
Chapter 906: First battle

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In fact, He Qiao's attitude is to fight guerrilla warfare!

Because this Tibetan army is not superior in quantity. But in terms of strength, it is definitely the elite of the elite!

Facing the enemy directly, almost no one can resist.

In this case, once the raid was launched, the entire 10th Route Army of the Xiao Dynasty would be completely disrupted.

The Tibetan show army can not only become a sharp knife, to dominate the battlefield, but also have a powerful beheading ability!

Once the leader-level figures in the dark camp can't hold back, the day when the Tibetan show army is to be hands-on is when the group of Chu Yu beheads.

I am afraid that no one will think that there are so many powerful men in the realm of the Tibetan Immortals.

If the enemy generals dare to come rashly, they will surely die miserably.

Especially now, with mental calculations and unintentional, it is foreseeable that the dark camp will suffer a great loss.

He Qiao and others have always been in control of the latest developments on the entire battlefield, so they are confident and confident.

This first battle, not only to win, but also to win beautiful!

Chu Yu looked at He Qiao and nodded: "It works! But ..."

He turned sharply and looked at He Qiaodao: "Now there is a huge split within the upper ranks of the dark camp. In this case, on the battlefield of the Xiao Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty, it seems that there will be no more Powerful dark camp gangsters participate. "

"But the more this is, the more we must be careful!"

"Because, in case of internal problems, the battle between the Xiao dynasty and the Chen dynasty is likely to be a battle of luck for the main battle in the dark camp!"

"Once winning quickly, the main battle in the dark camp will inevitably rise!"

"The reason why there was no gangster-level dark camp involved before was that they didn't need it at all!"

"But now, it may not be."

"At the same time, this war is not only a battle of national games for the two ancient dynasties Xiao and Chen, but also a battle of luck for all non-dark camp creatures on the entire eternal land! "

"Neither side can afford to fail now."

Chu Yu looked at He Qiao and others: "So, we must also have this psychological preparation. We can attack them, and they can also hide in the dark and count us!"

"Once this happens, we must prepare for it in advance."

"The Lord said yes!" He Qiao looked at Chu Yu's eyes with a touch of admiration.

Obviously, let ’s not talk about the combat effectiveness of this young master, but it is not a straw bag.

After agreeing on how to fight, Chu Yu and his team hid this huge fleet deep in the sky and began to look for it in the land of the Xiao Dynasty.

The dark camp's sixth road army, the chief general Xi Yutang.

This man is a distinguished son in the dark camp.

Its status is higher than the ancient sword!

Similar to Tu Guangming.

It was an era earlier than Tu Guangming and these people.

Once in the dark camp, he was also a figure in the cloud.

Later, he broke through to the Realm of Immortal Venerable and began to lead troops to fight.

Before attacking the Xiao Dynasty, he had rich experience on the battlefield.

To this person, Zhu Tian and others are very familiar. Provided Chu Yu with a lot of information.

The first thing they looked at was Xi Yutang's 6th Route Army.

This army is very far away from Dashun, but it has always been fighting steadily, wherever it passes, it is a step by step.

Continue the style of the dark camp, there is no captive. Whenever resistance is encountered, there is no amnesty!

If you do n’t resist, kill!

Therefore, behind the Sixth Route Army, almost no people from the non-dark camp were seen.

At present, they encountered a strong resistance.

It is a prince in the Xiao Dynasty.

This prince, in the Xiao dynasty, was also a great figure.

Before the outbreak of war, he had been a strong contender for the throne.

After the outbreak of the war, the prince Xiao Runze took a large army and fought against the dark camp.

He used the same method as He Qiao.

The main thing is the raid!

Their hiding methods are very clever, and they are rarely found by enemy scouts.

Once started, it is a quick battle.

Solve the battle completely with the fastest speed.

But this time, Xiao Runze was in trouble.

The chief of the Sixth Route Army, Xi Yutang, has long been staring at him.

And this time can even be traced back to when the war just broke out.

At that time, Xi Yutang had noticed the once active prince of the Xiao Dynasty.

And for his various personalities, made a large number of combat plans.

But at the beginning, Xiao Runze's whereabouts were uncertain.

Take the secret realm with you and hide the soldiers in the secret realm.

In the realm of immortality, walking on the battlefield, the gods haunted.

The dark camp has suffered a great deal of losses.

Xi Yutang set a trap specifically for this situation. And still a serial trap!

He left a portion of his troops there first, and then left more troops in the distance.

It looks like a normal ambush trap.

But in fact, he is also hiding people in the secret realm in the back ground.

Moreover, it is his main force!

