
Chapter 845: Mulun city

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This sentence did not arouse the attention of others.

It seems ridiculous to talk about heaven in this immortal world.

There is no heavenly path here, only various other ways.

There are thousands of roads, but there is no heaven.

It ’s not that no one has pursued it, but Tian Dao has no trace of it, even if he has cultivated to the level of Immortal Venerable, he does n’t dare to say he understands Tian Dao, let alone that he represents Tian Dao.

Therefore, even if it is those creatures in the dark camp, no one says that he is replacing heaven.

They just want to build their own ideal country, build a heavenly court, and control the whole world.

Yes, it is just desire.

But does heaven really not exist?

If heaven does not exist, how did the world's spirits come from?

The so-called primitive race is the first race of creatures that appeared in this world.

Not only the human race, but also various other creatures.

For example, the Dragon race, the Phoenix race ... These ancient races are all members of the primitive race.

Why are they born?

Isn't it the luck of heaven and the way it came into being?

There has never been a kind of annihilation in this world, but who dares to guarantee that it will never happen in the future?

Chu Yu was on the earth in the past, and he knows a lot about mortals in the world.

The earth alone has already experienced several huge disasters.

Many ancient civilizations are buried in the long river.

For mortals in the world, a period of up to a hundred years is already a reincarnation.

But for the sacred domain and the holy saint who practiced deeply, the millennia and tens of thousands of years are nothing more than a period of time.

But even the Great Saint, even the more powerful **** than the Great Saint, the main **** and the creator god, who are more powerful than the god, as long as they are in the lower realm, there will be a day when Shou Yuan will come to an end.

Isn't this the way of heaven?

Only this heavenly way, after reaching the eternal **** realm, will you realize that it is actually just humanity.

According to ancient legends, it was the lower realm created by Divine Emperor.

To be precise, the Divine Emperor divided the world into three realms.

According to this theory, who dares to say that the creatures of the eternal God Realm are really eternal and immortal?

Maybe there is heaven and earth in the midst.

One hundred billion years will not die, one trillion years will not die, what about trillions of years?

At least, the history of this world is not that long.

Then, if the creatures in the first heaven really die old, it means that this world also exists in heaven!

Perhaps this heaven is also humane.

Or maybe the trillion-trillion years of this world are just like the mortals in the eyes of Xianzun, but only a few dozens of hundreds of years.

Therefore, Chu Yu believes that there is heaven and way around this time.

For the existence that completely transcends cognition, in fact, it is heaven!

Just like the practitioners in the eyes of mortals on earth, it is a fairy to control him in the realm of king or veneration.

When this kind of sentiment came into my mind, Chu Yu suddenly felt that he was a big step in a flash!

Even faintly, with half a foot, stepped into the realm of Immortal Venerable!

If he continues, he is likely to follow this path and step directly into the realm of immortal.

Lying trough!

No way!

Chu Yu quickly stopped the path of evolution in his mind.

If you let others know, you might be jealous and jealous.

How many days of arrogance in this world are desperately seeking the path of the Immortal Lord, even if eternity does not die, there will never be a chance to really step into that field.

And this kind of thing in their eyes was extremely difficult. For Chu Yu, he actually got some insights and almost broke through.

It's too much!

In fact, Chu Yu did not expect this to happen.

He can only owe it to him along the way, various experiences.

The world he has experienced is really too much!

Although in terms of age, he can't compare with most of the creatures of Eternal God Realm.

But from experience, it is possible to crush those people!

Those experiences in the lower realm did not really show their power until this time.

The monk dressed up as a student with a folding fan was still talking, and the female cultivator who had previously refuted it would occasionally express some of his views.

Later, newcomers continue to join the team.

Chu Yu didn't show any more speed to hurry up. After all, he hasn't really made a decision yet, how to enter the evolutionary land.

Everything, wait until the place is over!

When this team expanded to more than 30,000 people, Chu Yu followed this group of people, and finally went deep into the dark camp's old nest.

Came outside of the land of evolution.

Here, it was unexpectedly lively.

It is a bit similar to those modern cities on the earth. There are no city walls here, only endless buildings.

Ancient, modern, various styles ...

There are many huge, weird, unprecedented!

This city is called Mulun City.

It is one of the top big cities here in the dark camp base camp.

Looking at this city, which was dozens of times larger than the earth, Chu Yu's eyes fell directly on a huge square in the city.

At the moment, there are hundreds of platforms on the square, all of which are open.

In fact, it has already been started, and each ring has already experienced a lot of battles.

