
Chapter 863: Detonate

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"Oh, since it was killed by Dude, then the wolf head should naturally return to Dude. Our team has always been the most fair and fair!" Dong Lanjiang said with a smile.

But this time, few people were eager to meet him.

Although Dong Lanjiang is distinguished, he has always been a leader in their circle.

But for now, Dude is too stunning.

It is conceivable that the future of this kind of people is bound to be unlimited!

The dark camp is now the time to expand vigorously.

In recent years, many newcomers have emerged in the dark camp.

The most recent one is Jiang Hanhan!

At a young age, they stepped into the field of immortal respect, and their fighting power was extremely powerful.

Become the commander of the 10th Army of the Xiao Dynasty.

As long as the Xiao Dynasty is captured, Jiang Hanhan will be a prince!

Everyone watched a rising star rise.

Who doesn't envy?

Not everyone has the ability of Jiang Hanhan, and not everyone has the opportunity to step into the field of Xianzun.

Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to enter the field of Xianzun, but Xianzun and Xianzun, that is not the same!

Standing at the level of Zhenxian, you can step into the realm of Immortal Venerable when you realize the supreme avenue, and step into the realm of Immortal Venerable.

But Yi and Wan Dao, can it be the same?

Otherwise, why do those big brothers in the dark camp sit in the sky?

Before Jiang Hanhan, they all missed. There is no opportunity to follow others.

So now, another Jiang Hanhan, just under their eyes, is showing great talent, combat power and dominance.

Dong Lanjiang's identity is noble, but if he is surpassed by Dude the day after tomorrow, then his future achievements must be inferior to Dude.

Which group of people can enter the land of evolution, which one is not an elite?

How to choose, how could they not understand?

Therefore, even if Dong Lanjiang does not seem to have the slightest ambitions for the rise of Dude, for this group of people, there is a long way to go, and there is a deep conclusion in the heart.

"Haha, the son is powerful!"

"Duke Tsang's flesh ... too terrible!"

"I think they all have the physical strength of Xianzun level."


Chu Yu's side, surrounded by at least a dozen people, all sincerely expressed praise to Chu Yu.

Sincerely, they even believed themselves.

With a calm smile on his face, Chu Yu said, "Dear brothers, don't kill me, wolf heads are not wolf heads. In fact, it's nothing. I wanted the snake head before because I was useful. I'm virtuous ... not the kind of insatiable generation."

With a look, he glanced at Dong Lanjiang: "Since we are here under the leadership of Mr. Dong, we should naturally listen to Mr. Dong!"

The smile on Dong Lanjiang's face was somewhat rigid. When does Xindao say it to you?

Chu Yu said seriously: "So, I think, this Xiaoyue Sirius, or everyone will share it! As for the wolf head, sell it back, everyone will share the money!"

"Hahaha, Du Gongzi is just!"

"It's really refreshing!"

"Duke, it's normal for you to be like this now. It's okay to laugh more. If you are serious, we won't dare to be close to you."

A group of people surrounded Chu Yu with a very enthusiastic attitude.

Dong Lanjiang rolled in anger.

Ha ha, Du Gong? Depends on you too? The poor are rich and rich, and they do n’t know how high they are! Do you really think that no one like me and Tian Laojiu can kill the Golden Saint Python, and no one can beat Xiaoyue Sirius?

OK, you slowly behave!

Dude, when you are most proud, it is your death time!

If there was any hesitation in Dong Lanjiang's mind before, then now, his attitude is extremely firm.

Because if you continue this way, this team will have nothing to do with Dong Lanjiang.

This group of people, but he spent an endless time, spent a lot of resources to get a little bit snagged.

Do you want to eat ready-made?

In your dreams!

Deep in the mountain of evolution, the ancient sword group has set up a large number of magic circles one after another.

They did not find a particularly good chance and character.

The mind is not completely there.

Gu Jian looked at a huge map in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Some of the main areas have been set up, and as soon as someone passes by, they will be activated immediately. We will also get news immediately on our side."

Yang Feng took a deep breath and smiled, "The bait is ready, it depends on when the fish is hooked."

Tu Guangming said: "Somewhat a little troublesome, this time Mulan Yingning and Mulan Yingxue are also here, hoping to be trapped, it is not them, otherwise ... a little difficult to explain."

Gu Jian laughed and said, "What can you explain? No explanation at all! Mulan Yingxue, maybe a little girl who doesn't understand shit, but her sister ... rest assured, smart!"

Tu Guangming nodded and smiled, "It's the same."

Bi Yuanqing smiled and said: "Mulan Yingning has always been indifferent to tranquility. I don't know why this time I suddenly came to participate in the battle for creation in the land of evolution."

Tu Guangming said lightly: "That's to say, it must be the old ancestor of the Mulan family, who pushed something."

