
Chapter 817: Tianqin Mountain

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If he can find a place where no one is now, he can laugh for ten minutes at a stretch.

There is no rest in the middle!

And certainly not laugh to death.

After all, it is also a true fairy!

How could it be so easy to laugh?

Just then, the handsome coach Xue Ye suddenly called him: "Sir, what do you think?"

"Look at you paralyzed!"

The aides thought.

Say how does Lao Tzu look useful?

But on the surface, he had to make a dignified look, frowning, and after a moment of contemplation, he slowly said: "Looking under his subordinates, the death of the three generals, maybe ... the one on the Tianqin Mountain ... …related."

Ignoring nonsense about my conscience, anyway, friends who die do not die.

Isn't Lao Tzu a member of the dark forces?

The pitman is originally his job!

Sure enough, upon hearing this.

Xue Ye's eyes narrowed suddenly: "He? Why?"

The staff said: "You think, handsome, the Tianyinzi on the Tianqin Mountain, who cultivated all his life, was already a fairy before the endless years."

"On the surface, he has no disputes with the world, he is proficient in qinqi, calligraphy and painting, and retreats all day long."

"But don't forget, he also has a kind of skill, which is particularly powerful!"

The staff looked at the quiet people and felt a very comfortable feeling in their hearts. They said lightly, "He is good at refining."

"This person has been a master trainer for a long, long time before he became an immortal!"

"Imagine ..."

The staff finally felt that they had a place to use, and there was a thrilling feeling in their chests that scolded Fang Qi.

However, this fantasy was instantly broken.

"Mommy, do you have endless time? Can you say it quickly? Focus on the point? No matter what the ink is, Laozi slapped you to believe it or not?"

A large general was angry, and Tumo Xingzi flew across.

The spit foam almost collapsed on the staff's face.

The staff are going crazy.

But for so many years, he has already developed the ability to saliva.

Moreover, this time did not fall on his face.

"I mean, how can such a master trainer be an outsider who only indulges in the mountains and rivers?" The staff said with a heavy face: "The three generals died dead. In my opinion, there are ten Eighty-nine, it's about this person! "

After all, Xue Ye is the Grand Marshal on the side of the army. Although he is extremely murderous, his mind is not so bad.

At least much smarter than the ten generals who followed him.

He frowned and murmured: "The four people are still alive, and they fled towards Tianqin Mountain. If they had nothing to do with Tianqin Mountain, they would definitely not go there."

With that said, he looked at the staff: "It seems that things may be as expected by the husband ..."

The staff nodded heavily: "But if it's really related to that person ..."

Xue Ye said coldly: "Even if the king, I don't want to kill my brother and still be happy! I will definitely kill him!"

The staff said, "Do we still need to investigate?"

I have thrown the black pot before, and now, it is time to clear it!

Don't be in time, if this is not the case, this group of people will come to find him in trouble again.

Then it is depressed.

He is a staff member who just wants to follow the benefits, but he has no interest in such things.

These seven generals are very powerful, all of them are talents, and they all speak very well.

Old Avenue: "Study a fart! It was clearly the tone that day!"

The second child said: "What else can I check? It is clear that Tianyinzi saved the four people and shot and killed the old seven old eight old nine."

The third boy looked at the general who came to report and asked: "In your intelligence, there are only those four people, are there no others?"

The general had been kneeling there on one knee, and he was very disciplined and did not intervene.

Hearing the question from the general, he quickly replied with a respectful face: "When I return to the general, the information obtained by his subordinates is that only those four people have not seen others."

The third son nodded and said, "I know, this must be the sound of the day. When they shot the old seven, eight, eight, nine, they were also injured! First escape, and then let the four go to Tianqin Mountain . "

The fourth old nodded: "It must be so, they hope to use the power of Tianqin Mountain to block us!"

Lao Liu said: "I thought that if I fled to Tianqin Mountain, I would have lost nothing.

Staff: "..."

Suddenly, he felt that these guys had powerful brain supplements. The head of analysis is right.

However, whether this is really the case, only God knows.

At this time, the seven generals knelt down on one knee together, and said to Xue Ye: "Master, I will wait to take troops to attack Tianqin Mountain! It must be called that day Yinzi Fuzhu!"


Fortunately, Xue Ye is not that stupid.

He looked at this group of people and said, "The hatred must be reported! But don't you group of people go to death?"

He looked at seven people: "You are here to guard me! I will go!"

"Marshal, the three armed forces can't have no one day!" The staff whispered aside: "Moreover ... I can't be 100% sure that it was the sound of the day, and my subordinates are just guessing ..."

"Even if it's not him, but since he dares to take in the four people, he must die!" Xue Ye's eyes showed a cruel look.

Speaking of that, Tianqin Mountain, he has long coveted!

The mountain will definitely not be able to move away, but if it can lay down that place and use it as a base camp, it has been Xue Ye's dream.

