
Chapter 833: Chu Die's Force

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He felt right.

Born to be human, naturally face various choices.

Is it selfish?


But if you can live, why do you have to die?

There was no dynasty on the earth of Eternal God Realm.

Later, there was the dynasty.


Not because of selfishness!

Not because of desire?

If you are not selfish, if you do n’t have desires, then just live your own life?

Why must we build an immortal dynasty?

Where is the dynasty immortal?

In the past, there was no dynasty in this immortal world.

Now that there is a dynasty, there will inevitably be a day of decay.

When it decays, the best destination is dust to dust and earth to earth.

Then, waiting for the birth of a new dynasty!

This new dynasty is the dark camp.

Then, follow the rules of the new dynasty and continue to live steadily.

Efforts to improve yourself, if one day, stand out from the trillions of creatures and step into the realm of immortality.

At that time, oneself will also become a hegemon.

This is what he wanted.

But at this moment, when he felt the unpredictable vast road on Chu Die's body, his heart suddenly hung up.

He thought he knew General Chu Die.

This woman is amazing!

From the person next to Xiao Xuan'er that year, she became a victorious general. Her wisdom is completely crushed in the face of others!

Her approach is also daunting.

The only thing he was not afraid of was Chu Die's force.

Although her state is not low, but the value of force, it is so.

Although he hadn't seen her shot very much, he believed that her combat power would not be too high.

Because this is a woman who is good at using her brain.

Therefore, he is confident that even if one day, this matter is revealed, he can completely withdraw.

Here, no one can stop himself!

But now, he is a bit hesitant.

Because at this moment, the breath erupted from Chu Die, and the formation of this kind of aura clearly belongs to a powerful practitioner.

Fortunately, I did not expose!

This man comforted himself.

I was just shocked, but I was just scaring myself.

After all, Chu Die did not mention this matter at all.

Well, she is just to show everyone that she can.

Yes, that's it.

This person's heart is moving fast.

The so-called guilty conscience is the case.

However, this time, it was not his guilty conscience, but Chu Die, indeed, turned his attention to him.

"General Zhao Wuhong, do you think this general can make this knife?" Chu Die's eyes cast, his face still with a meaningless smile.

Others also set their sights on him.

His eyes are normal.

Because no one would think that the robe beside them, their life and death brothers, would betray them so thoroughly!

"General, even if you really have that ability, we will never allow it, so general think twice!" Zhao Wuhong, the secretly betrayed general, sincerely suggested.

"Yes General! Think twice!"

"You are the leader of all of us, the soul of this army, how can you make you make this knife?"

"Even if we fight desperately, we must protect the general well. By then, we will take the brothers and try our best to kill them."

"Yes, that's right, Qingshan is here. In the future, there will always be a day when we will find this one!"

The generals present spoke one after another.

Chu Die ’s eyes always fell on General Zhao Wuhong, smiling and saying, "General Zhao, let me tell you a story."

Why is the general interested so high today? Why is there a mood to tell a story?

These people present all looked strange.

Zhao Wu's red face did not change color, clenched his fists and said: "Humble ears and ears!"

Chu Die's voice is very beautiful, such as big beads and small beads falling into the jade plate, she smiled and said: "In the past, there was an hunter, he was an ordinary person, so, in order to hunt, he kept several dogs. , Are very loyal, but they are not so peaceful with each other. "

"I often fight for a bite, and sometimes the dog hair that bites is flying."

All of the people present couldn't help laughing.

Although the story is not very funny, it would be funny to tell it from the general's mouth.

It's really funny.

Because in these years, the general has always been very serious, and no joke, even other nonsense, will rarely tell them.

Chu Die said quietly: "Even though this is the case, but every time, when the hunter enters the mountain to hunt, his group of dogs will be united."

"Some are responsible for disturbing the prey, some are responsible for surrounding, and some are responsible for rushing to kill the prey ..."

"They may bite into a ball because of a bone on weekdays, but when hunting, they will never slap their companions!"

Chu Die looked at Zhao Wuhong and sighed softly: "This is just a group of ordinary hounds, they don't have so much wisdom, their spiritual intelligence, they can hold up like a few years old children. But they still understand that in battle You can't make a black mouth about your companions. "

The smile on Zhao Wuhong's face gradually disappeared.

Can't help but disappear.

Because he seemed to understand a little, what the general was going to say.

