
Chapter 943: Still a child

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The young man resisted in anger, but on one arm, a deep wound was cut by Chu Yu's knife, and blood flowed out. The blood gas is so high that even ordinary Xianzun can't bear this blood gas.

Chu Yu looked at and shook his head, and sighed, "If only you were a duck, you can make a pot of duck blood vermicelli soup."

"You ignorant idiot, savage! You are doing death!" The young man watched the dense runes of the sky above him become clearer, and the whole person was about to collapse.

If the messenger is really attracted, then even if his father wants to save him, I am afraid that he will have to pay a great price. And will his selfish and cautious father save him?

This is really hard to say. After all, his father is not the only one of him.

Thinking of this, the young man finally gritted his teeth, his eyes seemed to spew out fire, looked at Chu Yu, and conveyed the fluctuations of his mind: "I admit defeat ... truce!"


Chu Yu punched **** this young man's face, even if it was the indestructible body of King Kong, he couldn't help Chu Yu's fist of this level hitting his face. Like a **** mountain smashed up, this originally handsome young man reached the pig's head with a punch.

"You ..." If it wasn't too embarrassing messenger, the young man really wanted to desperately chase Chu Yu completely.

Chu Yu stopped his hand innocently and said, "You said it was late, I slipped."


He stared at Chu Yu with a pair of eyes, with undisguised anger in his eyes, and finally sighed, he didn't want to say anything, and felt very tired.

At this time, the dense runes above the sky above the head, as well as various mirage-like visions, began to blur gradually as the two stopped, and eventually dissipated.

Only then did the young man breathe out and said bitterly: "It's dangerous, this **** thing, the nose is more spiritual than the dog!"

Chu Yu's gaze remained at that place, and the runes gave him a great shock.

He could feel an unpredictable power of time and space from those runes, among them the faint, and some power that he could not figure out, could not be deduced.

Obviously, this power has surpassed this world. Does not belong here.

Therefore, this young man did not lie. If they kept on fighting and continued to fight, it might really lead out the mysterious and powerful messenger.

But Chu Yu was afraid, but he was not so afraid of it. As he said, he is an aboriginal here and a certified resident!

Even if the things that Maiden Mo said are true, then the person who wants to chase him should belong to the lineage of the current chaotic domain master.

As for the messenger, he did not stow across, what did he do to kill him?

Therefore, Chu Yu looked at the pig head face youth: "You owe me two lives, no, three!"

"Why?" Said the young man with a pig's head angry.

"First, you came to kill me, but not only did you fail, but I still have the ability to kill you, but I didn't kill ..."

"Why do you think you have the power to kill me? Where do you come from?"

"Shut up, I will! Look at your pig's head!" Chu Yu scolded.

The young man closed his mouth suddenly, his eyes swollen in a swollen but angry.

Chu Yu then said: "Second, I did not disturb the messenger, otherwise the messenger will come, and only you are the one to kill!"

"You can't escape, you don't understand anything at all!" The young man's anger explained.

"No, I understand." Chu Yu looked at the young man seriously, and said seriously: "I really understand."

"You know what a fart!" The youth could not help scolding. But he still looked at Chu Yu: "What is the third life?"

"Look, you're an ugly thing, did you admit the first two things?" Chu Yu sneered.

Youth: "..." He suddenly wanted to cry, and wanted to say that I was a child, let me go!

From small to large, when did he suffer such grievances? This man is a demon, no ... it's a big devil!

If he knew that that person had become like this, he would not come here if he was killed.

"Third life, I think about it, I was just interrupted by you and forgot." Chu Yu looked at him and said straightforwardly.

The youth has been completely speechless, trying to mobilize a supernatural power, and wants to restore his appearance. The top aristocrat in the palace, what is going on with a pig's head? Even if no one in this world knows him, the burden of idols needs something.

However, Chu Yu's Tao is too ruthless, and the avenues realized in the four walls, coupled with the urge to kill Heaven's Heart, Chu Yu's Tao, even looking at Tiangong, is definitely top-ranked.

So this young man can only be like a poor hapless egg, despite all his efforts, but there is no way to let his face swell in a short time.

"Come on, you are my captive now." Chu Yu glanced at the young man: "I want to interrogate you."

"Don't go too far, when will I be your captive? Obviously, we don't want to get the messenger's attention, and the truce is temporarily suspended," the youth said.

"Then continue to fight!" Chu Yu looked at the youth sneered.

The young man was silent, and he could see that this ignorant thing really thought that the messenger would not kill him. I'm afraid that with his hard tongue, it is impossible to reverse his thinking. Damn, it's an ignorant idiot, so stupid!

