
Chapter 842: Land of evolution

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Chu Yu's law, suppressing the entire battlefield, killing those dark camp warriors who went to the fairyland with his mind.

Although Chu Die's subordinates survived, they were all very tired, but one by one, they were extremely excited!

Because Chu Yu's law suppresses every dark camp fighter on the battlefield, the combat power of those fighters is almost compressed to the minimum.

Under the circumstance, they killed this group of fighters in the dark camp, it was a massacre!

Prisoner of war? nonexistent.

Neither side wants prisoners of war.

There is no need or need to exchange prisoners of war.

Those who fled outward with the spar of memory, and in the end, they were all extremely desperate to find that they could not get rid of Chu Yu's law.

This group of people just want to cry without tears!

Fuck! When can the appearance of true immortals be like immortals, so terrible?

This is simply too much!

Even if it is the only true fairy realm coach of the First Route Army, I am afraid that is not the case?

But the coach of the 1st Army was the son of Kamikawa!

The existence of Kamikawa is considered to be the best in the entire dark camp!

This young man who doesn't know where he came from. Could it be that he also has such a strong background?

Desperate emotions appeared in the hearts of every dark camp fighter here.

They are not afraid of death, but they do not want to die meaningless.

Even if they die, even if they fall forever, they want their death to be glorious, gorgeous, and colorful.

But the fact is that they died meaningless.

It's really like a bunch of cannon fodder.

Without accomplishing anything that should be done, the humiliating and even the rebellion could not be done, and died.

This war is in this place, which lasted for half a year.

Even if Chu Yu's law is suppressing, even if it seems to be a unilateral slaughter, it still takes more than half a year.

The battlefield is too big!

There are too many warriors in the dark camp.

In the process, even a few net fishes in the real fairyland were found.

They tried to survive and wanted to report everything that happened here.

But in the end, they still couldn't escape Chu Yu's eyes.

In the past six months, Chu Die's injury also recovered. Of course, these injuries are those on the surface.

A true trauma, without a period of rest, cannot be completely recovered.

When the battlefield is about to be completely cleaned up, on this day, Chu Die suddenly said to Chu Yu: "I know a place that can treat you and my trauma, and that place is good for cultivation! , As it was then, maybe you will rush directly into the field of Immortal Venerable! "

Chu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Where?"

"That place ... not easy to enter." Chu Die looked at Chu Yu, hesitantly.

Chu Yu smiled: "If there is such a good place, you have to find a way to enter if you are not able to enter it? Besides, sister ..."

Chu Yu looked at Chu Die: "In this world, there are places where you don't think you can get in?"

"Don't make trouble, the place is in the old camp of the dark camp." Chu Die said lightly.

Chu Yu: "..."

This place, it seems, does not seem to be very easy to enter.

Chu Die looked at Chu Yu: "I heard Princess Xiao Ling'er say a long time ago ..."

Chu Yu glanced at Chu Die: "Xiao Zhen's girlfriend?"

"They are fiancee." Chu Die corrected.

In the past six months, the two people shared information, so Chu Yu also knew a lot that he didn't know, and Chu Die was the same.

"You continue." Chu Yu smiled.

"Princess Ling'er said that in this place, in the age of immense time, everyone with excellent talents can enter. But then, when the dark age came, the place was occupied by the dark camp. People outside thought It ’s hard to get in. "

Chu Die said with a sigh: "Because of this, so in the following years, there are more and more masters of the dark camp. With this growth, the advantages of the dark camp are getting bigger and bigger. . "

Chu Yu's complexion became serious. Without interrupting, continue to listen.

"So there are only a few ways to get there. The first is to find a reliable middleman to sneak in."

The expression on Chu Yu's face was a little weird: "Stolen?"

"Well, don't think that the people in the dark camp are the kind of people who are firm and fierce. No matter what group, there will always be some guys who are scum compared to this group ..." Chu Die laughed: "Just like this Not many people. "

"They must not only have a high status, but also have to be reliable. If they encounter unreliable ones, they might even be fed with bones."

Chu Yu nodded.

Chu Die said: "The second one is to mix in yourself. This is the most difficult! The creatures in the dark camp are not only different in temperament and temperament from those outside, but they also all have ID cards ..."

Chu Yu glanced at Chu Die, how much did this young lady want to go to earth?

Chu Die continued: "There is one last method, the highest profile, and the hardest."

"Oh? Also?" Chu Yu looked at Chu Die with doubt.

