
Chapter 913: Fight back

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

Because now he finally understands that in the face of this kind of battle, there is really no way out.

Once a timid heart is born, it can only be defeated earlier and faster!

Wanting to escape from the eyes of a dark camp gangster is simply dreaming.

He only regrets that the girls Xu Xiaoxian and Lin Shi actually refused to say anything.

However, precisely because they were still there, the two sides evenly tied in a short time.

No, not a tie!

They are now in the upper hand!

The completely activated Tianqin Mountain is really terrible.

It was so terrible that Tian Yinzi himself couldn't believe it. It turned out that Tianqin Mountain was many times more terrible than he thought.

The last time I faced Xue Ye, if he could activate Tianqin Mountain to such a point, it would arouse the power in all the earth veins deep below the Tianqin Mountain.

Every Xue Ye, a piece of piano music may be completely broken!

Under the desperate attack of Xu Xiaoxian's three daughters, the dark camp gangster who was covered with the atmosphere of the road constantly appeared new wounds.

Tianyinzi's burst magic weapon is like a group of nasty blood-sucking insects ... it hurts more than a mosquito bites, more annoying than a mosquito!

Although it is difficult to cause a devastating blow to him, every time the bursting weapon breaks, it makes him feel painful and unbearable.

"You ... no one wants to live!"

He spoke, threatening coldly.

"Bah!" Xu Xiaoxian sneered with a sneer: "If you have the ability, then stretch out your claws and press it? If you are a man, don't attack with magical spells? After all, isn't it a counsel?"

Jiang Zilian's sarcasm skills have long been full in the long earthly experience.

"This kind of person, if not living a long life, is actually a waste. If he dares to suppress to the same level to fight us, there is no need for you. My weakest person can rub him on the ground. "

Lin Shi said indifferently: "Yes, the waste has lived for a long time, and it can also live the kind of superiority that has passed through the years. In fact, it is nothing more than the consumption of resources. It only absorbs one ten thousandth at a time. . "

"You ... a few **** with sharp tongues, I will not ... let you go."

This big man in the dark camp has never been so ironic in his life.

And this time he mocked him, actually a few little girls whose age is not even a fraction of his fraction ...

Speaking of quarreling, even if the big man in the dark camp summons hundreds of avatars, it is by no means the opponent of these women.

In the end, he could only be silent, forcibly mobilizing the monstrous mana in his body, and attacked frantically at any cost.

In this way, the energy consumption in his body naturally became an astronomical figure.

Every second of consumption is terrifying.

But he didn't care!

The long life journey, the supreme state of cultivation, and the accumulation of energy in his body have already reached a terrifying number.

The number of physical secrets alone is enough to despair the average Immortal Venerable!

The energy contained in each mystery is even more powerful.

Strong creatures do not need any explanation.

Gradually, the situation began to undergo some changes.

However, under the support of Xu Xiaoxian and others, the two sides are still in a very balanced state.

The gangster in the dark camp did not continue to be injured, and Lin Shi and others were just consuming.

It is a huge miracle to be able to fight a crushed battle to the present level.

If it is spread, it will definitely shock countless people.

The gangster-level creatures in the dark camp were personally dismissed and were forcibly blocked by four younger generations.

Even if the big man in the dark camp could eventually kill Tianqin Mountain, his face was almost completely lost.

What a shame!

Tianyinzi's magic weapon is too much!

He should be renamed Duobaodao Talent Pair.

The magic instruments on him are endless.

The ones he had shown to Chu Yu before were just the tip of the iceberg, and he was the most proud of the finest implements since his endless years.

In his hands, there are all kinds of magic instruments.

Moreover, in the course of this battle, Tianyinzi, a clever master of refining, actually learned without a teacher, and realized that the combination of various magical tools can explode a higher power.

Only those who have mastered the magical instruments to the extreme can understand these.

Fighting is the best discipline for a warrior.

This is true!

Tianyinzi constantly changes the combination of various magic instruments, and every time he can get a satisfactory result.

Gradually, he forgot some of the pressure from the other party, the fear in his heart, and everything!

I was completely immersed in the happiness brought by this arrangement.

This is enlightenment in another sense!

Although he has no way to rise from the realm of Immortal Venerable to a higher realm, it does not mean that he cannot continue to comprehend the new Tao!

