
Chapter 819: heresy

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Chu Yu said with a smile: "We just discussed how to build the eternal **** realm and enrich the spiritual culture of the residents of the eternal **** realm ..."

"Cut!" Xu Xiaoxian rolled his eyes: "Just pull it!"

Jiang Zilian laughed and twitched, and had known Chu Yu for a long time, but he rarely saw him like that.

However, it is quite interesting.

At the same time, an ordinary-looking young man in a gray shirt also entered the city.

The young man looked around, with a strong disdain in his eyes.

Inside the heart: the overwhelming majority of creatures in this world need to be eliminated!

The Lord was right in the past, and would rather be transformed into darkness, but also to return a grand universe in this world! Let this world live forever!

Why do a group of incompetent and useless people enjoy immortal treatment here?

Let's roll to the lower circle and go back!

It's best to get lost there. If you can climb back up again, it's equivalent to a successful transformation.

One day, when these people can understand the suffering of the Lord, then this world is the real Haiyan Heqing!

This young man is Xue Ye.

The time he joined the dark camp can be traced back to a very long time ago.

At that time, he was still an eternal monk.

With ten brothers in the same realm as him, they do nothing all day in the city where they are.

I feel that life has no meaning at all.

Of course, it's pretty cool to molest a pretty lady who is a good woman and to bully those honest people.

Unfortunately, that kind of refreshing, the duration is too short.

After that, there is endless emptiness.

He didn't know whether he was a good person or a bad person, because in the traditional sense, he didn't do less.

But what he is doing now, from his standpoint, is a great thing!

Neither Eternal Realm nor Immortal Realm can continue this way.

Otherwise, one day sooner or later, these two super high-dimensional worlds will completely collapse!

Obviously for many powerful creatures, they can already enjoy eternal life, but the greed in nature is endless.

I want a bigger reputation, I want more resources, I want to cultivate higher, I want my own heirs to grow up, I want a top family member ...

Desire can promote the development of this world!

So, is this wrong?

In life, who does n’t want to do something?

If you have the ability, who would really want to make a salted fish?

It is actually impossible to restrain the desire of souls fundamentally.

It's like a torrent, it can't be blocked just by blocking it!

Especially when a group of top creatures hate everything in this world more and more and their desires grow bigger and bigger.

How to do?


Let the whole world enter the dark age!

It is his Lord, the group of people known as the black hands behind the scenes, doing the most beautiful thing!

Of course, he didn't understand this from the beginning.

Until that day--

"What we do is not what we want. In fact, when we reach this level, we don't lack anything at all!"

"Some people say that we want to be a Divine Emperor ... This is a joke! Others say that we have already killed the Divine Emperor, which is a big joke! Becoming a Divine Emperor, what can we do? Above, are there really no higher-level creatures? "

"So, not to mention whether we have the ability to kill Divine Emperor, even if it does, we will not do it!"

"We just want to make this world a vibrant and more real world!"

"On the yin and yang picture, half is black, half is white, there is white in black, and black in white. This is the most real look in the world!"

"Not the kind, hello, hello, everyone, everyone is happy to live in a land of eternal life."

"That day, it will eventually become a backwater!"

"Divine Emperor is right, in those days, no one will cherish!"

"But Divine Emperor's approach is not thorough enough!"

"As people of Divine Emperor, we must inherit Divine Emperor's will and change the world completely!"

"We want to break everything we have!"

"Build a new world!"

"New order!"

"Everything we do is for the soul that has ideals in its chest and enterprising spirit!"

"There is nothing wrong with desire!"

"We don't want to be mediocre!"

This was what Xue Ye had joined the dark camp in the past, and after passing the test, he heard the most passionate words.


This world must be completely changed!

What quiet and peaceful fairyland?


As long as it is a wise creature, as long as there is desire in the heart, this world can never be truly peaceful.

If you become a god, you can make a salted fish and enjoy everything in this world?

There are no doors!

These are simply low-level garbage creatures!

Not worthy of survival in such a world!

Not worthy of enjoying the resources of this eternal world!

What we have to do is to remove those low-level garbage creatures and expel them from this immortal world. Let them go to reincarnation, let them sink into the suffering sea!

Then, leave the real elite layer.

And this is just the first step.

The second step is to start a war and start a real dark war!

