
Chapter 834: Break through

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His way, his law, all his everything, under Chu Die's palm, vanishes!

Dissipate completely!

From the beginning to the end, Chu Die only gave out this palm.

Then Zhao Wuhong, a powerful battle at the pinnacle of the true fairy, will smash Shengsheng.

Zhao Wuhong's body turned into powder and fell to the ground.

Everyone present was shocked to be almost speechless.

In their hearts, it was the same as Zhao Wuhong's last thought.

How can it be?

How could General Chu Die have such a powerful combat strength?

Slap Zhao Wuhong dead?

Zhao Wuhong didn't even make a response!

Just now, when they were ready to shoot, they were actually thinking about one thing-hoping to keep him here!

Even if so many people shot at the same time, they were not 100% sure of retaining Zhao Wuhong.

But Chu Die not only did it, but also completely exceeded their expectations.

Zhao Wuhong, a true warrior in the Xiao Dynasty, died silently.

Chu Die didn't torture anything because she didn't need it.

With the dark camp, it is endless.

No matter why Zhao Wuhong betrayed, it does not matter.

Traitor, just remove it.

"Now, do you still think that we can't make that knife?" Chu Die asked.

This time, no one raised objections.

Because the general she is really, really strong.

Chu Die smiled: "Actually, the result of our breakthrough may not be so bad."

She looked at the silent crowd and said, "You think, why have they been surrounded and not attacked for such a long time? Don't you think we have no confidence in crushing us?"

"They don't want to lose too much, so they adopted a siege without attack. They even hope that we can collapse on our own."

Chu Die said lightly: "If we really hold the determination to die and start a decisive battle with them, I believe that if all of you are here, if they all die, then they ... there will be no more!

Chu Die's tone is still calm, but her eyes are extremely sharp: "So, nothing more than a battle!"

"It's nothing more than a battle!"

In the meeting room of the palace, everyone clenched their fists.

Nothing more than a battle, nothing more than a death!

People in the dark camp are also afraid of pain and death!

The enemy is strong, but we are not weak!

Although there are many enemies, we ... are not alone.

Chu Die stood up, looked around at the crowd, and said, "Start the whole army and send out the full amount of military pay. After an hour, we will break through!"

If you can't stand to live, then stand to die.


Don't even think about it!

Subsequently, among Chu Die's army, the first grade began to issue military pay.

Pieces of crystal mother-of-pearl stone appeared in the hands of the soldiers.

What just happened in the palace, not only did not affect the morale of the army, but also made the morale even higher.

General Zhao Wuhong betrayed the Xiao dynasty and betrayed General Chu Die, so he was suppressed!

It was suppressed by General Chu Die!

The strength of General Chu Die, the soldiers did not know, in the past, they also felt that the general is more to win by wisdom.

But Zhao Wuhong's strength is clear to everyone.

Almost the first strong in the entire camp!

Such a powerful person was actually suppressed by General Chu Die. Then the strength of General Chu Die ... How strong?

This result makes everyone very excited.

Although the movement here cannot be said to be great, and with the cover of the law circle, the outside world cannot see it too clearly.

However, the main generals of the Third Route Army and the Second Route Army, which surrounded the Chu Die Army, also quickly received news.

They immediately got together.

"What's going on? What happened to Zhao Wuhong? There was movement in their army. Why did Zhao Wuhong inform us?"

"Damn traitor, I don't know why it's such a dead dog. It's really unimaginable, hold your breath!"

"I can't see clearly through the circle, and quickly let someone contact the traitor and ask him what Chu Die's woman wants to do?"

Within the military account, a group of generals gathered to speak.

"You said, would they want to break through?" The third general was responsible for the first-ranked general under Xue Ye, named Wei Pengcheng.

He is a handsome young man in his thirties.

His pupils are all red. It looks very strange, so it is also called the blood pupil demon king.

The general in charge of the Second Route Army, named Lu Sitong, is also a young man in his thirties. He is slightly fat and looks very happy with a round face.

He also holds a pivotal position in the Second Route Army.

This time, Xue Ye and Sun Jian, the commander of the Second Route Army, received the above instructions at the same time, demanding that they should cooperate with Zhao Wuhong to break Chu Die's army, except Chu Die and Zhao Wuhong, all the slaughter was exhausted!

At a critical moment, Zhao Wuhong can give up, but Chu Die ... must live!

Faced with this kind of order, the two commanders did not dare to disobey although they were puzzled.

Only their top generals and the best elite can be sent out to do this.

But they are also afraid that the loss of elite is too heavy, so they explain to each other to minimize the loss.

In fact, even if they don't explain, the blood pupil Demon King Wei Pengcheng and Lu Sitong will never easily choose Chu Die to fight.

