
Chapter 905: how to spell

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Subsequently, the three of He Qiao ordered a tens of thousands of people to come directly.

These tens of thousands of people gathered together, and the blood radiated from their bodies rushed to the sky!

Among them, there are actually a few warriors in the realm of immortals, just like the heavens and a few people, the aura of his body is extremely powerful.

He Qiao said: "The warriors who have just stepped into the realm of immortal venerables can't be completely freed, but I believe that after a while, there will be no problem."

Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi listened and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

The son is too good!

What he thought he took over was just a strong army hiding the endless years.

But now it seems that this is more than a strong army?

Even if it is the top elite team in the dark camp, I am afraid that is not the case?

But the three of them also immediately thought that this army in Zangxiu Mountain Villa is not the army of the dark camp?

However, it has now become a group of Chu Yu.

It doesn't need to be washed at all, it just turns white.

They know something inside, so they are very emotional.

He Qiao first introduced Chu Yu's identity to these tens of thousands of middle and senior generals in the Tibetan army.

Three masters endorsed, Chu Yu's identity is an iron fact.

Tens of thousands of people bowed down to see the Lord.

Afterwards, He Qiao and others took Chu Yu and started to review a team in the secret realm above the sky.

Tiger Wolf!

The absolute tiger and wolf teacher!

Although they never really set foot on the battlefield.

But as Yao Yuanzhi just said, this group of people has never seen no blood!

The kind of blood on his body is too strong.

There is a limit to the realm of human beings, and some people may eventually only be able to cultivate to true immortals.

Some people can only stay in Shangxian at most.

But the talent, but it does not really completely determine the final achievement.

Like the blood of this group of people, even if their talents are slightly worse, in such a huge whole, they can definitely fully stimulate the potential of the body.

It may even be possible to squeeze out the full potential.

It's really amazing!

If such a force truly enters the battlefield, it will pass the real war test. It is estimated that it won't take long to become a terrifying iron-blood master!

It was not that Chu Yu had not seen those dark camp troops on the ground of the Xiao Dynasty.

Compared with the army in front of you, it really is not worthy of lifting shoes!

"it is good!"

Chu Yu nodded and looked at He Qiao and others: "I won't say much if it's beautiful. I only say I'm very satisfied. I believe that we will definitely start a new history!"

He Qiao, Ku Guping, Yao Yuanzhi and others, including Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi, all showed excitement on their faces.

He Qiao and others, because they saw hope!

They are eager to build meritorious cause, want to accomplish a great cause and even make history.

But Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi clearly knew how terrifying Chu Yu really was.

Now that Chu Yu has won this Tibetan show army, it is really even more powerful!

Whether it is a single fight or a large-scale solicitation, almost all the shortcomings have been filled.

Next, it's the real thing-everything is ready, only the Dongfeng owes it.

He Qiao, Ku Guping and Yao Yuanzhi and others, also called dozens of senior generals in the Tibetan show army, and left the secret area with Chu Yu and others to enter the Tibetan show villa.

Here Xingming Ram has prepared the banquet.

Dinner is the easiest and most direct way to increase feelings.

Those who are not familiar with each other can get to know each other through dinner.

Between the stratagems, not only will you understand each other's temperament, but you will also get acquainted quickly.

At first, the senior generals of the Tibetan show army were somewhat restrained.

Although the endless years have been prepared, the moment when this day really arrives, it will still be somewhat tense and at a loss.

But soon it was released!

Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen, Helian Boyi and other forty guys were all brothers in the dark camp before. Although they were incomparable with those of Tu Guangming and Gu Jian, their status was extremely high!

Regarding such things as eating, drinking, and interpersonal communication, any one of them can be used to kill He Qiao and his group.

Since everyone is behind Chu Yu, then they will be real colleagues and gowns.

The deliberate sense of strangeness and alienation almost completely disappeared soon after deliberately making friends.

On the side of Zangxiu Mountain Villa, only Ram Xingming is most familiar with these things.

He was a little worried at the beginning, that a group of proud guys in their bones would have a little conflict with each other.

But soon this worry was completely put down.

Chu Yu is not particularly active, nor does he need it.

He is the only Lord of this group of people, as long as he sits there and keeps smiling, it is enough.

It was just that Chu Yu knew in his heart that it would take some time to completely persuade the Tibetan people.

It's not that you have a tiger symbol and token in your hand, and people will be completely convinced of you!

Now the group of people in Heqiao are eager to come out of the mountain and eager to make achievements. Coupled with the awe of the old master Mulan Hongyun, so he also maintained a high respect for him.

