
Chapter 851: Vengeance

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Tu Guangyuan said: "Because he is frank and interesting!"

"Well, he hates the dark camp in his heart, but he can separate this feeling from us. We take him as a friend, and he doesn't take us as an enemy." Gu Jian said.

Yang Feng looked at Du Guqian: "He came out of the war zone and came here just to enter the evolutionary land, get the chance, and then break through, and then ... return to the battlefield and fight the dark camp where we are. Here, after discovering something different from what he originally thought, his view of the dark camp has changed a lot. "

"Of course, this is not to say that his position disappeared at once, or changed. On the contrary, his position became more firm!"

"Not only that, but in his heart, he might even think that one day, he might meet Brother Gu Jian and Brother Guang Yuanxian on the battlefield."

Yang Feng said: "But that is a contest between men!"

"Do you understand? It's just fair, the fight between men!"

"But that doesn't interfere at all. At this time, we are sitting at a wine table and drinking."

"Not to hinder, we help him hand in hand, let him smoothly enter the evolutionary land!"

In Du Guqian's eyes, she was completely confused and muttered: "I can't understand the thoughts of you people."

"So, you are boring, and you can never get into our circle." Tu Guangyuan said with a smile.

Yang Feng grabbed the wine jar, photographed an empty glass, poured a glass of wine, and said: "Girl, if I am you, after drinking this glass of wine, I will leave here and leave Mulun City! This city is not suitable for You. Your ambitions are not worth mentioning in our eyes. But in the eyes of others, they will completely kill you. "

After Yang Feng filled the glass of wine, he pushed it to Du Guqian: "You can do everything you want."

Du Guqian gave Yang Feng a deep look, and then looked at Chu Yu, who looked calm, and glanced at Gu Jian and Tu Guangyuan.

She picked up the glass and drank it, and a faint flush appeared on her face.

Said: "Okay, thank you. I gave such a special lesson today. I am alone and I will always remember it."

After she finished, she took out the handkerchief from her body, carefully wiped the corners of her eyes and the tears on her face, smiled at several people, and turned to go out the door.

When the door opened, the noise came; when the door closed, the noise disappeared.

Gu Jian glanced at Yang Feng: "You are, what are you doing?"

Yang Feng smiled: "If not, how can I help the Chu Yu brothers get tickets?"

"The same is true." Gu Jian nodded, and then picked up the glass: "Come on, brother, let's go one!"

Du Guqian came out of the box, and at the moment the door was closed, a face was completely chilled.

Damn it!

Education old lady?

The old lady lived forever!

What kind of men have not seen?

What hasn't happened?

Need you to reason with the old lady?

Need you to say this?

A bunch of unassuming bastards!

And Chu Yu, what are you thinking of? Why should the three high-ranking sons in the dark camp take a look at you?

Candid? interesting?

I bother!

A person who penetrates behind the enemy, sits with the two enemy camps for the first time and talks and laughs. What is interesting?

This is clearly garbage without shame and integrity!

Such people should be cleaned up by the dark camp, and they are simply not worthy of living in this world!

There is also Yang Feng. The educators are very happy, right?

The tongue is blooming with lotus flowers, and it's pretty cool, right?

And the ancient sword, what big-tail wolf?

The old lady hasn't even heard the name of your ancient home!

What cattle do you cow?

The thing that hates people most is Tu Guangyuan's little thing!

This wine is expensive?

Your sister!

You wait for the old lady!

Don't let you pay the price, the old lady will live this life in vain!

Many nuns saw Du Guqian coming out of the box, his face was not good, and he seemed to be crying, and he was suddenly happy.

Haha little **** smashed, trying to hug the thigh failed!

Deserve it!

Do n’t look in the mirror to see what he looks like?

What is the length of a pair of chests? Who can I stand up for? At first glance it is a cheap!

In the banquet hall, there are many female talents with excellent talents and looks. They are more beautiful than Du Guqian in terms of appearance.

There are quite a few of these female nuns. The family background behind them is very strong. Naturally, they look down on ordinary women like Du Guqian.

But Du Guqian was too lazy to ignore this group of women who only knew envy and jealousy.

A bunch of little bitches! Little bitch!

You are not even qualified to be humiliated!

Du Guqian was walking outside, her eyes flicking around, and finally, she fell in one place.

There was also a large group of people gathered there.

Jiang Yuanzhi!

The one who had an unpleasant relationship with Gu Jian before.

Obviously, this Jiang Yuanzhi dares to mock even Tu Guangyuan, and his family background can never be too bad.

