
Chapter 846: Ancient sword

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He is not afraid of going to the ring, it is nothing more than fighting.

There is no big man in this field in the ring, Xianzun, who is terrible?

But if you are in the ring, then from now on, there will be countless eyes staring at him, and then think about the low-key and frivolous development, don't even think about it.

"It's not inconvenient. In fact, most people don't know each other like this. It's like a large ... interaction place where you can meet some new friends." The young monk smiled.

Seeing him so familiar, Chu Yu was a little strange: "Daoyou used to be here, could it have been?"

The young monk said: "Of course, the last time the land of evolution opened, I've been here!"

Chu Yu: "..."

He silently counted, the last time the evolutionary land was opened, 1.268 billion years ago, then, that is to say, the real fairy monk who was still looking at him, his real age ... …

Well, talking about age in such a place is really boring.

Anyway, at least so far, this world ... is still an immortal world.

There are the oldest creatures, from the beginning to the present, still there!

If the units are in billions of years, they are afraid that they have passed trillions of years.

So, here, even if you ask the age of a female nun, the other party will tell you without hesitation.

Anything hesitating is by no means something else, but it may have been forgotten. Or never remembered.

In a world without the concept of time, who cares how long has passed?

"Let's go, I will take you now!" The young monk was very enthusiastic.

To be precise, it should be very boring.

To Chu Yu, he certainly can't talk about the first sight, but this person is very interesting.

The rustic ones think that the dark camp is evil, the kind that invades other people's homes ... This is funny.

So this person must have come from the war zone!

But it was the ancient dynasty in which he did not obey the orders of the dark camp, did not obey the rules of the dark camp, and was beaten ...

Are there undead in battle?

Everyone carries a reincarnation seal-

In the eyes of this young monk, a monk who can cultivate to the real fairy realm cannot have a reincarnation rune.

So, if there is a reincarnation fuzhuan, even if it is dead, what can it do?

It won't take long to be reborn on this immortal earth.

Born to be an eternal class, maybe you can be reborn in the dark camp. If you are lucky, you may also appear in a big brother's family.

In that case, it is developed!

It's luck, and it won't stop you.

What can be indignant?

With the memories of various practices in the previous life, you can also better polish your own Daoji.

As far as he knew, there were many practitioners who even deliberately let themselves die once.

On the one hand, you can perceive death; on the other hand, you can also better consolidate your own foundation.

At that time, you can rush to a higher level!

And this is a good thing!

Why is there a sense of destruction of homes?

Could it be said that in his family, there are those who do not seek for progress? Doesn't he even have Zhang Reincarnation Fu Zhuan?

That kind of creature, as the dark camp said, is simply not worthy of living on this land.

Since mediocrity, since no ambition, then go to the lower circle reincarnation!

Anyway, a little real spirit will never die.

One day, if you can fly back to this world again, and awaken the memories of the past, you will be able to have a more understanding of the road.

So, no matter how you look at it, this is a good thing.

Why is this so ...

He is puzzled.

So he developed a strong interest in Chu Yu.

He hasn't made friends in the war zone yet.

"My name is Yang Feng, I don't know your friends, I don't know the name of your surname." The young monk was kind-hearted. He had already made a decision to understand Chu Yu and then take him to see him.

"Brother Yang Dao, under Chu Yu." Chu Yu responded with a smile.

At the moment, Chu Yu's heart is all MMP.

Although the monk named Yang Feng did not continue to say much, from his expression, he could feel that he had a kind of contempt for his faint disbelief.

Just like a noble nobleman, he met an old farmer in the countryside for the first time.

Nobles naturally want to maintain their own manners and self-cultivation, but they really look down on the old peasants. The disdain forcibly concealed is really a bit crazy.

"Chu Yu Daoyou, go, I will take you to see!" Yang Feng said enthusiastically.

At this time, a beautiful female Xiu came together and said, "Brother Yang Dao, can you take me one?"

When Yang Feng introduced herself to Chu Yu just now, she was on the sidelines. She came together at this moment and did not look at Chu Yu. She was very enthusiastic about Yang Feng.

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked up and down at the female Xiu.

The cafeteria is good!

But ... the man seemed a bit short.

As a true immortal level practitioner, there are too many opportunities to make yourself more perfect.

She is so short, which is somewhat inconsistent with Yang Feng's aesthetic.

However, he felt that he was a self-cultivated person, so he nodded restraintly: "Yes, there are not many of you."