This situation is extremely rare in the practice of all souls, and it is also rare for several people.

Just like a freshman!


Beside the dark camp big brother there, it has become a testing ground for Tianyinzi.

It's like a target.

No matter how hard the target is, it will always be destroyed.

Now the big brother is a little bit broken.

For example, a series of flashing magic instruments and the flashing light of the Avenue caused him a lot of interference.

Not only the eyes, but also the consciousness, are greatly disturbed.

The light of this avenue is simply terrible.

There is no other destructive ability, which can only affect his eyes and consciousness.

So much so that he even locked in consciousness, and he had hallucinations!

Then there was a series of loud noises, which were waves of terrible sounds formed after the explosion of various magic instruments.

Tianyinzi itself is a temperament everyone.

He naturally knows how to combine sounds, which will make people happy.

But at this moment, he also knows how to combine sounds to make the other party bored, irritable or even mad!

Any kind of occupation, to the extreme, can play countless tricks.

And these patterns, which Tian Yinzi had never touched in the past, never even thought of.

Until now, he suddenly realized that he was not not capable of fighting, but he had no experience of fighting!

What a good test subject!

You will die if you don't play.

So beating!

No matter how frustrating, they can continue to lively and bring them a fatal threat.

He was forced to think of new methods of attack and new methods.

Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian are also there.

Lin Shi integrated the powerful purification light into the sonic attack of Tianqin Mountain. In this way, not only did it not affect the sonic killing of Tianqin Mountain, but it also added many new killing opportunities .

And these killings are hard to notice.

Because it ... is so peaceful!

Just like a person with a gentle smile, anyone who sees it will feel that the smile is extremely warm and will not be vigilant.

Then the man suddenly took out a knife and stabbed it.

Even when the enemy is stabbed, the smile on his face is so warm and warm ...

Jiang Zilian found that it was a good job, so he incorporated his own way into the attack of Tianqin Mountain.

Since then, the sonic attacks on Tianqin Mountain have become more diverse and more terrifying.


Inadvertently, the three women entered a state that all practitioners dreamed of.

Everyone wants to be with heaven and earth, but it is too difficult to be with heaven and earth!

How can a single soul integrate his way into this world? To heaven and earth, you are nothing but a drop in the ocean.

The next best thing is to be in harmony with all things in nature.

For example, if it becomes a stone, then it really becomes a stone.

Not a creature with blood and flesh!

This is equally difficult.

The three girls are now almost together with Tianqin Mountain.

Inadvertently, they created a terrorist attack.


Another wave of sound waves blasted towards each other.

But this time, it's different!

The gangster in the dark camp has been rendered blind by Tianyinzi's eyes, and at the same time his mind is almost crazy to control.

Suddenly hit by such a wave of attacks from a three-girl union, his body suddenly showed a lot of cracks!

I don't know how many body secret areas were destroyed in an instant.

It leads to unimaginable and disastrous consequences.

Countless pounds of energy flowed out of the mysterious realms of the body that were hit hard and poured down.

Almost instantly, the chaotic sky that had been beaten was completely crushed.

The gangster in the dark camp suffocated.

He was hit hard by unimaginable!

The power of the terrain is so terrifying.

This battle also opened his eyes.

In the past, it seemed that only the old ancestors of the Mulan tribe had this ability in the entire dark camp.

It can move the world and the offensive methods are everywhere.

Therefore, the old ancestor of the Mulan is one of the most terrifying existences in the entire dark camp.

But now, he even met this kind of person again in a place like Tianqin Mountain.

It's like the cornerstone of a high-rise building.

Although it still stands there, it still seems full of oppression.

But it may collapse at any time and become a pile of debris!

Someone in this dark camp can't stand it.

For the first time in his life, he retreated.

Once this feeling is born, it is like a tide, which stretches forever.

Despite the extremely contradictory feelings in his heart and struggling desperately, there was a voice who did not agree with this decision; but also, there was another voice that calmly reminded him that if he still does not retreat, then today is very likely to Planted thoroughly in this place!

It was even harder than the last time I met the young man!


"The deity is unwilling!"

"The deity is going to kill you completely!"

The gangster of the dark camp made a roaring shock.

His body suddenly burst into flames.

Then, in this flame, there was a huge and unmatched **** bird rising.

Was beaten back to its original form!

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