
Chapter 965: Two father-in-laws

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The purpose of this group of people is very simple, strange goods!

Not to mention being a kitchen lady, even the most inferior handyman can become the only survivor of the Huntian King's Mansion, and his status will soar from now on!

Not to mention anything else, only that the domain master will definitely treat this survivor in memory of the King Hun.

By that time, as a survivor, they not only had the opportunity to meet the domain master, but also had the opportunity to follow the sky!

Even if someone killed King Huntian today, even if Lin Xuesong, the king of the heavens, and Xu Zhen, the king of the heavens, would react, at this time, no one thought they would succeed.

There is no shortage of speculators in this world.

These are really smart people who know when and where they can get the most benefit.

It doesn't matter how many children are still living outside the Huntian King's Mansion. The only survivor right now is the most valuable!

At the end of the day, the entire Tiangong network will frantically promote this person and create momentum for her.

Xu Xiaoxian was directly surrounded by this group of people, quickly boarded an ancient ship, and broke away directly.

She didn't even have a chance to send Chu Yu and Lin Shi a message.

However, she believes that Chu Yu and Lin Shi should be watching here at this moment, and she can definitely see where she went.

Chu Yu and Lin Shi did indeed see it, and watched as she was wrapped in a group of people on the ancient ship, and left the Huntian City in chaos.

Both of them were speechless and just wanted to block it.

Xu Xiaoxian will be taken to meet the domain master Zhou Han, which is too dangerous!

But I have to say that this is definitely an excellent opportunity.

An opportunity to successfully break into the enemy.

But this ... will it work?

Although Xu Xiaoxian has a very high IQ, the means are also very high. But who is Zhou Han?

That is a person who can take advantage of chaos to seize the position of the domain master. Will he lack wisdom and means?

Moreover, what should he do if he notices that Xu Xiaoxian has a problem?

Lin Shi glanced at Chu Yu, his eyes full of worry: "Xian'er is too rash!"

Chu Yu raised her eyebrows and said, "She has a sense of justice."

"You don't have to worry!" Lin Shi glared at Chu Yu and then said, "What now? What about going to the Wangcheng?"

Chu Yu shook his head slightly: "We will see your father first, and then see Xian'er's father."

"My dad ..." Lin Shi's face looked strange, and there was a touch of sadness in his eyes, and finally nodded.

She has awakened, and has the memories that used to be. Although the soul that dominates her soul is still the will of the world, the branding in the depth of the soul makes her have a deep attachment to the real father Lin Xuesong.

It is hard to believe that Lin Xuesong actually lives in this world.

And it appeared here, killing Hun Tianwang in one fell swoop, and holding the nest of Hun Tianwang.

Those strong men who besieged the two saw that Hun Tian Wang Fu had been completely destroyed, and they had no intention of continuing to fight for war. They all fled in all directions.

The two kings who led the right seven at that time were really not their enemies.

Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen didn't pay attention to the miscellaneous fish, and didn't stop them, just let them go.

The two also quickly disappeared into the void, completely disappeared. In the eyes of everyone, the two of them must have left.

After all, no matter how powerful they are, they are not opponents of the current domain master Zhou Han. Staying here is no different from waiting for death.

But actually.

The two of them appeared in the Huntian City with great swing.

They are looking for someone!

There are very few people in the world that the two kings cannot find.

If they did n’t hear that rumor, they would n’t be here at this time, even if they wanted to kill the Heavenly King.

Especially Zhen Zhen Xu Zhen, after confirming that the rumor is true, he shot without any hesitation.

They must draw all their attention to themselves.

If everyone is looking for the former prince, Chu Yu will be in extreme danger at any time.

This is not a lower bound!

They couldn't even blame Chu Yu for being too reckless.

Looking at this matter from their height, Chu Yu did nothing wrong.

Xu Xutu is safe, but as the former prince of the chaotic domain, if he has no courage to face this risk, the group of them will give up completely.

Chu Yu's choice was dangerous, but it greatly stimulated those old ministers of the former Chu domain master.

This time it was the two of them who showed up, but it's not just them who came here!

Some people who have been hidden in secret for countless years, all appeared this time!

There is only one reason-the prince is back!

Chu Yu and Lin Shi strolled along the chaotic streets, and the two of them were also looking for each other.

Therefore, at the moment when the two sides meet, you only need to confirm your eyes to know that the other side is the person you are looking for.

Half an hour later, Chu Yu and Lin Shi lived in the room of the luxury hotel.