But if next, his performance is very bad, even if the people like He Qiao will not do anything to him, but at least, he will completely empty him!

Chu Yu knew all these truths.

But it is not urgent, because it is not difficult to prove yourself.

After the banquet, Chu Yu also showed a relentless popularity, and directly ordered to go down and lead the army to advance!

Forty-three people Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi became the guards around Chu Yu.

This is also their wish.

They chose to follow Chu Yu because of Chu Yu.

And at this time, it is not appropriate to place them in the Tibetan army.

Where it is placed, it may cause a rebound.

After all, this Tibetan army has formed a real whole long before the endless years.

The army came out of the mountain, and countless flying vehicles lined up in the sky.

The scene was almost overwhelming and magnificent.

At first glance, it may even give people the feeling of a cosmic army expedition.

With the order of He Qiao, the Tibetan Xiujun embarked on the journey for the first time.

In the command ship, He Qiao and others could hardly hide their excitement.

Yao Yuanzhi rubbed his hands, looked at Chu Yu and asked, "Lord, who shall we fight first?"

"How do you want to fight?" Chu Yu looked at He Qiao one day.

He Qiao pondered for a while and said, "This, still depends on the Lord's appeal."

He did not refute or polite, the military demeanor was very strong.

Chu Yu said: "Our appeal is to solve the plight of the Xiao Dynasty. Are you aware of the current problems faced by the Xiao Dynasty?"

He Qiao nodded: "Clearly, there are a total of ten dark camp troops from different directions, attacking towards the capital city of the Xiao Dynasty. As they continue to advance, the fastest one today should be the tenth. Lu Dajun, the general Jiang Hanhan, is a young immortal Venerable Power. Whether this person has courage or strategy ... "

He Qiao talked, without any stage fright.

Being able to become a military commander is by no means merely a mere powerful force.

It requires extraordinary wisdom and excellent insight.

All this information was provided by the ram Xingming group.

The information is very accurate and up to date.

He Qiao's knowledge is indeed extraordinary.

From the Tenth Route Army, we talked about the First Route Army in one breath. Comment one by one, no nonsense.

When commenting on Xue Ye, the leader of the Third Army, He Qiao said: "Xue Ye, a low-born man, is a gangster in the city. There is a blood of a ranger in his bones. Although he has stepped into the field of Xianzun, now he is like The anger is still there. This man is very smart and has a good view of the overall situation. He knows how to judge the situation. However, once irritated, he may do something irrational. Therefore, if we are against this kind of opponent, we can use his personality. , Specially formulated combat plans. "

In Chu Yu's eyes, there was a flash of appreciation.

He knew that he had found the treasure.

It is impossible for Mulan Hongyun to know the excellence of these people.

But he did not hesitate to put this army into his hands, which is enough to show his trust in himself.

Can't let it down!

Chu Yu secretly said.

"Then, General He thinks, how should we fight?" Chu Yu asked with a smile.

He Qiao also understood that now is the time for the Lord to test him.

He thought about it for a moment, and said: "The dark camp and the ten-strong army have formed a general trend, which looks like a broken bamboo, unmatched. But in fact, according to his subordinates, the foundation of the Xiao Dynasty is still there, and the true top power Did not collide with each other. "

"The biggest advantage of the dark camp here is actually the endless human tactics. They have too many people! Every legion has countless dark warriors."

"This group of dark fighters are not afraid of death, and regard death as glorious. It seems invulnerable."

"But in fact, according to the deductions we have done before, the subordinates felt that our current strength and combat power should be based on unexpected surprise attacks."

"And, don't love wars, don't fight with them. Although we are not afraid of them, once we are caught in the protracted battle of entanglement, the shortcomings on our side will be revealed."

He Qiao looked at Chu Yu: "So, the advice of his subordinates is to run for a while! As long as we are not entangled with them, no matter who we meet, we just go up and play, and run and run!"

"In this way, the subordinates believe that it will not take long for the dark side offensive to be dragged down by us. And, they will live in panic every day."

"Because we don't know when, our people will suddenly come and kill them by surprise."

"And there is one more thing, that is, if we do this, they will completely disrupt their layout. They have to be distracted to make some arrangements for us."

"But if we don't even know who the next target is, then their arrangement has no meaning to us!"

In He Qiao's eyes, there was a flash of light, and he smiled and said, "It won't take long, I believe that the Lord Immortal Lord of the other party's camp will definitely be unable to hold back and want to start working on us. By then ..."

The cold light flashed in his eyes.

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