
Chapter 832: rush to the rescue

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Chu Yu did not disturb Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian and Jiang Zilian and chose to go alone.

Xu Xiaoxian's breakthrough is at a critical moment.

Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian are also retreating in depth. If there is no major event, it will not wake up at all.

Xiao Xuan'er didn't even dare to send people, but sent a **** bird to come, which is enough to explain the urgency of the situation.

Just like what the God Bird said, now that the entire Xiao dynasty is full of smoke, it is simply impossible to have extra troops to rush to rescue.

If you want to save Chu Die, you can only rely on external forces.

But this external force, even Xiao Xuan'er himself, had no idea.

I feel like a dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Whether the doctor can survive, depends on the doctor Chu Yu, is there any strength.

The place where Chu Die was trapped was far away from Tianqin Mountain. Chu Yu flew above the sky and hurried at full speed. It still took more than half a month.

The power of the law of Eternal God Realm is too perfect. If you want to make a jump in space as you want in the world of thousands, unless you really step into the realm of Immortal Venerable, you ca n’t control that kind of law.

But Chu Yu's speed, in the field of Zhenxian, is already extremely abnormal.

He performed the mind-killing technique, and his figure was like a shadow of light.

Even if there is a real fairy here, it is almost impossible to see him.

Chu Yu was on the road, thinking about how to take Chu Die away.

He believed that if Chu Die wanted to leave, no one should stop her.

After all, Chu Die is now a real fairyland.

In the real fairy of the world, not many people are her opponents.

Unless it's Xue Ye's handsome coach, Chu Die wants to leave, no one can stop him.

So, this thing, out of ten or nine, is that Chu Die does not want to give up her own horses and runs away alone.

The general died in battle.

On the battlefield, if a general abandons his subordinates and escapes alone, even if he can survive, but since then, it will definitely sweep the ground with dignity. It is estimated that no one will convince him anymore.

It is another matter if the two armies are at war, fighting for the mountains and rivers, and bringing a group of people out of the encirclement.

So for Chu Yu, he would rather fight there now.

In this way, if Chu Die's army fights to the last moment, and then take her away, it will be much easier.

However, this is just the best way to simply rescue Chu Die.

There is another thought hidden in Chu Yu's heart.

That is, if you can help Chu Die, defeat defeat!

The army that surrounded Chu Die and wiped it out in one fell swoop ... That's what Chu Yu really wanted.

Although Chu Yu had no interest in serving the Xiao dynasty, he was also one of those who wanted to overthrow the dark forces.

Moreover, as long as there is a chance, he will spare no effort.

This is a fundamental, principled issue.



The huge unknown valley, Chu Die's army was trapped here for months.

The enemy did not rashly launch large-scale attacks.

There have been many trials on a small scale.

After all, even people in the dark camp do n’t want to win by fighting a battle that damages the enemy by one thousand and damages itself by 800.

Of course, they did not want to persuade their enemies to surrender.

For the people in the dark camp, their strength is enough.

There is no need to inject fresh blood.

There is only one thing they need to do-let the forces of the dark camp spread all over the eternal **** realm, and then spread all over the whole fairy realm!

By that time, they will be equal to the real ones, and have captured the world!

From now on, the establishment of the Heavenly Court or the establishment of new rules will be carried out in accordance with their wishes.

What they have to do is to be the only king in this undead world!

Therefore, no captives are needed.

In Chu Die's palace, a group of generals are discussing with Chu Die how to break the game.

"Now, the news outside has been completely blocked by the people of the dark camp. We haven't contacted Her Royal Highness for a long time. Our people can't get out, nor can their people get in. So Now we can only rely on our own strength. "

Chu Die looked at the crowd present. The void in front of her was a huge map.

On this map, the distribution of enemy forces is clearly marked.

A general under her smiled bitterly: "There is no weakness, we want to break out with our own strength, the subordinates have calculated, unless ... can have a powerful knife to split the layers of defense set by the enemy. But now , We don't have this knife. "

Chu Die's eyes narrowed, and she said, "Find a chance. Then, I will make this knife!"


"No general!"


In the meeting room of the palace, a group of generals suddenly spoke out against it.

What a joke?

Chu Die is the spiritual leader of all of them!

Is their soul.

If Chu Die is in danger, no one can command this unruly army at that time.

Don't look at it now, this group of generals seems to be very united together, but in fact, it is because there is Chu Die.

If there is no Chu Die, these people present are simply not to obey anyone!

But Chu Die's prestige has been accumulated little by little over the years.

With victories over and over again, with her wise head, he subdued this group of unruly generals.

It's just that her force ... these people present were never really seen.

Let the leader do the knife that splits the enemy's heavy defense?