"Then, the younger sister would like to thank Brother Yang!" Nun Xi looked happy and smiled like a flower: "The younger sister is called Du Guqian ..."

"Well, let's go." In the long years, the beautiful monks Yang Feng met could hardly be counted, there were 8 million without 10 million. Where would I care about a woman who looks good but is a little short.

However, the nun named Du Guqian was very familiar, and on the way to the banquet place, the title of Yang Feng has changed from Brother Yang to Brother Yang.

When he arrived at the door of the banquet place, he changed from brother Yang to brother.

What a clever ghost.

As for Chu Yu, she really didn't look at it.

Not looking down, but really ignoring!

A person coming out of a war zone is full of hostility to the great dark camp. Such a person is better not to go to the ring. If you go to the ring, you will turn into a corpse.

How can you compare with the brother Yang Feng in front of you?

At first glance, people have self-cultivation, taste, and actually participated in the last feast of the land of evolution. This experience is really amazing.

If I could have a spring breeze with him and return to my family in the future and chat with those little sisters, I would have too much capital to brag about!

Du Guqian's purpose is very clear, that is to find opportunities to fall asleep Yang Feng!

Just once.

Chu Yu silently followed Yang Feng. Although Du Guqian showed her all along the way, Yang Feng really didn't care much about her.

It's too short!

It looked a little cute, but he really didn't like it.

Instead, he kept communicating with Chu Yu.

And it seemed that he became more interested in Chu Yu.

When he reached the door, Du Guqian finally couldn't help it, taking advantage of Yang Feng's failure to pay attention, frowning slightly, glancing at Chu Yu, his eyes a little bad.

A bit like being robbed of a boyfriend ... a woman.


Chu Yu was a little helpless.

Laozi likes women!


At this time, Yang Feng suddenly walked towards a tall, handsome man with a big smile, and laughed: "Brother Gu Jian, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Brother Yang Feng, are you here too? Haha, ok, that's good! Long time no see!" The tall, handsome man came over with a happy face and hugged Yang Feng.

At this time, Du Guqian's eyes became even more weird.

My heart said, Yang Feng, would he really like men?

Look at the attitude and look when he saw the ancient sword!


I already knew that I pretended to be a man, no, it was just a man!

She glanced down at her two large dining halls, her expression somewhat depressed.

Look at the human base!

Chu Yu saw a lot of things from Du Guqian's eyes, which was almost speechless.

"Brother Gu Jian, let me introduce you. This Chu Yu Dao friend is a new friend I met from the other side of the war zone, but it is a bit misunderstood for your camp, ha ha ha ha!" Yang Feng laughed It was very hearty to introduce Gu Jian to Chu Yu.

In Chu Yu's heart, there was a slight sigh. A glance at this handsome tall man.

From this person, I can't feel much breath of spiritual practice.

Either, he is a very low-level monk; or, it is a seal with a cover breath.

The possibility of the former is very low, because with Yang Feng's personality, he can be called brother to brother, I am afraid there is no realm too low.

"Oh?" Gu Jian also glanced up and down at Chu Yu, and said with a smile: "War zone? Which dynasty? Chen or Xiao? As far as I know, it seems that these two ancient dynasties are fighting."

Chu Yu smiled and said, "Shaw."

"Xiao's, I have a good relationship with Jiang Hanhan." Gu Jian said with a smile.

Jiang Hanhan ... The 10th leader of the Xiao Dynasty?

That's a young fairy!

In the entire dark camp, Jiang Hanhan is regarded as a promising kind.

Be cared for by countless gangsters.

Belongs to the typical second generation of bullish.

The ancient sword in front of her, she said her name casually, and said that she had a good relationship with her ...

In Chu Yu's heart, he was a little curious about Yang Feng's identity.

If Gu Jian didn't lie, then Yang Feng's background, I'm afraid it's ... It's extremely difficult!

"I heard it, a very powerful young fairy." Chu Yu's face showed a polite smile.

"Well, I will give you a token back, and then she will protect your integrity." Gu Jian said cheerfully.

It seems that this kind of "capital enemy" behavior is not taken seriously at all.

This actually confirms some of Yang Feng's attitudes from the side.

The theater is very different from the rear ... indeed.

However, it is purely nonsense to say that Chu Yu will feel good about the dark camp because of this.

At most, it just means that Gu Jian's character is not bad and likes to make friends.

If it rises to the level of the entire camp, then it is still opposite.

This is a principle and cannot be changed.

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