
Chapter 962: Soil fat round

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Lai Ren smiled and said, "Why can't it be me? Tu Fei Yuan, long time no see, do you want me?"

Soil fat round!

If these three words are spoken from other populations, the King of Heaven will surely turn his face on the spot and not smash the other party into scum.

This was his nickname when he was very young.

At that time, the Huntian King was born in the country and was rustic. Because of improper practice, his body was bloated. Although he was extremely flexible, he was as fat as a ball.

So the little friends around him gave him the nickname of soil and fat round.

However, later, as the realm of King Hun Tian continued to improve, his strength continued to increase, and every time he upgraded and evolved, he would reshape his appearance. Later, it has become a handsome man.

Today's Huntian King is tall and majestic, and where can he find the slightest shadow of that year. The three words of Tufeiyuan have also been buried deep in the memory of Hun Tianwang, and they are almost forgotten.

If it was not mentioned by this person.

Hun Tianwang looked at the person with a complex face, with deep fear in his eyes.

"King of Heaven, you are still alive."

This man who came is actually Lin Xuesong!

Split Heavenly King Forest Cedar!

"Almost died." The man came to lift the hood at the beginning, revealing a particularly young and extremely handsome face. Looking at Hun Tianwang: "Tu Fei Yuan, have arrived at your door, won't you invite me to sit down?"

Shente is fat and round, and Laozi is the King of Heaven! Is the same king as you! It is this chaotic realm with high weight, a real big man above 10,000 people under one person!

It is more prestige than you cracked the king!

But these words, King Hun Tian just thought about it in his heart, without saying it.

Don't you dare?

It seems really.

Even the person in front of him should have died countless years ago, and even if he came here, he would have to sneak in and not dare to be upright.

But I don't know why, Hun Tianwang still dare not wanton in front of this one.

The number two in the right seven in the past.

The characters of the entire chaotic domain! Real top commander, super powerful.

"Please!" Hun Tianwang looked serious, and let the Heavenly King Lin Xuesong enter the room. And personally boil water and make tea.

Lin Xuesong sat there, did not speak, and quietly watched Hun Tianwang busy there.

"It was a must for you to make tea. Drinking the tea you made was a treat." Lin Xuesong said with a smile, like being in a family.

But Hun Tian Wang did not have any thoughts about chatting. Although his hands were still steady, taking tea, boiling water, washing tea ... all procedures were meticulous, but his heart was completely messed up!

not dead? How could it not die? At that time, I watched him die in the hands of the domain master, and even the true spirits collapsed! How could it be resurrected?

When did he resurrect?

Has his state recovered?

He came to me today, I am afraid he was going to kill me?

Can I beat him?

Do I have a chance to report this news?

Do I have a chance to slip under his eyelids?

If I leave, will he open a killing ring in my muddy palace?

Innumerable thoughts, surging in the mind of the Heavenly King, could not stop.

Even if he is now the top big man in this chaotic domain, the fear of being dominated by the Heavenly King of Heaven once he saw Lin Xuesong still filled his inner world quickly.

"Please use tea." Hun Tian Wang placed the brewed Wu Dao tea in front of Li Tian Wang Lin Xuesong.

Lin Xuesong glanced at her, shook her head, and said, "Your heart is messed up, and the tea you brew is not good."

Hun Tianwang took a breath and sat in front of Lin Xuesong, with a wry smile: "Speak straight."

"Are you so afraid of me?" Lin Xuesong asked with a smile.

"Afraid, can you be afraid? The nickname Tufeiyuan was given by you." Huntian Wang Youyou said.

"You remember." Lin Xuesong looked at him and said lightly: "I thought you had forgotten long ago."

"If it wasn't for the young master to bring me out in the past, I would never dare to forget it for a moment," said Hun Tianwang.

Lin Xuesong laughed with laughter: "So when Lin Lin's door of the Rift Valley was destroyed, you worked so hard, right?"

"Worship, admiration, gratitude, envy, jealousy, and hatred." Huntian Wang murmured: "Isn't this the case?"

In Lin Xuesong's eyes, a touch of contempt flashed: "It's natural to say such shameless words, so it should be, so fresh and refined, no wonder you can stand out from so many people."

"Young Master, don't sarcasm me. Tell me what you want?" Hun Tianwang looked hard at Lin Xuesong.

"This point hasn't changed. At the critical moment, it's a decisive killer. It's a bachelor." Lin Xuesong smiled, then looked at the Heavenly King: "You die, you don't move your true spirit, your family, I shelter."

"Is that so?" The Heavenly King suddenly relieved.

"I'm not like you, not as ruthless as you." Lin Xuesong smiled.

"But I don't want to die either." The Heavenly King sighed and looked at Lin Xuesong: "The villain is brave and fights with the young master."

