
Chapter 920: Counterattack

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What kind of fear is that? It's hard to say clearly.

When that cold feeling spread to the whole body, even a trace of ridiculous feeling flashed in my mind.

How can this happen?

Even if he stepped into the realm of Immortal Venerable, even if he had a heavy weapon, how could it be possible to slam a gangster level creature?

At the level of Xianzun, it is already the end!

One's talent, at this level, will be fully revealed.

Do nothing at all.

Those terrible ancient creatures are so respected as big brothers and so-called great immortals, precisely because their talents are the best in this world!

The endless years of life have also allowed them to accumulate unimaginable energy.

Such a creature, with a look, can kill an ordinary fairy.

Not to mention a young junior who has just stepped into the field of immortal respect for a short time?

This man is poisonous!

Be sure to stay away from him!

Xue Ye did not even mention anything about Chu Yu with Sun Jian.

Not afraid of embarrassment, but fear that one day, Chu Yu will really appear in front of him again.

He will definitely slip away the first time.

Most definitely!

He, who was born in a humble background, does have a **** incomprehension in his bones. But again, the experience of living on the streets told him that the best way to meet an unmatched opponent is to escape!

Then, never appear in front of each other again.

The two soldiers and three soldiers joined together, and did not meet Chu Yu for the time being.

But they met Xiao Zhen!

An equally terrifying to trembling fairy level strong.

Xiao Zhen!

For Xue Ye, this is an ancient and somewhat strange name.

But the moment he saw the terrible group of **** creatures carried by Xiao Zhen ... he suddenly remembered who this person was.

The prince of the Xiao dynasty, which has long ceased to exist, actually ... came back from the lower realm!

In a **** battle, the two-way three-way army was hit hard!

The creatures coming out of that group of **** are simply a group of demons!

Before meeting the **** creatures, Xue Ye and Sun Jian instinctively felt that they themselves were the most terrible devil in this world.

No one is more ruthless than them!

They didn't know how ridiculous they were until they met **** creatures.

Those creatures eat people without hesitation!

Their attack methods are actually not complicated at all.

The path of spiritual practice is even simpler.

Tao is killing, attacking means, eating!

Swallow your opponent directly!

Refined in the stomach!

At first, all the creatures in the dark camp were ignorant. In the face of this nightmare-like scene, they even thought they had hallucinations.

Until they knew it was a group of creatures coming out of hell.

Only then did they understand what kind of demons they faced.

Hell, these two words have always been a taboo word in Eternal Realm.

Even among the high-level inside the dark camp, it is rarely mentioned.

In the dark ages, this land, along with the fairy world, cleaned up too many creatures.

The number of those creatures is definitely countless times greater than that of survivors.

Among them, how could there be no top-notch top arrogance that is amazing?

Yes, there must be!

And the number is definitely a lot!

They were temporarily cleared to the lower realm and lost in reincarnation.

But one day, among those creatures, the kind that was amazing and will be awakened, and ... will definitely return!

How to do?

At that time, the creatures of Immortal Realm and Eternal God Realm joined hands to create a terrible world unique to the world-hell.

They acted on the Ascension Road, so that one million million ascendants could have a chance to enter the upper realm through the Ascension Road.

"Let them kill each other in a world without a little aura."

"After dying, a little true spirit will naturally enter the nether again to reincarnate."

"Oh, a very interesting game, an endless loop."

This is what some big brothers in the dark camp said with a smile.

Yes, for those of them with vested interests, this is certainly quite fun.

But now, this group of **** creatures is back.

So, of course, things have become less fun.

It became very scary!

The 1st Route Army suffered a heavy blow; the 2nd Route 3rd Route Army suffered a heavy blow, and the 10th Route Army suffered a heavy blow ...

With the sound of the Xiao dynasty's counterattack horn, the army of the dark camp in the Xiao dynasty's territory has been fatally hit in a short time!

The Hell Legion led by Xiao Zhen, the Tibetan Show Legion on the Chu Yu side, the legion led by the princes of the Xiao Dynasty, and the elite background of the Xiao Dynasty.

These forces, in the territory of this ancient dynasty, kill the Quartet!

The gangsters of the dark camp have entered.

Most of them turned a blind eye to some on the battlefield.

Even if they watched the soldiers on their side being slaughtered, they did not intervene.

They are looking for someone.

