
Chapter 871: Dogfight

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The group of Tian Laojiu licked his lips like a group of hungry wolves, staring at Chu Yu.

If there is a disagreement, there are signs of direct action.

Among these people, what they hate most is the traitor Dude.

Chu Yu didn't return his head and said lightly: "Find someone else."

Dong Lanjiang suddenly got angry in his heart and gritted his teeth: "Don't blame me ..."

During the speech, he directly directed Chu Yu at the strongest blow he could hit so far.

He didn't even care if it would affect others.

Don't blame Laozi for setting the table without Laozi!

Do n’t think about anyone!

Gujian's group of kings and bastards, occupying four positions, why not be chopped to death by this heavenly tree?

The blow was fierce.

Condensed with all the anger of Dong Lanjiang, even the thought of ruining Tian Daoshu was born.

Everyone was shocked and angry at this instant.

Unexpectedly, Dong Lanjiang was so crazy.

Chu Yu was the first to bear the brunt.

This bang fell on Chu Yu.

After a loud noise.

Chu Yuwen didn't move.

This Heavenly Dao tree seemed to be unaffected by the slightest influence ... It also did not move!

Dong Lanjiang was stunned.

With this blow, he was confident that even if he couldn't shoot Dude directly, at least he would be seriously injured.

But the other party didn't even move!

My palm has clearly hit him, why is this still the case?

"Your palm is for my life." Chu Yu stretched out his hand slowly to pick a piece of Heavenly Dao fruit, and said lightly: "Once I owe you, your palm hit After that, it will be cancelled. Dong Lanjiang, if you dare to shoot me again, then you will regret it. "

Chu Yu said that the hand fell precisely on the fruit of Heavenly Dao and picked another one!

To stun everyone, he was not attacked at all.

This is too evil.

Everyone's eyes are a little long.

I feel particularly incredible.

Because so far, only Yu Shengjie has been injured, grabbing one from the tree.

No one else succeeded!

Don't look at a group of people around, but nobody dares to act rashly.

They are all deducing and calculating.

Want to find that pattern.

Dong Lanjiang was behind Chu Yu, his face green, and he said coldly: "Dude, you are ungrateful ..."

"Where are you so much nonsense! Go!" Chu Yu suddenly turned around and snarled at Dong Lanjiang.

Dong Lanjiang kicked back several times on the spot.

Chu Yu turned his head again, and threw that piece of Heavenly Fruit into his mouth.

This one is a bit crunchy and chewy.

"Huh, this taste is different again?" Chu Yu said to himself as normal.

Next, in the crowd's incredible eyes, Chu Yu picked another one, and after eating, Yuya grinned and said, "I'm going ... so sour ... Bah! Bah!"

Actually spit out most of the flesh.

Countless people are going crazy!

Mom, you're so sour!

Is it too much for you to spit it out?

Do you want us to pick it up?

However, it's too disgusting to think about it.

"Unfamiliar ..." Chu Yu frowned slightly, then stunned slightly, and then murmured: "It turns out so ..."

Then he continued to shoot.

"This is bitter ... yuck!"

"Bah, this one is so spicy ..."

ups and downs!

Among the fruits of heaven, there are various ways.

Either way, in fact, it leads directly to the heavenly way.

Just like I said before, it's not the same as getting a touch of avenue and stepping into the realm of Immortal Venerable.

Chu Yu's current state is clearly to get a posture of a thousand ways.

At this moment, the others actually got nothing!

All around the tree, all watching Chu Yu performing there.

Don't mention this feeling of discomfort.

The most uncomfortable thing is Dong Lanjiang.

After being criticized by Chu Yu, he really dared not shoot Chu Yu again.

It was really the blow just now that Chu Yu didn't respond and scared him.

Chu Yu scolded that sentence, and when someone heard it, it was an angry scolding sentence. But in the spirit of Dong Lanjiang's understanding of the sea, it has set off a terrible storm.

Dong Lanjiang also fully understood that Dude is no longer the same Dude as in the past.

In the land of evolution, I am afraid that it has already achieved an unimaginable transformation.

Although the current state of the two is the same, but the strength, but there is already a gap between the world.

Dong Lanjiang looked at the target with his eyes fixed, and he focused on Yu Shengjie's position.

Without hesitation, raising his hand was a blow and hit the monk.

The monk was always guarding Dong Lanjiang. When he saw him attacking, he did not hesitate at all. His backhand was a blow.


A roar of energy sounded instantly.

Dong Lanjiang was directly beaten and flew out, vomiting blood in the air.

The monk said coldly: "You are like this, I can fly freely on the ring."

It was quiet all around.

Dong Lanjiang was picked up by Tian Laojiu and others, and could n’t help but roar back to heaven: “Why? Why are you indifferent to a group of outsiders here? Are you still a dark camp?”

The monk said with a sneer: "Here, everyone's purpose is to find opportunities to get a chance, not yours, just go away!"

