
Chapter 944: Sima Junyu

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"What's so strange about your origins?" Chu Yu said lightly: "I don't know how to kneel and kowtow when I see the master, so I dare to shout and kill, so I said, you owe me three lives, is there something wrong?"

The youth stared at Chu Yu staring blankly, and everyone else looked at Chu Yu blankly. They did not know what was happening, nor did they know the dialogue between the girl Mo and Chu Yu.

"You ... have awakened?" The young man looked at Chu Yu.

"No, so I need you to tell me honestly." Chu Yu Ba Ya looked at the young man and smiled.

But this smile gave this young man a chilling feeling.

"My name is Sima Junyu, from Tiangong Sima ..."

The young man was silent for a moment and began to talk about his origins.

For people like Xiao Madman, hearing these words from young people is shocking to the point that they can't be added. I think it's really amazing.

Tiangong, for eternal God Realm and Immortal Realm, is a legendary place in itself. Just like the people on earth before the seal was lifted, the impression of the gods is the same.

On the one hand, I think that those legends should all have a provenance. After all, there is no way out of the hole; on the other hand, they are constantly doubting and denying that there can be no gods in this world.

Such contradictory and complicated hearts are actually connected.

If there is a place like Tiangong in this world, then only one thing can be said: their so-called gangster-level creatures, in the eyes of others, are probably just a group of ants.

Not to mention anything else, just a battle between Chu Yu and this Sima Junyu has already subverted too much of their inner cognition.

According to Sima Junyu, their Sima family is a huge family under the master of Chaos Domain today. Loyalty to the master of today's chaotic domain. Because I heard that the former Prince of Chaos was still alive, I ran out privately, sneaked here, wanted to kill it, and then took Chu Yu's head back to receive the reward.

The story is not complicated, but the information is for everyone except Chu Yu to have a feeling of shock.

Lin Shi murmured: "Why do so many dog ​​blood things happen to us? Why can't they live alive?"

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at her and said lightly: "Not like this."

Lin Shi stunned slightly, looking at Xu Xiaoxian. Xu Xiaoxian said: "Because we are not mortals, these things happen to us are inevitable."

Sima Junyu looked at Xu Xiaoxian for a long time before sighing, "The master is right."


Except for Chu Yu, Lin Shi, and Xu Xiaoxian, all the others were blank. The heart said that Xu Xiaoxian is not a mortal? Then, thinking of what she had just said, everyone was silent.

"How did you hear that I was here?" Chu Yu looked at Sima Junyu.

Sima Junyu hesitated and said, "After returning from the Lord of the Sovereign, he was imprisoned and was the father of the Sovereign. King Zhen Zhen personally reported this matter to the current Lord of Chaos."

At this time, Xu Xiaoxian suddenly said lightly: "You are lying."

The young man defended: "I don't have it! The lord, what I said is true!"

Xu Xiaoxian sneered: "You lie!"

The young man said helplessly: "If you don't believe me, I can't help it."

Xu Xiaoxian said: "Zhentian Wang will imprison his daughter, but he will never betray the news that Chu Yu is here! Because, I am also his daughter!"

Sima Junyu was speechless for a while.

Xu Xiaoxian then said: "Do you think you can lie to us if you are real or not? I tell you, Sima Junyu, don't think we don't know anything about Tiangong without going to Tiangong. I followed Chu Yu and flew into the altar At the same time, my father and mother also offered a doppelganger! "

Chu Yu was slightly startled and looked at Xu Xiaoxian. She had never mentioned this to him.

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at Chu Yu and said softly: "I also understood that my parents disappeared suddenly and completely. I met you and it was full of coincidences. Without their intervention, I am afraid it is not at all It may be so easy to find you. "

Subsequently, Xu Xiaoxian looked at Sima Junyu and said lightly, "Do you understand now?"

Of course I understand. Sima Junyu had almost 10,000 alpaca passing by.

He wanted to pit Chu Yu so that even if he returned to Tiangong one day, he would have to meet that person with a hostile attitude. Unexpectedly, the county master's avatar actually saw him through.

Not only awkward, but also revealed his true mind.

"How the **** do you know." Xu Xiaoxian asked him looking at him coldly.

At this point in Chu Yu's eyes, there was already a flash of opportunity.

If he insists on not telling the truth, then Chu Yu does not mind letting him stay here completely, and also tastes the taste of six reincarnations.

"Yes ... we, in the spirit of the master of the county ... I found it." Sima Junyu finished, sitting on the chair with his buttocks, panting. His heart is very clear, something big is about to happen!

"You have made it clear." Chu Yu looked at him seriously and asked.

