
Chapter 862: Centrifuge

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Swallowing a true fairy monk is not so easy to digest.

For it, the best thing now is to find a place where no one is, and lie there quietly for tens of millions of years to completely digest this true fairy-level prey.

It's a big meal!

After all, there are not many such opportunities.

But this group of people did not give it a chance to escape, and it was still attacking its magic weapon insanely!

On its body, a large number of scales were shot down, and blood flowed gurgling out.

For it, the blood on the body is the essence, it is its fruit!

Every loss of blood is intolerable.

The golden holy python is angry!

It's here, for some years.

I don't know how many swallowed monks who came in search of chance.

This group of people who appeared this time was originally disdainful. Otherwise, it is impossible to launch an attack in such a hasty manner.

But now, it is actually injured!

This group of **** food actually hurt it!

The loss of blood and the severe pain from his body made it crazy.

The crazy golden holy python is quite scary.

The physical body of this thing is too strong, even if a large number of scales are knocked down, but its defense, under normal circumstances, the monks of the real fairyland can not be broken at all.

Unless it is an attack from a top-level weapon.

Controlling top-level magic instruments, especially the Xianzun level, is also a very expensive thing for this group of true immortals.

In such a place, who doesn't want to retain a little more strength in case of unexpected needs?

Therefore, Dong Lanjiang was angry with Chu Yu for saving his strength.

Tian Laojiu also shouted: "This thing is not killable by one person, its value is naturally incomparable with that of Tian Jing and Tian Bing, but you all know it. This thing is also expensive at the outside! Just a piece of meat You all know how many days of mother-of-pearl can be changed. "

"So no one should keep it!"

"Destroy it! We all share evenly!"

"I want a snake head." Chu Yu said lightly.

"You ..." Tian Laojiu couldn't help but be angry, he said, what kind of thing are you?

An orphan whose family has been destroyed. If Dong Lanjiang didn't value you, you wouldn't even have the qualifications and opportunities to enter here. How dare you, the people, say the terms?

Chu Yu said: "I can kill it."

Dong Lanjiang took a deep look at Chu Yu over there and suddenly said: "If you can kill it, the snake head will naturally return to you!"

When saying this, Dong Lanjiang's heart was filled with a strong murderous opportunity!

Feed the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

If it were n’t for the principal, could you stand here?

If it weren't for your son, you would have been completely silenced by the Chou family.

Who does n’t know that the golden snake has the highest value of the snake head?

Do you want a snake head?

Why don't you say you want this whole snake?

But now is not the time to settle accounts, but killing heart, but at this moment, appeared in Dong Lanjiang's heart.

Chu Yu shouted: "All let go!"

The others looked at Chu Yu like an idiot.

Heart said Dude is crazy?

Offending Dong Gongzi may not die. Afterwards, he kneels down and asks for forgiveness. It is estimated that Dong Gongzi will let you down.

But now let us give up, you alone deal with the golden holy python? Why don't you go to heaven?

"Retreat!" Dong Lanjiang blacked his face and said that it was your death, no one stopped you!

Although it is quite a pity to lose such a talent, at the moment when he was born with a killing heart, the life and death of Dude, for him, Dong Lanjiang, it does not matter.

Everyone dispersed.

The golden holy python, already covered in blood, stood tall, the grisly snake head lowered, and a pair of huge scarlet eyes stared at Chu Yu.

Although this kind of self-cultivating soul is different from the complex human being, its wisdom is also extremely high.

Heard that this food actually wanted to fight alone with himself.

The golden sacred python's pair of tyrannical scarlet eyes flashed an extreme disdain.

At the next moment, it opened a big mouth of blood basin and swallowed directly towards Chu Yu.

Chu Yu's body suddenly jumped into the sky. He jumped up very fast, and he suddenly appeared above the snake head.

Then, everyone watched dumbfounded as Chu Yu raised his fist and punched hard, hitting the middle of the head of the golden holy python.


A huge cracking sound of bones came suddenly.

It seems to be in everyone's heart.

Dong Lanjiang's complexion became pale at this moment.

There was something incredible in his eyes.

He secretly said: "How could Dude ... be so powerful? Could it be ... he has been hiding in the past years? What does he want to do?"

Everyone else looked a little silly.

When did Du De's physical training reach this level?

One punch can break the defense of the golden holy python?

No, it's not just as simple as breaking through the defense, this is a fist that shattered the head of the golden holy python!

How can this be?

Someone couldn't help but even exclaim.

Even Dong Lanjiang doesn't have this kind of strength?

The light flashed in Dong Lanjiang's eyes. In his heart, a very strong killing intention suddenly popped up!

How to control such a person?

Dong Lanjiang has always boasted that he was broad-minded and generous.

But now, in the face of Du De, who suddenly became strong, the depth of his heart suddenly became extremely dark.