Just kidding!

"General, let me mention this matter again, we are not dead yet." A tall general, murderous, said in a muffled voice: "When the time comes, I will make this knife!"

"You, no." Next to him, a thin man with a flickering gaze whispered softly.

"Why can't I?" The tall general looked coldly at the talking man in black.

The man in black chuckled and said: "There is more than bravery, but the combat power ... is not enough to split the enemy's defense. At the same time, ten true fairy-level enemy generals rushed up, how do you split?"

"I ..." The tall general said, clenched his teeth and said: "It's a big deal ..."

The man in black asked: "But you are dead, what should the general do?"

"Then, are you going?" The tall general looked at the man in black. "Don't you say that your sharp knife is invincible?"

"When did I claim that the world is invincible?" The man in black twitched his lips and said, "I can't do it either. At the same time, I have a little confidence in dealing with three or four opponents in the same realm, but if there are more, I don't have the skill Now. "

The tall general said angrily: "It won't work, it won't work, what the **** is going on?"

The man in black sighed and said, "Nature is to protect the general from killing ..."

"This is even worse." Chu Die's face was firm: "Absolutely not."

To protect her from killing, what should others do?

Waiting to be slaughtered by the enemy?

If she leaves, the army's heart will disperse!

After the army's heart is gone, there is really no second way except waiting for death.

If she is there, even if she does nothing, as long as the person is here, then all the soldiers will feel confident in their hearts.

Even if they are fighting desperately, they are not hesitating.

"I won't go, you die this heart." Chu Die said lightly: "In addition, I must tell you something."

Everyone looked at her.

Chu Die looked calm and smiled: "None of you are here, no one is my opponent."

"Hahaha, don't make trouble, General."

"This joke can make me laugh for a year."

"General, to say something else, we are not your opponent. We admit that we are convinced. But in terms of combat, we are not your opponent. This is really funny."


In the tense palace meeting room where the atmosphere was originally tense, there was rarely a light atmosphere.

This laughter even spread to the outside, and many generals of relatively low rank, after hearing this laughter, also showed a relaxed face.

Chu Die's very serious sentence actually produced unexpectedly good results.

Even stabilized the military heart!

This was something Chu Die had never thought of before.

"Do you think I am telling a joke?" Chu Die looked at everyone with a funny smile, and then said: "I didn't lie to you."

Saying that, her body began to slowly, there was a breath of air and was released.

In the meeting room of the palace, the smile on the face of a group of high pole generals gradually disappeared.

Because they feel threatened!

Especially one of the generals, a moment of great momentum on Chu Die's body, his face slightly changed, and his eyes became a bit flashing.

Xiao Xuan'er's guess was not wrong.

Chu Die was indeed betrayed before being trapped here by two armies.

From the beginning of the war to now, for so many years, because the dark camp does not want to capture, only kills insanely. Therefore, in the territory of the Xiao Dynasty, the number of traitors is very small.

Because of the end of the betrayal, it is usually even worse!

Not only will it harm the original person, but after surrendering to the dark camp, he will be executed almost immediately.

The dead are not happy.

The dark camp also resented this betrayal.

What they want is the desperate resistance of the enemy!

What they want is a horror warrior who has been trained in real terror.

What they want, as well as the entire eternal God Realm and Immortal Realm after the end of this war ... Everyone is afraid of them going deep into their souls!

kindness? Renzheng? Preferential treatment of captives?


Under such circumstances, there is simply no second way to go except for the deadly fight.

Therefore, almost no one would think that there will be such a traitor.

There are always exceptions.

Just like Tianyinzi on Tianqin Mountain, it is an exception.

Even the big brothers in the dark camp personally decided to give tokens to protect him from death.

Similarly, Chu Die is an exception.

Even Chu Die didn't know that she had already attracted the attention of the superior in the dark camp.

In fact, the real genius, everyone likes it, and everyone hopes to collect the genius into their camp.

Chu Die is such a genius.

Just as Cao Cao values ​​Guan Yu, there are also big men in the dark camp, who value Chu Die very much.

So, after many years of observation and analysis, they started at a person beside Chu Die.

With great sincerity, bought the man!

And a big man met the general and promised him that, first, he would not be executed, and he would be given a great wealth!

For the practitioners of the real fairy realm, a great wealth may be the resources that sent him straight into the realm of immortal respect.

This is something that few people can refuse.

Second, the other party promised to this general that it would never be bad for Chu Die.

With these two guarantees from the big guys, this general finally moved.

Because in his view, the Xiao Dynasty ... will eventually be wiped out.

Under the current situation, no one can stop this dark storm from sweeping.

Good birds choose wood to live. Why should they refuse since there are some choices?

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