
: Eight hundred and eighty-five statues of Evil Venerable

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These words hurt people.

Even if this humanoid has been trapped here for ten billion years, even if he has long forgotten what he looks like.

But the word ugly, he was quite reluctant to listen.

It seemed to remind him of a particularly unpleasant memory.

He couldn't help roaring.


One of his arms was cut off.

Okay, now it's more painful.

A scream came from the mouth of this humanoid.

He threw the Tianbao ancient clock directly and smashed it hard to Chu Yu.

Inside that ancient clock, the majestic avenue power burst out.

Chu Yu threw a gourd at him.

The gourd mouth directed at him, Chu Yu said: "Hey, second goods, I call you, do you dare to agree?"


The humanoid sent a roar of anger.

But I saw that inside the gourd burst into flames.

It was even more terrible than the fire of his Tianbao ancient clock, and he instantly submerged him.

The humanoid sent out a terrible howl, the fire burning faster on him than Chu Yu imagined.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this humanoid was almost burned to death.

This surprised Chu Yu.

Inside the Tianbao gourd, it is just absorbing the fire of the Tianbao ancient bell, combining the fire of lava and the skyfire.

Is there such a great power?

At this time, this creature seemed to be relieved, and issued the only burst of laughter in tens of billions of years: "Ha ha ha ha, I am dead, you will replace me, you will always be trapped here, you, never think about going out Now ... "

Between the words, the flames in his body became more intense!

Although it is constantly uttering an extremely painful wailing, the voice is indeed full of understanding.

Is he igniting his Daoguo?

Chu Yu stunned slightly, he understood a little, why this man burned so fast.

Under normal circumstances, this humanoid can never die so fast.

This is all understood!

But why does he think he will be trapped here?

"Are you sick?" Chu Yu asked.

"You ... can never escape, this is a ... curse!"

"I'm in the dark, watching you ... watching how you were trapped here!"


The last ray of thought in this soul disappeared.


Tianbao ancient clock directly hit the ground.

Chu Yu frowned slightly. What would I do to replace you and be trapped here forever?

Although I don't believe this guy at all.

But it is inevitable that there are some whispers in my heart.

After all, this life is so miserable, but still feels a relief.

But this terrible guy is dead after all.

His gaze fell on this ancient treasure clock, frowning slightly.

This thing is definitely a baby. Although it is not a regular sword shape, it has an unparalleled attack power.

This is still at the level of Zhenxian. If you reach the level of Xianzun, you should exert more power.

Compared with Tianbao gourd, it is not inferior.

Chu Yu did not hesitate too much, preparing to sacrifice this ancient treasure bell and take it as his own.

Just beginning to refine, Tianbao ancient clock flew to Chu Yu's Dantian in an instant.

Lying trough?

Was it successful at once?

This is like meeting a **** pet and wanting to recruit it to become your pet.

Ready for a long battle.

After all, as a pet of God, how can you get it so easily?

But as soon as there was a beckoning over here, God's pet over there ran over.

Kneeled directly ...

This top-level magic weapon has a strong spirituality, and it may even condense the spiritual spirit like the stone tower.

Is it all so unruly?

The master had just hung the moment before, and he was directly transferred to the enemy's arms in the next second?

Should it look like this?

Should n’t it?

Chu Yu was a little dazed.

After all, the Tianbao ancient clock is different from the Tianbao gourd.

Hulu was because her old lady was defeated by Chu Yu, and it was time for her to ripen. When she encountered such a powerful existence as Chu Yu, she directly attached.

This ancient bronze bell was previously the magic weapon of this dead creature!

Is it impossible to curse?

Chu Yu really felt a little fluffy at this meeting.

But things have already happened, and now it is too late to repent.

Besides, after all, it is a treasure, and it does n’t make sense to abandon it, does it?

After receiving the bronze old clock, the metal ball at the eyebrow was still shaking violently.

And it seems ... to be more trembling than when he discovered the four-walled chamber!

Isn't it?

Chu Yu was really surprised.

Could it be that this place, the real masterpiece, is not this ancient clock?

In accordance with the guidance of the metal ball, Chu Yu constantly changed direction and walked far away in this mist.

Suddenly, a terrible force suddenly struck.

Just like a clear sky, suddenly a heavy rain began.

This force came too suddenly, and even Chu Yu was not at all prepared.

He didn't even resist it, and was directly sucked into a strange space by this force.


This place turned out to be a secret place!

And this mystery is very small.

