
Chapter 945: Are you a flat-headed brother?

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Everyone in the room looked at Chu Yu with unknown reason. Including Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, but the two women seemed to realize something quickly and their faces changed slightly.

Chu Yu looked at Sima Junyu and said, "If I guess correctly, it will take some time for the messenger to come here, so you have decided to do this since the moment you said surrender."

Sima Junyu nodded with a smile, his eyes still swollen into a slit, full of pride.

He said: "If I don't pretend to surrender, how can I really bring the messengers? Those messengers, indeed, have a better nose than dogs, but it's not something they will take care of. Especially what happens in this low-end world Things. Sometimes even if you break the sky and disrupt the rules and the Tao, as long as this world is not completely destroyed, they are too lazy to intervene. "

He said with a faint smile: "Like humans care about the war between a group of ants? Will they care about the collapse of a small earthen bag caused by the war between ants? But if there are countless ants, use ant dens Collapse Jiangdi ... hehe, this kind of thing, they will definitely intervene. Because that will affect the overall situation. "

Chu Yu nodded: "You are right, this is the truth."

Sima Junyu smiled and said: "So, although it is an enemy, you also agree with me, right?"

Chu Yu laughed, but suddenly burst out!

The metal ball flew out of his eyebrows and slammed directly into Sima Junyu.

Sima Junyu also seemed to be prepared for a long time, offering a flashing silver flying knife, almost at the same time, stabbing Chu Yu.


A terrible shock instantly flattened the place.

But this volatility did not hurt others. Because at the moment when this energy burst out, a soft light radiated from the metal ball, which enveloped the people and protected them all.

At the same time, the metal ball exudes an extremely cold force, directly suppressing Sima Junyu.

The silver flying knife hung in the center of Chu Yu's eyebrows, and it seemed to have penetrated, but it was very close.

Sima Junyu smiled and said gently: "Useless, even if you kill me now, the messenger will come. The heavy equipment on you, including your identity information, I have completely passed it out, ha ha. And, You cannot kill me completely, because I will have a little real spirit left in the world. They will find me sooner or later, and will give me supreme glory! "

"That's going to kill you too." Chu Yu said: "No matter whether I live or die, you can't see it. In addition, your domain owner, and your family, I am afraid it is difficult to find you. Because you have succeeded I aroused my fighting spirit. Even if there is a slight chance, I will kill all your bastards! "

With that said, he slashed the sky in his hand and cut Sima Junyu's head with a knife. That kind of supreme avenue instantly destroyed Sima Junyu's vitality completely.

Sima Junyu's body also collapsed, turning into energy, wanting to spill out. But Chu Yu opened his mouth and sucked it all into his stomach. It's a pity that the true spirit escaped.

Later, Chu Yu glanced at everyone and said, "Go!"

Stretching his hand in the air, a door appeared there. Without saying anything, everyone followed Chu Yu into the door.

Even now, they still don't know how terrible the messenger is, but the opportunity that allows Sima Junyu to trade it at the expense of death is definitely not a child's play.

Even if it is an enemy, they have to admire Sima Junyu's courage, which is really bold. When the game was set, he was actually destined to die.

Just after the time and space door that everyone opened along Chu Yu had just left, the sky there suddenly appeared a lot of terrible runes, dense and dense, filling the entire sky. Each rune exudes an unimaginable terror.

All the living creatures dormant here were alarmed. In fact, the sudden fluctuations just surprised them. The runes in the sky followed, and these creatures were frightened. Before they could find out what was happening, they were instantly suppressed by this terrible breath, and they shuddered, and none of them dared to appear.

Then, out of the dense runes, a figure dressed in white came out.

There was neither dazzling light nor terrifying coercion in the man. It looks like an ordinary person, but the place where it appears is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to reach.

The man was holding a bun, holding a whisk in his hand, and wearing a pair of cloth shoes under his feet, just walked out of the rune, and then step by step, to where Chu Yu disappeared.

His face is also a public face, and if thrown into the crowd, he will not be found in the next moment.

The man looked around forty years old and stood there expressionlessly, frowning slightly, as if feeling something.

