
Chapter 844: on the way

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"See what works, take it all away!"

Tian Yinzi waved his hand with great bravery.


The corners of Chu Yu's mouth twitched, and all his eyes were taken away?

This is so special that it is possible to open a large-scale top-level magical instrument store. It will be enough to sell it for millions of years.

"These are all made from the materials brought by those who asked me to refine my wares over the years. I do n’t have to pay a penny for my brother. It ’s all white, for my brother, These things are useless, and I am not short of money. "

Tian Yinzi said casually: "It's just a puddle to put it here. It's a pity. This time you are going to the land of evolution and bring some magic tools. It will be good after all."

Is it good after all?

More than that!

This kind of top-level weapon, even when one-time consumables are thrown and smashed, it is also a real killer!

In the heart of Chu Yu, Tian Yinzi was just a master refiner, but he was a little careless.

Of course, it can also be said to be indifferent to Mingzhi.

Indulge in the mountains and rivers, walk in the temperament.

Drink tea every day and say, lively and cheerful.

In fact, from Tianyinzi, it can feel the kind of immortal life that mortals in the world are yearning for.

It is also the appearance of a fairy in the world's mortal cognition.

But in fact, the fairy world in the eyes of mortals has a huge gap with reality.

How can mortals understand the cruelty of this undead world?

Now Chu Yu suddenly found out that Tianyinzi was just what he thought he was.

But in private, it is a true master of the top refiner!

Chu Yu even felt that he didn't know Taishan a little bit.

This old man, besides not fighting, the refiner is really strong!

He also finally realized a little bit, why the big brother in the dark camp would be so interested in Tianyinzi.

Even prefer to take out his token to protect Tianyin's safety.

Who doesn't want this kind of talent?

It can be said that Tianyinzi made Chu Yu have a new understanding of the path of cultivation other than combat monks.

"Whichever is useful, take it." Tianyinzi said: "I think these instruments are good. But in the past, I didn't want them to be born, I just wanted them to be displayed here quietly. I hate killing , Dislike war. "

He sighed: "But after going through the last thing, I understand that there are too many things that I can't help myself. These instruments were originally intended to be handed over to you. I just haven't had a suitable opportunity ... … "

"Brother, should you know the value of these things?"

Chu Yu looked at Tian Yinzi: "These things will be taken out, and the Xianzun brother will not be jealous, but will be crazy."

Tian Yinzi smiled and said: "Look in the hands of someone. If it is in your hands, the elder brother is very happy. But other people ... why should I give them?"

There is nothing wrong with this, and it is very comfortable to listen to.

"Then I'm welcome." Chu Yu had a happy face. With these instruments, he was more confident and confident even if he was allowed to go to the ring.

Most importantly, with these, he does not need to easily reveal the metal ball and the half-stone tower, and kill the sky.

These things are too dazzling.

In the end, Chu Yu didn't take them all.

Even if Tian Yinzi insisted again and again, Chu Yu finally took only a dozen or so.

All kinds, all are of Xianzun level.

In this regard, Chu Yu felt a bit soft.

Tianyinzi felt that Chu Yu was somewhat hypocritical, and picked 70 or 80 pieces from it, and stuffed Chu Yu with his brain.

"Critical moment, detonate these magic weapons directly, anyway, you can have the power of Immortal Venerable!"

Chu Yu: "..."

When he came out of the secret realm, Tianyinzi directly told Chu Yu how to open the secret realm.

"Whenever you want to use it, come in and get it whenever you want."

Even if it was a life-saving grace, Tian Yinzi's move definitely regarded Chu Yu as his closest person.

He gave Tianyinzi seriously and thanked him.

Tian Yinzi sighed: "In terms of age, I am too much for you. However, from the age of the Xianjia, who is higher, it is difficult to tell this kind of thing. In my life, I send my love to the landscape and temperament. Among the instruments, there has never been love, and there are no heirs. Although Shou Yuan is endless, sometimes there are always shortcomings. Since you came to Tianqin Mountain, I understand what I am missing. "

He smiled and looked at Chu Yu: "So, you don't have to be stressed, I treat you as family."

These words continued to echo in his mind until Chu Yu left Tianqin Mountain.

This love is indeed too heavy!

When the little Daotong refused them to go up the mountain, it was hard to imagine that the owner of this mountain would be such a person with such cherishment and righteousness.

It is because Xue Ye's attack on the mountain led to a big change in Tianyinzi's temperament. But in fact, if there is no such thing in the bone as to be important, how could there be these latter actions?

Chu Yu is also a person who attaches great importance to love.

