
Chapter 835: Mad Mother

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Lu Sitong also ordered: "According to the arrangement beforehand, intercept the group of people who came from the periphery! Hurry!"

Although it has been judged before that the Xiao dynasty could not send people to rescue, they still made relevant emergency plans. For the general, no matter what the situation, it must be considered, and the corresponding arrangements must be made in advance.

Otherwise, once an emergency occurs, it is not a matter of being ridiculed. It is about the lives of countless people!

They are prepared for this almost impossible thing in advance.

Therefore, this time the encirclement and suppression of Chu Die's army, whether it is Lu Sitong or Wei Pengcheng, are all determined to be won!

"This woman is crazy. Since she wants to work hard, let's give him this opportunity!" Lu Sitong narrowed his eyes, and the chubby face seemed to have a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of cruelty.

"Yes, kill all of her people! At that time, what expression does this woman look at?" Wei Pengcheng said.

"Regardless of the cost." Lu Sitong said.

"Regardless of the cost!" Wei Pengcheng and Lu Si, the two generals, reached an agreement instantly.

So far, it's no longer realistic to think about reducing losses.

At this time, we must act decisively.

"Report, General Chu Die rushed to the front, brothers ... can't stop it! The deaths and injuries are heavy." A general came in with a pale face, and there was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

This is also a general at the level of a true immortal. He didn't even face Chu Die, and he was already injured.

"How could Chu Die be so strong?" Lu Si didn't believe it.

"She is very likely, burning Dao Guo!" Wei Pengcheng gritted his teeth and said: "Go, we will meet this future colleague!"

The meaning of the above big figures has been passed on to them by Xue Ye and Sun Jian.

So they are very clear that the woman is particularly valued above, and it should be reused in the future.

Speaking of which, it made them a little bit dissatisfied.

Hatred doesn't hate this, it doesn't need to be said.

Needless to say, they can reach their status and consciously understand what they have decided, and they cannot change the things decided above.

Besides, they also killed countless others.

If she really surrendered to the dark camp, she could only accept it.

However, before this, if this woman could be captured once ...

The minds of the two are actually the same!

"Go!" Lu Si said.

How long can a master who burns his own way and forcibly opens his way?

Want to get through the encirclement completely?

That is a dream!

In fact, Chu Die has just got through less than one-fifth, but she already feels intense fatigue.

This consumption is simply not affordable for the average person.

This is why all the generals disagreed with her to make the knife.

Because as long as it is a knife, no matter how sharp it is, but if it is used more, it will be blunt.

The enemy will not give you a chance to sharpen.

Once the knife is blunt or even curled, it can no longer be hacked and killed, then it can only be hacked and killed.

Although Chu Die is powerful, the enemy's camp is not full of fish on the chopping board!

The number of true immortals is far more than Chu Die's side.

No matter how strong you are, how many real immortals can kill each other?

At that time, a large group of true immortals, swarming up, no matter what the strongest true immortal you are, the result is actually only one.

That is death.

"Follow me, let's kill out completely! Even if I die here today, that's where I die!" Chu Die shouted loudly: "Kill him upside down!"

An endless faith broke out from the generals led by Chu Die.

The general will inevitably die before the battle, and his elder husband is like this.

But their general is a woman!

A woman can be so courageous, and why are these groups of men afraid of death?

"Kill it! Kill him upside down!"

"Just do it!"

"To die, to die before the general!"

"Hahaha, I heard that when I go to the lower circle of reincarnation, I will lose my memory. I hope that in my next life, I will be a great lord!

"Master? If you don't do it, you will reincarnate into a little girl, and you will be ridden all day ..."

"Go to hell!"

The so-called courage is actually to spare everything.

Not afraid of death, what is terrible?

This group of people led by Chu Die is now in this state.

There is a brave and invincible leader in front, and everyone's morale has been raised to the peak.

All living beings in the world actually have potential.

And where is the end of this potential, almost no one knows.

Under normal circumstances, the generals led by Chu Die are by no means elite opponents of the Second and Third Route Army.

One can beat two or even three of them!

But at this moment, being stimulated by Chu Die's leader, the group of people all burst into amazing potential.

This potential makes their combat power more than double in an instant.


A warrior in the fairy realm, facing the enemy in the same realm, cut off with a flying sword. The flying sword broke through the armor of the opponent and directly stabbed in the enemy's heart.

There was a strong unbelievable look in the eyes of that fairy.

It is impossible to believe that the Xiao Dynasty fighters of the same realm were so brave.

Because of his flying sword, the other party has been punctured in the other party's heart for a moment!

That is to say, the other party's mortal blow ... killed him hard!

Not reconciled!

How could this happen?

Such a scene can be seen almost everywhere on the battlefield!

There is nothing wrong with the war.

Peace has never been bombarded by mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Die continued to push forward dozens of miles!