The dense runes in the sky above him still exuded a terrible atmosphere, suppressing the billions of miles of creatures who dared not have any thoughts of exploration.

Coming a little late, the man in white thought for a moment, then stepped out in one direction.

It seems very slow, but it is very fast. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared there.

It wasn't until he walked for a long time that the ancient creatures here dared to show up, some started to deduct, some flew towards here, and everyone wanted to figure out what happened.

At this moment, in the dense runes in the sky, suddenly a large area of ​​lightning fell.

Every lightning, with a breath of extinction, slashed at all the creatures that came out, including those who did not.

Regardless of the realm, Immortal Venerable, Daxian Venerable, or Daxian Venerable, are vulnerable in the face of these lightnings from the runes.

It's really like a group of ants, instantly hacked on the spot.

For hundreds of millions of miles, a living creature is gone.

Then, there was another gentle power that radiated from the rune, like the spring breeze blowing, this devastated land instantly glowed with endless vitality.

The mountains and rivers that were destroyed before, at this moment, are restored as before.

Only the creatures here will never appear in this world.

Chu Yu led the crowd, continuously jumping along the star road, constantly folding the space, trying to stay away from here.

On the way, Chu Yu thought about whether to send the Xiao Madman away. But in the end, he still didn't do it.

Although the messenger was terrible, he had not seen it with his own eyes, but he could guess one or two from the previous runes. Even if he sends away the madman Xiao, I am afraid the messenger will not let them go.

In this case, it is better to take it with us. At this time, it's too pale to say sorry, but it doesn't make much sense.

Sima Junyu's chance of killing Chu Yu at the cost of his life was indeed terrifying. The messenger really did not make a shot, as soon as he made a shot ...

All wiped out!

Just like a bear child uses water to irrigate ant dens, no matter how big or small, don't even want to run.

This kind of thing is useless even if you regret it. Because there is nothing to regret. Sima Junyu died in desperation, and he wanted La Chuyu to die together. This kind of thing is simply unpredictable.

Damn, how much hatred and resentment? Why can I let go, but you can't let go?

The hatred is really too deep now!

If the girl ink is really dead and even the true spirits are trapped by them, then this hatred is really too big.

Even if Chu Yu wanted to be a salted fish in this world, it would be impossible to live a low-key life.

This escape is more than three thousand years!

No one had imagined that this time the escape was so long.

In the later period, they didn't even know why Chu Yu had to escape.

Because no one is chasing them!

Yes, twelve hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, three thousand years have passed, and they have never seen a chaser behind them.

But Chu Yu still folds the space constantly, jumps the space, has not stopped in the slightest, like a tireless machine. There is little communication and exchange with them. It seems that every second wasted may be caught up.

Everyone was uneasy from the beginning, and now it is almost completely numb.

Even the pure and eternal God Realm, Xiao Kuangren, has never had such a hurry since ancient times.

Xiao Madman was once a person who claimed to have traveled across the eternal earth. But where Chu Yu walked, Xiao Madman had never come. It is a pity that there is no time for him to savor the local customs and customs in different regions.

There are even too many places, not even flash.

A space is folded, and I don't know where it will appear next moment.

So at the beginning, Xiao Madman can still judge their general position. Now that three thousand years have passed, he has no idea where he is.

Unless it comes to the ground below, find a big city, go in and ask a clear question, maybe you might know.

They didn't know why they wanted to escape, but they didn't ask.

Including Tian Yinzi, the person who dislikes toiling around the least did not ask.

Only the things that should be faced, after all, still can not escape.

Chu Yu took the crowd and fled for three thousand years, but was eventually caught up by the white man.

At the moment of catching up, Xiao Madman suddenly understood why Chu Yu had to run like this.

Because this man in white appeared in front of them out of thin air, without any breath of avenues, and no energy fluctuations. As for what is said to be covered with divine light, it does not exist.

Everyone had almost no precautions, and this white man appeared in front of them.

It even gave the impression that this man in white seemed to be there, not because he appeared out of thin air, but a group of them ... bumped into one.

Chu Yu stopped and glanced at the space around him, then sighed softly, and looked at the man in white: "Is this necessary? Are you a flat-headed brother?"

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