
Chapter 911: Three Girls

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Xiao Runze successfully escaped!

Almost all of his people ran out successfully.

The loss is not small, but it is still acceptable.

Having said that, Xi Yutang's losses are even greater!

Wanting to kill him in one battle, the result is that the mantis catches the cicada.

It was almost impossible to find North by the terrible troops!

If it were not for a gangster-level character to come down in person, Xiao Runze believed that this part of Xi Yutang's elite troops had to be planted here today.

But he didn't regret it. There was even a joy deep in his heart that he hadn't had in a long time.

I am not alone!

It seems that the dark camp is indeed like the news, there is a problem inside.

More and more people will participate in the army of resistance against the dark camp.

Anyone with insight should understand that if the Xiao dynasty and the Chen dynasty are destroyed, then other dynasties, ancient religions, aristocrats, and sects on the entire eternal earth will not have any good ending.

Xiao Runze looked for his own team, comforted him, and then closed his mind alone.

He wanted to find the young man as soon as possible and join him!

If the soldiers are in one place, they will fight.

It doesn't matter if you give up the position of the coach.

As long as you can concentrate, as long as you can hit the dark camp. Even if he pays the price, he is willing!

Then he ordered to continue.

"Find the army as soon as possible, find their leader, and report it to me as soon as possible!"




Forty-three people such as Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi, all looked calm and waited for Chu Yu's return in the secret realm.

He Qiao, Ku Guping, Yao Yuanzhi and others were somewhat uneasy.

The strength of the Lord, they see in the eyes.

It's simply amazing!

They never thought that one day they would meet such a terrifying young Tianjiao.

What world-class legendary class, in their eyes, Chu Yu is absolutely the only one!

Since long ago, the only young power!

I have never heard of anyone who can reach this level at the same age.

And this person is their master!

This is something that makes them ecstatic.

But the more this is, the more inevitably there are some gains and losses.

Fear of what happened to Chu Yu.

After all, Chu Yu's opponent is a gangster of the dark camp.

I heard that the big brothers of the dark camp are all primitive races that existed in the Kaitian era.

Known to live with the world!

Lived through the unimaginable ages and time, waiting for them with time.

How can such beings not be terrible?

Although the Lord is powerful, he can still be a little young after all, but do n’t be surprised!

We still have time!

Waiting has always been a tormenting thing. In the past, they never felt it, but now, they feel that taste.

This also gives this group of people a new kind of perception.

When I stepped out, it was really different from the secluded all year long in the secret of Tibet and Xiushan.

After Chu Yu walked around and completely wiped out his traces, he returned to the place agreed with He Qiao and others.

Came here and found that secret realm, Chu Yu went directly into it.

When Heqiao and others saw Chu Yu, a heart that had been hanging finally fell to the ground.

"Lord, don't do this dangerous thing next time. We still have time and countless opportunities. There is no need to die like this with a dark camp leader." He Qiao persuaded.

Chu Yu nodded with a smile: "This is also an accident, and I did not expect this level of presence to end in person."

He Qiaodao: "According to the information we have, it is not difficult to judge the situation in a comprehensive way. I am afraid that this situation will become the norm in the future."

Chu Yu said in a loud voice: "Everyone should be more careful. Once they encounter this kind of situation, tell those masters to send their troops to Mingjin for the first time.

He Qiao nodded.

Later, in the following days, Chu Yu and the Tibetan Xiujun, both low-key, slowly cut into the direction of Tianqin Mountain on the ground of the Xiao Dynasty.

Among them, many enemies were also encountered.

The large number of them, they generally do not move.

Because it's not worth the trouble.

If the team is less than a few hundred million, as long as it meets, this group of people will be like a wolf, and they will directly pounce on it.

In this way, fight all the way, kill all the way. Occasionally, they will circle around to confuse the enemy.

It is getting closer to Tianqin Mountain.

At this moment, on the Tianqin Mountain, the clouds were looting and the sky was rolling.

There are practitioners who are here to rob!

A melodious piano sound sounded in this terrible sky-tribulation environment.

Afterwards, a series of beautiful piano sounds began to flow continuously, flowing smoothly like the place of mercury.

This is a particularly beautiful piece of ancient music.

Xu Xiaoxian's hair is like a waterfall, and she already has long hair and a waist.

Fanghua is a peerless face without powder application, but it seems to be covered with a sacred light.

In front of her, there is a Guqin.

Guqin originally had no strings, but as her fingers flicked gently, she got strings condensed from the avenue.

The piano sound radiated, forming a layer of light curtain, blocking her head.

Endless sky thunder hacked here, but it was difficult to hack into it.

Xu Xiaoxian is calm and elegant, and the aura of her body is getting stronger and stronger.

