
Chapter 872: Do you have a magic shop?

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In fact, at this time, everyone knows that a war is inevitable.

The various entanglements and grudges between each other are too deep.

Especially Tu Guangming and Gu Jian have long been planned to kill this group of people in the land of evolution.

Therefore, the hatred of this evolutionary place is far more than the previous one.

Dong Lanjiang was fighting, hiding away from the crowd.

The next moment, he directly sacrificed a magic weapon.

This magic instrument blasted over the sky. It was a bowl of more than one foot in diameter. With the mouth down, thousands of lights poured out from this bowl.

Endless horror pressure bloomed.

Dong Lanjiang shouted angrily: "Close!"


This force is terrifying.

Everyone knew instantly that this was a top-level immortal magic weapon.

The camp of Dong Lanjiang rushed over a dozen people, and at the same time, mana poured energy into this bowl.

There is only one goal, Chu Yu.

Feeling the great force from the bowl, Chu Yu couldn't help but startle slightly.

Heart said this thing ... very strong!

That strength actually reached the level of the true Immortal Venerable.

Even Chu Yu is difficult to resist.

Look at Dong Lanjiang and these people, one by one the blue muscles burst, and his face is bloodshot.

It seems that even the babies who feed on the milk are brought out.

Obviously, it is self-evident that a group of them is struggling to control this magical instrument.

Seeing this, the ancient sword raised his hand with a knife and split into the bowl above the sky.


The bowl bowl directly released a violent force and bounced off the ancient sword.

At the same time, Gu Jian was also shocked by this force, vomiting blood and flew backwards.

At this time, Dong Lanjiang growled and said: "Come on again!"

Many monks belonging to the Lu Huamao and Duan Tianya camps also joined in there, inputting majestic energy into the bowl.

They are not stupid, and they all see that Dude is not only fierce, but also a group of people with Gu Jian!

Otherwise, Gu Jian, why are they going to attack those who rush to Dude?

This is unforgivable!


The bowl gleam glowed with vast light, and there seemed to be an endless roar of roads inside.

This force is really too powerful.

Chu Yu's body rose from the ground instantaneously and flew towards the bowl.

There was still blood flowing in the corner of Dong Zhanjiang's mouth, but he said loudly: "Just work harder, refine him!"

Everyone, the brutality deep inside, at this moment, was completely released.

More people joined the energy input to the bowl.

Gu Jian and others used this opportunity to attack those people frantically.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Yang Feng rose into the sky, carrying a rough embryo of a soldier, and slammed it toward the bowl.

At this moment, the bowl was almost completely activated. Yang Feng was spitting out blood from the bowl, but he didn't give up. He still carried the rough embryo of the Heavenly Soldier crazy and smashed the bowl.

In the distance, the two sisters Mulan Yingning and Mulan Yingxue stood on another mountain and looked at the scene.

Mulan Yingxue said: "Crazy, crazy!"

Mulan Yingning said solemnly: "Outside ... I'm afraid it's already changed!"


A breath of breath broke out from Chu Yu.

He has just swallowed the benefits of a lot of Heavenly Dao fruit, and at this moment, it is fully revealed.

There was already a faint blood, and it was full at once.

Even burst out of the body!

The blood contains endless glory of the avenue, forming a rune that wraps Chu Yu's body inside.

Then, a horrible voice of the road sounded around Chu Yu's body.

Shocked directly towards the bowl.

The bowl began to shake violently.

The next moment, the bowl Yu burst.

Almost all the sky in this mysterious area will collapse.

At this moment, all the monks who were inputting energy into the bowl were almost fatally hit.

Some people even explode on the spot!

Yang Feng was blown out by this force and vomited blood in the air.

However, on his body, the runes of various defenses lit up.

In fact, this guy has already achieved an unimaginable transformation.

It's been hiding all the time.

It was not until this moment that it appeared passively.

The main road runes outside Chu Yu's body poured into Chu Yu's body after the bowl broke.

At the next moment, Chu Yu, like a **** of killing, went directly to Dong Lanjiang.

Someone attacked Chu Yu with a magic weapon.

Chu Yu raised his hand is a punch.


The magic weapon of Xianzun class was actually beaten by Chu Yu, a fist.

On Dong Lanjiang's body, various defensive runes were illuminated.

At this moment, he felt a strong death threat.

Turn around and leave!

Even hating this virtue is not as important as life.

What he didn't expect from his dream was that Chu Yu immediately sacrificed seven or eight top-level Immortal Vessels.

A burst of brain hit Dong Lanjiang.

This is simply an unreasonable way of fighting.

Under normal circumstances, even with so many Immortal Venerables, it is impossible to control so many at the same time.

But now Chu Yu feels that the power in his body is about to explode!

Either consume these terrible energy, or ... just break through here.

But this land of evolution refuses the state of Immortal Venerable.

Breaking through here is undoubtedly a death.

Therefore, Chu Yu controls so many Immortal Venerable Classes at the same time, and still feels that there is a lot of power to vent.

