
Chapter 912: Battle against Tianqin Mountain

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Actively meet the catastrophe? Even the Immortal Venerable is crazy.

But this man was indifferent. A large number of Sky Thunder contained endless road runes on him, even a little ripple did not rise.

Seeing this man's palm, he had to shoot Jiang Zilian.

Xu Xiaoxian shouted angrily, while driving the Tianqin Mountain, while offering the Guqin.

The sound of the piano was rapid, like rain hitting the plantain.

On Lin Shi's body, the Buddha's light was shining brightly, forming a huge and unmatched light wheel, slashing towards each other.

Tianyinzi is also angry!

With the last lesson, his shots are no longer as soft as in the past.

Seven or eight Immortal Venerable Vessels were sacrificed in one go.


All Immortal Venerable Artifacts, directly burst!

A sudden war broke out in Tianqin Mountain in an instant.

This man was blocked by the attacks of Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Tian Yinzi.

I had to retract that palm and pushed it flat.

The explosion of magic instruments, the sound of Xu Xiaoxian's piano, and the Buddha's wheel of Lin Shi collapsed at this moment.

But this palm, as smooth as jade, did not leave any wounds on it.


This is definitely a true gangster-level creature.

Tianyinzi sacrificed the token of the same dark camp gangster, exuding a powerful soul wave: "Who are you?"


The token was shattered by this man who was covered with the breath of the road.

He didn't have any extra words. At the next moment, he pressed Xiangyinzi with one finger.

This action is almost like sticking out a finger and trying to kill an ant.

Full of extreme contempt.

Facing this situation, Tianyinzi was helpless even though he was furious. After all, he is not a practitioner who is good at fighting.

Even after going through the last thing, I deliberately strengthened the study in this area. However, after encountering the real top power, there is still a huge gap.

However, he was not as helpless as he was last time.

In between, he summoned seventy or eighty top-level Immortal Vessels.

All the magic instruments are aimed at the offender.

Then, Tian Yinzi did not hesitate to sacrifice this magic weapon.

No matter what is valuable, it doesn't matter.

Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian, who had successfully survived the robbery at that time, urged Tianqin Mountain to make a horrible piano sound, and constantly blasted towards that figure.

For a time, Tianqin Mountain moved here.

The energy fluctuations from this place can be felt across the endless and distant sky.

Tianyinzi reluctantly divided a bit of energy and said to Xu Xiaoxian three people: "Their goal ... It's me ... the three of you ... Go! Go!"

Tianyinzi is a good person.

At this time, I still don't forget to let Xu Xiaoxian leave.

Can you escape for a while, but his heart is worth moving.

Without any hesitation, Xu Xiaoxian continued to urge Tianqin Mountain, with her as the mainstay, with Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian as the supplement. The powerful sound wave constantly attacked that figure.

Above the sky, unparalleled energy fluctuations erupted.

Tianyinzi detonated all the magic instruments!

Among these magic weapons, there is a bursting magic weapon that he recently specially refined with powerful lethality!

It was because of the last loss that Tianyinzi was finally awakened.

These magical instruments are different from others. First of all, they are the top-level magical instruments. Their purpose is to destroy.

As soon as these magic instruments exploded, the fingers that stretched out were instantly blurred.

Then, more magic weapons exploded, triggering a chain reaction.

Don't underestimate the anger of a master refiner, even though he is not good at fighting, he is good at making magic tools!

If these magical instruments are broken in the hands of other practitioners, they will certainly not have such power.

Here in Tianyinzi, it is clear which one explodes first and which one is detonated by energy fluctuations, and how it is arranged to maximize its power.

Therefore, at this moment, Tianyinzi, the honest man, finally played the proudest battle of his life.

That horrible comer was finally injured!

First, one finger exploded, and then, the entire palm was bombarded with scum in this horrible explosive energy!

Finally, his entire arm and even half of his body were ragged.

There was terrible blood flowing out.

At the same time, under the leadership of Xu Xiaoxian, Tianqin Mountain also broke out an unimaginable and terrible attack.

The power of the terrain here was finally completely drawn by Xu Xiaoxian.

The amazing energy contained in the spreading veins deep in the earth is all activated at this moment!

This is a massive earth power!

Under normal circumstances, even if it is a fairy, it is impossible to destroy it.

This force is equally terrifying.

Bombing on that figure directly caused huge damage.


So devastating, that figure finally let out a sip of blood.

There was a painful grunt.

But this figure is really terrible!

Under such severe injuries, he still has not lost his combat ability.

Suddenly, an endless light erupted from the body.