"Well, yes, it's an open challenge!" Chu Die said: "The place will be opened every 1.268 billion years. Within the five hundred years before each opening, there will be A ring appears ... "

"The guardians are the top arrogance of the younger generation in the dark camp!"

"Everyone has ten chances, as long as they can win five games in a row, or a total of eight wins, then they can get there."

Chu Yu looked at Chu Die: "Will someone go? Isn't that a self-investment?"

"No ... No, the ring is under strict protection, and some big figures are sitting in town." Chu Die smiled: "That's what the dark camp has to do to show its mind and fairness."

"They? Show your mind and fairness?" Chu Yu's mouth twitched, feeling very difficult to understand.

A group of creatures like executioners, butchers, and demons, cruelly harvesting all life on this land except for their accidents, but also want to show their minds and fairness? Why don't you **** say it to show justice?

Chu Yu was thinking, Chu Die said: "Because everyone in the dark camp, they always think that they are just."

Chu Yu: "..."

Well, they won!

Had to be convinced, there was nothing to express.

"It's just that this ring is very cruel." Chu Die said: "Before the last evolutionary land opened, there were many challengers outside the dark camp on that ring, but unfortunately, there were tens of millions of challenges in total. Almost none of them succeeded. How many did they seem to have entered in the end? Or more than a dozen ... In the evolutionary land, only three people came out alive under the siege of the dark camp of Tianjiao. "

Chu Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, saying: "In that evolutionary land, can you wantonly attack?"

Chu Die said: "Naturally is okay, and the most fierce fight there is actually not between the dark camp and us, but between themselves! The fight is particularly fierce."

She looked at Chu Yu: "The evolutionary land, from the eternal level to the true fairy level, can be entered. Outside the evolutionary land, the big brothers of the dark camp sit in town personally, but they don't care about the various disputes inside. Unless it is particularly excessive, you may intervene in words, but almost never intervene. "

Chu Yu said: "In that way, if you challenge yourself through the ring, you will tell everyone that I am your enemy. If I evolve, if you don't get good, come and beat me?"

Chu Die laughed and finally sighed: "On the other people's site, what do you say? However, the three people who came out alive in the end all evolved into Immortal Venerables! Those who belonged to the dark camp did not fight them again . To a certain extent, it is also a rule. "

Chu Yu said: "If you don't talk about the rules at all, those Xianzun big brothers outside the dark camp, I'm afraid they won't agree."

Chu Die nodded: "That's true, so it's rare for Xianzun to end easily. Once it ends, it's earth-shattering."

With that said, she looked at Chu Yu and said: "If possible, I don't want to choose the third one."

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "That's natural, and the limelight is refreshing at the moment, and the moment you trouble finding the door, everyone is uncomfortable."

This is not something to fear, but facts.

Looking at other people's excitement, I'm certainly not afraid of big things. When it comes to yourself, how many others are willing to take the initiative to find trouble?

"I must go to the land of evolution." Chu Yu looked at Chu Die: "Do you want to be together?"

Chu Die thought for a while and said, "There are so many people on my side. I'm afraid I won't be able to go. And, to be honest, the head-to-head battle is not my own. After all, there is one more thing You better not take your little lovers together. "

Chu Die looked at Chu Yu seriously: "It's too dangerous! That's not the place to experience."

Chu Yu said: "Poetry poetry and Xiaoxian are retreating, preparing to break through Xianzun."

"Ah?" Chu Die showed a trace of surprise on her face and looked at Chu Yu in surprise: "They ... have grown up to this point?"

Chu Yu said: "Talent broke out, ready to hang me."

Chu Die couldn't help laughing, said: "This is a good thing, I hope they can succeed!"

The war here finally ended completely, Chu Die bid farewell to Chu Yu, and left with the horse.

For her, there are endless battles to face.

In Chudie's words, if the Xiao dynasty was really wiped out by the forces of darkness, then the entire Eternal Realm would also truly face the doom of the dark age again.

Therefore, we must fight!

At the time of separation, Chu Die looked at Chu Yu: "You have to take care of yourself. Whenever you have to remember, your own life is the most important thing."

Chu Yu nodded with a smile: "You look like a sister."

After waving his hand, he flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chu Die muttered to herself: "Why do I look like a sister now?"

A general next to her whispered: "General, he said you are wordy."

Chu Die: "..."

Stinky boy!

She looked at the direction of Chu Yu's disappearance and muttered: "Be sure to take good care of yourself!"

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