
Chapter 884: Because you look ugly

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"Let's go!"

Mulan Yingning was really scared.

This mist is clearly a restricted area.

That big guy, is it because they want to harm them?

She now regrets somewhat, leaving her younger sister outside. Once that big guy really has bad thoughts, I am afraid Mulan Yingxue may not be its opponent.

She is now very worried about her sister, and at the same time is also very worried about the uncertain situation in front of her.

Chu Yu's voice sounded in Mulan Yingning's mind: "You first quit, I will break, and wait for me outside after going out. Dahei will not betray!"

With that said, Chu Yu's figure disappeared instantly, and at the next moment, in the depths of the mist that Mulan Yingning couldn't see, a series of loud noises sounded again.

The terrible roar shook the earth.

"Ah, be careful!" Mulan Yingning was really worried about her sister at this moment. Seeing Chu Yu refused to leave, she could only bite her teeth and retreat first.

They didn't get too deep into this mist, so Mulan Yingning retreated outside in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that my sister was sitting on Dahei's shoulder just right and chatting with Dahei, she was relieved.

"Sister, why did you come out so soon? Brother Chu Yu? Why didn't he come out?" Mulan Yingxue looked behind Mulan Yingning.

Mulan Yingning sighed softly and said, "He hasn't come out yet."

"Ah? What happened inside?" Mulan Yingxue looked worried.

Mulan Yingning couldn't help but be shocked.

Such a fierce fight inside, you can't even feel it outside?

Sure enough, after she came out, the voice inside was completely inaudible.

Mulan Yingning glared at Big Black: "What's going on inside? You don't want to jump out of me word by word! I know you can talk!"

Mulan Yingxue shrunk her neck. Why did her sister get so angry? Did something happen inside?

Da Hei looked at Mulan Yingning blankly, thinking for a long time, before saying: "There is a person inside, I am afraid. But there is a superb baby ..."

Mulan Yingning: "..."

Well, this thing is simply an intellectual disability.

To say that it is wise, really lift it up.

It doesn't make much sense to keep following it. Chu Yu refused to come out.

My sister is okay. At this moment, she was worried about Chu Yu.

Entering again, but fearing that it will become a burden for Chu Yu.

"Ah, it's really not worrying!"

Mulan Yingning stomped her feet bitterly, rarely showing a little girlish attitude.

Mulan Yingxue sitting on Dahei's shoulders looked a little dumbfounded, but she was very reasonable and silent. Otherwise, she estimates that her elder sister will be angry and angry.

In the mist.

Chu Yu has played dozens of rounds with this humanoid.

The opponent's strength is too strong, too fast!

Speaking of supernatural powers, there is no real supernatural power.


The opponent is not only fast, but also powerful.

Chu Yu tried to show off his magical powers, but after trying it out and found it completely useless, he gave up.

Here, only close combat.

No matter what magical power, it seems to have lost its function.

Not to mention hitting people, even this mist can't dispel a little bit.


The opponent hit Chu Yu again.

A fist print appeared on Chu Yu's chest instantly.

The two have been fighting for a long time, and the other has been empty-handed.

Chu Yu's horizontal knife was blocked in front of his chest, and was shocked again.

But his left hand was full of colorful light, and he ran alone on the fist print of his left hand, and bombarded him.

Just hit the opponent's left chest.


A low growl.

The other person's figure disappeared there.

All around, quiet.

Needle drop is audible.

As if this place had no signs of activity.

As if the battle just happened, it was a dream bubble.

The metal ball suddenly gave a hint, Chu Yu slashed towards that direction.


In the mist, an earth-shaking buzzing sounded.

A huge water tank ...

Let's call it a water tank, as if cast from bronze, with a diameter of tens of meters. Covered directly towards Chu Yu.

Damn it!

The other party also has weapons!


This large bronze cylinder directly held Chu Yu inside.

Then I heard someone outside knocking on the big tank.



Chu Yu spurted blood out directly.


This is not a tank, it is an ancient bronze clock!

And it contains an unimaginable supreme avenue.

Only one moment, let Chu Yu vomit blood.

At this moment, the small metal ball at the eyebrow was the most trembling.

This bronze old clock, nine out of ten, is the treasure in the **** mouth.

It's just this baby, actually in the man's hand.

Damn it!

Dahei, you are a scumbag.

Chu Yu now wants to scold his mother.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The other party banged the bronze bell crazy outside.

The sound wave that came with it, with a force of extinction, constantly blasted towards Chu Yu.

Chu Yu vomited blood one after another.

Run exercises to resist.

Then the knocking sound outside stopped.

But then, there was a terrible heat attacking Chu Yu.

