
Chapter 818: Learn by yourself

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In front of the four people is a seemingly ordinary mountain gate.

The mountain gate is only five or six meters high, exuding a vicissitudes and simple atmosphere.

A young Taoist boy who looked only 17 or 8 years old, leaned against the mountain gate to take a nap.

Seeing the four people coming, Daotong opened his eyes and looked at the four people's road: "Tianqin Mountain is a heavy place, and the idle people are away."

After that, he closed his eyes and continued to doze.

Xu Xiaoxian took hold of Chu Yu who wanted to speak, and then stepped forward, said with a smile: "Little brother, we want to ask Senior Tianyinzi, and hope you can help us report it."

Dao Tong opened his eyes, looked at Xu Xiaoxian, and said: "This beautiful young lady, our old man is not in sight. So, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"However, we have something important to see him." Xu Xiaoxian said pitifully: "So, please trouble you."

"Oh, I'm so annoying! Everyone who came here said so!" Although the young boy was reluctant, he still stood up and started the water mirror technique for the sake of the pretty lady, and then faced Over there said: "Master, these four people say there are important things to see you."

The water mirror fluctuated slightly, and a voice came from there.

"not see!"

Very simply refused.

Then, the water mirror also disappeared.

Xiao Daotong shrugged, and then looked at Xu Xiaoxian: "I'm sorry, this sister, our old man said no."

Xu Xiaoxian was also a little helpless, turned back to look at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu said: "Tell your lord, we have top-level **** gold in our body, beg him to refine it."

The little Daotong smiled indifferently and said, "Top God Gold? Which one do you mean? The ones on our hills used for paving ... are all top God Gold!"

Chu Yu: "..."

Face with black lines!

It's shameful to show off!

Are all the top **** gold used for paving?

Do you want to go this far?

Chu Yu could even see the unabashed, mocking from the eyes of Xiao Daotong!

This feeling is really, very bad!

A little Daotong, his realm is like a bowl of clear water. At a glance, he can see the bottom.

But he just dared to face Chu Yu with this attitude.

The eight-ranking officer in front of the prime minister's door seems to be appropriate where to put these words.

Chu Yu looked black and looked at Xiao Daotong: "That is to say, no matter what, we won't see your master?"

The little Daotong looked at Chu Yu with some vigilance, and his attitude calmed down. "Why? What else do you want to do? Don't forget, what is under your feet! Here is Tianqin Mountain!"

Very tough and arrogant.

Xiao Daotong looked at Chu Yu sideways, and then said: "My old man has made it clear that he doesn't want to see you, why would he still have to leave? Do you still feel that you can spread the wild here?"

Chu Yu smiled, it was the real smile.

It's not the kind of sneer that makes you angry.

Your own group of people is indeed asking for people.

In the face of ugly faces, it's hard to get in, and to be honest, although there are so little surprises, it's not much more unexpected.

After all, if a big person like Tianyinzi can see anyone, then he is afraid that he won't have to do anything else all day long.

As for the arrogance of Xiaodaotong, this is nothing.

Since the endless years, Chu Yu has seen more arrogant people.

Even sometimes, he will inevitably make a guest appearance.

and so.

He shrugged and said to the child: "It's alright, you are busy with you."

Then he turned his head and looked at the three women who were not very good-looking behind him, and smiled: "It seems that there is no way."

Xu Xiaoxian is always proud of himself.

Her softness has always only shown to Chu Yu.

If Chu Yu wasn't talking just now, she might have turned around and left.

If you do n’t let in, you wo n’t let in. How big is it?

Without your Tianyinzi, the old lady still has to eat a pig with hair?


Big deal to learn by yourself!

At this time, Jiang Zilian said: "It's just a refiner, I learned it myself."

Lin Shi also smiled and said, "I just wanted to say that you were ahead of you."

Xu Xiaoxian laughed: "I think so too!"

Chu Yu smiled: "We also have materials."

The conversation between the three did not hide the little boy.

He stood there, holding his arms and whispering, "It's so funny! If the refiner is so easy, don't all of them become masters of practice? Under the hood, I really think that if I live forever, I can learn everything? A stupid person is alive Ten billion years, that was a fool! "

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at him: "Little brother, just now, you are still cute."

Xiao Daotong's face suddenly turned red, looking at Xu Xiaoxian: "You, what do you mean?"

"Sister, teach you a good boy today." Xu Xiaoxian said lightly: "Actually, you are right, stupid, even if you live for 10 billion years, that is stupid. That's true."

The trail boy was slightly startled.

Xu Xiaoxian then said: "So, even if you live for 10 billion years, you are still a guardian of the mountain gate ... Ha ha ha ha, little boy."

