
Chapter 870: Heavenly Fruit

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It is the aura that comes with this light.

Just like a top immortal statue, glancing at it, Zhenxian has a feeling of breaking.

The level of this light is too high.

So this effect will appear.

Those who just flew over cannot say that they are not cautious enough. In fact, everyone turns on the defense to the strongest.

Unfortunately, in front of this light, those defenses are really vulnerable and fragile.

Chu Yu tried to use the avenue to ditch this light.

He carried out the celestial mind technique and walked a little inside.

He has a feeling, it seems ... to be right!

The murderous opportunity in this ray of light turned to disregard for Chu Yu, who was carrying out the celestial heart-killing technique, from the start of squinting.

Like a wicked dog, it was barking at the beginning, and may attack at any time, but it turned out that it was his family who had returned.

Chu Yu was like this, walking under the eyes of everyone, and walked in.

All the others were dumbfounded.

The next moment, almost everyone, all moved!

Everyone rushed towards this side.

Since Dude is all right, then they must be ok!

Dong Lanjiang is extremely fast. He didn't want to participate in the dispute just now. But deep down in my heart, I was really afraid of the **** of Gu Jian and Tu Guangming.

So he stood firmly on Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao's side.

Now that he was unable to fight this battle for a while, his mind was alive.

The beam of light in front of me is definitely a great fortune waiting for them.

Of course he especially wanted to get it.

But deep in his heart, there is still a thought. In fact, not only him, but also Tian Laojiu, everyone around him has the same thoughts.

That is: this creation, anyone can get it, and even Yu Shengjie they get it does not matter, but absolutely can not let Du De take away!

That white-eyed wolf!

Damn traitor!

Why are you still alive?

Looking at Chu Yu's solitude, their hearts were heartily.

But at the same time, the hatred became stronger.

If it were not for Chu Yu who had taken away the forty-odd people, their strength would not be much worse than that of Gu Jian.

Here, there is definitely a huge voice.

When rushing towards this pillar of light, Dong Lanjiang had already confessed to Tian Laojiu and others, and he must start with Du De later.


The fastest monk rushing, his body shattered instantly!

Died on the spot.

Reincarnation Fu Zhuan, directly reduced to ashes.

Everyone seemed to step on the emergency brake and quickly stopped.

A few of them didn't stop and bumped into it.

Puff puff……

Very miserable, the body shattered directly and died of fate.

"This ... what's the situation?"

At this time, everyone was stunned.

"Why can Dud Na's **** get in?" Tian Laojiu gritted his teeth, his angry voice full of jealousy and resentment.

Not far away in front of this beam of light, everyone felt the terrible pressure from the beam of light and the tingling sensation from the body.

"Why is Dude all right?"

"Is it possible for him to succeed in this creation?"

Everyone was unwilling.

At this time, Mulan Yingning and Sister Mulan Yingxue suddenly stepped forward and walked in from this light.

"No, there must be a problem!" Someone shouted.

Subsequently, Gu Jian and Tu Guangming and their group of people also began to penetrate one by one.

After a while, Yu Shengjie and others also entered.

None of these people had any abnormalities.

Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao almost followed them into the beam of light.

Dong Lanjiang was so anxious that he couldn't calm down.

At this time, there was finally one of his subordinates who preached: "Son, run the mental method! Running the mental method will be fine!"

With that said, the subordinate walked in directly, and his figure disappeared into the beam of light.

Dong Lanjiang was suspicious by nature, but now he couldn't help but doubt it.

Start running the mind, and found that tingling sensation, it really disappeared!

It turned out that it was necessary to ditch the avenue in this beam of light!

Damn it, why didn't I think of it before?

While Dong Zhenjiang was running his mind, he strode toward it.

After coming in, the scene changed instantly.

Found here, turned out to be a mysterious realm.

The secret realm in the land of evolution!

Dong Lanjiang was suddenly excited.

In the past experience, where there is a secret realm, there must be great fortune hidden in it.

And in the end can get the creation in the secret realm, and now all are the top powerhouses in the realm of Immortal Venerable.

I must get it!


Dong Lanjiang kept encouraging himself in his heart.

This mystery does not look large, only a few mountains suspended in the air. After Dong Lanjiang came in, he saw everyone flying towards one of the mountains.

He looked closely and saw a green tree growing on the top of the mountain.

The small tree is as tall as one person at most, the whole body is green, there are few leaves on it, but there are a lot of bright red fruits.

At this time, the earliest Dude was picking those Zhu Guo.

For some reason, his movements are very careful, every shot is like slow motion. It seems to be calculating and avoiding something.

Dong Lanjiang couldn't help it anymore, and his full strength broke out, and he rushed towards the hill.

"Gosh, is this the fruit of heaven?"

"It must be the fruit of the legendary Heavenly Dao, but I didn't expect this thing to be born!"

"Only exist in legendary gods! Hahaha, this time it really developed!"

