
Chapter 961: King of Heaven

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In the Ritian Valley, he watched the Litian King Lin Xuesong kill the powerful practitioners like chopping melons and vegetables. He also saw with his own eyes a person who was with him ... I can seal the king without dying. Cedar tears alive.

Ordinarily, these should be enough to prove that the Lin Xuesong at that time must be the deity of Lin Xuesong.

Except for the deity, no other avatar can have such a powerful combat power.

In the end, he also saw with his own eyes that Lin Xuesong was smashed by the master of the domain, broke his soul, and shattered the true spirit.

Those who died on the spot can no longer die.

The fighting power of the current domain masters was also vividly displayed in front of their hearts!

But I don't know why in the heart of King Hun, there is still this feeling.

He always felt that Lin Xuesong was too simple to die!

How can a big person who astounds an era die so easily?

Why didn't you leave in the situation of knowing you were going to die? I stayed in Qingshan without worrying about firewood. This should be understood by individuals.

If he wants to leave, he may be difficult to keep him even if he is the domain owner.

After all, Ritiangu Lin is not a fish-bellied family, and their heritage is still quite deep.

If it was not the last moment, the domain master personally shot, relying on the people of Hun Tianwang, I am afraid that he could not really win the Ritian Valley.

Before the current domain master came to power, there was a lot of speculation about him. Many people think that the reason why the current domain master was able to occupy a high position in that year was because he was the brother of the Chu domain. Pick up the big bargain to sit in the position of Kai Tianwang.

Even King Hun, before the Battle of Rift Valley, somewhat thought in his mind.

However, after that time, the Heavenly King completely convinced.

Understand that the domain master was the first king to open the heavenly king in the past, and it is not a wave of fame! It really has that strength.

What depends on the relationship to be superior, is simply bullshit!

In the most amazing era of the past, under the throne of the Chu domain, seven from the left and seven from the right, the world is famous!

Seventh from the left are Kai Tian Wang Zhou Han, Tuo Tian He He Shou Cheng, Eastern coach Cao Hongzhi, Western coach Huo Xiuwen, Southern coach Xi Anfu, Northern coach Shang Wenhong and Middle-earth coach Mai Tianyu.

The two heavenly kings, the generals of the five sides, formed the left seven under the command of the Chu domain. Among them, the northern general Shang Wenhong was also the only female among the seven from the left.

The seventh on the right is Zhen Zhen, Xu Zhen, Tian Tian, ​​Lin Xuesong, Xiang Yingjie, General Wen Wei, General Ai Yongfeng, General Yingwei, and General Minyushan.

The same is the two kings, plus five generals of heaven, earth, people, spirits and ghosts.

Fourteen people from left to right and seven from the left follow the domain master to fight the south and the north to settle the chaos in the chaotic domain, and then push it all the way again, hitting the realm of everyone's conversation to the crying father and calling the mother.

In the end, if it was not a decision of the domain master, there was a serious disagreement with the open king Zhou Han, that is, the current domain master. It is estimated that Zhou Han could not quickly seize power after becoming the master of Chu domain ... become the new domain master.

Thinking of these past events, the Heavenly King could not help but sigh.

Although he is the most active person in slaughtering the old minister of Chu domain, it does not mean that he does not admire the power to suppress the ages.

If he didn't decide to take the initiative to attack the Devil's Nest, how could he just die and die?

As decided today, the Huntian King, who was not a big man in the past, has also become a new generation of kings, with a status that is more than that of the previous left seven and right seven. So in the heart of King Hun, it is clear who gave it all.

Regardless of whether the domain master Zhou Han is right or wrong, for him, there is only one way, that is support!

He and the domain master Zhou Han are truly glorious and harmless.

Over the years, how many former courtiers wanted to kill him, he was a little unclear, and he was too lazy to count.

Anyway, no matter who it is, as long as it falls into the hands of his heavenly king, don't think about it.

The means is brutal and cruel, even the domain master Zhou Han can't help but say that he will kill if he kills. Why should he be abused?

Hun Tianwang still remembers how he answered.

"I don't know what the Lord knows. If his subordinates don't kill them, they think that the world's most bleak ending will be nothing more than death. Some people are afraid of death, but some people are not afraid of death. , They do n’t know that there is a feeling in this world that it ’s dying and uncomfortable! The subordinates want them to be afraid of their subordinates. When they mention their names, they gritt their teeth, but deep inside, they are full of fear! "

The domain master also asked him at the time: "You are like this, aren't you afraid that you don't have a friend?"

The king of Huntian was most proud of the dialogue between the king and his minister. He said at that time, as long as his subordinates have the blessing of the Lord, it is enough. What do you want your friends to do?

I remember the head of the four kings at the time, and now the master of the domain, Zhou Han, after listening to it, he laughed and said that you are very smart. Since you are willing to be my knife, you will be from today!

It was from that day on that he was the King of Heaven, that he officially entered the center of power in this chaotic realm.

So everything he gave was given by Zhou Han. As long as Zhou Han is the master of the day, then he is a happy and happy king.

Although deep in my heart, it has long been determined that those remnants of the former dynasty cannot afford to cause any storms. The world of this chaotic domain is completely settled!

