
Chapter 895: Old but not dead is a thief

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Such a powerful fairy, will die because of deducing the origin of a young man?

Mulan Yingning has never heard this statement.

So she can't accept it.

Ancestor Mulan looked at Chu Yu and said, "This heaven and earth will die sooner or later. Heaven and earth also have a lifespan after all. It is only a matter of time. Years do not exist in this heaven and earth, and it does not mean that it is completely absent."

"So, one day, when this world is completely destroyed, all creatures in the world, the Three Realms and the Six Dao ... will be gone!"

"But Avenue of Everything, there will always be such a ray of vitality."

"Unexpectedly, this line of life will be you."

"Once, many of us thought that we would be the son of the plane bearing all the luck, but then found out that we ... are not!"

At this time, the ancestor of Mulan, from the image of the young boy in blue, changed back to the image of the old man with a childish appearance.

Mulan Yingning was nervous.

Every time the ancestors do this, it means something has to happen.

Mulan Patriarch looked at Chu Yu and said: "I even thought, if I kill you, will I be the son of that face?"

Mulan Yingning said: "Ancestor!"

"Do you like him?" Mulan Patriarch asked with a smile.

Chu Yu was also very nervous at this time.

The metal ball was asleep, and there was no other card in his body that could hold the terrible person in front of him.

Any one of the old men in the black robe can easily suppress him, not to mention the one in front of him.

Be sure to stay away from such big figures in the future!

Mulan Yingning bit her lip lightly, her face flushed, but she nodded vigorously: "Yes, I like him, beg your ancestors!"

"Who can accomplish this for you? Except for yourself." Mulan Patriarch sighed quietly: "Don't worry about the child, I won't kill him, and I won't kill him."

With that, he looked at Chu Yu and said, "I didn't expect to sit face to face and work hard to deduce your price, but it would be death. But this also shows exactly one thing. Heaven has a reincarnation. What I have done ... responsible. "

At this time, Chu Yu didn't know what to say.

Can only keep silent.

Ancestor Mulan smiled: "Since you are the variable in this world, it means that you are the son of the plane."

"But it's not the only one, it's hard to say. I remember I've seen it before, the Son of the Crossover Battle Plane."

"The son of the plane, who has the whole plane in luck, seems to have lost to the passerby in the end."

"What is the future path, by deduction, in fact, it has no meaning at all."

"The deduction can only draw a vague conclusion about the general direction, but it can't be accurate to each specific major event."

"The more perfect the world is, the more difficult it is to infer the future."

"From now on, you have to be careful, other big men in the dark camp, they may notice you." Mulan Patriarch sighed: "I shouldn't let Yingning bring you here. I don't regret it, early I had expected this day. "

"But it may have exposed your existence."

"Son of the plane ... kill you and you will be lucky!"

"This is a sealed world."

"Three realms and six realms, vast and borderless, spanning dimensions ... but after all, it is just a dream of others.

"Your future, I can't see it."

"But I think it should be better."

Mulan Patriarch said, waving to the two of them: "Go, you ..."

Chu Yu was speechless and told me to come here, he said a lot of unintelligible words, and then killed himself?

At this moment, Chu Yu suddenly felt a trance.

Then the whole body shook slightly and woke up from confusion.

In front of him, the young man in blue greeted with a smile: "Sit."

He said, next to one finger: "Ying Ning, you sit too!"

Chu Yu was stunned.

What does this say? You just ... had a dream?

Then, at this time, the young boy in blue looked at Chu Yu and nodded: "Not bad."

Chu Yu: "..."

Then, the blue-clothed boy waved his hand: "You go."

Chu Yu: "..."

Mulan Yingning: "..."

The young boy in blue looked at Chu Yu meaningfully: "You, you can't play, you can really die!"

Chu Yu: "..." What happened just now?

At this time, the door of the thatched hut opened, and a tall man with a tall, tall, and hefty face came out.

Mulan Yingning looked at the old man blankly, and then looked at the blue boy. In all her memories, the two images of the ancestor have never appeared at the same time!

At this time, the tall old man with the tall and beautiful face of Nahefa bowed to the blue-dressed young boy and bowed, saying, "Daoyou, I'm going."

A sorrow flashed in the eyes of the young man in blue, saying: "Dao friends, go all the way."

The old man with tall tall hair and nodded his head nodded, sighed, then took a deep look at Chu Yu, but said nothing.

In a blink of an eye, the tall man with a tall, crane-like face disappeared into the void as if it were rapidly weathering.

"Ancestor, this is ... what's going on?" Mulan Yingning was a little scared.

The young man in blue sighed: "Hey, he is dead, and he will never show up again."

"He, who is he?" Mulan Yingning knew nothing!

All she knows is that she came here with Chu Yu, and the old ancestor waited here with the image of the boy who had just drove out the six wicked men, let them all sit, and then another image of the old ancestor ...

