
Chapter 873: He is Chu Yu

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There was a loud noise, only then came.

But it was Duan Tianya, carrying Tianbing steel whip and hitting him hard.

The man who had just been killed by Yu Shengjie was a friend of Duan Tianya, so Duan Tianya even gave up attacking Gu Jian and rushed over with red eyes.

Fight with Yu Shengjie.

When Duan Tianya came over, a large number of dark camp monks also rushed over.

Yu Shengjie shouted: "Come and help, kill them!"

The ten people gritted their teeth and rushed over.

But it won't work either. If Yu Sheng excels, they can't survive in the evolutionary land.

It was easy to withdraw from the battle, and was involved again.

The ancient swords on their side suddenly became relaxed and joined together to form a group of killing formations, madly harvesting the life of the monks in the dark camp.

They specifically killed people in the dark camp. At this moment, they formed a kind of tacit understanding with the group of Yu Shengjie.

This battle lasted three days and three nights.

Gu Jian's losses on their side were also extremely heavy. In the end, there were more than 20 people left.

Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao have only seven or eight left.

There are four people left beside Yu Shengjie.

The whole camp of Dong Lanjiang was wiped out!

Everyone was killed!

Until now, almost everyone has no energy.

No matter how powerful the energy is, there is always a moment of exhaustion.

Who dares not go all out in this level of battle?

Chu Yu also looked a little embarrassed. There were many dark camp monks who died in his hands, at least twenty or thirty.

For Chu Yu, this battle is really an addiction!

The most important thing is that he still bears the name of the people in the dark camp.

The sense of the bright and solemn slaughter of the young Tianjiao in the dark camp is really wonderful.

Many monks in the dark camp died, only to show the body, all kinds of wolves, tigers and leopards, everything.

Chu Yu even killed a huge caterpillar.

After being cut off with a soul soldier, he revealed the body, and the colorful things flowed out.

The soul soldier was almost thrown by him.

The crowd temporarily stopped their hands. Chu Yu had stood on the side with Gu Jian and others, facing Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao.

Yu Shengjie took the four surviving monks in another direction.

Their strength is still the weakest.

But if he was not forced to participate in the war, their power is not the strongest at the moment, but at least it will be slightly better than Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao.

The monk who persuaded Yu Shengjie to leave is still alive, but there are dozens of large and small wounds all over his body, and he is breathing there.

At this time, on a hill next to it, suddenly a rune flew out.

Everyone looked over there.

It was the mountain where the two sisters of the Mulan family had flown before.

Everyone's eyes showed strong resentment.

We are here to kill or fight, but you are looking for opportunities?

No one spoke, but a strong feeling of jealousy emanated from this group of people.

Chu Yu nodded at Gu Jian and strode towards Shengjie.

Yu Shengjie crossed the Heavenly Soldier Black Sword in his hand and looked at Chu Yu coldly. Although he didn't speak, his fighting intentions burned a little.

"I'm not here to fight you." Chu Yu said.

Yu Shengjie did not relax, but was still alert to guard Chu Yu.

This man named Du De did not show up before, but in battle, he was the most ruthless.

If it wasn't for him that he never shot against the people on Shengjie's side, I'm afraid that now beside him, there aren't even four people left.

"What do you want to do?" Yu Shengjie asked coldly.

"Talk." Chu Yu sat down on a stone and looked at Yu Shengjie, said: "It's almost the same level, right?"

"What is the same?" Yu Shengjie's eyes looked at Chu Yu coldly. If he could, he would now cut Chu Yu with a sword.

It is a pity that he has almost no energy.

If the two sisters of Mulan's family are killed suddenly, it may cause serious casualties.

Because of the presence of these people, there is still a lot of fighting power, really few.

Chu Yu said: "Here, you can't kill all the people in the dark camp, even if you really have that strength, but you have to die outside the land of evolution, believe it?"

Yu Shengjie sneered and seemed to disdain, but he also understood that Chu Yu was telling the truth.

"So, you go, leave here, let's truce!" Chu Yu said.

"You said you left?" Yu Xiujie's lady next to him sneered and looked at Chu Yu: "We are still here to continue to look for opportunities!"

Chu Yu looked at the nun, and said that she really didn't know what to do!

There are more than 20 people left on the ancient sword side. They were just discussing. Should we take the opportunity to kill Yu Shengjie directly!

They coveted the black sword of Shengjie in Shengjie's hands, but not one day or two.

This group of people was originally lawless, not to mention that they were two camps with Yu Shengjie.

Just kill it, what else?

Does anyone dare to run into the heart of the dark camp to get revenge?

Stop it, even the top Xianzun gangster doesn't have the courage.

Breaking into the den of the dark camp is really looking for death.