Ever since he embarked on this slow long path of cultivation, it was this kind of thing in his bones that made him go all the way to today.

Although it has been a long time since he ascended to the Eternal God Realm, Chu Yu has never had a day, forgetting his relatives and friends in the lower realm.

He could not forget the thieves and the old Huang, the fat people, the Xiaoyue and the parents, brothers and sisters.

He hopes that one day, the dark camp will be completely overturned, and the channel between the world and the lower realm will be opened again.

Take all those people over!

Bad talent? Can only cultivate to the saint?

It's ok!

In this immortal world, what can even an ordinary person do?

Such things as rules are made by people.

Since you can make it, why can't I?

Only now, Chu Yu buried all these thoughts deeply.

If you don't want to be a chess piece on the chessboard, you want to be the one who plays chess, not relying on ideals, but strength!

It is more than a thousand years before the land of evolution opens.

Under normal circumstances, Chu Yu would have to spend five or six hundred years to get there.

Eternal God Realm is too big to imagine, the so-called five or six hundred years of time, this is also for Chu Yu such a powerful practitioner.

In the case of ordinary true immortals, even if it is two thousand years, it may not be able to arrive.

So many years before this, in fact, countless people have been on the road.

As Chu Die and Tianyinzi said, even if they knew that they would die in eight or nine out of ten, they still had countless creatures and rushed towards the place of evolution in the dark camp.

Chu Yu saw the fierce battle in this ancient land as he crossed the entire Xiao Dynasty.

It really burned into every place of this ancient dynasty.

Except that Xue Ye had attacked the mountain, he had never seen Xianzun join the battle.

Occasionally, he will meet some dark camp creatures to stop.

This nature is rolling all the way.

In the end, he flew into the extremely high sky and hurried at a speed that exceeded many times the speed of light, but saved a lot of trouble.

The only problem is boring!

Fortunately, for the next few hundred years, Chu Yu will continue to meet other creatures rushing to the land of evolution.

Most of them are very low-key.

However, there are some very high-profile, very high-profile.

The spirits of this world are countless, and naturally any character will be encountered.

Some people also proposed to go with Chu Yu, and most of them were beautiful ladies.

But Chu Yu refused politely.

From many people, he even felt the feeling of a merchant woman's ignorance.

Some monks really seem to regard this as an outing.

They behaved relaxedly, talked and laughed, and could not see at all that the homeland behind them was about to be shrouded by darkness.

At one time, Chu Yu even thought that these people belonged to the dark camp.

When I heard it later, it was not so. Can't help but frown secretly.

"Whoever governs this world is just a group of people to manage it." A practitioner who looks like a book is in a state of true immortality.

He looks very handsome. Among a group of female students, he talks and laughs.

"The dark camp is actually just a little extreme, but in essence, I think they did nothing wrong."

"Yes, I think low-level creatures really shouldn't be in this world. They are not worthy of enjoying the right to live forever."

Not everyone agrees with this argument. A female cultivator retorted: "The primitive race has the same life as heaven. This is the right of God. Why should it be deprived of others? Do n’t you like to practice, you ca n’t enjoy eternal life. Right? This statement is ridiculous! "

The scholar-like monk swiped, opened the folding fan in his hand, shook it gently in front of his chest, and smiled, "Otherwise, the girl's words don't agree with it."

With that, he glanced at everyone.

Although they do not have a partner, the purpose of these people is the same, and naturally a huge group has formed.

There are at least hundreds of creatures here, which are still very lively.

Chu Yu was hiding in the crowd, just watching the scholar's performance lightly.

"It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree." The nun said: "Anyway, you can't convince me! So, your high-sounding talk, there is no need to say it. In my opinion, as long as it is on this eternal earth The emerged creatures, they all have the right to live here. No one can deprive of this right! "

"Forget it, my sister, be careful when you speak. We are almost in the dark camp control area." Someone kindly reminded: "This kind of words, when they say, they don't like to listen."

The female Xiu couldn't help but sigh: "In the past, Divine Emperor divided the Three Realms, there was nothing wrong with it. But unfortunately, these Three Realms were completely destroyed by a group of people! I want to ruin this heaven ... "

The so-called celestial realm is actually a general term for eternal **** realm and immortal realm. People who grow here are more often called celestial realm here.

The scholar-like practitioner, shaking his folding fan, said lightly: "You are right, none of us can persuade anyone, so, in the end, people who hold the view are stronger."

The nun said, "The world needs rules and rules, but it does not need rule by man. One day, it will become normal."

She glanced at the crowd and said, "Heaven, always corrects itself."

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