After the Xiao dynasty was defeated, their ten-road marshal must be divided!

By then, he Xue Ye was a real prince.

In the field of Xianzun, the same level is strict.

Although he is not a top class in this field, he is also a middle class. To become a prince in the future, the status will inevitably be promoted again.

If there can be a dangerous place like Tianqin Mountain as his future capital, then, with a Tianqin Mountain, even if a powerful Xianzun comes, he is full of confidence!

It's just that the area in the East has always been Jiang Hanhan's site.

Although he had a crush on the woman in his heart, he was involved in the dispute over the territory and the feelings of his children.

Unless, Jiang Hanhan is now his woman.

There was no excuse before, but now, the excuse comes.

Not only can he avenge his own brothers, so that more people can focus on him, but also can lay down that **** mountain as the future capital city. How can he, Xue Ye, let go of this kind of good thing that kills two birds with one stone?

Therefore, Xue Ye simply asked the seven generals to sit here for him, but he went alone to the direction of Tianqin Mountain.

A person's goal is small, and then find a way to mix in, as long as the sound of the day is killed, then everything will be in the bag!

At that time, even if Jiang Hanhan blamed, he also said something.

After all, he did not lead the army to attack Tianqin Mountain blatantly.

Revenge for his subordinates, who can say a word?

Xue Ye even knew that his staff had always looked down on him, thinking that he only had kills in his mind, which was a fool.

If it weren't for the staff to have some real skills, he would have killed him!

Xue Ye was on the road alone, still thinking in his head. When he came to Tianqin Mountain, if Jiang Hanhan came to him and accused him of crossing the border, he said: How about this mountain, as my wedding gift?

Think about it, I feel imposing!



The four Chu Yu galloped all the way.

Along the way, many soldiers and horses of the dark camp were also encountered.

Fighting with the army of the Xiao Dynasty was in full swing.

This war has already spread throughout the entire Xiao Dynasty.

Those strong men who were previously hidden in the Xiao dynasty also shot.

The flames of war, the souls are painted.

In some places, thousands of miles away!

No matter the people of the dark camp or the people of the Xiao Dynasty, there were countless deaths and injuries.

Occasionally, there are those who do not open their eyes, and they come to find Chu Yu's four men, and they hardly need Chu Yu to shoot.

The three women are done directly.

Their fighting ability is also getting stronger.

The four played like this, went all the way, and finally came to Tianqin Mountain.

Looking at the big mountain far away, all four people were filled with emotion.

Standing there, it really looked like an Guqin.

This mountain is not particularly high in the entire Xiao Dynasty.

With a height of about a few hundred thousand feet, it occupies a wide area on the ground.

Unlike other places where the flames of war are spreading, the surroundings of this mountain are very quiet and peaceful.

At the foot of the mountain, there are also a large number of city-states located here.

At a glance, some cities are new cities built in recent years.

When the war broke out, many people who had fled their original residences ran here, gathered together, and wanted to be sheltered by Tianqin Mountain.

Over time, new cities emerged.

The people of the dark camp did not attack here.

Because the biggest task of the dark camp is to completely wipe out the entire Xiao Dynasty!

As long as the Xiao dynasty is gone, all places within the dynasty will be completely divided.

When the time comes, there will naturally be princes from all walks of life going to nibble the hard bones in their own territory.

The Xiao dynasty is immortal, and the three terrible immortals are immortal, even if they lay down a place like Tianqin Mountain, it is not safe.

When Chu Yu and the four people came to the bottom of Tianqin Mountain, they could all feel the horrible pressure from this mountain.

Like a volcano that may erupt at any time!

Standing in the crater, you will immediately feel the terrible breath.

Xu Xiaoxian said: "The top of the mountain is surrounded by top-level law formations. The people who set up the formation have extremely high means!"

Being able to say such words from Xu Xiaoxian, the master of the magic circle, is enough to illustrate the danger level here on Tianqin Mountain.

"It's really a pure land here," Lin Shi said with emotion.

Jiang Zilian whispered: "A hundred million miles from the red land, what is the use of this pure land?"

Xu Xiaoxian smiled: "It is not necessarily a bad thing to be alone."

Chu Yu said: "Let's go, let's go to worship the mountain!"

Everyone's personality is different, and everyone's thoughts and demands are also different.

There is no need to judge others by their own values.

Just like this Xiao Dynasty, the war broke out.

Many people will fight spontaneously and fight against the forces of the dark camp; but similarly, there are also many people who choose to escape and retreat.

It cannot be said that those who chose to escape and retreat were bad people. At least, they did not surrender, nor did they become traitors.

Over the years, Chu Yu and the four have never seen the Xiao Dynasty surrendered to the dark camp.

From this point of view alone, it is already a commendable thing.

The four came to the foot of the mountain, a path leading directly to the top of a hundred thousand mountains!

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