The warriors under their respective, for them, each is a baby!

If they lose one, they will all feel terribly distressed.

Therefore, they placed great hopes on Zhao Wuhong, hoping he would succeed as soon as possible.

They gave Zhao Wuhong a lot of poisons, as long as Zhao Wuhong could find an opportunity to use these poisons. Once successful, then they can complete this mission without any mercy.

But now Chu Die's army suddenly moved. This made the generals of the dark camp all lost their hearts.

Lu Sitong frowned, and said, "Breakthrough? Logically speaking, it should not be. I have analyzed every battle that Chu Die's woman has had in the past. She is a determined and moving person. From the first scene she directed At the beginning of the fight, she has always been calm. She can hardly do anything that she is not sure about. "

"Has Zhao Wuhong been contacted?" Asked Wei Pengcheng, the blood pupil demon.

At this time, the general who was in charge of contacting Zhao Wuhong came out and fisted at the two generals: "Over there ... I can't get in touch, I don't know why?"

In a pair of blood pupils, Wei Pengcheng flashed two harsh lights and said, "Will something happen?"

"I'm thinking about this, too." Lu Sitong said: "In normal circumstances, the traitor should have contacted us long ago. After all, they are so dynamic that they can't do anything at all."

Wei Pengcheng said: "Submit the order immediately and the whole army is on high alert. Once there is any change in our prey, we will immediately fight hard!"

"Follow your orders!"



Chu Yu was now very close to where Chu Die was trapped.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the huge field beyond the distant sky and the huge valley in the field.

"With Chu Die's wisdom, he would actually lead the army into such a valley, and then be surrounded by others?" Chu Yu whispered to herself: "This is probably the black history of her life. You can make fun of her for a long time. "

Above the wilderness, the rushing weather emanating from the endless army made Chu Yu unable to bear some scalp numbness.

It may not be too difficult to rescue a person from such a group. But I want to rescue an army from such a group of people ... I am afraid it is absolutely impossible!

"If I were like my monkey master, I would just pull out a few hairs and turn into an army." Chu Yu thought bitterly.

But this kind of thing, you can only think about it.

After all, a monstrous practitioner like a monkey is rare in the world.

Chu Yu was able to transform into an army, but he wanted to keep everyone in this army extremely high, but he didn't have this ability.

However, at critical moments, it should be no problem to scare them.

"It would be nice if Master and Yi were there." Chu Yu looked up, looked at the deep sky, and sighed softly.

But he knew that this kind of thing was too difficult.

Rushing out of the original universe is not difficult for their group of people.

But if you want to rush out of the Thousand Worlds, rush out of the Quartet Realm ... Soaring to this eternal God Realm is too difficult.

Talent, effort, luck, chance ... are indispensable!

What do you want?

Chu Yu smiled bitterly.

It's even rare, giving birth to a slightly fragile emotion.

Chu Yu calculated the weakness of the power in the dark camp, but it can be counted, and finally found that the enclosing circle under the opponent's cloth actually had no weakness!

It seems that there are also superiors in the dark camp!

Now in this encircling circle, I am afraid that there are still countless magic circles hidden.

At this moment, Chu Yu suddenly found that there was a sudden movement in the valley covered by the magic circle!

All the formations were withdrawn during the period.

Then, a red figure rushed out immediately.

The whole person turned into a red streamer.

It looks like a red sword spirit!

In an instant, the dark camp was ploughed out into a huge, wide and long gap!

No one can stop wherever he goes!

Chu Die!

Chu Yu's eyes stared at the boss.

Unexpectedly, Chu Die was killed at this time.

Could it be that he has a good heart?

But thinking about it, Chu Die didn't know he came here.

Should not want to continue to be trapped in this way.

Behind Chu Die, countless Xiao Dynasty fighters and soldiers came out like a torrent, surging.

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "This is the plan for suspected soldiers!"

He didn't pluck hair from himself, but waved it casually, and at a distance, the flag was spreading, shouting to kill the sky, a terrible murderous spirit, gathered into a terrible aura, and skyrocketed!


Countless figures, in that direction, rushed towards Chu Die in the direction of breaking through.

The originally quiet field, almost suddenly, turned into a terrible battlefield.

The leader of the Second Army, Wei Pengcheng, the blood pupil, and the leader of the Third Army, Lu Si, were both dumbfounded.

"No, they have reinforcements!"

"That **** Zhao Wuhong, I must kill him, nobody can stop me!"

After the two roared, they directly ordered to activate the magic circle, and at the same time, according to the arrangement beforehand, began to encircle and suppress Chu Die's cloth.

"Except for Na Chudie, everyone, all killed!" Wei Pengcheng's blood pupils burst into endless killing opportunities.

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