In the process of crossing the robbery, this is to constantly comprehend a higher level of Xianzun Avenue.

Xu Xiaoxian had a quiet face, and even a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Faced with this kind of sky-tribulation, the whole person is breezy.

Tian Yinzi looked at this from afar, and finally he was relieved.

Chu Yu entrusted Xu Xiaoxian to him, he was under pressure.

Although Tianqin Mountain is here, it is almost impossible to encounter threats from the dark camp, but things are afraid in case.

In particular, he recently vaguely heard that there was a big problem in the dark camp!

If this matter is true, then, once there are people who are opposite to the big brothers who are sheltering here staring at Tianqin Mountain, there will still be a crisis in this place!

But Tian Yinzi also admired these younger siblings very much--

Until now, he still regarded Jiang Zilian as Chu Yu's companion.

He thinks that nature has his own reason.

Not a Taolu, why should we be together?

This day is wide and wide, where can't I go?

There is nothing wrong with this.

This time Xianzun Heavenly Tribulation, Lin Shi has already taken Xu Xiaoxian one step first, and succeeded in crossing the calamity!

Since the endless years of Lin Shi, she has accumulated a lot of hair, and her practice should be one of the primitive races, the road of the Buddhism.

This way, the more advanced it becomes, the more powerful it is incredible.

Especially Lin Shidu Xianzun Tiankai, even easier than Xu Xiaoxian!

She didn't even do any resistance!

Only the breath of endless compassion radiated from her body, and a large number of heavenly thunders did not fall on her.

Around her body, clicks and clicks sounded for a while, the momentum was full, but it was really typical of the thunder and rain.

Without any threat to Lin Shi, he retreated himself.

Tianyin didn't split the creatures of the crossover, Tianyinzi was the first time to see him.

But this is by no means the first time he heard.

A long time ago, he had heard the legend that the monks of the Buddhist clan were the easiest when crossing the robbery.

But the most difficult thing for the Buddhism is actually their own level!

This is the so-called heart-robbing.

As for the Heavenly Tribulation, it has always seemed to have relatives with the Buddhism.

But these things are just heard.

Tian Yinzi has never seen it with his own eyes.

Because nowadays, there is almost no trace of Buddhism on the entire eternal earth.

They should all be in the pure land of fairyland.

It wasn't until Lin Shidu robbery that Tianyinzi really opened his eyes.

Those who practice Buddhism exercises will just go through the robbery with ease. It is born and there is no way.

But Xu Xiaoxian's Xianzun Tribulation was so understated, which made Tian Yinzi feel shocked.

His way is a bit close to Xu Xiaoxian in many ways. When he went through the robbery, it was like a nine-death life.

Destroyed a large number of top-level magic weapons, and finally survived the Sky Tribulation.

Could it be that today's Tiandi Avenue ... has changed?

It shouldn't be!

Heaven and Earth Avenue are all unchanged.

So why are these two younger siblings going through the robbery so easy?

Until the success of Xu Xiaoxian's crossover, Jiang Zilian flew to the sky, and finally faced with the scene of the day's hard support, finally felt a balance in Tianyinzi's heart.

It seems that there are still normal people.

However, when he said that he provided some magical tools to help Jiang Zilian get through the robbery, Jiang Zilian refused without hesitation.

"The Heaven Tribulation is also a great fortune, how can it grab the Supreme Avenue from the crowd like a tiger?"

Tianyinzi: "..."

This one is not normal!

So, he stood there, quietly watching Lin Shi talking about the robbery, quietly watching Xu Xiaoxian's understatement of playing the piano, and quietly watching Jiang Zilian's body being cut, but still looking Calm crossing.

Is this the way young people deal with Heavenly Tribulation today?

Tian Yinzi even had an impulse. He wanted to go back to the past and face another day.

Jiang Zilian's catastrophe here is coming to an end.

A large number of looting clouds began to slowly disperse.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian stood below, with a faint smile on their faces.

At this moment, the two were at the same time alert.

At the same time looking into the distance, the next moment, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian have rushed out.

Each attacked out.

Tianyinzi activated Tianqin Mountain almost at the same time!


There was a loud noise.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian turned back pale.

Afterwards, the three men controlled Tianqin Mountain at the same time.


A piano sound blasted into the void over there.

From the direction of the distant sky, a hazy figure appeared, all over him, covered by the breath of the road, and he could not see clearly.

But this person is too powerful!

The sound of Tianqin Mountain blasted in front of him, and he shattered it with a wave of his hand.

Later, he even reached out and patted Jiang Zilian, who was about to succeed.

This is too fierce!

Even Xianzun Heavenly Tribulation was ignored.

The robbery that was about to disperse, at this moment, frantically condensed.

Above the sky, countless avenue runes began to stand out, shining brightly.

Boom to this person together!

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