"Give me ... kill him!" Dong Lanjiang was completely angry.

The group of Tian Laojiu was also angry, watching a great fortune ahead of him, but there was no chance at all, who can calm down?

Forty or fifty people here, shot directly towards that person.

This place is so big in total, but this time, it covers everyone.

No matter how you pay attention, it will inevitably affect others.

"Damn, do you dare to hit me?" Duan Tianya carried the steel whip heaven soldier, and pulled hard to a Dongjiang who had affected him.


The man was directly pumped out, and the bones in his body were instantly broken.

This time, it seems like stabbing Ma Honeycomb.

Everyone started.

Some want to take advantage of the fire, while others want to protect themselves.

Chu Yu here ... suddenly became the hardest hit.

Because he is the one who hates the most.

Gu Jian, Yang Feng, Tu Guangming, Bi Yuanqing and others immediately withdrew. They didn't help Chu Yu blatantly, but they started to fight against those who rushed to Chu Yu.

Anyway ... none of this group of people want to let it go.


On this hill, violent roars suddenly sounded.

A group of monks in the real fairyland are directly grouped together.

In this case, Chu Yu naturally could not continue to pick fruit.

In fact, there are more than 20 pieces in his space bracelet!

I have just eaten while picking, and have already eaten seven or eight.

Seeing that many people were rushing towards him at this moment, Chu Yu immediately turned around and left without hesitation.

But at this time, the fruit of heaven in the area in front of him had already been picked by him, not much.

But at this time everyone had already killed their red eyes, especially the group of Dong Lanjiang, chasing Chu Yu crazyly.

The verdant tree of heaven was not affected at all.

No matter how fierce the fight is here, it doesn't even have a wave of a leaf.

Moreover, at the time when the crowd was playing the most intensely, someone suddenly shouted: "The Heavenly Dao Tree disappeared!"

Everyone looked there.

Sure enough, the little tree with a tall body and a tall body, with a lot of Heavenly Dao fruits hanging on it, disappeared in front of everyone from top to bottom like a little bit of stealth.

At this point, everyone completely let go.

Dong Lanjiang issued a death order to his own people. In any case, he would also kill Dodd.

The two sisters of Mulan's family retreated to the side after repelling several dark camp monks who had rushed to them without knowing their lives.

The fruit of Heavenly Dao was not collected, it was very depressed. This kind of battle, they do not want to participate at all.

It's just a group of neuroses, a group of lunatics!

At this time, Gu Jian finally contacted Chu Yu in secret: "Brother, start!"

In the form on the field today, Gu Jian they must have a certain upper hand.

And under the anger of this group of people, almost all of them lost their sanity and attacked each other frantically.

Those who have old hates on weekdays have completely exploded.

Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao and others also rushed to Tu Guangming without hesitation.

Chu Yu replied: "Okay!"

A dogfight starts here.

At this time, Mulan Yingning took her sister Mulan Yingxue, left the hill, and flew to another one!

There shouldn't be only one heavenly tree in this secret realm.

There are eight out of ten, there are other characters, let them fight here.

The two sisters of the Mulan family slipped away quietly. The others did not care, but stared at their opponents and stood directly together.

Yu Shengjie also wanted to go.

He really didn't want to participate in this kind of battle.

He just wanted to take the remaining twelve people, quietly watching the dark dogs bite each other.

Best to die together!

It was only at this time, how could this group of young Tianjiao in the dark camp let them go?

This time completely messed up.

Chu Yu fought fiercely with Dong Lanjiang and others. Dong Lanjiang also had to deal with people from the ancient sword camp.

Gu Jian and Tu Guangming faced young people like Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao who hated them.

Yu Shengjie's side is to face all the people in the dark camp!

They did not choose to ally with either party before, which led to both parties attacking them.

Chu Yu slapped a person who rushed over, and then discovered that the person was actually Tian Laojiu.

He also knew some of them with red eyes.

Du De is familiar with them.

Before entering the land of evolution, everyone in the Fairy House once pushed the cup and changed the cup together.

But now these people regard Chu Yu as the biggest enemy.

"Kill!" Gu Jian showed a long knife in his hand, and he cut a person who rushed towards him in half.

The reincarnation of the man, Fu Zhuan, had just lighted up, and was subsequently slashed by the ancient sword ... The Fu Zhuan was cut open!

So cruel?

Chu Yu glanced away from the distance, slightly stunned, and said that this group of guys ... is hidden!

The sword of Gu Jian was actually a heavenly soldier!

And it is also an almost perfect soldier.

How many are the best soldiers?

The black sword before, then the steel whip of Duan Tianya and the spear of Lu Huamao ... the fourth one!

It seems that this time the evolutionary place is indeed no less explosive equipment!

Chu Yu was a little emotional.

A large-scale head-to-head battle after entering the land of evolution did not unfold abruptly.

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