
Chapter 853: Assassination

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In the box over there, Du Guqian's messy hair was attached to her flushed face, standing there tidying up her clothes.

Then she glanced at Jiang Yuanzhi and said, "I want to enter the place of evolution, I want to enter in a fair and decent way!"

Jiang Yuanzhi frowned slightly and said, "It's not easy to be bright and righteous. After all, you are not a dark camp ..."

"Don't I count now?" Du Guqian glanced at Jiang Yuanzhi's lower body and said with a smile: "I know you have countless women, but how about that? I don't care about them. Who can't even ...

Jiang Yuanzhi's face changed, and she looked at her coldly and said, "But you will not ..."

Du Guqian sneered: Why shouldn't the old lady be?

But there was a submissive smile on his face: "With you, where can you still think about others."

Jiang Yuanzhi smiled and said, "The place of evolution is not as beautiful as you think. To be honest, if it is not forced to help, this time, I don't want to go in."

Du Guqian sighed: "That's you, you group of grandfathers, all of you are in the blessings and don't know the blessings. Anyone like our small households can compete for a place. It ’s no surprise that blood flow, even killing and killing. "

Jiang Yuanzhi said: "Well, I let my subordinates give you a quota to give you, but you must remember that after entering, you must not give me trouble!"

Du Guqian's eyes showed ecstasy.

She succeeded!

She has already rushed in front of Chu Yu and got a ticket to enter the land of evolution!

Never mind how she got it.

This is a great opportunity!

Countless people don't get this opportunity for their lives.

But she was alone, and she got it!

This is the skill!

Who else is not convinced?

She looked at Jiang Yuanzhi, her eyes blurred and said, "Master, thank you! The slave family knows how to score."

Although Jiang Yuanzhi had originally looked down on this woman, but after a while ... he had some improvement on Du Guqian.

This woman ... is amazing!

I have to admit that he, who has countless reading girls, likes her somewhat now.

Gu Jian's fool, and the little fart like Tu Guangyuan ... Lao Tzu put a green hat on your head, must you be happy?

"These few people, since they can't look down on you, when I see them in the land of evolution, I will never let them go." Jiang Yuanzhi said lightly.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Du Guqian.

Even without her, Jiang Yuanzhi entered the land of evolution and would not miss the ancient sword.

However, at this time, selling a handy favor is more suitable.

Du Guqian had a charming smile on her face, and she was going to slide down again.

Jiang Yuanzhi stopped her, and then said: "You just said that Chu Yu came from the Xiao Dynasty, and then ... Tu Guangyuan gave him an idea to kill a person from the dark camp and replace him, right?"

Du Guqian nodded, a flash of hatred flashed in her eyes: "Yes!"

"Humph! It's really arrogant to the point of stupidity! How dare you say such things?"

Jiang Yuanzhi snorted.

"Can't the master report them?"

Du Guqian asked.

In fact, what she wanted to see most was those few people, who immediately turned into cross-street mice.

As for whether it is still a place of evolution, this is not important.

The sooner the better!

The sooner she saw them, the happier she was.

Jiang Yuanzhi said: "How can it be so easy? Tell them what? Inside and outside collusion? Useless! For such a thing, don't say you don't remember the crystal as evidence, even if there is, they will say it is fake.

Jiang Yuanzhi sneered: "The important thing is actually the attitude of the big brothers, not right or wrong. Do you understand?"

Du Guqian nodded somewhat disappointedly: "The slave family understands."

Jiang Yuanzhi thought about it for a moment, and a little bit of coldness flashed in his eyes, saying: "However, since they have this idea, then I will accomplish them!"

Du Guqian looked at him.

Jiang Yuanzhi said: "As long as this news is released ... The person who wants to kill Chu Yu will be Wuyang Wuyang! It can't be stopped! Even if he has an ancient sword and Tu Guangyuan to support it, it's useless! Therefore, the man named Chu Yu is dead. "

This news was really released by Jiang Yuanzhi.

In Mulun City, the surface looks, although still calm.

But privately, it was already dark.

There are too many hardliners of the younger generation in the dark camp, and they are beginning to inquire about Chu Yu everywhere.

"A person in a war zone came here, dare to have such a courage? To be honest, I admire him a little bit! I just don't know how to die. Since he wants to die, then he will be accomplished.

"It is said that this man was with Tu Guangyuan of Tu Family and Gu Jian."

"Tu Guangyuan? Gu Jian? How could these two people be with him? It was nonsense! What means must this Chu Yu blind Gu Gu and Tu Guangyuan. Don't care, since this person dares to do this, everyone saves Not him! "

"It is said that Tu Guangyuan gave him the idea."

"Shit! Is Tu Guangyuan's brain broken? Does he dare to give this idea to an enemy in a war zone? Is that his father?"

"Cough, be careful ..."

In the city of Mulun, the dark camp of the hardliners is everywhere.

