
Chapter 894: Mulan Patriarch

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Mulan Yingning froze for a moment and smiled at Chu Yu: "Let's go."

From here, there is still a long distance to the place where the ancestors of the Mulan clan closed.

However, for the monks of the real fairyland, it is nothing, and it will not take long to hurry up.

But Mulan Yingning seemed to be not in a hurry, and with Chu Yu, she slowly flew over the Mulan.

Many people saw Mulan Yingning fly to the ancestor with a handsome man.

Coupled with the fact that the ancestors just shot back several offenders, the Mulan tribe was a bit sensational for a time.

Everyone doesn't know exactly what happened, but they know that a pearl of the Mulan clan seems to have a master!

For a time, I do not know how many hearts are secretly in love with the young Junjie Mulan Yingning sad and lost.

But no one rushed into the sky to find Chu Yu's trouble.

Mulan Yingning was quiet and elegant in the Mulan ethnicity on weekdays, but it does not mean that she is bullying.

Anyone who really knows her is very clear, this princess of the Mulan has never been bullied.

Mulan Yingning gave Chu Yu a brisk introduction to various things on the Mulan side.

Chu Yu also learned from her mouth that the top giants of the dark camp like the Mulan are actually very low-key.

There aren't even many Mulan people walking outside.

Most people live here all year round and rarely go out.

"There are many people who are not the Mulan people here, they are the subordinates of the old ancestors." Mulan Yingning said to Chu Yu with a smile: "If they are willing to come out of the mountain, some forces in the dark camp The pattern will even change. However, these people have long been tired of the disputes outside, and would rather cultivate their minds here. "

Chu Yu nodded, but he was thinking in his heart. If so, why did he have to launch a dark age?

However, he did not ask Mulan Yingning. This kind of question is afraid that Mulan Yingning could not answer him.

Subsequently, he followed Mulan Yingning to the retreat of the Mulan ancestor.

A very simple thatched house.

At the door was the young boy in blue, who was sitting there drinking tea alone.

Seeing Mulan Yingning and Chu Yu, the teenager smiled: "Not bad!"

The distance is very close, we can see that the teenager has a ruddy complexion and looks very handsome.

If it weren't for his incomparably old voice, it was hard to believe that this man would be the ancestor of the entire Mulan tribe.

Chu Yu aimed at the young boy Shili: "The juniors have seen Mulan Patriarch."

The blue boy waved his hand and pointed at the small wooden bench next to him: "Sit!"

As he said, he glanced at Mulan Yingning: "Please sit down."

Then he blinked at Mulan Yingning and asked naughtyly: "Boy, do you say my skin is like this? Pretty handsome?"

Mulan Yingning showed a bit of a cry of laughter, her ancestor, from time to time will show the appearance of young, come out and walk around.

But most of the time, it is a tall old man who looks like a child.

The image, relatively speaking, is more majestic. If you raise your face, you don't even need to exhale any breath, it will make you feel breathless.

The ancestor appeared as a teenager today. Mulan Yingning somewhat understood that she should not want to put too much pressure on Chu Yu.

It can be seen that the attitude of the ancestors towards Chu Yu is really unusual!

It would be naive to think that Mulan Patriarch is a good talker!

You don't see the six old men in black robe. In front of the powerful ancestor, they are like six children.

One person gave a spear, and then he was driven away.

Do n’t look at killing those people, but the trauma in those people is definitely not so easy to recover from.

There is no tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years, don't think about it.

Mulan Yingning had also seen the big brother with the dark camp, came here to find the ancestor of Mulan.

At the moment, Mulan Patriarch was still a blue-boy, talking to each other with a smile. But at the next moment, for some reason, suddenly he became a tall man with a tall and tall face, and he slaps towards the other party ...

She didn't know what happened later because both of them disappeared.

Anyway, in Mulan Yingning's memory, the ancestor was never a good-natured person.

Ancestor Mulan looked at Chu Yu and said, "I can't see you."

Chu Yu: "..."

Mulan Patriarch stood up, slowly pacing with his hands on his back, and said, "In the past, I formed an organization with a group of like-minded people ..."

"At that time, on the whole earth of Eternal God Realm, there was always only daytime and no night."

"The world only knows light, not what darkness is."

"So, our organization is named Dark!"

"It is said that the Divine Emperor opened up three realms, namely the heaven realm, the human realm, and the ghost realm, and built six reincarnations ... I want the world's spirits to truly flow."

"Of course, this matter is true and false, and it's hard to tell."

"However, we used this legend to clean up a wave of the world's spirits, and this is true."