One mountain, one lake.

There is a huge and unmatched statue on the mountain.

The statue is too big!

So that the whole mountain looks like the base of the statue.

The shape of the mountain is like a blooming lotus.

Facing the direction of Chu Yu, the statue is a fierce and evil creature.

Chu Yu has never seen such creatures anywhere.

Very strange.

This soul exudes an ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes.

It seems to exist here for a trillion years.

The lake under the mountain is red.

At first glance, I thought it was made of blood.

But looking closely, Chu Yu found that the lake was very clear.

You can even see the scene at the bottom of the lake!

The lake reflects the statue of the fierce and evil spirit, and the lake is without waves.

Gives a very strange feeling.


A buzzing sound that came from nowhere was immediately heard in Chu Yu's spiritual knowledge.

Chu Yu's body shook slightly, and then angrily said: "Who? Get me out!"

This buzzing sound actually wanted to block his spiritual consciousness!

Like the invisible, but ubiquitous chain, he should know his entire spirit and lock it up!

With Chu Yu's anger, there was also a slight fluctuation in the metal ball, which directly broke up this force.

At this time, when I looked at the statue on the top of the mountain, my eyes suddenly opened.

Those eyes are extremely scarlet, emitting the most evil light in the world.

At this moment, this statue is like a living creature!

It stared at Chu Yu, and in his eyes, he shot countless highway runes!

The rune was golden and brilliant, exuding an endless amount of repression.

At this moment, Chu Yu finally understood why the living creature was finally relieved by that tragic method of death.

Under normal circumstances, he may want to die to death!

Then Chu Yu burned him with the fire in the Tianbao gourd, and he ignited his own fruit.

Even if the smoke is extinguished, you must completely leave this ghost place.

It must be the ghost of this statue!

The golden avenue runes shot from the eyes of the statue gave Chu Yu a feeling that his body was about to shatter.

It's like blasting!

I can't control my kind.

A glance can show people to death, what kind of creatures would it take?


Even Xianzun, does not have this ability?

This creature is at least at the level of the top gangster in the dark camp.

At this moment, the metal ball continuously emits energy fluctuations.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

In the sky, the golden highway runes kept exploding.

The **** lake at the bottom of the mountain, which was originally calm and calm, suddenly set off a huge wave!

The **** wave surged up and slammed towards Chu Yu.

Transform into various visions!

There are ancient humans with bone spears and hairs scattered around the animal skin; there are generals who ride on the gods and beasts, wearing armor and carrying halberds; , Constantly throwing petals out ...

That petal, but with a shocking murderous opportunity!

Everything, all rushed to Chu Yu in an instant!

What's so special is that it's a killing bureau and a restricted area. Where is the character?

Faced with this kind of repression, not to mention Chu Yu, even if he successfully stepped into the realm of Immortal Venerable, he could not stop it!

At this time, the metal ball directly flew out of Chu Yu's eyebrows and burst into golden light.

At this moment, it seems to be completely alive.

Dribbling around in the void.

The golden light formed a mask to protect Chu Yu inside.

Just then, the fierce and evil statue on the mountain stood up.

Then he bent down, stretched out his huge palm, and grabbed it toward the metal ball.

Its movement, even if Chu Yu was under the shelter of the light mask, still had a feeling of splitting.


He spit blood.

"I am a deity, suppress all evil spirits in the world!"

Suddenly the statue said, "Kneel!"

His big hand changed from catching to the metal ball and shooting towards Chu Yu.

"What are you ... the evil spirit!"

Chu Yu creaked.

Standing there reluctantly, it is difficult to make movements.


An unimaginable avenue of breath broke out again in the metal ball.

At this moment, Chu Yu suddenly felt that all the Dao he had were not worth mentioning in front of the Dao that burst out of the metal ball!

Although the gap between Firefly and Haoyue did not reach the same level, it was not much worse.

What is this ball?

Chu Yu was really shocked.

How did it appear in front of itself?

What can I do?

This is not ridicule, but at this moment, Chu Yu's voice.


The big hand patted by the statue burst into pieces.

Although the metal ball is just a ball, at this moment, it looks like a peerless powerhouse.

Yuanzhu Yuezhi stopped there, did not see the shot, but made the enemy frightened.

At this time, the entire Blood Lake seemed completely crazy.

Come here completely.

More visions appeared there.

But all attacks were blocked by the glow of the metal ball.

Like an indestructible copper wall and iron wall.

Despite the rain and the wind, it won't move.

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