She has killed two-fifths of the surrounding circle!

At this moment, her body was also stained with blood.

But everyone else's!

So far, she has not been injured except for feeling a little overwhelmed.

And her way was blocked by others.

Lu Sitong, the leader of the Second Route, and Wei Pengcheng, the blood pupil of the Third Route, both have a strong incredible in their eyes.

"How did you do it?"

"Can't stop the magic circle?"

"Are all of them taking medicine?"

The two couldn't believe that in the blink of an eye, their loss was already so heavy.

However, that's it.

Must stop here!

Today, if this woman cannot be completely taken away, the two of them will become the biggest joke in the entire dark camp!

The two looked at each other and pounced directly on them. The majestic Dao rhythm exploded and the air flowed around them. There is a qualitative difference from other practitioners in the real fairyland.

This is the Tianjiao in the Tianjiao, the strong in the strong.

The Lord will shoot, really it is different!

"Kneel down for me!"

Lu Sitong raised his palm and slammed into Chu Die's face.

This woman is too ruthless!

His soldiers suffered heavy casualties, even if he would be in the same camp as this woman in the future, but the breath in his heart must also be out.

The blood pupil Demon King Wei Pengcheng has a pair of **** pupils, which emits two almost black lights!

It is actually the color of blood, but it is too thick!

These two rays of light almost condensed all his cultivation behavior!

Dedicated to one battle.

He is particularly good at letting his opponents collapse!

If you can slap and die, do n’t add that one.

Chu Die's scalp instantly numb.

It was a strong sense of crisis.

The other two shot at the same time, almost blocking all her retreat.

Can cope with one, but definitely not cope with two at the same time.

In a flash, she made a decision.

Facing Lu Sitong with a slap, Chu Die almost exhausted all her energy.

Dare to smoke the old lady's mouth?


An amazing flame burned from Chu Die, she didn't want to fight her life, but also burned Lu Sitong's paw!

"Lying trough!"

Lu Si's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that the lady really dared to do that.

He almost watched Wei Pengcheng's blood pierce Chu Die's chest and abdomen.

But the woman, even as if she didn't realize it, rushed towards him.

Did I dug your ancestral grave or jumped into the well with your child? As for hating me so much?

Lu Sitong hurried towards the recycling hand.

This woman is crazy.

He didn't want this woman to burn his hand with a fire.

This injury is too heavy!

But it was too late.

Chu Die almost used his life for the blow, how could he let him run away?

A raging fire immediately wrapped Lu Sitong's hand.

The white and tender, chubby hand was burned to black charcoal almost instantly.

Real fairy's hand can't resist this kind of fire.

Lu Sitong was almost mad, screaming, and roared at the same time: "You crazy lady! I want to kill you!"


Chu Die spouted a big sip of blood directly.

He sneered at him: "Your paws were burned by me, there is a kind, you just stick out another one!"

Damn it!

She was challenged!

Lu Sitong looked at the fire that continued to spread upward along his wrist. He was really scared.

Even those ruthless people in the dark camp, few can be ruthless?

This is so crazy!

A lunatic who has completely lost his mind!

If she was n’t so crazy, she would get a slap at most, but Wei Pengcheng ’s blow could never hurt her so much!

Therefore, even the blood pupil Demon King Wei Pengcheng couldn't help but stay for a while.

Smooth, a bit too much.

He did not expect it at all.

But the group of soldiers behind Chu Die saw that the Lord was going to be seriously wounded, and all of them were crazy, and they all killed crazy.

At this moment, the two-way and three-way coalition forces are actually a bit unstoppable!

This is simply an anecdote!

If under normal circumstances, Chu Die's army also has such fighting power, then they have no courage to come around!

Chu Die's face was pale, but after forcibly supporting and swallowing a large medicine, she continued to charge towards Lu Sitong.

Wei Pengcheng on the other side simply does not exist.

If you want to fight or kill, come on!

The old lady is dead, you have to drag a back!

Chu Die didn't know that her decisive attitude really affected Wei Pengcheng.

Because he dare not really kill this woman!

Lu Sitong, dare not!

Don't look at him saying this in a rage, but he really dare not kill Chu Die.

They tried to put pressure on Chu Die to make Chu Die think she might die at any time.

But I never imagined that the persecution was so ruthless that the girl was completely crazy!

Not playing cards according to common sense at all.

Catch Lu Si and this sheep and scour the hair to death ...

Lu Si's same hand was burned to ashes, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

In the face of the crazy Chu Die, for a time, he continued to retreat.

It doesn't matter if he retreats, Chu Die's previous momentum is back!

This was a huge blow to the morale of the two-way and three-way coalition generals who did not know the truth.

Lu Si also couldn't help but anger: "Wei Pengcheng ... kill this girl!"

This time, he was serious.

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