
Chapter 850: why

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After some explanation from Gu Jian, Chu Yu finally understood.

Why is the atmosphere in Mulun City relatively relaxed and friendly to the outside world. At least he hasn't seen any people from the dark camp so far. He used a knife to chase down the outsiders.

In the dark camp of feelings, there are also contradictions.

The various games between the big brothers have never stopped.

For the war zone, of course, there is no good person in the entire dark camp, and they should be killed!

But for many people in the dark camp, they feel wronged in their hearts!

"In any camp, there are actually good people filled with integrity and evil people filled with evil and selfish desires." Yang Feng looked at Chu Yu and said: "So do you understand now?"

Yang Feng's original intention was actually to let Chu Yu see that the dark camp was not what he thought.

Chu Yu nodded, but he was thinking: In this case, then there is ... there are great articles to do!

He now hopes that Chu Die and Lin Shi will also appear here.

For things like conspiracy, they are better at it.

Of course, this is just thinking about it.

The attitudes of Gu Jian and Tu Guangyuan did not prevail here.

Tu Guangyuan made it clear that the hardliners now have the upper hand.

Therefore, the wind of darkness once again swept the entire eternal **** realm. So even if Chu Die and Lin Shi wanted to come here, Chu Yu would not agree.

"Brother Gu Jian and Guangyuan are actually people who advocate peace?" Chu Yu asked with a smile.

Gu Jian thought for a while and said: "I am not the kind of blind pursuit of peace. I also agree that there should be a set of perfect rules on this land. But I do not agree to adopt this way. You Look, even now, your view of the dark camp is still not good. If you have that ability, I believe you will not hesitate to completely overthrow the entire dark force. Am I right? "

Chu Yu smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Du Guqian sat beside Tu Guangyuan and couldn't help looking at Chu Yu.

Xin Xin said that this is just a bun out of a war zone, although it looks really beautiful. But why can he make Gu Jian, Tu Guangyuan and Yang Feng look up?

Is it because his realm is a real fairy?

The old lady too!

For Mao, they have to take such a disregardful attitude towards the old lady?

Thinking about it makes me unhappy.

But no matter how uncomfortable she was, she was not stupid enough to show up at this time.

Later, some people brought a lot of wine and vegetables.

Looking at these wine dishes, Chu Yu had to admit that Tu Guangyuan was really a dude, a top foodie!

Not to mention that they are all at the level of dragon, liver and phoenix.

Besides the wine, as soon as the seal was opened, a strong scent of wine flew out.

All the people present were refreshed.

"Good wine!" Chu Yu first praised.

Yang Feng also praised: "I'm afraid this wine is really years away."

At this time, the waiter who brought in the wine smiled and said: "This wine is left over from the era of primitive races, and now the entire market has very little stock. After all, this thing is to drink one bottle and one bottle."

Gu Jian nodded and said to the waiter, "Go tell Lao Bi that he is interested, we are grateful!"

The waiter showed a happy smile on his face. He naturally knew Gu Jian and Tu Guangyuan's identities. Hearing Gu Jian saying this, he immediately felt that the master of the altar was not given away in vain.

The crisis that Bi's family encountered this time said that the big and the big, the master will die, and the whole army was annihilated ... shaking the whole dark camp.

But if it's small, it can be small!

How can there be undead things like war?

Is it only you who can kill others, others can't fight back? All standing there for you to kill?

You can do whatever you want, so can others!

Therefore, to interpret this matter from a certain aspect, it is because the army of the Bi family cannot do it, and the Lord will not do it!

Will be incompetent to kill the three armies!

It can be interpreted from another aspect, it might be said that the Bi Family Lord will die for the dark camp and die heroically!

After fighting for one soldier and one soldier, he still did not escape!

Anything has two sides, depending on whether anyone is fair to Bi Jia.

Gu Jian took the cups of several people and poured a full cup.

The liquor is amber in color and appears very viscous in the glass. The majestic energy contained in it has exploded completely.

Well, Gu Jian filled Yang Feng, Tu Guangyuan and Chu Yu.

I ignored Du Guqian again.

Du Guqian pouted, glancing at Tu Guangyuan beside him, and whispered, "I want to try it too."

Tu Guangyuan gave her some inexplicable glance: "Why do women drink nothing?"

Du Guqian almost scolded her mother, and thought that this little guy was easy to deal with, and it looked like a optimistic look, so unexpectedly so strong?

What's wrong with women? Are you born of a woman?

Do you look down on women?

"Me, I just want to try it." Du Guqian whispered softly.

He even stretched out his hands to grab Tu Guangyuan's arm, and the two large canteens nudged gently on Tu Guangyuan's arm.

Tu Guangyuan frowned slightly: "This wine is very expensive!"

Dugu Qianxi was a little dumbfounded, no matter how thick-skinned, it was a bit too much for others to despise.

Her eyes were instantly red.