This man hid too deep!

For so many years, it has been low-key and honest, but I did not expect to enter the land of evolution this time, and finally showed my true face.

This is ... I feel that this time, will I be able to step into the realm of Immortal Venerable?


The huge body of Golden Saint Python hit the ground fiercely.

Smashing this perfect earth into a snake-like deep ditch.

The hardest part of it was crushed by Chu Yu with a punch, and at the same time was crushed ... and the soul hidden there.

There is no reincarnation rune on this creature.

Dead is dead.

A little true spirit will follow the six ways to enter the lower realm, the day of returning again, I am afraid it is also far away.

Chu Yu's figure slowly landed from the sky.

Then he took a deep breath and looked at the group of people in Dong Lanjiang with a smile: "Son, the snake head, it's mine."

Dong Lanjiang laughed, clapping his hands hard.

"Okay! Okay! Okay, you are all virtuous, hiding deep enough! You stupid boy, with such a skill, why never show it before? It hurts us today, and you have to come back and treat me, fairy house No rejection! "

Dong Lanjiang looked very happy, even a little happy.

This is also the case when Dong Lanjiang is particularly happy on weekdays.

This made many people feel relieved.

Dong Gongzi still has a tolerant capacity!

The action of Dude just now was a bit excessive.

But Dong Gongzi deserves to be a big young man with a broad mind.

Everyone congratulated.

"Great! Dude, really have you!"

"It seems to Dude that this is about to explode! The future is rich, don't forget the brothers."

"It's already a legend to kill Golden Saint Python with one boxing, cow!"

Chu Yu showed a modest smile on his face, and seemed to be a little shy.

Subsequently, the people took out the magic weapon and divided up this golden holy python.

The most valuable thing of ordinary snakes is actually snake gall.

But the most valuable thing in the golden holy python is the snake head. Although the snake gallbladder is also very valuable, it is much worse than the snake head.

Dong Lanjiang directly distributed the snake head to Chu Yu.

It looks like everything is normal.

It seemed that the previous point was unpleasant, but it was just a small episode that had long since disappeared as the Golden Saint Python was killed.

But Chu Yu was very clear in his heart. Dong Lanjiang had already had a strong killing heart towards him.

Maybe here, or in a short time, will not show anything.

But when will it happen?

Chu Yu has also made preparations, and getting into trouble with Dong Lanjiang is only the first step.

In the next step, he will continue to slowly follow up with this group of people, a little bit of a rigid relationship, and finally deteriorated completely.

Then part ways!

Speaking of this, Chu Yu is not afraid to directly commit evil with this group of people, but if that is the case, it will be detrimental to their plans for the follow-up ancient sword.

They want to fight in the dark camp themselves, even if they are not friends with Gu Jian, Chu Yu will definitely help by righteousness.

Help others and be happy with yourself. why not?

After the whole golden holy python was divided, everyone ate a big golden holy python meal, and everyone ate a round belly and ran out of oil.

During this period, Tian Laojiu privately asked Dong Lanjiang: "How could Du De suddenly become so fierce?"

Dong Lanjiang took a sip of wine and quietly replied: "Tibetan."

"It's very deep! I just thought that this kid has a good talent and should have the opportunity to rush into the realm of Immortal Venerable, but now it seems that his future achievements are far more simple than an ordinary Immortal Venerable.

Tian Laojiu took a bite of roasted golden holy python meat and glanced at Chu Yu, who was surrounded by a group of people over there: "What will the son do?"

"Now is not the time to get him." Dong Lanjiang flashed a gloomy glance in his eyes, and took a sip of wine, then said lightly: "When he meets the chance, or before leaving here!"

"Understood!" Tian Laojiu nodded, picked up his wine glass, and touched Dong Lanjiang.

Why do you want to kill people in the land of evolution? The reason is very simple, not easy to check!

There are countless forbidden areas in the land of evolution, and accidentally breaking into it is basically a situation of ten deaths.

Therefore, it is difficult to tell whether the person died here or was killed in a restricted area.

Especially this Dude is their own.

How can one deal with oneself?


Dong Lanjiang and Tian Laojiu worked out well, and there was nothing wrong with their plans.

What they did not expect was that this **** Dude, in the following days, not only performed amazingly, but also very active!

After changing the previous reticence, the relationship with everyone in the team was good.

The strong will be welcomed everywhere!

In the process of showing strength, the people around them will gradually become recognized from the first dissatisfaction, and eventually become worship.

As Chu Yu once again killed a Xiaoyue Sirius of the same level as the Golden Saint Python, his prestige in the team also became higher.

The most valuable wolf head, this time without even waiting for Chu Yu to speak, many people took the initiative to propose: the wolf head should be owned by Dude!

This bastard!

How dare you do this in my team!

The murder in the heart of Dong Lanjiang is already beyond his control.

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