There is a terrible regeneration ability that keeps his body in constant recovery.

There are still terrible magic instruments in the hands of Tianyinzi!

The three of Xu Xiaoxian are still inspiring the power of the Tianqin Mountain!

I thought it was a few small fish-like characters that could be suppressed easily.

Who would have thought that the fish belly would also turn over one day.

For the dark camp gangsters who came here, it was a shame.

Although it's not as good as last time ...

Last time, he let a younger junior fight!

Then he calmly escaped in front of him.

Until now, he could not find the person.

Can only deduce a general direction, but it makes no sense at all.

So he was very angry.

Today, when someone saw a robbery here, or one after another, he finally couldn't help it and shot again.

Because this is in the territory of the Xiao Dynasty!

The more Immortal Venerable strongmen appear here, the greater the blow to the dark camp.

This kind of thing, he originally disdain to control, but in the case of holding a evil fire in his chest, he did not care so much.

Direct shot!

But again ... was stopped!

Even this time, he did not hesitate to directly exhibit the strongest way and law he had, but he was still blocked!

At the beginning, the guy actually took out a token.

The token, as the dark camp leader, he recognized at a glance that it was from the Mulan!

Mulan tribe ... This race that has been squatting on the wall. He had come to the door before, hoping to join forces with the Mulan tribe to suppress the unrest in the dark camp.

It was slapped by the old ancestor of the Mulan.

The ancestor of the Mulan ethnic group, one of the founders of the dark camp, screamed at his nose with his finger.

Roll as far as he can!

That kind of humiliation almost made the dark camp gangster almost crazy on the spot.

But in the presence of the horrible ancestor of the Mulan, he didn't dare to go crazy at all.

Because he was really not sure, he could beat the old ancestor of the Mulan.

But it was simply ... giving him a feeling of collapse.

Can't bear it at all.

After he left from the Mulan, did he actually see their token appear in the hands of the owner of a small mountain bag in the Xiao Dynasty?

This shows what?

The Mulan tribe's group of grasses on the wall ...... have long been colluded with the Xiao Dynasty!

Yes, in the past, Mulan Hongyun was said to have made a lot of friends and had deep friendships with Xiao and Xiao.

This behavior is simply to pass the enemy!

How about the token appearing here?

As long as it is not your Mulan clan's ancestor who appeared here personally, even if Mulan Hongyun is here, it's not easy to use!

So, no matter what, he has to completely annihilate this **** mountain today!

Even though he will pay a price, he will not hesitate.

Do you fight with this deity?

Then come!

After being extremely furious, this gangster of the dark camp began to perform various magical powers.

Various means were used to completely suppress this place.

Therefore, when Chu Yu led the Tibetan army to the edge of Tianqin Mountain, it was easy to sense a terrible energy fluctuation from Tianqin Mountain.

And he is still far away from Tianqin Mountain.

Under normal circumstances, even if you go all out, you have to spend at least half a day.

What happened to Tianqin Mountain!

The light flashed between Chu Yu's eyebrows, and he looked at He Qiao and Zhu Tianhe and others around him: "You change direction, go to the place we agreed to hide, and I will go to Tianqin Mountain!"

This group of practitioners who also belong to the realm of Immortal Venerable, did not even sense the energy fluctuation at this moment.

But the next moment, they also felt it.

He Qiao said with a shocked face: "This place is very far away from Tianqin Mountain. Was the energy fluctuation actually coming from Tianqin Mountain?"

After speaking, his complexion became very severe.

Being able to send energy fluctuations so far can only tell one thing.

In that place, a battle between creatures at a very high level is erupting.

"Master ..." He Qiao wanted to go together!

As an immortal statue, an immortal statue eager to fight, he didn't want to always be able to kill the dark warriors like chickens.

He longs for higher-end, more powerful battles!

Chu Yu only gave him a look: "Observe the orders."

He Qiao nodded helplessly.

Zhu Tian and others are actually the same, some eager to try.

Chu Yu didn't say anything this time, his figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

At the next moment, Chu Yu directly exhibited the secret technique of folding the void, which greatly shortened the time to rush!

He has almost judged from the energy fluctuations just now. Before that, he briefly played a game with him, and the dark camp gangster who was suppressed by him was in it!

This old immortal!

Why can the creatures on the eternal earth live so long?

From the Kaitian era to the present day, it is like walking along the mythological era.

Even if it's a pig, can it be cultivated to a great state?

This is of course Chu Yu's angry words.

In fact, without that kind of talent, it is impossible to comprehend that level of Tao.

Tianqin Mountain.

This time, Tian Yinzi decided not to retreat.

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