
Chapter 812: Billions of years

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Eternal God Realm has no time.

For this world, time is completely dispensable.

When people calculate time, they just have a clearer judgment about the past.

There can never be two people who haven't seen each other for a long time. After meeting, say hello. You asked me: We haven't seen you for a long time?

Another said: "Yeah, a long time!"

"how long?"

"I can't remember."

This is a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, after all, an accurate number is still needed to record these.

It has been 130 million years since Chu Yu and his entourage entered the Eternal God Realm.

If it is on the earth, there are enough times for the birth and death of civilization!

It is said that the earth has only existed for 4-5 billion years.

But for Eternal God Realm, it is just a part of the lost time.

Chu Yu came out of the closed place, the air of the road entangled, his eyes bloomed with divine light.

His realm has stepped into the real fairy field!

The tester, they haven't tested it after all.

Because the old man had told them back then, don't test the nonsense.

It doesn't make any sense at all!

What does it mean that your talents can only be cultivated to the level of Da Luo?

Is n’t that nonsense?

Come to an Immortal Venerable, initiate for you, forcibly infuse the avenue into the soul of the god.

Still worried that you can't cultivate to true immortals?

Chu Yu has not experienced any stagnation in his practice over the years.

Qingyun straight all the way!

Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian and Jiang Zilian have also stepped into the real fairyland.

In this world, their talents are displayed to the fullest.

There is even a tendency to catch up with Chu Yu.

However, the gap between each other's combat power is a bit bigger.

Chu Yu sealed the realm at the upper immortal level, with one enemy and three women, and none of them were his opponents.

Among them, Xu Xiaoxian's combat strength is relatively strongest.

Thirty million years ago, she sneaked out. In the dynasty of the Xiao dynasty, there were several small units, each of which had about 20 or 30 people.

All are forces of darkness.

The captain is the real fairy realm, and the soldiers below are almost clear of the fairy.

Was killed by Xu Xiaoxian alone, with sound waves!

This is still Xu Xiaoxian does not have a special weapon at hand, otherwise, the attack she can play will only be more powerful!

Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian are slightly inferior.

But the difference is not too much.

The light of Bodhisattva in Lin Shi is also a sweep of that kind.

In the course of fighting, it is almost invisible to kill.

Jiang Zilian, holding the black streamer and shaking it gently, is a landslide!

However, the three of them tried their best and were not opponents of Chu Yu after the highest level of the seal.

But in this 130 million years, Chu Yu has never shot.

So much so that in this war-torn territory, there are some rumors about Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian, but never about Chu Yu.

The dynasty of the Xiao family was invaded by the dark forces shortly after the three people bid farewell to the Xiao madman.

A large number of enemy troops crossed over distant borders and swarmed.

The Xiao Dynasty, who had calmed down the endless years, began a fierce resistance.

Fighting is about to die.

Since this endless years, a large number of people have died.

A large part of them all went to the lower circle of reincarnation.

There are still a few, because there are various seals on the body, you can be lucky to reincarnate in the eternal **** realm.

It's just that when these people can awaken their memories and return again is an unknown.

The Xiao dynasty did not completely disappear overnight like the other Xiao dynasty.

These people who attacked did not have the power to subvert an ancient dynasty in an instant.

Therefore, for hundreds of millions of years, the war has always been in a state of anxiety.

But precisely because of this, it made the dead cities in the dynasty a little more angry.

From the people's faces, there is not much fear.

Because no matter who it is, it has been alive for too long.

Many people cannot find what it means to be alive.

War is also a means of finding meaning in life. At least, for many people, it is.

In recent years, a name has gained fame in the territory of the Xiao Dynasty.

Called Chu Die.

It is said to be a beautiful female general.

Leading a large army, unstoppable.

It has become a talk for many people.

When Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian went out to practice, they naturally heard the name.

For Jiang Zilian, the name doesn't feel much.

But for Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, the meaning of this name is too great!

Especially Lin Shi.

She and Diewu's avatar had a lot of grievances and entanglements.

Even almost, he died in Butterfly Dance.

Things have passed for too long, especially afterwards, she also knew more about Chu Die.

The kind of hatred and grievances that had once disappeared almost over time.

Now when I suddenly heard the familiar name, there was no more grievances, but there was still a kind of kindness.

Like, in a distant foreign country, suddenly, I heard a legend about the fellow.

Moreover, this fellow seems to be pretty good.

Chu Yu's exit this time is a realm, and he has stepped into the pinnacle of true fairy!

Whether it's the killing of the heavenly mind, or the sole esteem, or the gluttonous supernatural power ... it really deserves the title of supernatural power.