This idea was reluctantly suppressed by Chu Yu. Only then did he come to talk to Yu Shengjie and talk with them.

Unexpectedly, this group of people didn't sympathize with a "dark dog."

He even thought he had ulterior motives.

Chu Yu was too lazy to care about the nun, and looked at Yu Shengjie: "I don't think you are a fool. Although you have a strong combat power, you cannot crush everyone."

Yu Shengjie looked at Chu Yu intently.

Chu Yu also looked at him without hesitation.

"Before, I underestimated you." Yu Shengjie nodded and stood up: "Let's go!"

The four people were startled slightly, especially the nun, who looked at Yu Shengjie a little dazedly.

You know, Yu Shengjie was the most fierce before. He refused to say anything.

But why are you leaving now?

Could it be that this is not possible?

Yu Shengjie didn't explain anything, and took the four people and left the secret place directly.

The people of Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao just watched not far away, and did not stop them.

Everyone is in a crazy recovery this time.

Now compare, who is recovering first.

After Yu Shengjie took the four people out, the woman Xiu couldn't help but ask, "Why? Why should I leave?"

Yu Shengjie glanced at her and explained with a cold face: "Do I have to explain things to you?"

"You ..." Nun Xi's eyes turned red instantly, sobbing: "Yu Shengjie, you are so proud!"

"Yes, our group of people have lived to this day because of your protection in these evolutionary places over the years."

"But again, you got that pile edge because of us."

"We have given you the best for all."

"Even when Xiaozhi died, he even communicated with Tianbing Black Sword for a long time ... I want Black Sword to follow you.

"Aren't you indifferent to these? How can your heart be so hard?"

The other three looked at Yu Shengjie's gaze and became a little indifferent.

The so-called good birds choose wood to inhabit, and the birds need to choose where to find their feet. Not to mention the arrogance of these days.

Although Yu Shengjie is strong, he is too stunned for his own use.

Everyone actually sees clearly. He only became stronger with the black sword in his hand and the fate of the pile machine. Even if this is the case, he has not been able to do anything before!

What would be the result if there was a superb Heavenly Soldier in that Dude's hand against Yu Shengjie?

These people were reluctant to think about this problem.

But now, they have to think about it.

The answer is self-evident-Yu Shengjie is not Dude's opponent!

The dark camp is all bad guys, they should all kill, they should all die!

Today, this group of people still think so.

Because this is the source of power that supports them to continue their efforts.

It's like a Tao.

They chose it themselves.

If doubt arises, then the Tao heart of this Tao will be broken.

But Nadud did not have any grievances with them, and he was still considering them even when he had grievances with Yu Shengjie.

Even if they do n’t want to admit it, they must face their own conscience and say: This is humanity!

If they stubbornly do not go, the result will definitely be miserable.

Even if they can fight a large number of monks over the ancient sword, can they still live?

The female Xiu tears couldn't help but fall down, and looked at Yu Shengjie: "It is you who is asked to stay, now you are going, and you. Ask you a sentence, but you come directly, do you need to explain to us? ? Don't you think it's too much? "

Yu Shengjie looked at the nun with a blank expression, and then looked at the other three.

Then he sighed and said, "That man said to me that he is not Dude!"

The four men froze on the spot.

Stupidly looked at Yu Shengjie.

"Then he?" Nun Xi suddenly forgot the unhappiness with Yu Shengjie, and immediately asked: "Who is it?"

"Chu Yu." Yu Shengjie grinned and raised the name reluctantly.

"My God ... Chu Yu? Isn't he ... isn't he dead?" Sister Xiu was excited and even stuttered.

The eyes of the other three monks lit up at this moment.

"Gosh, I can't believe it, Dude ... is Chu Yu?"

"I understand, I understand!" Another monk said in a row: "I said, when he was in Mulun City, Chu Yu was so high-profile, and even foolishly ran outside the city, and was killed by a group of people. Now. "

The monk said in surprise: "Now I finally understand, it turns out ... this is a huge game!"

"The relationship between Chu Yu and Gu Jian and Tu Guangming is very good, and I have been with those people before."

"Now, he has become a Dude, and those people are still helping him. Doesn't it mean that Gu Jian they ... have known for a long time, no, no, it's a matter of fact, that is Gu Jian they have long been Designed! "

The monk took a breath and muttered, "Chu Yu ... Du De was actually Chu Yu. This is the most powerful young Tianjiao in our camp!"

Yu Shengjie's face was very dark, but he did not refute it.

In fact, at the moment when he heard Chu Yu's self-defeating identity, he was also a little scared.

So without hesitation, he took the crowd away.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Yu Shengjie had to think in his heart: That Chu Yu, he was better than himself!

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