
Chapter 836: Crazy

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Wei Pengcheng had a headache!

He didn't want to kill this woman at all.

The reason is very simple, he does not want to disobey.

They joined forces with the Third Route Army and the Second Route Army, and sent a large number of top generals in the real fairyland. The purpose was not to kill this woman.

What they want is live!

So even the poison given to Zhao Wuhong is not the kind that directly poisons people.

But now Lu Sitong has become embarrassed and irrational.

In this case, persuading him not to kill, fearing that it would have no meaning other than letting Lu Si also hate him.

Therefore, Wei Pengcheng hesitated and nodded, saying, "Okay!"

But I was thinking, not killing her, letting this crazy woman bitter suffer, it should always be.

She is too arrogant!

Killing is impossible.

But this kind of person should also have a hard lesson, let her leave a lifetime unforgettable memory!

The reinforcements outside have been approaching here indefinitely at this time. Judging from the quantity, Wuyang Wuyang's cannot be counted at all.

Regardless of Lu Sitong or Wei Pengcheng, the two generals all felt a little scalp tingling.

There are too many reinforcements!

They couldn't understand where this reinforcement came from?

In this situation, the entire Xiao dynasty is overwhelmed. How could someone send such a large number of reinforcements?

Could it be said that this woman ... is really a competing figure on both sides?

In Lu Si's conscience, some murmured.

He and Wei Pengcheng joined forces and fought and retreated, trying to introduce Chu Die into another well-designed magic circle.

At this time, the periphery of the encircling circle, responsible for resisting those "reinforcement" two-way and three-way coalition forces, had collapsed!

This is a group of elite dark camp elites who are almost all top-notch. They have faced extremely dangerous scenes in the past.

They are not the enemies of the real fairy realm.

But with their exquisite cooperation, top-level battle arrays, and various top-level magic tools, they have no fear of true immortals.

But they never thought that among the group of reinforcements, each of them was a practitioner in the real fairyland.

Is Nima still a legion?

Where did this come from?

Almost a touch!

The two-way and three-way coalitions of the dark camp responsible for the interception were directly killed and turned over.

Bloody sky, blood flowing into the river!

Chu Yu, who was hiding behind the reinforcements, wiped a cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and the corners of his mouth were ripped.

These countless "reinforcements" are actually entity avatars transformed by Chu Yu.

In the short term, they all have close to one tenth of Chu Yu's combat power.

The focus is not on the fighting power possessed by these avatars, but on these three words in the short term.

How short is the time?

According to Chu Yu's calculations, the duration of persistence will not exceed one hour!

Such a little time, not to mention the battlefield of this level and scale, even if it is in the world, it is simply not enough!

It's no surprise that a worldly battle, a few days and nights, or even dozens of days ...

In the land of eternal God Realm, the war broke out, both sides desperately, even if it has been fighting for decades, hundreds of years or even longer, it is not surprising!

What can one hour do?

Here, you can let an ordinary true fairy monk walk back and forth from the periphery to the center of the circle.

This is still in the situation where no one is blocking!

Fly at full speed without fighting!

Only then can I walk back and forth.

As it is now, the two armies confront each other, and if one hour, if it goes well, it can kill the center ... it is already amazing.

Don't look at these entity avatars transformed by Chu Yu, they all have one-tenth of their own combat power, and they look terrible.

But war and fighting with two people are never the same thing.

If the other party reacts, or gains insight into the truth, lay siege as much as possible. Well, this group of "reinforcements" with outstanding fighting power is afraid that they will not be able to support even half an hour.

By that time, even Chu Yu, the "deity", would have to retreat due to huge consumption.

Therefore, Chu Yu was very happy. At least at this time, no powerful practitioners had emerged. Naturally, no one could find that these powerful reinforcements were actually transformed.

Very good, just like that, kill it in full force, maybe ... there will be a miracle!

The premise is that Chu Die cannot collapse.

Chu Yu is here, and it is difficult to observe Chu Die's situation.

On this battlefield, with the formation of the battlefield, the number of personnel is innumerable.

The murderous sky, the shouting shattering earth and earth.

Everyone is roaring and roaring.

Chu Yu directs this group of avatars, like a surgeon's knife, incredibly accurate, cut in from outside the enclosure.

His goal was also extremely direct, Chu Chu.

Chu Die's madness drove the morale of all his subordinates.

Lu Sitong and Wei Pengcheng both temporarily backed off, which hit the morale of the dark camp infinitely.

Chu Yu is like a weight on the balance. Because of his intervention, the morale on Chu Die's side ... surged again!

This time, not soaring, but skyrocketing!

"Someone came to save us!"

"Our reinforcements are here!"