Continue to eliminate those so-called elite creatures that are of no value to the world.

Those creatures that absorb a lot of aura in eternal **** realm and immortal realm every day, but like salted fish!

In the end, whether it is Immortal Realm or Eternal God Realm, we will truly re-establish a new order.

Set up a real heaven!

By that time, cultivation will become immortals and merits will become gods.

Did n’t the two camps disobey anyone?

It doesn't matter, each guards its own territory, and each pursues its own philosophy.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences!

And heaven is the supreme place!

Really high above, dominate all living beings.

Heaven Court convicted you, you are guilty!

Heavenly Court will also be the most fair and authoritative place in the minds of all beings.

Until then, this world is the real, perfect world.

By then, Xue Ye, I had already become an indispensable member of the heavenly court. It's real ... party princes!

What we do is to build the great cause of all ages!

And my Xue Ye is a member standing on the cusp of the storm.

No one can stop me.

You group of trash, right under the Tianqin Mountain, enjoy the last ... peaceful time.

Xue Ye turned around and glanced towards Tianqin Mountain.

Then he came to an inn.

Take a bag of celestial mother-of-pearl.

"Give me a set of top yard." Xue Ye said.

Although business has become very good in recent years, high-ranking guests like Xue Ye are still rare.

The man looked at the pocket of Tian Jing mother-of-pearl, his mouth twitched a little.

The sound of excitement was a little bit out of shape: "Ok, objectively, as long as you want to live as long as you want! Small ones will arrange for you!"

Xue Ye was expressionless, with no fluctuations in her heart, and even wanted to laugh.

"First of all, the mother-of-pearl of this day was obtained from a person like you. There are at least millions more on me!"

"Secondly, it is given to you now, and it won't take long. When everything here is my Xue Ye's property, you have to be obedient and spit it out to me!"

"In the end, this feeling of spending a lot of money is really cool!"

Xue Ye was just a little **** in the past. At that time, not to mention the top-grade currency of the mother-of-pearl, even if it was an ordinary cultivation material, he could not find much.

Therefore, at that time, if he dared to enter this top-level inn, the best result was that he was kicked out.

It was almost beaten.

The worst thing is to be slapped and slapped directly into the scum, no need to come out.

Since joining the dark camp, not only have the resources for cultivation, but also continue to rise in status.

After years, he once again came to this kind of inn, he Xue Ye, can also spend a lot of money!

This feeling is really very happy!

This is the real life!

I can burst my desires.

Xue Ye entered the yard under the leadership of the docile and abnormal man, and then glanced toward the mountain in the distance.

Then he entered the room and began to deduce.

He must first find the trail of those four people!

It is not easy to deduce from scratch.

Even if he is a fairy, it is not easy.

But this is not difficult for him.

Because of Xue Ye, he was no longer the wanderer who had been hanging around with a group of brothers.

After joining the dark camp, he learned too much, too much useful things.

This deduction is one of them.

With his ability, it is not too difficult to win the first level of trillions of miles.

If you want to deduce, the first step is to meditate.

This kind of meditation is not to say that sitting there can be calm.

Instead, it enters a state of enlightenment.

Communicate with this world!

Between heaven and earth, there are countless useful information.

One billionth of a billion for ordinary people is a great achievement.

Like him, he has stepped into the ranks of the world's top ranks, but he can completely grab it in the vast ocean of information in this world.

Xianzun's brain is simply an incredible supercomputer!

As he continued to perform, Xue Ye's brows became tighter.

He is a bit strange.

Why, a little bit of information about those four people is not available?

This is simply impossible!

Because as long as they are still in this world, it is impossible not to leave any traces.

In fact, even he Xue Ye is the same.

It is impossible to leave no trace at all.

Once there are creatures that are similar to his state or beyond him, if he wants to deduce him Xue Ye, it can be deduced in the same way!

Even, if there are more creatures than him, you can even lock his position in an endless remote place, and then take his first level with a sword!

This is an incredible high-dimensional world!

Not a worldly world.

Therefore, since the four people could not insert wings, they disappeared from the Xiao Dynasty.

Then, there will be something left.

"Doesn't that group of people come to Tianqin Mountain at all?"

Xue Ye, who finally found nothing, opened his eyes, his eyes deep.

His face was a little ugly.

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