"Of course he is me, your ancestor." The young boy in blue smiled, the sad color on his face, but he never stopped.

"What the **** happened?" Mulan Yingning was anxious.

The young man in blue sighed: "What happened exactly is only known to this person next to you. I don't know. If I want to know, then I will die completely and you will not have an ancestor. Mulan Clan ... there is no patron saint myself. "

"This ..." Chu Yu was a little dumbfounded.

Speaking of which, during his years of spiritual practice, he encountered many strange things.

Things beyond cognition are often encountered.

But like this kind of thing, he is the first experience.

It was a dream, but it was not.

Because of the old image of the ancestor of the Mulan ethnic group, he died completely!

As the young man in blue said, that image will never appear again.

This is not to say that it would be him.

Change, after all, is fake!

The ancestor of the Mulan clan died of an old man in order to deduce himself!

Mulan Yingning looked at the blue-clothed boy, his eyes were red, and the person was a little bit broken.

She didn't even know what happened, how did things become like this?

"Don't worry about children, things are not as bad as you think."

The blue-clothed boy smiled and comforted: "Those things I did in the past will always be retaliated. It is actually a good thing to die an elderly person now. At least, the old ancestor is still alive, still in front of you, isn't it?

"But ..." Mulan Yingning sobbed a little.

Although she was somewhat afraid of the old image of her ancestors, she would also feel particularly sad if she would never see it again from now on.

It even seems to have lost the ancestors.

"Okay, go, do whatever you want."

"Some people in the dark camp cannot cover the sky with one hand."

"But it's up to you to solve it."

The blue boy waved his hand and let them go.

Mulan Yingning took Chu Yu with a confused and sad face and left.

Here in the thatched cottage, only the blue-clothed boy himself was sitting quietly.

Then he returned to the thatched house.

Inside this thatched house, it is not a small world without holes, nor a secret place.

It is a simple hut.

After coming in, there were tears on the blue man's face.

Then he laughed and laughed to himself: "Young people are fragile. For such a thing, they have to cry and cry ... Hey, I know, I should use this young man to infer him! But I am a bit reluctant! ... or this boy is more handsome. "

With that said, the young man in blue couldn't help being laughed at by himself, and murmured: "After all, he hasn't been handsome, and deceived me one of my dearest juniors."

"I really want to know what my older friends have done!"

"Curious! Very curious!"

The blue-eyed boy narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself: "Forget it, forget it, the old man is dead, and this young boy can't be harmed anymore ... no matter what my old man Taoist pushes, but this Robbery, I'm too much. "

On the road, Mulan Yingning long ago disappeared the kind of faint hidden contemplation when she brought Chu Yu.

She looked at Chu Yu and couldn't help but ask, "What the **** ... what happened?"

Chu Yu looked innocently at Mulan Yingning: "Your ancestors pulled me to say a bunch of inexplicable words, which made me feel a little skeptical about this world. Then, his old age died ..."

Mulan Yingning: "..."

She looked at Chu Yu seriously and said, "There is something, I forgot to tell you before, the ancestor once said that if he encounters a kind of existence that he can't deduce, he will forcefully deduct it, it will produce An unspeakable confusion. This confusion will cause his ... some problems with his head. "

Chu Yu: "..." Is the brain sick?

Mulan Yingning said very seriously: "But every word he said to you at that time, you have to remember that it must not be aimless! What the old ancestors promoted at the cost of their old age is not a 100% truth, It's definitely inseparable! "

Chu Yu thought about it carefully. Mulan Patriarch didn't seem to say anything that made him feel particularly meaningful at that time.

He said that this world has a life span, that the years do not exist in this world, does not mean that the years do not exist, and that he is ... a child of the plane?

Say you've ever seen the Son of Plane vs. the Crossover?

Have you seen ... or have you seen in the deduction?

Chu Yu's heart moved slightly.

He said that he was a son of the plane, but he said he could not succeed?

Who is that traverser?

Will you lose to that person?

It's a mess!

The old man even said that the world is a dream for others!

Overall, he did not feel that what Mulan Patriarch said had any practical significance for him now.

What he is facing now is actually the main faction in the dark camp.

He still has to do Dude for a while!

But for these, Mulan Patriarch said nothing ...


Chu Yu wanted to scold others again.

"The ancestors have recognized you, and the Mulan people will treat you as the most distinguished VIP next! Even if you want to borrow troops, there is no problem."

But then Mulan Yingning's words made him feel that he seemed to blame the old ancestor of the Mulan tribe.

But there wasn't much apology, because the old man forcibly deduced himself as if ... he knew that he would be severely retaliated? Then he deduced himself, died an old man, but survived as a teenager!



Is it like this?

Chu Yu suddenly realized that he was old and did not die because he was a thief. The ancients would never bully me!

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