
Chapter 921: Encounter

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Xiao Madman's face was calm, but there was a slight sigh in his heart. At this time, there were still so many dark camp top presences in succession. That stupid boy, after all, caused a big disaster.

Yes, the existence of so many top-notch dark camps is by no means intended to destroy him as a Xiao dynasty.

Destroying the Xiao dynasty is only one of the goals of the dark camp main battle group to completely occupy the entire eternal **** realm, and it will not lead to so many gangster-level creatures.

In fact, he had already foreseen the scene today, refining Chu Fuzhu for Chu Yu, but hoped to delay the arrival of this day as much as possible.

But after all ...

He sighed slightly in his heart: That kid is so dazzling!

"It's so coincident that Brother Qu Lie is here, huh, huh, it seems that I came, it's quite time." The old man sitting on the white crane's bone fairy wind smiled and passed a wave of divine thoughts.

Deep in the sky, various visions appeared one after another with his arrival.

Countless prehistoric behemoths, hovering in the void, swarming directly towards Xiao Madman at the next moment!

Start playing when you meet!

nothing to say.

As the dark gangsters in the same camp, they will never let this great opportunity pass.

Qu Lie, who confronted Xiao Madman, laughed.

Exudes a wave of incredibly proud thoughts: "Xiao Madman, what about your two brothers? Your three Xiao brothers, haven't always united together? Why didn't they come to help you?"

Xiao Madman directly sacrificed several ancient seals, and said lightly: "For you, why should they be close?"


This starry sky followed by a violent explosion.

In the countless lights, the energetic Avenue Runes flashed, intertwined.

This cold, cosmic sky was directly blasted into ruins.

This is the terrible power generated by the most powerful force in Eternal God Realm.

The ordinary Immortal Venerable, if it enters this place by mistake, will be torn to pieces instantly.

The white crane, with young men and women, escaped in an instant.

Far away from this battlefield.

Even if it is a fairy-level creature, it does not dare to get too close.

The two young men, a woman and a woman are also dark nobles of the Immortal Venerable Class, but at this time, they can only retreat with the White Crane.

This level of battle is not something they can participate in.

However, this kind of battle is what they like very much!

The young man smiled and said, "This time, Xiao Madman will definitely die!"

The young woman said with a smile: "One to two, naturally die!"

Xiao Madman was hurt instantly.

At the same level and in the same realm, everyone's Tao is different, but the combat power is almost the same.

One-on-one battles make it difficult to tell the difference.

But two to one, that kind of advantage is too big!

Even if Xiao Madman's combat power is magical, at this moment, there is a sense of powerlessness.

Especially in this battle, he did not retreat.

So, so be it!

What if it falls?

Xiao Madman's eyes radiated divine light, and then, in his hand, an ancient Tianbao halberd appeared.

The disheveled hair turned into a youth, and his body was full of blood!

With one enemy and two, there is no fear.

At that time, the white crane and the young men and women have retreated to the edge of the endless void. Here, it has been regarded as a safe area, and this peerless war can also be seen.

It's so beautiful.

The young man said: "If I see Na Chuyu, I must take off his head by myself!"

The young woman smiled and said, "Never let you be preoccupied."

The young man glanced at her: "You are my sister, let me be."

The young woman looked at him meaningfully and said, "My good brother, there are some things that can be allowed in this world, but some things that can never be allowed."

The young man grinned: "I heard that there are three other women in the realm of Immortal Venerable beside Chu Yu. My sister should be more interested."

The young woman said lightly: "My interest in women is indeed greater. However, my greatest interest is the supreme magic weapon."

With that, she couldn't help laughing.


Young woman's head is separated from her body.

There was a big smile on her face.

A pair of eyes, but it is staring boss!

The young man let out a sorrowful roar, but at the next moment, his body was directly pierced by a ray of light from some unknown place in the dark sky.

The white crane in the realm of fairy head fluttered its wings.

A pair of giant wings covering the sky before they were fully extended, they were cut off by a sudden figure.

Three reincarnation fuzhuan burst into a dazzling brilliance.

Want to break away.

It was cut in half by the incredible knife!

Fu Zhuan refined by the big brother, can't stop killing the sky!

Chu Yu appeared here with Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian.

In an instant, he killed three creatures of Immortal Venerable Realm, and then he rushed towards the distant battlefield without looking back.

There is a Xiao Madman who is kind to him.

At this time, we are in a huge crisis.


They are joining hands with Qu Lie to destroy the elder Daoxianfeng Feng, who is here to kill Xiao Madman. He watched his two descendants, and the white crane who was following the endless years was killed.

