
Chapter 843: Not with mine

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Whether those with the crystal spar in their body are completely dead, and there are still fishes in the net, Chu Yu's heart is also a bit bottomless.

Even if he suppresses the world with the law, there will always be many accidents in this world.

Chu Yu is not an omnipotent god.

He just hopes that if there are really such fish that are missing, then it is better to let this happen later.

In addition, this is the memory spar, Chu Die also has a lot.

Under normal circumstances, these things will never flow out.

But Zhao Wuhong can be countered, and who can guarantee that the second and third Zhao Wuhong will not appear?

Chu Die also dared not!

The moment Chu Yu sacrificed the metal ball, he was actually already prepared for this mentality.

He doesn't want to cause trouble, but if trouble really comes to his head, then he can only choose to face it.

Because of evasion, the problem will never be solved.

He returned to Tianqin Mountain.

The scenery here is still the same, and Tianyinzi rushed over as soon as he knew he was back.

"Is everything going well?" Tian Yinzi looked at Chu Yu.

He didn't know what Chu Yu did specifically. When Chu Yu left that day, he didn't elaborate with him.

Chu Yu nodded: "Fortunately, all solved!"

Tianyinzi nodded and said, "That's good, a few younger siblings are still closed, it seems that they will continue to close for a long time. Maybe, this time there is really hope."

Tianyinzi is a practitioner of the Immortal Venerable level. Although the combat power is not good, in other respects, there is still the level that the level of spirits of the Immortal Venerable should be.

"Brother, there is something, please." Chu Yu said.

Tian Yinzi glanced at Chu Yu: "What are you doing so politely with me? If you have anything, just say it."

Chu Yu said: "I want to go to the land of evolution."

"Yes ... Um? The land of evolution? Are you going there?" Tian Yinzi's eyes widened sharply, looking at Chu Yu said: "It's impossible to go! Brother, that place ... For us, yes Forbidden land! "

Tianyin Zisheng was afraid that Chu Yu did not know where the evolutionary land was, and explained it to Chu Yu again.

Generally speaking, it is similar to Chu Die.

Chu Yu said he knew this.

Tianyinzi was dumbfounded and said, "I know you are still going?"

He said, looking at Chu Yu seriously: "I know you are anxious to ascend the realm, but that place has already been occupied by the dark camp. Yes, the way to get in is not without."

"Smuggling, finding a way to mix in yourself, and ringing ... can be done."

"If you can smuggle, your identity is in doubt, and sooner or later you will be noticed abnormal."

"Don't look at the huge number of young arrogance in the dark camp, but each of them has a unique way of identifying."

"If you are sneaking in, it will be noticed sooner or later, so this method is not desirable."

Tianyinzi looked at Chu Yu: "The result of mixing in is no different from smuggling."

"So, entering through the ring is a fair way to get in, but that ... too cruel!"

"Your identity will be unobstructed."

"You are equivalent to breaking into the Devil's Cave alone!"

"Not to mention whether you can survive the ring, even if you can survive, you can accumulate a win rate of more than 80%, and even a five-game winning streak ... But after entering the land of evolution, all the young arrogance of the dark camp will not Hesitantly shot you! "

"There, they will not tell you any rules, nor will they have any sympathy or compassion."

"Because everyone knows that after gaining a chance in the land of evolution, it is very likely to come out and grow into a fairy venerable!"

"How much trouble does a fairy sect bring to the dark camp? After so long, are you still unclear in your heart?"

"So you think that people in the dark camp will easily let go of these people?"

Tianyinzi sighed: "The evolutionary land is indeed a good place, and it has inestimable benefits for all the top arrogances in this world. But now, people outside the dark camp go in there and take the initiative to die, it is nothing. respectively."

Tianyinzi is very sincere, reasoning with Chu Yu about the facts, knowing reason and moving with emotion, and wants Chu Yu to dispel this idea.

In the end, he even moved out Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian.

"Brother, your abilities, my elder brother has counts in my heart. You are indeed powerful! You can even strike the Immortal Venerable at the level of true immortals ... But this world is huge! The genius among those geniuses, the evil spirits in evil spirits, There are still many! "

"Especially the dark camp has occupied too many advantages over the years. They are not lacking in resources or genius!"

"So overall, they have an absolute advantage."

"You have two wives, and they both have great hopes that they can step into the field of Xianzun."

"With your brother's ability, stepping into Xianzun is only a matter of time."

"Whether the Xiao dynasty will be overthrown, it is not that you can change its direction alone!"