He was so impressed that once again there were more than a dozen immortal-level magic weapons, darting to Duan Tianya who was fighting Tu Guangming and others.

Duan Tianya: "..."


Is this king **** house open Xianzun level magic shop?

Why are there so many immortal-level instruments?

Moreover, how could he control so many Immortal Venerable instruments at the same time?


There is a fairy-level magic weapon that explodes directly in front of Dong Lanjiang.

Dong Lanjiang was blown off an arm by this force on the spot.

He wanted to run, but he was surrounded by a lot of immortal magic instruments.

Can't help but let out a tremendous roar, and the highway runes outside his body condensed into a suit.

In his hand, again appeared a top-level immortal magic implement.

It is also a bowl.

It's just that this bowl is far worse in power than the previous one.

It belongs to an imitation.

Instead of attacking with this bowl, Dong Lanjiang collected himself.

At the next moment, when the bowl broke through the void, it was about to escape.

Chu Yu's body rose to the sky, raised his feet, and kicked hard towards the place where the bowl had disappeared.


The void in that place exploded.

The bowl that contained Dong Lanjiang was directly blown out.

At the same time, Dong Lanjiang was also very embarrassed to roll out of the bowl.

Bleeding the ears and nose, looked very embarrassed.

Chu Yu was expressionless, raising his hand was a punch.

On his fist, at this moment, a burst of colorful light ignited.

Only me!

Chu Yu directly blessed his unique divine skills on the fist seal.

A punch hit Dong Lanjiang in the face.

All the defenses of Dong Lanjiang were broken by Chu Yu's one punch.

His face is like a dyeing workshop, red and white flowing out together.

He was hit by Chu Yu's fist and broke his brain!

The reincarnation fuzhuan on his body had to take away his soul and break away.

This reincarnation fuzhuan is obviously a top-notch refining, much stronger than the reincarnation fuzhuan refining made by ordinary Xianzun.

Chu Yu killed Dong Lanjiang with a punch and turned to look at the group of people who besieged himself. In his eyes, there was a thick murderous opportunity.

At this moment, the murderous intention of this group of people in the dark camp is completely released!


The steel whip in Duan Tianya's hand hit the blade of Tu Guangming hard.

Directly smash this soldier blade in Tu Guangming's hands.

Tu Guangming vomited blood and retreated.

Duan Tianya attacked frantically.

"The surnamed Tu, you used the array, and killed countless people. Today, I will let you pay for those dead souls!" Duan Tianya snarled and rushed over, raised the steel whip in his hand, and continued to smash it crazy.

Tu Guangming laughed, spit out a blood foam from his mouth, and said lightly: "This is slandering."

"Lao Tzu is slandered!" Duan Tianya people are about to be mad and launch a crazy attack on Tu Guangming.

Chu Yu, however, was reaping the people in Dong Lanjiang's camp.

Almost a few rounds, a dark warrior in the real fairy realm was killed.

Yu Shengjie was fighting there, only to find that there were fewer and fewer enemies in front of him.

And the situation finally appeared their long-awaited ... dark dogs bite each other!

But at this time, there were only ten people left beside Yu Shengjie.

There were two people who were killed in the melee just now.

Yu Shengjie carried the Black Sword Heavenly Soldier in his hand, his eyes full of murderous intent.

But those who attacked him are gone.

"Shall we continue?" A nun, bathed in blood, came to Yu Shengjie with a strong fighting intent.

"Find a chance to play the black hand." Yu Shengjie said lightly.

At this time, someone said: "I think this is the time when we should leave here, just let them call."

Yu Shengjie glanced at the man who spoke, and said lightly: "I want to go, you go. My house is not a war zone, but I hate this group of dark camp people, every one of them should die! Every one!"

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in the monk's eyes just now.

Followed by Yu Shengjie in these years, it was indeed sheltered, but the same, Yu Shengjie this person is too conceited.

Although he was very powerful, he cut ten people on the ring and was hated by the monks of the dark camp.

But this character is also a little too radical.

Which one of them does not hate the dark camp? If so, which one does not want to kill the Quartet?

But in this situation, it is clear that we should not continue to participate.

Isn't it good to let this group of dark dogs kill each other?

At this time, Yu Shengjie found a dark camp monk closer to him. He sneered, and immediately lifted his sword and stabbed him.


The celestial soldier black sword in his hand pierced the monk's back.

The monk turned his head and looked at Yu Shengjie in amazement, a large amount of blood spattered in his mouth: "Shameless ..."

"Dark dog, also deserves to say that people are shameless?" Yu Shengjie withdrew his sword, and let the monks of the dark camp die, ignoring the reincarnation fuzhuan on the other side, but carrying the sword and ordering towards another The dark camp monks rushed over.

The sword slayed the man at the head, and then looked back: "It's that simple ..."

The word hadn't waited to be spoken, and suddenly felt a huge crisis hit.

Yu Shengjie's Hengjian felt that the opponent's power was too great to parry.


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