"Are you going to fight me?" Lin Xuesong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a pair of Danfeng eyes flashed a cold light, staring at the Heavenly King with a smile.

The King of Heaven has a feeling of numbness in the scalp, but still said with a stern scalp: "The beast is still fighting, the ants are still greedy.

"It's okay to fight me, but if you think about it, my heart is not without hatred." Lin Xuesong said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Asked Heavenly King's mouth twitched slightly and asked.

"In the past, my loved ones, how many died under your sword, you should be clear in your heart. Most of those people are familiar with you and are very good to you. Especially ladies, remember Once, you were eroded by the poison of the avenue, and one leg was about to be completely abolished. It was the lady who rescued you. "

Lin Xuesong said lightly: "Don't you forget these?"

King Hun Tian said stiffly, "I haven't forgotten."

"How many former robes have been beheaded and killed by your own hands under the domain master, haven't you forgotten?"

"Not forgotten." Hun Tianwang said.

"In that case, what qualifications do you have to come and talk to me about the conditions?" Lin Xuesong looked at him: "What is in your heart, I am clear. I brought you out of that year, I understand you, even It is better than yourself. The only time you look at it once is an irreparable mistake. "

Lin Xuesong Youyou said: "I promise not to kill your family and not to break your true spirit. It is already the biggest concession. But you still want to fight me, it is just guessing, I was so injured , Will it not be completely restored to this day? "

"Yes, I guessed that." The Heavenly King gritted his teeth and said, "And, I don't want to die!"

"No one wants to die, neither my loved ones want to die, nor those robes! They don't die in the hands of the realm, but they die in the hands of your scum." Lin Xuesong's tone was plain, but what he said was full of bones. Hatred: "Even today, you still don't want to let go of your prince and your daughter."

"Tu Fei Yuan, fight with me, okay. But the monstrous hate in my heart and the trace of incense that is left to you will be completely exhausted." Lin Xuesong looked at the Heavenly King: "So, fight Frame, after killing you, I will break your true spirit, and then, kill your whole family. "

Hun Tianwang's body shook slightly, looked up at Lin Xuesong.

Lin Xuesong said: "Of course, you can also bet on it, maybe I haven't completely recovered. Maybe, with your current combat strength, you can kill me completely."

In the heart of the Heavenly King, the endless bitterness was instantly filled.

The true spirit is smashed and the whole family is destroyed ... Isn't this the portrayal of the Lintiangu Lin?

One of the masterminds that caused that human tragedy in that scene was his king!

Now, when the bitter Lord returns, he sits in front of him and has to do the same. Is it too much? It doesn't seem excessive. It is only natural to kill people to pay their lives and pay their debts.

But why is there still violent surges in his heart?

I can treat you like that, because I am a traitor, and I am born with blood that is unwilling to let people down. I want to be superior, I want to be a master! Become a big man above nine days!

But you are not that kind of person!

You are a just, compassionate, and kind-hearted person!

How can that kind of exterminating whole family say it from the mouth of a big man like you?

"Did you think about it?" Lin Xuesong picked up some cold tea in front of him and took a sip. The covered cloud is breezy.

"Young Master, must this be the case?" Hun Tianwang said bitterly.

"What do you say?" Lin Xuesong glanced at him.

"I, choose, fight!" Hun Tianwang said with difficulty.

In front of his own life and the life of the whole family, the Huntian King finally chose himself. Even if he knew in his heart that such a choice would be worse in all cases, but he still wanted to make a bet.

What if?

"Good!" Lin Xuesong stood up.

Hun Tianwang looked at Lin Xuesong with a concentrated look.

Lin Xuesong waved his hand and said lightly: "Don't look at it, that bit of poison in your tea is nothing to me at all. It has been done like this once in the past, don't you think I will fail again the last time? "

In the eyes of King Hun, a look of disappointment appeared, saying: "The young master is really brilliant!"

Lin Xuesong glanced at him, his figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

Hun Tianwang pushed the door out and instantly exuded a terrible spiritual storm!

"The Heavenly King Lin Xuesong is not dead, he has come to revenge, and he can escape quickly, how far away! Tell the domain master, I am the heavenly king, and he is loyal to him!"





This spiritual storm has just emanated, and in all directions, the light of enchantment was illuminated.

He resisted all the spiritual storms of the Heavenly King and returned.

His warning, even the slightest bit, failed to pass through.

Above the sky above the head, there is another figure at the moment.

The Heavenly King trembles, like falling into the ice cave, and loses his voice: "Zhentian ... you, why are you here?"

In the sky, the figure looked down contemptuously: "The soil is fat and round, you are really a fool! Cedar, the soft-hearted guy, still gives you a chance at the last moment, but unfortunately, you are all perfectly missed."

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