Everyone is crazy.

Including the two sisters of the Mulan family, their eyes are also full of surprises.

There are at least 70 or 80 bright red vermillion fruits on this small tree!

This is not likely to have been picked by Chu Yu.

Even if you only get one, it will be a great fortune.

Heavenly Dao fruit is condensed by Heavenly Dao, and the Supreme Avenue is hidden in the flesh.

Eat one, you can comprehend the legendary avenue.

Mulan Yingning had arrived at the tree at this time, watching Chu Yu's movements, she couldn't help but ask: "How to pick?"

Chu Yu glanced at her and said, was the girl silly?

How will I pick you up?

So he smiled and said nothing.

Mulan Yingning also recovered at the moment, and he said why should people tell you?

Then she calmed down and began to perceive the situation of the tree.

Everyone knows that this kind of thing is not so easy to get.

At this time, a lot of people have come here. A small tree can stand up to ten people around.

Whoever comes early can occupy an ideal position.

Chu Yu is the best place with at least 30 fruits in front of him. And it is obviously bigger and fuller than those in other directions.

Someone wanted to squeeze towards Chu Yu. Chu Yu just glanced at each other coldly. The man felt like he was being stared at by a fierce beast, and was suddenly scared to move.

"Go!" Chu Yu whispered.

At this time, Mulan Yingning also seemed to find a trace of a rule, and stretched out a gleaming white jade hand, carefully, reaching for a fruit in front of him.

But at the moment when she was about to touch the fruit, a small lightning suddenly struck her.


A series of electric sparks lit up in Mulan Yingning's hands.

Mulan Yingning seemed to want to stand up and pick the fruit.

But at the next moment, she couldn't help making a low cry.


She drew her hand back quickly, and then could not help but take a breath.

Her hand was penetrated by the tiny lightning!

No blood ran out because the wound was burnt from the outside to the inside.

A flavour of meat even flew from her hands.

"Sister, are you okay!" Mulan Yingxue asked anxiously.

"It hurts ..." Mulan Yingning nearly shed tears in pain.

Chu Yu said leisurely on the side: "Not so good."

Mulan Yingxue glared at Chu Yu fiercely, but she was caught by her sister.

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu with a pair of wonderful eyes, and asked softly, "Then, Dudu, how do you pick them?"

In the effort to speak, Chu Yu had already picked Zhu Guo, and under the watch of the two sisters and then rushed to the crowd, he threw it directly into his mouth.

Chewing while saying, "It's delicious!"

Everyone: "..."

A group of people have killed him all!


It's so popular!

At this time, Yu Shengjie, who occupied a position, also reached out, reaching for a Zhu Guo, a fruit with bright colors.


A golden sword with only a big finger, as if born out of thin air, directly cut into the palm of Yu Shengjie.

Yu Shengjie's palm also turned into a bright gold!

Like a palm made of divine gold.


With a loud noise, Yu Shengjie groaned. But he stubbornly took off the Zhu Guo.

Without any hesitation, he threw Zhu Guo directly into his mouth and exclaimed: "It's delicious!"

But the next moment, his palms were bleeding like blood.

Yu Shengjie's face changed one after another, glancing around, and said to his companion: "You come to pick, be careful, this attack is too fierce!"

Speaking and retreating.

He stole a fruit from this tree, but he didn't have the confidence to get a second one.

The man occupying his position was not so lucky. He just stretched out his hand and cut his wrists together with a black light.

The man screamed and burst backwards.

But the black light rushed towards the man faster, and directly penetrated his eyebrows.

The reincarnation rune of the man lit up, and with his soul, he disappeared with a blow.

Actually ... dead!

Yu Shengjie's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

There are a total of 17 people in their team. Three of them have been damaged before, and now one is dead.

Even him, there are only fourteen left.

In this evolutionary place, they are already the weakest party.

Rao is so, the position here is still a sought-after.

With so many people, there are a total of ten positions that can be picked, and it is certain that conflict will erupt.

Chu Yu occupies the most advantageous position, and several people want to come over and squeeze him away, and they are all frightened by his eyes.

The Mulan sisters occupy two positions, and no one provokes them for the time being.

Although this is a place of evolution, it is ultimately going out.

The people of the Mulan family are less than a last resort, and no one wants to provoke them.

Yu Shengjie they always occupy a position.

Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao respectively occupy two positions.

Gu Jian, Yang Feng, Tu Guangming and Bi Yuanqing took up four positions.

By this time, there was almost no place.

When Dong Lanjiang arrived here, he found that if these people moved, he should still be able to leave a place for him, but these people were all very focused on picking fruits there.

Didn't see Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao behind him, there was also a group of people whose status was no worse than him, waiting patiently in line?

My Dong Lanjiang, there must be a position!

Dong Lanjiang thought, his eyes fell directly on Chu Yu.

He said in a deep voice: "Dude, are you picking up? Isn't it, you should give me the position?"

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