They are looking for Chu Yu.



An old man with a boneless fairy, riding on a white crane, followed by a man and a woman, and two young people.

It seemed that the old man was kind-eyed and kind-eyed, and there was a glorious radiance on his body.

If it wasn't the White Crane under his seat, who was engulfing a team of fighters of the Xiao Dynasty, he might really think that the old man was a good person.

That team of soldiers should be the scout of a certain army.

There are about thirty or forty people, all of whom are elite.

But in front of this white crane, there is no slight resistance.

Although they all have the real fairyland, they were swallowed by this white crane one by one!

Bai He hiccuped and said, "Pure energy body, it is comfortable to eat. It is much better than the junk-like foods of the eternal, Daluo and Shangxian levels!"

The young woman smiled and said with a smile: "He Zuzu is just happy."

"Happy, can you be happy? It's been a long time since I was born! Now those younger juniors think that this world is theirs." Bai He smiled and said casually.

The young man said: "At this time, this eternal God Realm cannot be the world of young people."

The old man sitting on the white crane smiled: "If we are not born, we will naturally be your world."

The young man laughed: "We will never be born, and we will always be juniors. Naturally, juniors should look like juniors. When you see someone named Chu Yu, the child will naturally teach him to be a good man."

The young woman said, "That little thing is very cunning. We have been following him for so long, but we still can't find him."

The elder of the boneless fairy said lightly: "Don't worry, he can't escape."

At this time, the young man suddenly said: "Old ancestors, I heard that the fairy world ..."

Dao Xianfeng's old man frowned and said, "Why? What's going on there?"

The young man said: "The baby just heard that there was some movement in Xianmen."

The elder of the Dao Xianfeng said lightly: "This kind of catching the wind and catching the shadows, don't need to care too much. Even if someone comes over there, don't dare to be rash on this land.

At this time, a faint wave of energy suddenly came in front.

The fluctuations are very slight, and even slightly undetectable.

There is no movement at all within the coverage of Shennian, then this fluctuation may come from a very distant place, perhaps a battle is taking place.

Dao Xianfeng's old man squinted, two longevity white eyebrows raised, so far away, the volatility coming can only explain one thing.

The two warring parties over there are not easy!

At this time, only he sensed the fluctuations, and even the white crane under the seat of Immortal Venerable Realm had no sense.

The old man said lightly: "Southeast, fly over to see."



At this moment, Xiao Madman was facing an enemy who exuded blood.

It is also a gangster-level creature from the dark camp.

The two have been here for a long time.

Their battlefield is deep in the deep sky.

Belongs to the second battlefield.

Both sides are evenly matched and it is difficult to beat each other.

This big man in the dark camp should be the first to enter this level of the Xiao dynasty.

Only when he came, he stared at Xiao Madman.

Between the two, in a very long time, there had been a great hatred.

This one in the dark camp was once killed by Xiao Madman!

At that time, both sides were still creatures of the true fairy level.

And that era was also an age of great wildness.

Even reincarnation Fu Zhuan was a particularly scarce resource in that era.

This gangster of the dark camp, in the past, was also extremely distinguished in status and status.

The two sides met in a land of evolution and started a **** battle.

Xiao Madman was a skillful master, killing this dark camp gangster, but failed to hurt the reincarnation rune.

This gangster-level creature, after reincarnation on the eternal earth, has never manifested in the world ever since.

Xiao Madman almost even forgot who this person was.

Until he mentioned it himself.

"Xiao Madman, the luck of your Xiao dynasty is coming to an end." The gangster of the dark camp is standing at the end of the galaxy, exuding the icy fluctuation of the mind.

"Don't talk about it, it's you who are in luck. What does it look like inside you, there is nothing in your heart?" Xiao Kuangren responded with a sneer.

I feel a little sorry in my heart. After all, this guy is still too rich!

Once dead, after returning, he can still catch up. And eventually became a big man in the dark camp.

Regardless of the camp, this talent is still admirable.

The big man in the dark camp said nothing more. He and the madman Xiao are endless hatreds.

No matter what the final battle situation on this battlefield is, he will have to separate life and death from Xiao Madman.

At this time, Xiao Madman and the dark camp gangster's look changed slightly at the same time.

Looking towards the end of the endless galaxy.

Over there, an old man riding a white crane, with a man and a woman, and two young people, arrived in person.

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