
Chapter 852: Plan

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Here, Bi Yuanqing entered the box where Chu Yu was, looking a little grim, looking at a few people: "That woman was kicked out by you?"

Gu Jian smiled and said, "Why? She went to Jiang Yuanzhi?"

"You know?" Bi Yuanqing was a little surprised.

To rush out an unintelligible woman who wants to pounce on her is nothing to them.

But if these people knew that the woman would go to Jiang Yuanzhi, things would be different.

"Well, I know." Gu Jian motioned to Bi Yuanqing to sit down and poured a glass of wine for Bi Yuanqing.

Then he smiled and said, "Tell me, what happened."

Bi Yuanqing sat down, took a sip of the wine glass, and looked back. Now that these people all know, he is not in a hurry, and said slowly: "That woman, a little interesting!"

Then he told the people what happened outside.

No, he smiled and said: "The woman and Jiang Yuanzhi entered the box alone, what a special ... Lao Tzu took the box away when she turned around! Ah! Even if everyone knows that she was kicked out by you, she is like this ... "

"Follow her, she will die, she doesn't know how to love herself, what's the matter with us?" Gu Jian said indifferently.

"You deliberately rushed her over there?" Bi Yuanqing asked.

Gu Jian nodded: "Moreover, she will use the news I heard from us as her bargaining chip."

Bi Yuanqing's face changed slightly, frowning: "News? What news?"

Gu Jiandao: "The Chu Yu brothers came from the theater of the Xiao dynasty. They wanted to enter the land of evolution, gain promotion, and then fight against our dark camp."

Bi Yuanqing's mouth twitched, but his heart was not as big as Gu Jian.

Especially his father died on the battlefield. Although he can be reincarnated, this incident caused the whole family behind him to be crumbling. Therefore, to tell the truth, he has no good impression of the people in the theater.

Today, if Chu Yu followed the ancient swords, they would n’t even take a look.

If you don't shoot, you will already be very kind.

Gu Jiandao: "That woman will definitely spread the news. By then, there will be many people who want to deal with the Chu Yu brothers."

There was a bit of helplessness on Chu Yu's face.

Gu Jian smiled: "But this is also our opportunity. We can choose a few goals from those who want to deal with him."

Bi Yuanqing wondered: "Isn't this telling everyone, what are you doing?"

"Then there must be evidence." Gu Jian said with a smile: "The more low-key this kind of thing is, the more impossible it is to try to accomplish it in private. Only when the water is mixed, can you fish." "

Bi Yuanqing couldn't help but ask: "Why do you have to help him do this? Are you afraid that someone will say you are a rival?"

Gu Jian said with a smile: "Yuan Qing, we are familiar with it, but if you want to talk nonsense, I don't admit it."

"It's useless if you admit it! Is this an unknown thing?" Bi Yuanqing said.

Gu Jian said lightly: "There are so many things in front of it, do you still choose to pretend to be blind?"

His words suddenly silenced Bi Yuanqing.

Yes, there are so many obvious things!

For example, his father, who clearly fought to the end, did not give up and died in the end. Sacrifice for the dark camp. But in the mouth of those people who did not need to participate in the war, it became a big shame!

If a big brother stood up and said a fair sentence, Bi Family would not be so.

It's a popular thing ... it's the most unpredictable thing in the world.

Bi Family, in the dark camp, can also be regarded as a veteran nobleman. The background is profound, and the wealth accumulated in the endless years is quite amazing.

In short, the Bi family is a piece of fat!

Everyone wants to bite a fat, oily meat into his mouth, how beautiful it is.

For resources, for a world in which the souls are immortal, in fact, when will anyone ... be missing.

Because it will not die, no matter how many resources, it will always run out.

Therefore, accumulating food is one thing that everyone must do.

Bi Yuanqing certainly understands this truth. As his family's son-in-law, he naturally has to take corresponding responsibilities.

Therefore, this time, he also wants to enter the land of evolution, obtain opportunities, and break through, step on the battlefield!

He must take over the burden left by his father.

You must find a way to support the entire family.

Gu Jian looked at Bi Yuanqing and suddenly said, "Yuan Qing, don't you think about another result?"

"Another result?" Bi Yuanqing was at a loss.

Gu Jian laughed: "For example, have you thought about the dark camp, will one day fail?"

"This is impossible!" Bi Yuanqing's eyes widened, glancing around.

Although this was his own territory, he was somewhat scared by Gu Jian's words.

What a dare to say!

If such words were passed on, even if Gu Jian's status was extremely high, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

To put it nicely, this is called nonsense; to say something unpleasant, this is to be countered!

