
Chapter 964: The only survivor

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She worked hard and worked so long before finally getting an opportunity to enter the core area of ​​the palace. As a result, a big hand that fell from the sky directly broke everything.

The point is, Xu Xiaoxian does not know exactly what happened.

The people around them instantly became a mess, and all of them ran crazy towards the outside.

That big hand was blocked by the masters of countless kings in the palace, but it couldn't be blocked for long.

Because some extremely powerful practitioners approached the big hand, they burst on their own.

At this moment, the entire Huntian City was completely messed up.

Countless people looked at the big hand in horror, with deep fear in their eyes.

Before the birth of Huntian Wang Shou, some people dared to attack the palace of Huntian so publicly. Are n’t you afraid of Hun Tianwang ’s rage? Are you not afraid of the anger of the domain master?

Chu Yu and Lin Shi were in the city. Lin Shi looked at the big hand in the sky that kept suppressing, and then looked at Chu Yu and said: "We seem to be playing big ..."

So far, it has completely exceeded Chu Yu and Lin Shi's previous expectations.

The purpose of Chu Yu's release of the news of the return of the former prince was just to disturb the water of this muddy city and completely mess up the situation here. Then take advantage of the chestnut!

Although Chu Yu did not have absolute confidence in the killing of King Hun, he had great confidence.

Unexpectedly, his rumor actually led to such a terrible big man.

Although it is not clear who the master of that big hand is, but ten out of nine, it should be the man of the master of Chu domain.

At this time, the safest way is actually to protect yourself, quietly lurking. No matter who is coming, observe it before you talk.

However, at this moment, a large number of practitioners rose from the sky around Huntian City and attacked the big hand.

These people are all people who come here to worship!

There are a lot of people in gorgeous dresses, exuding a strong breath on their bodies. Obviously their status is unusual.

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "These people are all under Zhou Han's status, and their status is not low. If you can wipe out this group of people and kill them here, it must be that the fake domain master Zhou Han should be very Are you distressed?

At the same time, the huge and unmatched palm in the sky continued to suppress.

A large number of buildings in the palace of Hun Tian have begun to collapse!


The roar continued, and the dust was all over the sky.

Even if there is a top-level support, you still can't stop this big hand.

To be precise, those magic circles should have been destroyed!

In front of Zhen Zhen, Xu Zhen, how can there be a powerful magic circle?

"Protect the palace!"

"Protect the Heavenly King!"

A roar rang out in the Huntian City.

At this moment, a huge and unmatched head resembling a huge star was directly thrown from the palace of Huntian King to Gaotian.

The head is very fresh, and a lot of blood flows down from the wound, forming a **** waterfall.

The head circumnavigated the palm, and the higher the flight, the wider the face on the head, eyes wide open, with endless unwillingness in his eyes.

That face, the entire Huntian City, can be said that no one is unfamiliar.

"God, King Hun is killed!"

"The Heavenly King is dead!"

"Huntian King was cut off by his head!"

The whole Huntian City was completely messed up at once.

Countless people exclaimed, all with shocking expression in their eyes.

All of them, including those who rushed there from all directions, were shocked.

The majestic king, now the big man in the entire chaotic domain under one person, is actually in his mansion, in the face of countless masters, his head was cut!

And even though those eyes are rounded, people with a little realm can see that the Heavenly King is dead!

This shock made countless people almost scared on the spot.

How strong is the person who shot?

And, who are they?

The entire Huntian Palace has completely collapsed.

Xu Xiaoxian followed the crowd and fled wildly.

She was also a little frightened, the person who shot was terrifying!

That palm, like the slap of the Buddha patting the monkey, can't hide it anyway!

It enveloped the entire palace of the Heavenly King. Except for the moment when the head of the Heavenly King was thrown into the high sky, and the palm was slightly opened, from the beginning to the end, this palm is like a tailor made for the Palace of the Heavenly King. In general.

The size is the same, press it down completely, and fit it tightly. There will be no omissions in the entire palace.

Therefore, to escape before this palm is suppressed, it has become everyone's wish.

Although a large number of strong men appeared from all directions and attacked crazyly towards this hand, those attacks fell on the big hand and did not cause much damage.

At most it was a splash of blood, but it did not affect its downward suppression.

The whole process may seem slow, but in fact it is very fast.

In a blink of an eye, this big hand was only 30 feet away from the ground. This distance is like there is no distance at all. It seems that if you look outside, you can take pictures here at Huntian Wangfu.

Countless people are running crazy, but they are like encountering ghosts to hit the wall!

No matter how high the state is, there is absolutely no way to rush out, always in the same place.