From all directions, this heat is like an oven formed by the avenue. Chu Yusheng should be refined in this!

This is the real killer!

Without saying anything, Chu Yu sacrificed Tianbao gourd directly.

"Huluwa, it's up to you!"

After the Tianbao gourd was sacrificed, it immediately began to absorb this heat.

The light on the gourd also became stronger and stronger.

This hot avenue seems to be the nutrition of Tianbao gourd.

This gourd is growing up at a rate visible to the naked eye.

I go……

Chu Yu looked dumbfounded.

The heart said it wouldn't really jump out a baby from the gourd?

Fortunately, this incident did not happen.

After the Tianbao gourd grows to a length of a foot, it stops.

But the light on the gourd's surface became more and more dazzling.

Chu Yu thought about it and sacrificed the lava fire that contained the endless years of refining and refining in his body.

Although the fire of lava is not good now, but in Chu Yu's body, he has endured endless years and grew up with Chu Yu.

Appeared outside at the moment, was suddenly sucked by Tianbao gourd.

Then Chu Yu threw out Skyfire again.

Skyfire was also sucked away by the gourd.

Chu Yu even had a feeling that both Skyfire and Lava Fire seemed very excited.

This has further confirmed some of his guesses. This day's gourds not only have a strong ability to restrain the fire in the world, but also can contain them!


It's like being blessed with misfortune.

Life and death can never be separated.

And inside this ancient bronze bell, a large number of hot avenues are still released.

This heat is actually an invisible fire.

A monk with a slightly worse state, once entangled in this kind of fire, can't run away.

Damn, it's so cruel!

Thanks to Tianbao gourd.

Did the **** of Dahei bring me here because he knew that Tianbao gourd was in my hand?

Chu Yu think about it, this possibility is really great!

With Tianbao gourd, when Chu Yu faced this fire again, she had already calmed down.

He simply sat down cross-legged and began to exercise his mind, constantly in-depth understanding of the avenues on the four walls.

Then, use this fire to refine yourself.

If such a move is known, Chu Yu will definitely feel like a lunatic!

Using Daohu to refine yourself is even more crazy than using Heaven Tribulation to refine yourself.

This is equivalent to self-mutilation and self-abuse, because Chu Yu just grinned at the beginning.

The feeling that the soul was burned by the fire was no less than a heavy blow from the enemy.

This is still a voluntary application.

But this kind of tempering, once it passes, the benefits are endless.

Therefore, if you want to be a man, you don't have to endure hardships and never think about them.

Even if there is one of the most powerful dads in the world, if he doesn't work hard, he never wants to be a real strong man.

A humanoid ... Let's just say he is a human being.

Because he only looks like a human, but in fact, he belongs to another rare race.

All his face was hidden in the darkness.

Sitting on the bronze ancient clock, he is constantly running the exercises.

He wants to thoroughly refine that creature inside.

With the top baby on that creature!

He had sensed it before.

It was precisely because he sensed the existence of the baby that he took the initiative to show up.

Fighted with the human and found that the opponent was quite strong. Although not as powerful as him, he was very cunning.

The understanding of fighting is not worse than him.

Therefore, he sacrificed his hole cards!

This Tianbao ancient clock!

This ancient clock is his greatest support, but at the same time, it is also the thing he hates the most.

How long has it been in?

He can't remember.

Anyway, as the land of evolution opened one after another, he had already killed the genius who came in seven or eight.

According to the epoch algorithm outside, should billions of years have passed?

At first, he got this Tianbao ancient clock, but he was trapped here forever.

After the endless years, he has basically lost the ability to communicate with people. Only the most basic things are left.

Practice, live.

He wanted to go out, but he couldn't get out of this mist!

Each time, he could only walk to the edge of the fog and could not see the light outside, and was pulled back by an invisible force.

In endless years, he tried hard too many times.

It simply can't be counted.

But every time, it is a failure.

To this day, he did not understand what he was cursed by.

So that he could not escape this fog.

What he hated was that the other creatures could run out!

For example, the girl just now.

What a pretty girl!

He had intended to take that girl away and make her his woman.

Although he is not a human race, he has existed in endless years like a human being.

Aesthetics have already become human aesthetics.

Since you can't escape, you will become the king here.

The key problem is that there is no other creature besides him in this ghost place.

"I, why, trapped, this place?" This person is doing Xuan Gong, trying to refine Chu Yu, making a very dry sound in his throat.


The bronze bell was suddenly opened.

He was also lifted off the bronze bell.

A figure radiating with golden light, carrying a knife burning with seven colors of light, slashed toward him.

"Because you look ugly!"

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