After talking, Xu Xiaoxian held Jiang Zilian and Lin Shi with his left and right hands: "Let's go, within one hundred years, I want the refining vessel to succeed!"

Xiao Daotong looked at the backs of the four people far and wide.

a hundred years?

Is this crazy?

Where do they come from?

I ca n’t even memorize a scripture in a hundred years, and I do n’t believe it. Can they get started in a hundred years? It ’s been a hundred years since the refining was completed ... This young lady is pretty and beautiful, but it ’s too good to blow!

The four of them entered an ancient city under Tianqin Mountain, and Chu Yu threw out a piece of Tianjing mother-of-pearl stone and directly packed a secluded courtyard.

The recent business in this place is very good, so that a piece of mother-of-pearl can be guaranteed for one million years.

But now, it can only cover 100,000 years.

Inflation is terrible!

It was all caused by this war.

But for Chu Yu and them, this really doesn't matter.

Some are money.

One for two, who cares?

Chu Yu had quite a lot of classics of various refiners on them, but these classics are relatively low-end.

Not even the eternal class, let alone go up.

"I just saw an auction house when I was looking for an inn. I will check it out later to see if there are any auctions of related classics. If not, I will ask their boss to find them!"

Xu Xiaoxian was cruel.

This time, seeing Tianyinzi is not successful. It stands to reason that it is actually nothing.

People are big people, how can you be so good?

But what the little Daotong said later was angry with her.

What kind of outfit?

Who is not a genius who can fly to eternal God Realm?

Speaking of doing it, people like Tianyinzi cannot be masters of training in one step.

Since he can, why can't I?

Xu Xiaoxian pulled Jiang Zilian directly to the auction house.

In the courtyard, Lin Shi and Chu Yu remained.

Lin Shi sighed: "This eternal God Realm, to be honest, I don't like it very much."

Chu Yu nodded and said, "I don't like it very much either."

Lin Shidao said: "In addition to the eternal life, there is hardly any flattering in this place. Now there is a lot of war, hey."

Chu Yu said with a smile: "Then fight, and one day, completely break all this! Turn the dark power over."

"I like what you said when you said that." Lin Shi tilted her head and looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was a little embarrassed and said, "You are both old wives and old wives. You still make fun of me."

"No," Lin Shi came over, holding Chu Yu's arm, smiling and said: "For so many years, you will definitely work hard to achieve what you have said. Although, what we want to do this time, I am afraid it is Some difficulties, but who knows whether it will succeed? "

"Even if there is no success in the end, there is nothing to regret."

"In this world, if you do nothing, then in the future, I think, I will regret it."

Chu Yu asked: "What do you hope this world will look like in the future?"

Lin Shi shook his head slightly: "I don't know, it's not good. But I just think that this is not good now."

Chu Yu nodded: "Yes, no matter what it becomes, at least it won't be like this now, because, I don't like it either."

"Thinking about our world, known as the reincarnation of lower living beings, I was a little unhappy." Lin Shidao said: "I actually think that those years on earth are the most exciting!"

"Life is only a hundred years old and has a history of only a few thousand years, but it has created countless wonderful things and left all kinds of splendid myths."

"Moreover, no matter whether the emperor's general or the common people, they will eventually escape."

"This is actually quite fair."

Chu Yu smiled: "Everyone since ancient times has been pursuing longevity. I believe that even if they know that this is the eternal **** realm of longevity, they will still be rushing."

Lin Shidao: "Yeah, we have already got it, so I feel bored. However, I still want to change!"

"Well, let's try to overthrow the dark forces first!" Chu Yu said.

Lin Shidao: "Look, Chu Die must have thought this way too. Now she has become an outstanding female general of the Xiao dynasty! You said, will she be surprised to see you one day?"

Chu Yu shook his head and smiled: "No."

"Why?" Lin Shi was a little strange.

"Because, when she gave up targeting me at that time, she would think that one day, she will definitely meet me again!" Chu Yu said seriously.

At this time, Xu Xiaoxian and Jiang Zilian came back.

Xu Xiaoxian's face also had a light smile.

Lin Shi walked over and asked, "Why? There is a result?"

Xu Xiaoxian nodded with a smile and said, "These things, when we want to come, must be very precious, especially rare. But in fact, after I inquired with Zilian, I realized that these top-level refiners and alchemy books are precious. But, it is not rare! "

Jiang Zilian said aside: "Yes, we have greeted the auction house owner. At half an month later, he will at least buy us a copy of the Xianzun class refiner classics."

"Great!" Lin Shi looked happy, then looked back at Chu Yu and said: "Look, it's not that boring."

Chu Yu said with a smile: "For Xueba, there is new knowledge to learn, so naturally it is not boring."

Xu Xiaoxian asked curiously: "What are you just discussing?"

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