Whether it is a bait or an ambush outside, it is actually the bait of Xi Yutang!

This bait, to be honest, is very fat.

If it can be won completely, it will be a huge asset for Xiao Runze.

The war is actually money.

In every war, the resources consumed are an astronomical figure.

No matter how rich the ancient dynasty was, it could not withstand successive wars.

Therefore, obtaining resources from the enemy has become a consensus for everyone.

This time, if Xiao Runze can eat all the bait thrown out of Xi Yutang, then it will be a gluttonous feast for his minions!

Countless money-Tian Jing mother stone, innumerable weapons, magic weapons, armor ... and other top-level medicines and immortals. These things can make Xiao Runze's power further grow.

So, Xiao Runze got hooked!

He first gave an ambush outside, and came by with a surprise.

Countless elite warriors of the Xiao dynasty madly rushed to the past, and those unarmed ambushes were suddenly stunned.

Can't figure out how I could be found!

This is also that Xi Yutang is ruthless enough to treat these people as bait, and has no intention of telling them.

In this way, it will be more real!

The army that originally planned to ambush Xiao Runze was killed in a mess in the blink of an eye.

Then, those people who were originally used as bait got the news and were killed from the inside.

Trying to rescue the ambush outside.

At this time, Xiao Runze played a card again.

Release more people.

In a **** battle, the sky was dark.

Xiao Runze's army won a great victory.

While they were happy, Xi Yutang's real trick appeared instantly!

Countless elite troops of the sixth road were killed from several directions.

Killed Xiao Runze by surprise.

Playing geese all day long, after being pecked!

Xi Yutang used Xiao Runze's most usual means to pay his respects to the prince of the Xiao Dynasty.

Here the two sides waged a **** battle and strangled together completely.

As He Qiao said, the side with the least number of people, no matter how elite, is once entangled, then the advantage disappears instantly.

Xiao Runze also shot!

He faced the commander of the Sixth Route Army, Xi Yutang.

The two directly hit the sky, and opened the second battlefield above the sky.

When Chu Yu came here, Xiao Runze had already begun to fall off.

The number advantage in the dark camp is too great!

This time Xi Yutang wanted to completely solve the trouble of Xiao Runze.

Otherwise, people who still worry about Xiao Runze will suddenly appear all day long.

Just like playing gophers, gophers are too fast and irregular, which is very annoying.

Since he was caught the opportunity this time, and Xiao Runze was set up in a fortune calculation, he would have to do his job!

Turn them out completely!

Above the battlefield, the shouting shook the sky.

If there is no external intervention, this battle will be played for at least a few decades.

For decades, even if reinforcements arrive, it is too late.

At this time, He Qiao's eyes were already full of excitement.

Ku Guping and Yao Yuanzhi were also eager to try.

In the mysterious environment, no matter how to exercise, even if it is dead, it will still be exercised after all.

Now, they finally have the opportunity to show their skills!

Chu Yu said lightly: "Tibetan show army, kill! The army that assisted Xiao Runze is from here ... here ... and here, divided into three stocks, kill in!"

Chu Yu pointed to several scenes of the battle scene mapped by the water mirror technique in the void.

He Qiao's eyes suddenly light up.

These few places are exactly where he wants to go.

Even he thought of only two points, but Chu Yu saw the third point!


This obedience, a little bit convinced.

Over there, Ku Guping and Yao Yuanzhi looked at Chu Yu's eyes, and some quietly changed.

For these fighters, what can convince them is really only their own strength.

The Tibetan show army burst out.

Directly divided into three shares, toward those three points, madly killed in.

Both sides who were killed on the battlefield were stunned.

The generals on both sides were blank, and they didn't even figure out whether the people they came from were enemies or friends!

From the perspective of the dark camp, what can now appear is definitely not a reinforcement of the Xiao Dynasty, but it is also impossible to be an friendly army!

The ten troops of the dark camp are far apart from each other. Even if they are immortals, they cannot fly over without decades.

So the people in the dark camp are almost blank.

In the same way, Xiao Runze's men are very strange here.

The heart said that this blood is skyrocketing, where does the person who is not easy to see come from?

Who do they target?

Could it be friendly? But did you get any news beforehand?

Enemy or friend, we will see in the next moment.

A group of generals on the Tibetan show army divided the Tibetan show army into three.

The three armies are directly killed in three directions.

In an instant, the elite of the Sixth Route Army was shaved off ... directly disrupting the formation!

The people on Xiao Runze's side seemed to return to the world from hell, all excited.

"Allies! It's allies!"

"I'm here to help us!"

"Kill brothers! Turn the dark dog!"

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