When they heard that there was a man named Chu Yu who came from the war zone and wanted to enter the land of evolution by killing people with admission tickets in a dark camp ... Almost all hardliners were angry.

As for Tu Guangyuan and Gu Jian, no one believes that these two men will pass through the enemy.

As Jiang Yuanzhi had expected, this kind of thing, even if there is evidence, is useless.

Tu Tu will pass the enemy?

Or will ancient swords pass through the enemy?

They will do it if their brains are broken.

No one believes that they will really pass the enemy.

Gu Jian said to Chu Yu: "How is it? Do you feel pressure now?"

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "How do I feel trapped? Now, what's the difference with the competition in the ring?"

Tu Guangyuan said: "It's okay, we absolutely have the ability to make you exactly the same as replacing that person! Including all his information, life habits ... everything, we can get you!"

Gu Jian nodded: "At that time, in the land of evolution, we secretly unite to give those people an unforgettable memory that they will never forget in their next life."

Chu Yu now knows what Gu Jian wants to do.

This guy is crazy!

He actually wanted to get rid of all the hardline young Tianjiao who entered the land of evolution!

Among those people, there are even heirs of the dark camp gangsters!

This kind of thing that is about to pierce the sky, and only dare people like Gu Jian dare to do it.

To be honest, even Chu Yu started to feel numb after hearing Gu Jian's plan.

Think this guy is a lunatic!

And Yang Feng, this guy too.

No wonder he brought himself in.

In fact, in this plan, he had nothing to do.

Gu Jian and Yang Feng and Tu Guangyuan's brother Tu Guangming and others have already arranged everything!

And he came into this game by chance.

But one thing has to be admitted.

That's the kind of trust Gu Jian and Yang Feng put in him.

This is unsolvable.

Chu Yu asked, both of them said that he had a good impression on him.

It looks particularly unreasonable.

But Gu Jian's remarks were very sincere. He said that man is not a machine, but man is the most complicated creature in the world. There are too many things that cannot be explained logically.

Yang Feng's explanation is even simpler-it looks good to you!

Yes, this is often the case in life, especially when making friends.

The so-called status and interests are not so important in some special occasions.

There are only four important words.

Then in the process of communication, I found it more pleasing to the eye.

So, this friend, so confusingly handed over.

Many good friends who have lived together for many years. If you ask them how they became friends, they may even forget the scene when they first met.

Even though I remember, it might be said: The weather was very good that day, he was wearing the clothes I like ... cough, not just the love. Friendship is also true.

Anyway, Chu Yu is now tucked into this game.

Gu Jian and Yang Feng are a group of people with great plans!

What they want is actually the same as Chu Yu's purpose, to subvert the entire dark camp and re-enact the rules!

In the following days, Chu Yu relived the days when he was assassinated as a child.

He was not with the ancient swords, but was walking alone in the city of Mulun.

Encountering several assassinations a day has become the norm.

But Chu Yu also showed extraordinary strength, all the assassinations, to him, were all beaten back fiercely.

Just like now, he stepped on the head of a person who stabbed, bent over and looked at the person, and asked with a strange expression: "Just like you, come and stabb? Also, do you have a ticket?"

A lot of people were watching around, and after hearing Chu Yu's words, a group of people couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths.


Too arrogant!

Is this guy really impersonating?

Can this be impostor?

With such courage, why not go directly to the ring?

How good is it?

Since you are not afraid of death, you should go to the ring!

Almost everyone thinks so.

The person who was stepped on his head by Chu Yu didn't say a word, because he couldn't tell, and the whole person had been sealed by Chu Yu.

This is a practitioner of the real fairy realm, not to the peak of the real fairy, but his combat strength is quite good.

But in front of Chu Yu, there was really no room for it.

A sword stabbed and was slapped to the ground by Chu Yu.

In the process, Chu Yu had already sealed it.

Then stepped on his head and asked if he had a ticket.

"Don't talk? You despise me!"

Chu Yu got angry and stepped on hard.

Seeing that the assassin was about to be crushed to death on the spot.

Suddenly, there were three rays of light, shot from three directions, towards Chu Yu!

The speed of these three rays of light has surpassed the sight-catching range of almost everyone present.

Few people saw how they appeared.

Chu Yu, however, was already in the sky.


The three rays of light met at the place where Chu Yu had originally stood, and hit them directly, making a loud noise.

Chu Yu, who flew, pressed down with his hand at the moment when the three rays collided.

This terrifying energy directed towards the moment on the ground.

There were several roars around.

But no one could save the assassin.

He was directly penetrated by the energy exploded by these three rays and died on the spot.

There was a reincarnation fuzhuan blazing brightly.

Chu Yu's body fell instantly, and then kicked **** this reincarnation fu seal.

Like a volley.

Reincarnation Fuzhuan, bang, burst.

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