used various seals, almost all of them are left by his predecessors.

Like this now, an almighty man standing at the pinnacle of this world, personally drawing symbols, has never experienced him.

Moreover, I was a little excited.

With the old man's talisman, this animal skin gradually began to appear a variety of complex magic circle.

At the beginning, Chu Yu could keep up.

After all, he was also the one who cracked countless walls.

But gradually, he was a little hard.

It takes a long time to understand one of the small magic circles.

Instead, Xu Xiaoxian looked at him intently, and her eyes always followed the old man's pen.

In other words, she can not only understand, but also keep up with the old man's ideas!

Although there was no sound, the look of surprise and admiration in Xu Xiaoxian's eyes became more apparent.

She already knows what a seal is!

Cover the breath!

Not only can it cover the breath of three people from the lower realm, but also can cover the two pieces of heavy equipment, exuding the breath of Chu Yu!

Sounds like this is a very simple seal.

But the key is that Xiao Madman made this symbol, but the purpose is to prevent other powerful immortal realm from seeing through Chu Yu!

Speaking of which, this is really not easy.

Even, it is too difficult!

All kinds of materials have been constantly punched into Fu Zhuan by Xiao Madman.

Whether it is the Divine Gold or various top-level elements, once it enters this animal skin Rune Seal, it will melt immediately.

Melt with this animal skin.

The whole process has lasted more than two hours!

In the end, the original one-foot-square animal skin was transformed into a slap, which was neither gold nor iron nor animal skin. The black material of the material was completely invisible.

It was densely covered with engraved circles.

The old man sighed and threw a painful face to Chu Yu, saying, "If this material of Fu Zhuan is measured by money, at least billions of Tian Jingmu Jinshi are needed! So, stink boy, you Picked up big bargain! "

Hundreds of billions ... Tian Jing mother stone?

This is an astronomical number!

However, it did not scare Chu Yu and others.

Among the stone towers on Chu Yu's body, after collecting the giant celestial mother-of-pearl mine, celestial mother-of-pearl and those perfect celestial mothers of gold are not counted.

The flawless grade of celestial mother-of-pearl has more than 100 billion yuan.

Otherwise, it cannot be said to be a giant mineral vein.

So rich, naturally do not care about those billions.

The old man didn't get the expected admiration and felt bored.

"Well, you poor people, maybe you haven't even seen the mother-of-pearl!"

With that, he gritted his teeth from his body again and found a small storage bag. After hesitating, he threw it to his apprentice.

"Here is a master, there are one hundred thousand days of mother-of-pearl stone! You can let you practice for a while. The energy contained in this thing is extremely high. When it is absorbed, don't waste it ..."

Jiang Zilian took the storage bag, his face somewhat hesitant, and said, "Master, it's still your own. It's not easy to save some money ..."

Look, look!

This is a good apprentice!

It's like you, one by one can't peel a skin from the old man!

The old man was finally moved.

At this time, Chu Yu thought about it and took out a few mother-of-pearl gemstones from his body, and said seriously: "Senior, you are really good to us, and there is nothing for the junior Come to honor you, these ... "

Before he finished speaking, a few pieces of aragonite in the hand disappeared.

The next moment appeared in the old man's hands.

The old man said with a shocked face: "Tianjing mother-of-pearl ... Where did you get it? How can you have such a thing?"

Jiang Zilian couldn't bear to tell his master that there was still a lot of this thing on Chu Yu.

The old man was excited: "This is the ultimate material of the refiner! Now the number of survivors is extremely rare ... Why don't you, bastard, come out early? If you take it out early, the power of Fu Zhuan can at least be improved 30%! "

Said, with a straight face, put away a few pieces of Tian Jing mother-of-pearl.

Looking at Chu Yu: "Fortunately, your kid has a little conscience."

Chu Yu was also a little unbearable. The old man was so straight and cute. If he knew it, he would give him more.

"Okay, let's go. My cave house is not safe. Go to practice, no matter what happens outside, you don't have to worry about it. Just ... not seen!"

"Don't let anyone find your tracks."

Xiao Madman sighed and said, "One day, when you all step into the field of Immortal Venerable, at that time, perhaps, Xiao Zhen He will also return with a large army. Perhaps, you can participate in that battle."

"We will have a fight with the Dark Force sooner or later, right?" Chu Yu asked seriously.

The old man nodded: "Yes, sooner or later, there will be a battle!"

Afterwards, he thought about it and took two pills of pill from his body, and gave each one to Xu Xiaoxian and Lin Shi respectively: "Take it, and eat them whenever you want children."

The two women blushed and accepted. Lin Shi looked at the old man and said, "Can seniors give more?"

The old man froze slightly.

Lin Shidao: "My husband, not only our two wives."

The old man froze his face, first glanced at his disciple, and then sighed in the sky: "It's really a fool thing!"

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