All of you are waiting for me. I am alone and I will let you know what regret is.

She curled up Tingting to Jiang Yuanzhi's side, turning a blind eye to the various eyes projected along the way.

Uh, ignoring other people's feelings is indeed very happy!

A group of people on Jiang Yuanzhi's side were talking and laughing, and they seemed to say something interesting, and a group of people laughed.

Of course, it is inevitable that there will be some beautiful women sitting among them.

A group of people sat in comfortable soft chairs, the scene was very lively.

When Du Guqian came over, many people here also noticed her.

"Huh? This woman ... not the one who just followed Gu Jian's group?" Someone whispered.

"It seems to be, oh, that's why it seems to have been crying? Is it possible that someone is in the box ... hey hey." Someone looked frivolous.

"Is there three men in the box? Three or four are coming? Haha." Someone should be in harmony.

"If that's the case, it's the spring breeze that's right. Seeking benevolence and being happy ... what are you crying for?" An old driver analyzed.

These words sounded in my ears.

People have nothing to hide at all.

On this occasion, as long as you pay attention, everyone can hear.

Therefore, there is a person who pays attention to this side, and can't help but look subconsciously at Du Guqian.

Du Guqian's face became more and more cold, and there was a burning anger in his heart.

A bunch of scum!

But for a moment, an indescribable picture with four men flashed in her mind.

A pale blush appeared on her pale face.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it is angry!

In fact, not many of these people were present in Fairyland.

Almost all monks in the real fairyland.

Has Du Guqian ever had that, how can they not see it? Um, don't talk about it, even if you smell ... cough, you can smell it.

Speaking those words unscrupulously, but did not take Du Guqian seriously.

There is a ready-made joke for everyone to tease, isn't it good?

Du Guqian has now come to Jiang Yuanzhi.

Jiang Yuanzhi raised his head in doubt, looked at Du Guqian, and asked, "Are you doing something?"

Gu Jian, Yang Feng and Tu Guangyuan don't look down on women, how can he be seen by Jiang Yuanzhi?

He also has no shortage of such a large number of female nuns.

Although she has a big chest.

But what about that?

Du Guqian said coldly, "I want to be your woman."

All around suddenly became very quiet!

This quietness, in an instant, passed to every corner of the huge banquet hall.

Everyone looked at this woman in dumbfounded.

Is this crazy?

Or is the brain sick?

Not to mention that Jiang Yuanzhi couldn't be seen by her, even if it could be watched, how could it be said like this?

Does n’t she understand how to communicate normally and friendly with people?

Jiang Yuanzhi also froze for a while, and then looked at Du Guqian with a funny face: "Why?"

He didn't ask why.

Because there was no need to ask, the woman followed Gu Jian at first, and it didn't take long for her to come to herself.

If he was playing Infernal Affairs, then he would really laugh to death, no, Gu Jian, those of them, are not that stupid. Even Tu Guangyuan ’s little boy is not that silly.

Then, there is only one possibility--

This woman was humiliated by Gu Jian!

But angry, want to retaliate!

This matter, Jiang Yuanzhi can guess the knee. Because of similar things, he did not do less.

Even more so than Gu Jian's group.

Then, the question is coming.

What did she rely on to dare to talk to herself in public?

If there is no way to rely on it, then she is here to entertain him Jiang Yuanzhi, it is to die!

Jiang Yuanzhi didn't mind letting a woman with no background in the world disappear.

"Do you want me to say it publicly?" Du Guqian had already been completely excluded at this time.

She wanted to let Gu Jian's people know that she wanted to avenge them!

Let them understand one thing, how terrible a irritated woman is.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuanzhi suddenly smiled and said, "There is a box next to it."

Du Guqian bit her lower lip lightly and said, "Just follow me in!"

The people around were in an uproar.

This woman ... is really crazy.

This is no longer a matter of courage and smallness. This is simply the rhythm of excluding everything.

Jiang Yuanzhi looked at Du Guqian's chest, nodded, and smiled, "Yes."

Then he stood up and took the lead towards a box.

Du Guqian followed suit and followed.

Jiang Yuanzhi pushed open the box, and when Du Guqian came in, he closed it.

His face, at this moment, suddenly cooled down and looked at Du Guqian: "You, it is best to give me a reasonable explanation and reason, otherwise ..."

Du Guqian didn't speak. In front of Jiang Yuanzhi, he slowly ... kneeled down.

After a moment, Jiang Yuanzhi took a breath, changed his face one after another, and finally closed his eyes slightly and stopped talking.

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