The eyes of others also fell on the huge square in the middle of the city.

"I can come here once and see the sight here, I have no regrets." Chu Yu, a young monk with emotion, said with emotion.

Chu Yu gave him a strange look. From the breath of this monk, he could tell that he was also a practitioner in the real fairyland.

"Daoyou, did you come here for the purpose of going to the ring and striving for an opportunity to enter the land of evolution?" Chu Yu asked.

The young monk looked at Chu Yu strangely and said, "Go to the ring? What a joke? I haven't enough life yet! Why should I ring the ring?"

Chu Yu was speechless: "Can you come here just to see?"

The young monk took it for granted: "Of course! The land of evolution that was opened only once in 1.268 billion years, naturally came to join in the excitement!"

join in the fun……

Okay, Chu Yu said nothing.

At this time, Chu Yu finally understood from other people's conversations. It turns out that there are not many people who really want to come to the ring and want to enter the ring to qualify for the evolutionary land.

Including the monk who has been acting like a suave man along the way, he has already attracted at least a few hundred beautiful female monks along the way.

After coming here, he was directly preparing to take a group of female practitioners to participate in various activities.

As for beatings?

A reaction with the young monk Chu Yu just asked.

What a joke?

Are you alive?

I'm still young and in good old age, why should I be buried in the ring?

In this world, I am immortal!

Without thinking about it, why should I go to die?

Is it good to talk to beautiful girls about love to exchange body fluids?

Feelings ... all come to travel!

The homeland behind them is almost burned to ashes by the flames of war. They really have thoughts.

The young monk beside Chu Yu looked strangely at Chu Yu: "Why is this expression of Dao You?"

"Family is almost occupied, why do you still have the mind to come out and play?" Chu Yu couldn't help vomiting.

The young monk smiled and said, "Why do you think this way? My monk is a family, and the whole world is home. Shou Yuan is endless. Wherever he goes, where is his home!"

Yes, this world, the concept of home country, is really too weak!

That ’s why, the Xiao Dynasty dynasty Fengyan has been in battle for many days, but there are still a large number of young people in the Xiao Dynasty, as if nothing has happened, embarking on the road to Mulun City, relaxing all the way to relax and beat girls Finally came here, just to watch the lively scene.

"Aren't you afraid that the dark camp will eventually destroy everyone?" Chu Yu looked at the young man and asked lightly: "You know, the dark camp implements a thorough cleanup policy. They don't want to be captive, let alone Keep your mouth alive and kill everything you passed. "

The young monk smiled and said, "Then we should just go back! You see, in this city of Mulun, isn't there anyone to kill us?"

With that in mind, he looked at Chu Yu seriously, and said in an educated tone: "Daoist, I don't know where you are from. I have such a big prejudice and misunderstanding about the dark camp. In fact, what you call killing It ’s not true. "

"Oh?" Chu Yu looked at the young man with a funny smile. He not only saw it in the Xiao Dynasty, he saw the dark camp's actions in too many places along the way.

It is no different from a group of cold-blooded demons.

The young monk said: "They killed only those ancient dynasties that did not follow their will. And some other old martial arts and aristocrats ... as long as they expressed their willingness to follow the rules of the dark camp, they would not be attacked! You do n’t know this? Which ancient dynasty did you come from? "

Chu Yu frowned slightly: "There is no place to be attacked?"

Along the way, what he saw was everywhere.

"Of course there is!" The young monk laughed. "Otherwise you think about it, although the dark camp is powerful, but if the entire eternal **** realm unites, they will naturally be unable to resist."

Chu Yu said: "Don't you ever think about it, will they break each one?"

"How is it possible?" The young monk said with a funny face: "They are credit-worthy. Look, now we are here, no matter where we come from, it's not the same? Are people from the dark camp coming to trouble?"

"And, as long as they can win in the ring and live out of the evolutionary land, then no one from the dark camp will just let it go! Is this not enough to show their credit?"

Chu Yu's mouth twitched, and he sighed: Qin, that was how he unified the six countries. I hope you can still maintain such a good attitude and trust in the dark camp on the day your home is attacked.

The young monk looked at Chu Yu and said seriously: "Dao friends, I think you are prejudiced against them, in fact, there is no need. War, how can there be no dead people? Well, meeting is destiny, we are on this way, It is also considered to be a peer. I am here, and I know some friends. Later, there will be a banquet to go to. You will go with me. By then, you will know what the young people in the dark camp are like. "

"Is this convenient?" Chu Yu really wanted to see and see, more importantly, he wanted to find opportunities.

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