Bi Yuanqing's mouth twitched: "Can the land of evolution also be deduced?"

"There is no place in this world that cannot be deduced, nothing more than more and less." Tu Guangming said.

At this time, Yang Feng suddenly said, "I don't know what happened to the Chu Yu brothers?"

Bi Yuanqing said: "That guy, I think it's pretty powerful!"

Gu Jian smiled and said, "It's not just awesome?"

Bi Yuanqing was a little surprised and looked at Gu Jian: "How?"

Gu Jian smiled and said, "Look, if he didn't disturb Dong Lanjiang's team, he would be called a hell!"

"He has this ability?" Bi Yuanqing frowned slightly.

Gu Jian nodded: "I'm optimistic about him!"

Bi Yuanqing said: "If so, then ... will he?"

Gu Jian shook his head and said: "The purpose is the same between us and Chu Yu, there is no conflict, he is a wise man."

He said with a smile: "Furthermore, I don't think he looks like someone who easily betrays his friends."

Bi Yuanqing said a bit stupidly: "Are you really taking him as a friend?"

In fact, this kind of thing seems a little difficult for many people to understand. After all, people belong to two different opposing camps.

Gu Jiandao: "Of course it is true! He is very interesting. You will like him more in the future. You will also like him."

Bi Yuanqing touched his chin, thoughtfully: "I think I still like girls more."

"Rolling!" Gu Jian scolded with a smile.

On the other side of the land of evolution, Jiang Yuanzhi, with at least seven or eighty people, has already acquired many treasures one after another.

Although the big fortunes have not yet appeared, they are not in a hurry.

There is still time for them to search slowly and carefully.

Du Guqian was divided into dozens of Xianzun level medicines.

Putting it outside is also a great asset. But she is not satisfied, in her opinion, at least one heaven medicine is also needed! Then get another big fortune, to get a better inheritance than the classics.

Primitive race, living with the world.

As the primitive race of creatures, it was soon discovered that there were a lot of condensed things in this world.

Once these things are used properly, they can quickly improve their cultivation and possess powerful magical powers.

Therefore, since then, various top-level treasures in the world have possessed extremely high value.

And these treasures, after all, are consumables. With the flow of time, their number will eventually decrease.

Therefore, if you can get ahead of others earlier, you will have a better chance than others.

If you step into the field of Xianzun earlier, you will have a better future.

Jiang Yuanzhi narrowed his eyes and murmured, "I don't know if those other people have achieved great fortune."

Du Guqian snuggled beside him, and said softly: "Master, in my opinion, we are so slowly looking for ourselves, it is better to stare at those other people ..."

Jiang Yuanzhi shook his head: "What do you know? No one can get into it. It's simple. You can count others, and others can count you too!"

In fact, these days, he has made people private, set up countless magic circles, and is also waiting for the fish to hook.

Only this kind of thing can't be disclosed to Du Guqian.

This woman is smart, but a little too smart!

In the view of Jiang Yuanzhi, it still belongs to the category of cleverness.

After all, the smart that can be seen at a glance is not really smart.

Du Guqian let out a laugh, and then laughed, said: "Anyway, people are just a girl, the owner gets a benefit, naturally will not forget me."

Jiang Yuanzhi patted her ass, smiled, and said nothing.

Du Guqian looked a little blushing, and looked at Jiang Yuanzhi with a wave of eyes.

Jiang Yuanzhi hesitated for a while, then yelled: "You little goblin!" Said, standing up, pulling Du Guqian and disappearing directly here.

Many people around looked at the eyes, the men were all envious, and the nuns were all blue and angry.

"This Hu Meizi!"

"Damn little bitch!"

"Why didn't she fall directly into the restricted area?"


Originally in this team, they all had the opportunity to follow Jiang Yuanzhi. But since this Du Guqian appeared, they almost completely occupied Jiang Yuanzhi, leaving them completely without the opportunity to approach Jiang Yuanzhi.

However, not long after the two had left, not far away, a roar of earth-shaking roar suddenly broke out.

Everyone here was startled.

Someone shouted, "No, it's Jiang Gongzi!"

Everyone flew up and rushed towards the place where Jiang Yuanzhi roared.

When they came here, they found that the place was empty.

Looking around, it doesn't look like there are signs of fighting.

"The **** **** must have counted the son!"

"Yes, definitely that shameless Hu Meizi! I have long seen her as not a good thing!"

Several nuns spoke one after another.

However, these people are difficult to accept this statement.

The woman?

She has that ability?

Jiang Yuanzhi's strength, but they knew it.

Far more powerful than it looks on the surface!

According to Du Guqian's kind, the total of one hundred may not be Jiang Yuanzhi's opponent.

Just when everyone was blank.

Suddenly, a corpse came down from the sky, crashing in front of everyone.

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