The young man wanted to slap Chu Yu's face and tell him how terrible the messenger was. And it doesn't matter if you are an indigenous or not. Wherever the messenger appears, all witnesses will be killed. Including those other people in the sky in the distance, no one wants to live.

But he met a miser, who did not believe what he said. This makes the youth feel helpless while feeling ridiculous.

Can only follow behind Chu Yu, like an angry young wife, grievously walked out of the time and space imprisoned area.

Until this time, a group of talents like Xiao Madman, Chu Die, Jiang Zilian, Tian Yinzi, Lin Shi, and Xu Xiaoxian really saw them.

Seeing a young pighead, following Chu Yu like a gas bag, a group of people all froze.

Later, Chu Yu greeted everyone and continued to go back to drink.

Still thinking about drinking?

A large amount of space-time runes can be gathered here, and there must be a major event. Even if the messenger will not notice it for a while, he will notice the anomaly here sooner or later. Whether you come or not depends on your mood. This feeling of putting fate in the hands of others should not be too bad.

But the youth now knows Chu Yu a little bit, and this man simply doesn't play cards according to reason. Like a tyrant, everything depends on the mood.

It's a big demon with severe neuropathy! Is this still the Prince of Chaos? If I knew he had become like this, why should I do more?

The young man thought about it, and at the same time couldn't help but recall some things that happened many years ago. At that time, the chaotic domain prince who had a completely different temperament from the big demon king in front of him was actually also terrible. He was dominated by the chaotic domain prince for many years.

If this were not the case, he would not be impulsive to sneak into the lower realm, and came here to completely kill the reincarnation of the Prince of Chaos.

It's a pity that he couldn't do it at the time, and now ... still not!

"Hey, kid, what's going on?" Chu Yu shook his hand in front of the young pig's head.

The young man recovered and looked at Chu Yu.

"Speak for yourself, explain your question well, and strive for leniency." Chu Yu sat on the chair with a careless look, squinting at the young man.

Everyone on the scene was speechless, especially Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, two people who knew the culture of Chu Yu's hometown, could not help vomiting. The young big brother at the level of the magnificent Xianzun, should he be so casual?

The young man also looked blank, swollen into a slit, and looked at Chu Yu: "What do you explain? What leniency? What are you going to do with me?"

Chu Yu knocked on the table with his hand dissatisfied: "Boy, it seems that you really don't quite understand your current situation?"

With that, Chu Yu pointed his finger at Xiao Madman: "Do you know who he is?"

The young man shook his head, a scornful flash in his slit eyes. Does anyone care about the name and identity of a ants?

Later, Chu Yu pointed to Tianyinzi again: "Do you know who he is?"

The young man shook his head again, the disdain in his heart grew stronger, and he said who they are, what does it have to do with me?

Chu Yu sneered: "They are all your ancestors!"

The youth was furious and pointed to Chu Yu: "Dare you scold me?"

"Dare." Chu Yu nodded, then suddenly slap in the face of the youth.


There was a crunch, and it was drawn above the pig's head.

The young man didn't expect Chu Yu to smoke him at such a time, even forgetting to dodge, until his face felt hot, and then he roared like crazy: "Do you want to die?"

Chu Yu stretched out an index finger and shook in front of the youth: "Child, be sensible, you can't beat me! The moment your way can't suppress me, your life has been completely controlled. In my hands. I want you to live, you can live, I want to kill you ... "

Chu Yu sneered: "It's just a thought! Do you believe it?"

Obviously he didn't believe it, but the youth couldn't help but step back two times, and a strong throb came from his heart. He is a top-level magic weapon, as if reminding him: that person is not threatening you, he is telling the truth!

The youth was silent.

He was still a child in the eyes of the gangsters in Tiangong, but he was no longer a child. If nothing else, the women around me alone don't know how many.

The stubborn guy in front of him looked a little out of tune, but think about it carefully. Every word he said did not seem to be threatening.

It's a fact!

"I think I should fight, right?" Chu Yu asked lightly.

The young man looked at him and said, "I'm afraid that after knowing my origin, you will have trouble sleeping and eating from now on."

Chu Yu glanced at him lightly: "Don't brag, isn't it the Temple of Heaven? You still have trouble sleeping and sleeping, you are too high to see you and the group of people behind you. I have given up all the grudges of the previous life It seems that you have n’t let go. It ’s okay, I ’m here to wait, one by one. "

The young man stunned slightly: "Do you know my origin?" The once-dominated fear in my heart spread again. The handsome face in front of him seemed to overlap with the Prince of Chaos Domain in his memory.

Nothing is more terrifying than this.

At this moment, the youth really wanted to say: "I'm still a kid, let me go."

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