Following Chu Yu to the realm of Zhenxian all the way, the power is increasing day by day.

Never weakened!

This is really amazing!

Even Chu Yu felt very powerful.

But there are too many factors needed to step into the realm of immortal veneration.

To put it simply, it is no longer able to be solved simply by retreating from Taoism.

No matter whether it's cultivation into immortality or merit and deity, at this step, you must walk the world and look for opportunities.

Therefore, Chu Yu went out.

I saw Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian and Jiang Zilian.

"How are you?" Chu Yu asked softly.

After hundreds of millions of years, Chu Yu's image is still young.

And the three women, the passing years have not left a trace on their faces. It's still so young and beautiful.

"Very good," Jiang Zilian said with a smile.

Lin Shidao: "We heard about an old man who is also in the Xiao Dynasty."

Xu Xiaoxian smiled and said: "Guess who?"

Chu Yu thought about it: "Chu Die?"

"It's boring!" Xu Xiaoxian pouted.

Lin Shi looked at her: "Shall I say?"

Jiang Zilian was curious, why Chu Yu could guess at once.

Lin Shidao: "She is now a general of the Xiao dynasty, very majestic! It is said that a realm has been infinitely close to Xianzun, hee hee, it may still exceed you.

Chu Yu said: "She hasn't stepped into the realm of Immortal Venerable?"

"Why? Do you feel slow?" Jiang Zilian was surprised.

Anyone who can soar from the lower realm, placed in the eternal **** realm, is the most talented peerless genius.

Therefore, Jiang Zilian never thought that Chu Die, who took the first step forward, would be so much better than himself.

In her view, the reason why Chu Yu is more powerful than them may be because Chu Yu is a spirit that gathers and grows from the spirits of heaven and earth.

Could it be said that Chu Die also failed?

Should n’t it?

Chu Yu smiled and said, "She is one of the most powerful practitioners I have ever seen!"

Lin Shi nodded: "Yes, both wisdom and talent are outstanding."

Xu Xiaoxian smiled: "Unfortunately, it was lost in the hands of the husband."

Jiang Zilian couldn't help rolling her eyes. After all, isn't it the most powerful man in your family?

For countless years, I have really been bored.

Even if it is true, can you be humble?

"Let's go, we should go out and walk." Chu Yu said.

Jiang Zilian hesitated and looked at Chu Yu: "But Master doesn't mean ..."

Chu Yu glanced at her: "How long have you been without your master's news?"

Jiang Zilian's expression was a bit sad, for a long time, probably, 50 to 60 million years ago, right? I have occasionally received messages from Master, but I have not received them in the last 50 to 60 million years. "

"In this kind of battle, Xianzun may not be able to protect himself, so even if he practiced to that level and then came out, he might be killed."

Chu Yu smiled and said: "My combat strength has never been realized in the practice of retreat."

"I am, really, it's out!"

Chu Yu's expression was calm, but Jiang Zilian felt that at this moment, Chu Yu's body burst into a huge conviction.

Let her mind lose a little bit.

Not in love with him, but simple and shocked.

Obviously you can live by your face, why should you be so good?

It's too much!

Jiang Zilian thought.

A group of people left here.

In fact, there have been many enemy troops who have passed by here in recent years.

But because of the seal seal, no one has ever been able to find them.

Once Chu Yu even felt a huge coercion, it should be an immortal statue passing by.

But without stopping at all, he went straight into the distance.

From that moment, Chu Yu knew how precious the seal seal that Xiao Madman left himself was.

Now, he finally stepped into the pinnacle of true immortality. Once again, he set foot on a height in the immortal world of eternal God Realm.

Well, the love that was owed to others in the past is ultimately to be paid back.

As Xiao Madman said, how can there be love and hatred for no reason in this world?

The Xiao Dynasty is too big!

Chu Yu where they are located is about the southern end of the Xiao Dynasty.

There is still a long way from the border.

Even if it is a real immortal, it will take at least a few million years to arrive at full speed.

But it is not difficult to find the trail of the enemy.

Today's Xiao dynasty is basically in a state of flames everywhere.

The dark force practitioners who don't know where they came from are like locusts.

Not only is the number huge, but the places it passes through are simply unprepared!

The four people only walked for more than ten days, they met a team of people.

The number of people in this team is not much, about seventy or eighty people.

A member of the war, headed, rides on a huge **** bird, the **** bird spreads its wings, covering the sky!

A pair of eyes radiate a sharp light, looking for a target in high altitude.

The general above the **** bird is wearing a black armor. The armor is bleak and there is a lot of blood on it.

There was not much breath flowing out of this general.

But the people behind him, one by one, were fierce.


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