"So don't worry! Isn't this brother still having a token? Doesn't he still have some money?"

"You are at ease on this Tianqin Mountain. When you are bored, you drink tea with your brother and play the piano. You talk about the world ... One day, if you step into the realm of Xianzun, then you will go out and stir up the situation."

Tianyinzi did treat Chu Yu as his own little brother. He was very sincere and conducted various analyses for Chu Yu as the person who came.

In the end, Chu Yu said helplessly: "Brother, this matter, I have decided. Some things are not for me. I don't have to participate in anything, but I don't want a day in the future, before Lyra happens again. The matter of the mountain being attacked. "

He looked at Tian Yinzi and sighed softly: "Our future, after all, can't just rely on one enemy's token."

Tianyinzi was silent, how could he not understand the truth? But where Chu Yu was going, the things to be done were too dangerous.

In fact, every time the land of evolution opens, there will be countless creatures from outside the dark camp.

Almost all will be broken on the ring.

These creatures, whichever they are, are also top arrogances!

But even so, they still can't stop these creatures' yearning for the land of evolution.

He does not disapprove of Chu Yu's strength. In fact, if the talents of the Eternal God Realm are divided according to regions.

For example, village level, small city level, big city level, provincial level, national level, the highest is the world level!

He even felt that Chu Yu's talent and combat power were already world-class!

In his view, looking at the entire Eternal God Realm is better than Chu Yu's talent, and there are really few people in the same realm who are more powerful than him.

Proper world-class top arrogance!

The problem is that Chu Yu is not the only one in the world!

Especially in the dark camp, there are many of this level!

Not to mention anything else, just to say that those who are defending the game, whichever one is not, is not a world-class arrogance?

In front of them, opponents of the same realm are so fragile that they are not much different from the little chickens that just came out of their shells. Slap to death!

Although he has not seen it on the spot, he has not seen how many memory crystals in this respect.

Every time I read it, I can't do anything but a sigh.

Therefore, what Chu Yu said must have made sense, and he also understood.

But he still didn't want Chu Yu to take the risk.

Chu Yu looked at Tianyinzi seriously and said, "I just said to ask my brother for help, but I just want my brother to help me take care of Lin Shi and Xian'er and Zilian. If they go out, Say I have something to do, and I will come back after finishing it. "

Tianyinzi sighed and looked at Chu Yu: "Have you decided?"


"Can't it be changed again?"

"to not fix."

Tianyinzi nodded and said, "Well, my brother can't stop you, and he can't continue to drag your hind legs. In this way, the two things, the first thing, is the safety of their girls' house. On me! "

Chu Yu nodded, and was able to get Tianyinzi's assurance that Chu Yu was already very satisfied.

Although relying on the token of the enemy gangster to get safe haven is a bit uncomfortable.

But there is no way.

"The second thing ..." Tianyinzi looked at Chu Yu: "You come with me."

Speaking, he took Chu Yu into a secret realm on Tianyin Mountain.

As soon as Chu Yu came in, he was dazzled a little.

The entire secret realm, from the sky to the ground, is full of all kinds of magic tools!

Some are displayed on the ground display racks, some are suspended in mid-air by themselves, and others, like satellites, actually rotate themselves above the sky.

The entire secret realm is like a world of magical instruments.

"This ..." Chu Yu was a little dazed.

Naturally, he was not a master of refinery. Although he had played for a while, he later diligently practiced and naturally let go.

However, he has a clear understanding of the grade of magical instruments.

In this mysterious realm, the secrets are almost everything, from heaven to underground, almost all the magical instruments are fine!

Moreover, the level is very high, the worst is the top-level true immortal magic implement.

As for the Xianzun class, it is countless.

Since digging a huge vein of Tianjing mother-of-pearl, Chu Yu has always felt rich.

Rich, willful!

A whole vein!

All hollowed out!

Even if the Xianzun big brother sees, he will be jealous.

Since coming to Tianqin Mountain, Tianyinzi is also very rich.

At that time, the little Daotong said that the golden ground on the Tianqin Mountain was not a lie.

A top refiner master is indeed very rich.

It can even be said that it is rich with oil!

But Chu Yu did not feel anything, because he has mine!

Also rich in oil!

Since coming to Eternal God Realm, he hasn't worried about resources yet.

But at this moment, after seeing the top-level magic implements everywhere in this secret realm, Chu Yu suddenly had a feeling that the upstart saw the real rich.

There is a sense of emotion in my heart, the life player has reached the top level, what a special cow!

Compared with Tianyinzi, there really is no mine!

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