Thinking of her being alone, in her hometown, she is also the eldest lady of the nobleman.

I grew up spoiled by others, where have I been wronged?

She has ambitions, and her ambitions are very strong.

Came here, met Yang Feng and others, realized that this is an opportunity to climb up.

Except for Chu Yu, who looked down upon her, everyone here was a real big leg for her!

Holding the one, she was developed.

So, no matter what, she has to fight for it, and she doesn't want to let it go.

However, her continued arrogance and ignorance caused her self-esteem to suffer a huge blow.

At this moment, she even kind of wanted to give up.

At this time, Yang Feng, who brought her over at the beginning, suddenly said quietly, "Do you feel wronged? Feeling yourself, humiliated? Is it particularly unpleasant?"

Du Guqian froze a little, and tears came out, silently, and looked pitiful.

Tu Guangyuan slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Feng, but he didn't speak.

Chu Yu was expressionless and Gu Jian was quiet.

Suddenly Yang Feng smiled slightly: "It is indeed a little humiliating. Anyway, we should not treat you like this."

Du Guqian didn't speak, and the tears were more fierce.

"Want to know why?" Yang Feng asked softly.

Du Guqian stunned slightly, looking at Yang Feng.

Then nodded.

"Then I will tell you." Yang Feng smiled.

"First, your motivation is impure."

"When you approached me at the beginning, the purpose was not pure. You are not here to make friends."

Du Guqian's face was a little white, and her tears were less.

"Second, when you see me, I feel that I am a thigh and can bring you benefits. Regardless of reputation, status, or whatever, you feel that I can bring you these."

"But after seeing the ancient sword, you suddenly found that the ancient sword seemed to be more suitable than me! Because I ignored you and ignored you, so, you think you can seduce the ancient sword.

Hearing these two words, Du Guqian had more tears.

"Seduce the word, it's a bit ugly, but it's a fact."

"But you soon discovered that the ancient sword is not something you can seduce. In the face of your dedication, he is not moved at all."

"So, you are a little frustrated, but not completely discouraged. Do you think that as long as the **** is waving well, how can there be no corner to dig? Right?"

Du Guqian's tears were less, and her face became paler.

"It wasn't until you saw Xiaoguangyuan that you suddenly found that this kid is the best target for you, right?"

Yang Feng smiled and looked at Du Guqian, this is the first time he is looking at this woman for the first time: "I said, right?"

Du Guqian's tears kept flowing, and he shook his head desperately.

Yang Feng was unimpressed and continued: "You think this man Guangyuan is naive and has no intentions, so at that moment, you completely abandoned me and Gu Jian, want to please Guangyuan, think Let him be a minister under your skirt. "

Yang Feng smiled and looked at Du Guqian, who was crying and shaking her head: "You don't need to deny, I don't need to get your approval, I just want to tell you something, girl, we are not stupid."

"I'm not stupid, Gu Jian is even more stupid. As for Guangyuan, who you think is a little stupid, it's not stupid! Do you think he is young? Oh, you know how many women he has experienced?"

Yang Feng's eyes are still very soft, and his voice is full of magnetism, but every sentence is like a sharp knife, inserted in Du Guqian's heart.

"Because we all see that you are approaching us with a strong purpose, we especially dislike it."

"Women, we don't lack any of us, like you, we don't lack any more!"

Yang Feng said lightly: "You think we are humiliating you, embarrassing you, not letting you come to Taiwan, letting you lose your face completely. But have you ever thought about it, when the moment you want to get it, there is naturally a corresponding Risks will come to you? "

"Does it only make you successful and become one of us, can't we see you through and ignore you?"

"Do you think my words make sense?"

Du Guqian buried her head deeply, and she was completely silent.

"You change your goal in a short time, this is nothing, huh, we have all been stunned girls before. But your biggest mistake, do you know what?"

Du Guqian raised her head and Lihua looked at Yang Feng with rain.

Yang Feng laughed: "You shouldn't ignore him."

With a look, he glanced at Chu Yu: "Why do I, Gu Jian, and Guangyuan all have surprising attitudes towards him? Even if we know that the camps between our two sides are different, we might even be on the battlefield one day. Shang Bingrong met, but we still glanced at him, do you know why? "

Du Guqian was completely at a loss. Seriously, she still couldn't see where Chu Yu was so far.

Is n’t it just beautiful?

What's the use of a big man who looks so beautiful?

Are these three people all the kind of men who like men?

"Your eyes ... hehe." Under Yang Feng's mild eyes, he sneered: "So, your biggest mistake is because you don't look at people!"

"If you can treat him a little better today, then even if we won't turn you into one of our women, it will still give you a high look." Gu Jian said.

"Well, indeed, there are not many interesting people after all." Tu Guangyuan said.

Du Guqian was so confused that she couldn't help it. Looking at these people, her tears were no longer flowing, and she couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

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