At this time, in the palace of the Huntian King, a strong man already guessed the identity of the offender. They growled wildly and wanted to pass the news.

"It's King Sei and King Sei! King Sei's split **** palm, King Sei's magic circle is trapped!"

Xu Xiaoxian, who was rushing out, was shocked.

Shocked King ... Cracked King!

One is her father, the other ... is Lin Shi's father!

Here, these two real big brothers turned out to be!

No wonder the head of the Heavenly King was easily cut off by someone.

Even if the network of Tiangong World is closed, the ranking of the group of top existing force values ​​can always be found.

Split Sky Divine Palm and the magic circle of trapping are all the most top-level attack methods in Tiangong World.

When the two attack methods meet, they are almost invincible!

How many realmons have been killed by this attack method in those years? Perhaps Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong could not remember it by themselves.

Unexpectedly, many years later, this kind of joint attack was carried out again, but it was not aimed at the realm.

However, even if his father and Lin Shi's father were shooting, there was only one thing Xu Xiaoxian had to do.


When looking at everyone trapped here, Xu Xiaoxian already understood that the entire Huntian Palace was set up with a terrible magic circle. And this array is brilliant.

But soon, Xu Xiaoxian's mind gave birth to a sense of enlightenment, as if it was the initiation of Daigo, and he immediately found the real direction.

It looked like it was an instant epiphany.

But in fact, she knew very clearly in her heart that this is something awakening!

Because this magic circle was set by her father!

In the process of photographing that big hand, Xu Xiaoxian ran smoothly all the way to the outside.

Countless people in the palace of the Heavenly King were stunned, and their hearts were extremely jealous. Everyone is stuck here waiting to die, why are you so good?


Xu Xiaoxian's figure rushed out completely, just in front of a rushed person. She just wanted to shoot, but the man completely ignored her and continued to attack the big hand.

Anyone who escapes from the king's mansion will be considered a king of the heavenly king.

The purpose of these people is to save the people in the king's palace. How can they deal with her?

Therefore, Xu Xiaoxian simply endured, and did not shoot at that person, because once she shot, I am afraid that there will be countless attacks on her in an instant.

Forget it, let's slip away first!

However, it is not so easy to slip.

After all, there were so many people in the whole palace.

So excellent, how can it not attract the attention of others?

Therefore, Xu Xiaoxian was "protected" by a large number of powerful people at once.

Surrounded by it, Xu Xiaoxian showed a frightened expression on his face: "Don't kill me!"

Chu Yu and Lin Shi who came over there were speechless and said silently in their hearts: "Please start your performance."

The big hand was finally shot fiercely in Huntian Wangfu. The big hand disappeared instantly, and then a long arm appeared.

The arm seemed to grow to no margin, extending to the depths of the sky, and the person who shot was not visible at all.

At this moment, there are still countless people attacking wildly towards that arm.

Blood soon ran down the arm.

Even if it is a golden body, it can't withstand the crazy attacks of so many high-level powerhouses.

At this time, someone in the Huntian City shouted: "Cracking the God Palm, this is the Crushing God Palm! Lin Xuesong is still alive, you are so vicious, even the old and weak women and children are not let go, are you still human?

The voice of the person speaking came from all directions, making it impossible to determine his exact location.

But at the next moment, there was a loud noise somewhere in the city, and then a figure rushed out in disbelief. The person was spitting blood in the air and the whole person was seriously injured.

"Did anyone say the same thing in the old days when Ritiangu was washed by blood?"

A cold voice seemed to come from Nine Heavens.

Then, the man's body shattered directly!

The group of people around Xu Xiaoxian looked almost soulless, and one of them said to Xu Xiaoxian: "We are protecting you, how can we kill you? Come with us!"

Another asked, "How did you escape?"

Xu Xiaoxian was terrified: "I, I don't know, I have been in circles, I don't know how to escape."

Someone said with sorrow: "From the top to the bottom of the Great Hun Heavenly Palace, only you alone escaped alive. You can rest assured that we will protect you and take you to see the domain master!"

Xu Xiaoxian, who had originally planned to find a chance to slip away, was slightly startled, and then he was ecstatic!

"I, I'm just a little cook girl, how can I have the right to meet the domain master ..." She said sadly: "My companions are all gone, woo ..."

"Don't cry, don't cry, let's go now! From now on, you will be the only survivor of Hun Tian Wang Fu! Forget your identity as a kitchen lady!"

"Yes, from now on, you are the only survivor of Hun Tian Wang Fu, you are no longer a cook!"

"We will take you away, take you to see the master of the domain, we must return you, and a fair justice in the palace!"

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