"Then you say, as a human being, as a strong man in an undead world, who has cultivated to the real fairyland. Why is it even worse than a hound?"

The other people present at this time also became dignified.

Even if they do not have such a high IQ, at least they are not fools.

It's just that I don't want to use more thoughts in this area on weekdays. Otherwise, if you can practice to the level of true immortals, which one would be really stupid?

All eyes are on Zhao Wuhong.

Zhao Wuhong laughed twice and said, "What does this general mean?"

Chu Die gave him a light look: "I mean, isn't it obvious enough?"

"I mean you, General Zhao Wuhong, why are you even worse than a dog?"

"Even if it's a dog, you know you can't talk to your companions when fighting, why don't you understand?"

"People who collude with the dark camp have led me into this encirclement. I am really wondering, the dark camp which never wants to be captive, why come to collude with you?"

"I can't figure it out, you Zhao Wuhong, who was once in a battle, many of your people, died in the dark age ... Why, would you choose to betray? Why, would you collude with them?"

"I can't figure it out more, what did the people in the dark camp look at you?"

Chu Die was still sitting there with a calm tone, but her eyes gradually became sharper: "General Zhao, otherwise, you say for yourself, why?"

No one moved in the meeting room of the palace.

But everyone's angry machine, at this moment, no, it should be said that just now, it has been locked in Zhao Wuhong.

As long as Zhao Wuhong changes, then everyone's attack will fall on him in a sudden.

Zhao Wuhong's face was pale, because the general said that his dog was not as good.

This is an all-unacceptable accusation for him.

Zhao Wuhong did this for you, General!

He wanted to say so, but he knew very clearly in his heart that if he really said that, he would be laughed at.

Feeling you betrayed yourself for the general?

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

In fact, Zhao Wuhong thought so. Of course there is a selfish side, he does not want to die. But again, he is for Chu Die!

People in the dark camp, Chu Die who wants to live, if he does not betray, then the army led by Chu Die will continue to cause a lot of trouble to the dark camp.

By that time, the hatred between Chu Die and the dark camp became deeper and deeper. At that time, even if the big figures in the dark camp still appreciated Chu Die, there was no way to use her anymore.

"I have nothing to say." Zhao Wuhong did not deny what he had done, nor did he try to justify it.

He stood up and looked at the colleagues who were about to move. He said lightly: "The matter is here, and there is nothing to say. I betrayed everyone. It is a fact. But now, the wood has become a boat.

Zhao Wuhong sighed: "It seems that I have to leave here."

Zhao Wuhong said, secretly, in my heart, fortunately, there is a poison that can make people unable to use supernatural powers.

"Do you still want to leave?" The tall general looked at Zhao Wuhong: "You think we are all dead?"

Zhao Wuhong looked calm: "You can't stop me ... No one can stop me here!"

Chu Die glanced at everyone, and then said, "Don't you believe that I can make that knife?"

With that said, she instantly shot and shot directly at Zhao Wuhong.

Slim fiber hand, Yingbairuyu.

This is a beautiful palm, but from this hand, it can give people a kind of reverie. Reminiscent of the owner of this hand, it must be a beautiful woman.

In Zhao Wuhong's heart, there have been some reveries.

He still admired the female general.

"General, don't force me ..." Zhao Wuhong burst into a tremendous breath among Xu Yi, and at the same time, he exuded a powerful dignity fluctuation warning.

Around his body was shrouded in dazzling light.

This is his defense!

All along, it was with this powerful defense that he charged into battle and killed countless enemies.

"You dare to use force here!"

In the conference room, all the generals were angry, and they shot one after another to kill the traitor directly.


Chu Die's palm captured Zhao Wuhong's defensive light.

The layers of light, like bubbles that had been pierced, had to break apart.

Then, this hand fell on Zhao Wuhong's head.

Zhao Wuhong roared, and was about to fight back.

In this world, no one can take his life!

Not even his favorite woman!

But Chu Die's attack was fierce, but it exceeded Zhao Wuhong's imagination.


A slight crack of bones sounded.

Zhao Wuhong stayed in place, motionless.

The others who were almost going to shoot all stopped their movements and stared at them dumbfounded.

There are countless cracks on Zhao Wuhong's body.

He stared dumbly at Chu Die and muttered: "How ... maybe?"

He was not reconciled, because of the poison, he didn't even have time to take it out!


He broke apart.

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