"It's impossible to fail." Bi Yuanqing sighed: "Not to mention anything else, that kind of true top-level power, we are already crushed. All ancestors are born, they can sweep everything! Even if the ancestors are not born, On the backbone of the world, who is our opponent? "

Tu Guangyuan said: "Aren't your uncle fighting to die?"

Bi Yuanqing glared at Tu Guangyuan and said, "That's an example! Chen or Xiao, how long can they persist? In the end, they will be destroyed! Darkness ... will once again completely cover every one of the entire eternal earth corner."

"You are wrong." Gu Jian said with a smile: "Darkness will never cover the entire eternal earth forever."

Bi Yuanqing looked at him with a look of horror in his eyes.

Gu Jiandao: "Some things are wrong when they are wrong. Even if some people don't want to admit it, they don't want to bear the consequences. But there are always people who want to stand up."

Tu Guangyuan said with a smile: "It's not so obscure to say, it's actually ..."

"Fine." Gu Jian glanced at Tu Guangyuan and waved at him.

Tu Guangyuan smiled shut.

The expression on Bi Yuanqing's face was wonderful.

In fact, even Chu Yu's expression on his face is wonderful!

Inside the dark camp ... to be overturned!

This is no longer as simple as internal disagreements and contradictions.

This is clearly premeditated ... to be completely divided!

It can be heard from the ancient sword words that the force behind him has decided to completely rebel from the dark camp.

"One more thing, Yuan Qing, you must first figure out who exactly killed your father." Gu Jian said.

Bi Yuanqing said: "Does this need to be said? Of course it is the people of the Chen family ..."

"You are wrong. The person who actually killed your father is actually the one above him." Gu Jian said lightly.

"You mean ..." Bi Yuanqing's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Well, if you look up slowly, you will always find out the clues. Your father actually hated this kind of war for a long time. Unfortunately, he was killed by someone." Gu Jian had a little regret on his face , Said: "When you find out, and then come to me, I will take you to see a few people."

The conversation between them did not carry Chu Yu at all.

In fact, this seems to be unreasonable to Chu Yu.

Is Chu Yu trustworthy from the theater?

What if he made it blindly?

What if Jiang Hanhan knows?

Especially Chu Yu is not famous in Eternal God Realm.

He is not a well-known big man. He came to this city of Mulun and showed nothing amazing.

Why do these people trust him so much?

Even such confidential matters dare to speak in front of him.

Either these people do not know why, but they really trust him; or ... it is in these people's eyes that he Chu Yu ... is already a dead person.

But the possibility of the latter seems minimal.

If it is the former, why?

So I can't blame Du Guqian for failing to figure it out, because even Chu Yu couldn't figure it out.

Candid and interesting?

This is really ... just for nonsense.

The metal ball and half-stone tower on him, as well as the sky, were all covered by the seal that Xiao Madman gave him.

So Chu Yu did not understand why they trusted themselves so much.

Could it be that someone born to be willing to believe?

Has a particularly trustworthy face?

At this time, Gu Jian looked at Chu Yu and said: "Brother Chu Yu, I have something to ask for."

Chu Yu nodded and looked at Gu Jian: "But it doesn't matter."

"I hope you, after going back here, see Jiang Hanhan, be able to defeat it, and then grab her. When I arrive, I will give her back to me." Gu Jian looked at Chu Yu with burning eyes. :"how is it?"

Chu Yu: "..."

He looked at Gu Jian with a black line: "Are you looking at me a little too high?"

"High-looking? No, not at all." Gu Jian smiled and said: "Well, wait until you come out of the land of evolution this time, if you fail to break through to the realm of Immortal Venerable, I will not mention this matter again. If it's time, let's talk about it at that time, OK? "


Chu Yu really has a lot of confidence in this state.

Because just before, he almost broke into the field of Xianzun.

In order to enter the land of evolution, he deliberately suppressed it.

But as long as he wants, he has the ability to break into the realm of immortality almost at any time.

"Okay, I promise you."

Chu Yu was also curious about Jiang Hanhan.

A female monk in the state of Immortal Venerable, who leads the army, is simply invincible.

Gu Jian felt that such a woman would spoil his affairs. What did he want to do?

Because it was clearly displayed, Gu Jian asked Chu Yu to grab Jiang Hanhan and suppress it. Instead of killing her.

Gu Jian also said before that he would give him a token and see Jiang Hanhan, let Jiang Hanhan shelter him ...

How has this attitude changed so fast?

Chu Yu was puzzled.

At this time, Bi Yuanqing suddenly said: "Gu Jian, this matter is very big, you know, I can't make any decision directly."

Gu Jian nodded: "Understood."

Bi Yuanqing looked serious: "But, if it is really found out, this matter ... is related to the inside, then by the time, Yuan Qing is willing to follow any suggestions from Brother Gu Jian!"

Gu Jian smiled slightly: "So, very good!"

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