Moreover, although he had never seen Chu Yu, he instantly determined that the young man who had been brought to death by the knife was Chu Yu who had been searching for a long time!

Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no way to vote.

Dare to kill my two favorite juniors? He was so cruel that he ruined their reincarnation ... This hatred made him completely angry.

This messy cosmic void is covered with a suffocating terror with his anger.

"Go to die!"

The big man in the dark camp suddenly saw an ancient Tianbao sword in his hand, and he beheaded and killed.

Chu Yu was cold and sacrificed a metal ball.


It's okay, stop talking for a while!


The endless avenue of breath broke out on the metal ball.

Chu Yu's whole person turned into a residual image, then, he moved the power of this starry sky, and killed directly towards the old man of Daoxian Xianfeng.

Tianbao gourd, Tianbao ancient clock, was instantly sacrificed by him.

Half of the stone tower was also thrown out without hesitation.

The method is simple and rough.

In the face of this level of enemies, the slightest carelessness will be fatal!


The sky in the hands of Chu Yu crossed the ribs of this bone fairy old man, and cut off his suit with a big mouth, and there was blood flowing down there.

Chu Yu's speed is incredible.

But the huge Tianbao sword in the opponent's hand was still cut in his back.

A great force of terror came, and Chu Yu spit out blood.

At the same time, his back was also cut with a deep wound.

Countless Avenue Runes, tearing wildly on the wounds on both sides!

Chu Yu used his mental skills to urge the avenues to be comprehended on the four walls, and to fight with this bone-worn old man.

The Xiao Madman over there got a gasp and instantly offered a large number of ancient seals.

Want to help Chu Yu, but was stopped by Qu Lie.

"Xiao Madman, your opponent is me!" Qu Lie said coldly.

The two sides fought together again.

Xu Xiaoxian's face was cold, and an Guqin was lying in front of her. The sound waves containing endless runes of the Avenue followed the Guqin and blasted towards the old man of Daoxianfeng.

Lin Shi shone with endless Buddha.

As soon as the Buddha's light came out, the elder of the fairy fairy and Qu Lie were shocked.

"Fairy Realm?" The elder Dao Xianfeng narrowed his eyes and his face was very ugly: "That group of bald heads ... after all, they crossed the border!"

The Buddha's light on Lin Shi's body exploded in countless light wheels, and struck this bone elder.

In the other direction, Jiang Zilian blasted all kinds of supernatural powers.

Not to hurt the old man of the bone fairy, just to be able to affect him!

At the same time, Jiang Zilian also took out the black streamer, and the black streamer shook, and the roar of endless creatures came from inside.

Qu Lie over there saw this black streamer, his face changed greatly, and he growled, "How come it is in your hands?"

With that said, he would rather be hit hard by Xiao Madman, but also rush towards Jiang Zilian.

The killing of the sky in Chu Yu's hands once again left a wound on the elder Dao Xianfeng.

After all, his short board is the accumulation of energy, so if you want to change the situation, you can only make a quick decision.

The wound on the body is extremely painful!

There are the runes of the avenue left by the enemy, desperate to destroy.

But Chu Yu gritted his teeth and continued to attack.

Under the influence of Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian, this old man with a bone-like fairy style was somewhat suppressed in the face of the fierce Chu Yu!

Although it is not that kind of absolute suppression, this, for him, is already a huge humiliation that can never be tolerated!

The same young juniors, those two juniors they liked, even had no room to fight back, they were directly crushed.

These young people, joining hands together, can even suppress him?

This is an intolerable shame!


Numerous Avenue Runes, golden light flickered, flew out of him.

This is the fruit he condensed.

Each one is terrifying.


These avenue runes exploded in the void, bursting with unparalleled lethality.

Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian were injured instantly.

Although their attack methods are sharp, their defense ... is a short board.

Although they are all wearing top-level suits, they are still a bit worse in the face of the angry attacks of gangster-level creatures.

But none of the three women had any intention of retreating.

This time, from the moment he left Chuqin Mountain with Chu Yu, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian told Chu Yu clearly.

Life and death together!

Never separate!

This time, more seriously than ever.

Although Jiang Zilian did not make a clear statement, but in this world, the best relationship is these few people.

At this time, she can't do it if she is asked to leave Chu Yu and others!

In fact, the metal ball is still asleep, and the power it can exert is much worse than that in its heyday.

But Chu Yu continued to use it to attack each other.

The wicked dark camp gangster, looking at the metal ball, flashed endless greed.

"That's it! It's mine!"

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