"The damn!"

"Dry this group of dark rubbish!"

"Cooperate inside and outside, completely overthrow them!"

The morale of the dark camp suffered another devastating blow.

Fortunately, they are the most elite soldiers in the Second and Third Route Army.

In the past, they have encountered countless life and death crises.

Therefore, even if the morale had fallen to a certain level at this moment, they still did not completely collapse.

Under the leadership of their respective generals, they fought desperately.

But the invisible and impenetrable things of morale have a great influence on the war!

It can almost control the direction of a war!

It is not unprecedented in history for more than a dozen people to carry hundreds or even thousands of people by virtue of natural danger and willpower.

When the will is firm to a certain degree, then this will can be turned into undefeated morale at any time!

With great morale, you can die, but you will never lose!

Therefore, in terms of overall strength, they were not as good as those of Chu Die in the dark camp. With the increase in morale, their combat power was also given a long time.

It ’s not terrible that one person and two people have unlimited potential.

But if almost everyone in the entire army, this potential has erupted.

That is a disaster!

For the enemy.

This time, Chu Yu didn't take the lead, as before, like a sharp knife, killing him directly.

Rather, it consumes huge spiritual power, directs countless "selfs", constantly changes various formations, and accurately strikes the enemy's fragile places.

But on the battlefield, anything can happen.

Through countless avatars, Chu Yu clearly felt the power of the enemy.

It seems that a group of warriors on the realm of fairy peaks, like ants, can instantly submerge a doppelganger of a real fairy realm.

Crush all enemies in one blow?

Will do!

The fighting power of True Immortals is not comparable to that of Immortals.

After breaking up dozens, dozens will rush up again!


At the same time, the other party will also offer various high-level magic instruments, most of which are of the level of true immortals.

Under normal circumstances, even a doppelganger does not need to be too nervous.

But it can't hold much!

If it is Chu Yu deity, directly against this group of soldiers on the fairyland, then there is no doubt that it is absolutely crushed!

No matter how many instruments are useless!

But those avatars are not him!

Only one-tenth of his combat power, although strong enough, will still be drowned in the enemy's army.

Of course, this is Chu Yu's impression.

For the soldiers in the dark camp, their feeling is despair!

The enemy is too strong!

Only by consuming thousands of times or even tens of thousands of times can one party drag the other party to death.

Even if there are enough warriors on my side, you are not afraid of death, but that will not work!


It's really unstoppable!

You can only stick to these avatars for about one hour at a time, and break through into the circle of madness.

Although this speed can not achieve the effect of no one blocking. But in the eyes of outsiders, it is definitely a crushing type.

Two generals, Lu Sitong and Wei Pengcheng, soon got the news.

They were shocked.

But then, they had a strong doubt.

"Almost all of the reinforcements have true fairy power? This is impossible!"

"It can't be like this! There is no such army in the entire Xiao Dynasty!"

The two continued to lead Chu Die to a magic circle, while looking at each other.

Wei Pengcheng said in a deep voice: "Send ten true fairy realm warriors, desperately, but also stop them! Introduce them to the magic circle!

These wills are all passed on with the fluctuation of encrypted mind. Only their own people can understand.

Immediately afterwards, there were ten warlords from the real fairy realm, who broke away from the battlefield and slayed outside.

Chu Die didn't know who came to rescue herself, but she didn't care!

Today's battle completely knocked out the madness deep inside her.

This is a desperate situation, a real desperate situation!


When I was in desperate circumstances, I had no intention to think about such a thing at all.

She is now staring at Lu Si and the crazy chase of the same person.

Lu Sitong has already added some unknown wounds to his body.

The key is that Chu Die discovered something.

They seem to ... don't want to kill themselves!

This is what she discovered from Wei Pengcheng.


Do you want to catch yourself alive?

Chu Die doesn't matter, and doesn't care at all.

After discovering this secret, she was even more crazy!

Nothing to worry about.

Although there are countless wounds on the body, some are even more serious.

But none of this affected her mentality at all.

All the soldiers who followed her were also crazy!

Even when some people die, what they have in mind is not life.

But a little regret!

Why can't I live a little longer? Even if an enemy can be dragged to death.

At this time, Chu Die has led the crowd and killed three-fifths of the surrounding circle!

And she is less than three hundred miles away from a huge circle in the circle.

This distance, to the monk, is just a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Chu Die suddenly, in the other direction, broke out.

Somehow, she abandoned Lu Sitong and Wei Pengcheng.

The state of red eyes desperately just swept away from her.

Lu Sitong and Wei Pengcheng were given a hard flash by Chu Die.

They didn't even react in the first time.

Confused, what happened?

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