Even if the girl ink has already said, from now on, it will be completely stripped away from Xu Xiaoxian and will have no relationship. She is her, Xu Xiaoxian is Xu Xiaoxian.

In the final analysis, they are also one and the same!

Just like the legendary one gasification and three clearings. Even if they are fighting each other, they can't completely strip off their relationship.

Not to mention that Chu Yu still owes a lot of girlish friendship!

Regardless of the way in which it is considered, if the girl ink is in danger, he cannot sit idly by.

Sima Junyu felt that his back was soaked with sweat. This feeling was the first time he experienced it in his life.

His lips were dry, and he said anxiously: "When Lord Mojun went back, he was intercepted by our people. After a war, she ... was caught by us. Then, we learned from her spiritual knowledge ... these messages."

"You say in detail, how can the state and ability of Israel be easily extracted from the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge?" Chu Yuyin looked at Sima Junyu indifferently and asked coldly.

Sima Junyu said bitterly: "We ... we used some means."

"What means?" Xu Xiaoxian asked, her voice trembling.

The influence of the young girl Mo on her is obviously much greater than expected. Xu Xiaoxian often shows the heartlessness, but she is not the kind of heartlessness.

Sima Junyu's mouth twitched, his teeth clenched, his heart crossed, and he said, "They ... killed her."

As if Xu Xiaoxian was pulled away from his soul, he slumped in a chair, and the whole person was speechless.

Lin Shi coldly said: "You nonsense!"

Sima Junyu looked at Lin Shi and said, "Master Shi Shi, I have nothing to hide until now."

Lin Shi looked at him coldly.

Xiao Kuangren and Chu Die have always remained silent, because this matter has completely exceeded their cognition.

Chu Die looked at Chu Yu deeply, thinking of her ancestors' good treatment for Chu Yu, and thinking of Chu Yu's various lucks, she finally had a lot of new insights.

Chu Yu, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, these three people, all from Tiangong!

And it seems that the three of them seem to have known this thing long ago.

Xiao Madman's heart turned upside down, and he finally understood why these young people would rather hide in this kind of place than to really integrate into the eternal God Realm.

They often say that their hometown is in the lower realm, but in fact, their hometown ... is on it!

Sima Junyu said: "A group of domain masters have always worried that the former prince will return one day. After all, there are still many people who are nostalgic in the chaotic domain. In particular, there may be a large proportion of those who are now in high positions On the surface, it seems to be subject to the new domain master, but secretly, he has been planning in secret. "

"For this, our side is not completely passive. Over the years, countless people on our side have been looking for the whereabouts of the former prince."

"The side of Mo Jun is purely an accident. We bought a maid beside her many years ago. Some time ago, her maid heard news that Mo Jun suddenly disappeared for a long time. After returning, , Alone in the room, crying for a long time. "

Sima Junyu said: "When we just heard the news, we didn't actually guess what she was doing. As a result, it was Mo Jun himself, who asked her maid to say that if someone's heart was taken away, Can it be recovered? "

Sima Junyu said: "On our side, some people guessed what might have happened based on this news. So, let the maid cheat the master of Mojun ..."

Xu Xiaoxian interrupted Sima Junyu's words coldly and asked, "Are you afraid that my father will kill you?"

"Fear, why not be afraid? King Zhen Zhen is famous in the entire chaotic domain, how many people are not afraid of him? But the reason under the black lights, the master of Mexico will not understand it?" Sima Junyu looked at the pig's head and looked at it He glanced at Xu Xiaoxian, and then said, "We are also powerful behind our hands and feet, and our hands and feet are very clean, leaving no trace of clues. Lord Mo Jun has completely disappeared in this world, and even that little real spirit has been given by us. Trapped! "

When Sima Junyu said this, his face was still somewhat proud: "I am afraid that the people of your world will not believe it anyway, and the true spirit will also be trapped?"

Xu Xiaoxian stared at Sima Junyu very coldly.

Sima Junyu said with a smile: "The master of the county does not have to hate me. In fact, I am just a little guy. The master of the county of Mo is not killed by me. The maid is not bought by me. The only thing I did was to sneak to Here, I tried to kill the former prince to go back to ask for help, but it failed. It's not good. After going back, I will be severely punished. The big brothers on this side still have doubts about when to start. "

Chu Yu looked at Sima Junyu and suddenly said: "I thought you were a cowardly person who was afraid of things and was greedy for life and death. Did you think you have such courage?"

Sima Junyu bears a pig's head, but smiles faintly: "Use my Sima Junyu's life to replace the death of the former prince, and protect my Sima family's eternal prosperity. I think it is worth it."

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