But there is one person who will not die, neither he nor other colleagues, even the domain master Zhou Han, are all uneasy.

That man is the former prince Chu Yu!

In order to protect the life of Crown Prince Chu Yu, Xu Zhen never bowed his head to Zhou Han personally, as long as Zhou Han did not kill Chu Yu, and did not involve the old officials and old generals of Chu Yu, then he Xu Zhen was willing Follow Zhou Han's orders and be willing to stand up and endorse Zhou Han publicly.

Zhou Han was in a bad position. If Xu Zhen, one of the four great kings of the past, publicly endorsed it, it would naturally be undesirable. Therefore, under the circumstances at that time, Zhou Han agreed to Xu Zhen's request, promising not to kill Crown Prince Chu Yu. But he also warned Xu Zhen that he was optimistic about the abandoned crown prince and refrain from doing things. Otherwise, it will not be spared.

King Zhen Zhen took the waste Prince to his mansion and protected it. In fact, at that time, King Zhen Tian still had a thought, and many people also understood that that is, King Tian Mansion, there is an altar with the lower realm!

Once Zhou Han really wants to start with the Crown Prince Chu Yu, then Zhen Zhen Wang Xu Zhen has the ability to send him away the first time.

In this regard, Zhou Han is also very helpless.

At that time, still King Hun, gave an idea and said that since Xu Zhen had the idea of ​​using the lower realm to protect the waste prince, why didn't he just go ahead and kick the waste prince directly to the lower realm?

The entire chaotic domain is like a big world with thirty-three heavens, of which the heavenly palace is the thirty-third sky at the top. Then the first layer of sky is naturally the bottom layer.

As long as the crown prince is pushed to the lowest level, he will have only one real spirit to reincarnate.

From then on, he went back and forth, no matter how tossed, even if he was shocked, he was able to practice to a very high level, but he still could not escape the infinite reincarnation of the lower level.

Want to return? How can it be so easy!

Not to mention whether he can use those altars, even if there are favors from the messenger, where can he get so many resources? Using an altar once is simply unbearable in the world of the lower realm!

At that time, did you solve all the problems?

The key thing is that King Tian Zhen also thought of using the lower realm to protect Chu Yu. He felt that it was impossible, and sent His Royal Highness to the lower realm.

Since he has this kind of thinking, he will definitely say to those around him.

The most important thing happened in the mansion of King Zhen.

Even if he is mad with anger, there is no way!

He even had to cover up this matter himself, and never mentioned it to anyone.

Otherwise, how can he cleanse himself of suspicions?

The proposal made by King Hun Tian made Zhou Han overjoyed, so when this matter succeeded, Zhou Han became more dependent on King Hun.

I think that King Hun is not only brave, but also scheming!

From then on, in the mind of Zhou Han, King Huntian's status became more and more important, and he became irreplaceable.

Therefore, because of cruelty and cruelty, he should not have any friends, and since then, there have been more friends.

But he is very smart and never makes deep contact with anyone!

No matter who it is, it is always a face, and then it is just a general acquaintance. It will never cause Zhou Han to be a little afraid of him in any way.

To this day, King Hun is still very favored in front of Zhou Han. It is precisely because he is advancing and retreating that he has a good sense of balance. It can be called Zhou Han's real left arm and right arm, and his femur.

If such a person dies, it is estimated that Zhou Han will really be crazy.

Of course, the Heavenly King now only feels irritable.

Because of such a perfect plan that year, somehow, there were a lot of flaws!

The abandoned Crown Prince, who should be lost in the endless reincarnation, actually cultivated to a very high level in the lower realm, and it seems to have obtained some kind of great opportunity.

Damn, what kind of opportunity does that kind of low-level world have?

Who would think a baby is hidden in an ant's nest?

Not only that, Zhen Tianwang's daughter actually went down with a doppelganger, Split Heavenly King's daughter ... Especially the whole person went down!

Their powerful intelligence capabilities allowed Hun Tianwang and others to use the master of Mexico County to finally pull back a round. Unexpectedly, Sima Junyu's **** idiot would actually be in the lower realm. As a result ... What a death!

There is really something in the ant nest.

This was the first reaction of King Hun Tian after hearing news of Sima Junyu's death.

Never let that person come back alive!

This is his second reaction.

This birthday banquet, on the one hand, really wanted to celebrate that he had just gone through a big catastrophe; on the other hand, he wanted to go fishing and clean up those fish hidden in the dark corner.

Who could have imagined that someone would release the news of the return of the Crown Prince at this time.

The Huntian king, who holds a lot of information, thinks that this news may be true!

So now he just wanted to get the **** man out as soon as possible, and then he personally let him completely disappear.

Do not have a good reincarnation in the lower realm, what do you have to do?

Tiangong is no longer your Chu's Tiangong!

After thinking for a long time, King Hun stood up and walked a few steps in the room irritably. Then he pushed open the door and prepared to go out to breathe.

As soon as he opened the door, he froze stunned, his pupils tightened suddenly, revealing the expression of hell, and said horror: "Why are you?"

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