"At that time, my technique of divination was not as powerful as it is today. It can only be reluctantly calculated that our behavior will have unpredictable results someday in the future.

"In other words, our behavior has changed the way the world originally operated."

"Actually why this is done, the reason is very simple."

The blue-clothed boy looked at Chu Yu: "We don't want this world, in peace, we finally go to extinction."

"Even if it's really dying, it will be a struggle, after all, isn't it."

Chu Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man in blue, but he didn't speak.

The blue boy looked at Chu Yu: "Ask you a question."

"Senior, please." Chu Yu said.

"Do you really think that the creatures of Eternal God Realm are eternal and immortal?" The blue-boy asked.

This question seems naive.

For any creature of eternal God Realm, it is estimated that they will answer with special pride and pride: "Yes!"

But Chu Yu showed a contemplative look on his face, saying: "At least until now, all creatures should be immortal. After all, primitive race creatures can still be seen today."

"Yes, you are right, at least so far, this is the case." Blue Boy said: "But not forever."

"Look, like the human world below, you come from there, and you should know a lot of things there."

Chu Yu nodded, but his heart was somewhat shocked.

How did Mulan Patriarch know?

At first, Xiao Madman refined the Rune Seal for him, not only to cover up the few treasures on his body, but also to cover the heavens of his body!

People can't see through his details and history.

Chu Yu soared from the lower realm, not even Mulan Yingning!

But the ancestors of the Mulan clan broke.

Mulan ancestor did not explain this, but said: "In the lower realm, there is a world with a life span of only a few hundred years or even decades, and there are also creatures that can live for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Similarly, there are some top creatures. For them, hundreds of millions of years are just a blink of an eye. At the eternal level, it is almost immortal."

"All said that Shou Yuan's length has always been relatively speaking."

Ancestor Mulan said.

"Any soul who has cultivated to the eternal level will naturally awaken something, and they will long to return to the eternal God Realm and Immortal World."

"But most of these people will fall into **** ..."

"There are rumors that the Divine Emperor established the Human Realm and the Ghost Realm just to distinguish it from the Eternal God Realm."

"But in my opinion, the law of reincarnation in this world is not created by Divine Emperor."

The young man in blue looked at Chu Yu and said lightly: "It is the natural formation of heaven!"

"That Divine Emperor carried the black pot of endless years for Heaven."

"But even within the dark camp, the Three Realms and Six Dao were created by the Divine Emperor, and still account for a huge majority."

"I was the luckier one, and finally realized this. So, I regret it a lot from the previous cleansing."

Young Blue Lan sighed: "At that time, what we wanted to do was the same as what the legendary Divine Emperor did. We want to bring this world to life!"

He looked at Chu Yu seriously: "A world without death, in fact ... the other side is no life."

Chu Yu thought about it and said, "Then why don't you try it yourself?"

Mulan Yingning's face changed on the side, she was a little worried that Chu Yu's words would anger the ancestor.

Because another meaning of this sentence is: then why don't you die? But choose to let others die?

The blue boy smiled and said, "Why are people always selfish? Can they sacrifice others? Why should they sacrifice themselves?"

What's more, this view is also absolutely unhealthy.

But this is precisely the inner thought of most creatures in this world.

Why should you sacrifice yourself to fulfill others?

Especially for these undead creatures in the Eternal Realm, the selfish mentality is even more serious.

"I think I am very selfish, right?" The blue-clothed teenager smiled and looked at Chu Yu: "So, in the years to come, I regret, reflect, and think that what I did was wrong. After all, every creature in this world, All should be free. The holocaust caused by our cleansing was too serious! "

"And, it was not because of the cleansing that the world really came to life."

"On the contrary, because of the cleansing, the ambitions in many people's hearts quickly expanded."

"It's like finding a shortcut to a higher place."

"This is my evil and my sin."

The young man in blue looked at Chu Yu with a smile: "But I have already gotten retribution, I should, I can't live too long!"

"What?" Chu Yu was suddenly shocked.

Mulan Yingning's eyes also showed an incredible look.

Heart said that the ancestors are kidding?

In an immortal world, an ancient ancestor-level creature with the highest status as the strongest, actually said that he was dying?

This is simply impossible!

The young man in blue said: "I didn't have this kind of consciousness before deducing your existence; I didn't have this idea before meeting you."

He smiled: "But just now, the moment I pushed your origin, I knew that I was going to die."

Mulan Yingning was shocked by the cold sweat on the spot. Looking at her ancestor, she couldn't understand it and couldn't accept it. She couldn't believe it was true.

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