Lin Shi sat next to Chu Yu, snuggling tightly, and opposite Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen.

Lin Xuesong, the prestigious King of Split, has just smashed the big brother of the Heavenly King's Mansion. At this moment, looking at Lin Shi's eyes, he is full of warmth. Although he didn't say a word, the vicissitudes of his eyes already contained thousands of words.

Lin Shi looked at his father's eyes as well. Even if she is the soul of this life who is leading the thinking, the memories that are imprinted in the depths of the soul still make her red eyes.

Also, Lin Xuesong in front of her looks almost the same as her father in this life!

When he saw Lin Xuesong, Lin Shi almost regarded him as the father of this life.

Zhen Zhen Wang Xu Zhen frowned slightly, looked at Chu Yu and asked, "Where is she?"

Chu Yu glanced at Xu Zhen and said: Really!

Since the day Chu Yu met Xiaoxian, she has not seen her parents or any other relatives. Xu Zhen in front of her, wearing a crown of hair, looked like she was in her thirties, almost the same as Xu Xiaoxian between her eyebrows.

But this look on Xu Zhen's face turned into handsome and elegant. On Xu Xiaoxian's face, it was Fanghua Peerless.

If the two appear together, as long as they are not blind, they will definitely see the relationship between them.

"She ... went to Wangcheng." Chu Yu explained to Xu Zhen what happened before with a wry smile.

"You, you ... confused!"

Xu Zhen's first reaction was that Jianmei raised her eyebrows, as if she wanted to get angry. There was a terrible coercion, and there was no trace of it.

But immediately, he turned back this coercive pressure, with a bitter smile on his face, glanced at Lin Xuesong, and then said: "It's just a nonsense!"

Lin Xuesong gave Chu Yu a complicated look, then stood up, folded his hands, and gave a deep salute to Chu Yu: "Lin Xuesong, I have seen His Royal Highness Prince!"

Xu Zhen couldn't help but glared at Lin Xuesong, and also stood up reluctantly, saluting Chu Yu: "Xu Zhen, have seen your prince!"

Chu Yu quickly got up and returned the ceremony, and the two of them were all his father-in-law. Although he and Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian have been together for many years, but anyway, when meeting Lao Zhangren, always be low-key and polite.

When Lin Xuesong interrupted, Xu Zhen couldn't continue to get angry even if he was angry.

And what kind of temper his daughter is, he is also very clear in his heart. No wonder Chu Yu knew this.

Just in his heart, Xu Zhen was still worried about Xu Xiaoxian. It was so bold that he dared to follow a group of people into the Wangcheng.

Was that Zhou Han's beast a fool? A fool, how is it possible to take the position of domain owner? A stupid, where the ability to suppress them for so many years to breathe? Where is the ability to make the left seven right fall apart?

But things have already happened, unless you catch up now and chase Xu Xiaoxian back, otherwise it is useless to say anything.

Even if I leave now, I'm afraid it's too late.

The group of people invites hard work, and will inevitably increase the speed to the fastest, and in the shortest time, take Xu Xiaoxian to Wangcheng to see Zhou Han.

Lin Xuesong said on the side: "Since Your Highness has returned, then those old ministries in the old days should also be called up again!" As he said, he glanced at Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen nodded: "It should be so! Zhou Han, the pseudo-domain master, was out of position, it was time to overthrow him."

Xu Zhen said, and took a deep look at Chu Yu: "I just don't know how your Royal Highness is doing in the lower realm. How much has changed now?"

Chu Yu said: "I still have a lot of problems."

Xu Zhendao: "That's all right, the son of Qianjin can't sit down, your level is high and low, and it doesn't have much impact on the overall situation. We naturally can't let you go to battle in person."

Lin Xuesong also said: "His Highness memory is not awakened, and we still don't know. In fact, we don't need you to come down in person. As long as you are there, you can."

Chu Yu shook his head: "I will not be a mascot."

Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong stared slightly, looking at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu said: "I went to the Cangming Army for a period of time before. After so many years, the Cangming Army is still strong. The soldiers there are still eager to kill them one day and overthrow everything like Zhou Han."

"Have you ever been to Cangming Army? How did you get in?" Lin Xuesong asked with a surprised expression.

Xu Zhen said casually: "I arranged it."

"You arranged it?" Lin Xuesong looked at Xu Zhen with a surprised expression.

Xu Zhen nodded: "It's the domain master."

"The domain master still ..." Lin Xuesong's eyes glowed with a bright light, and he said with a surprised expression: "I said, how could the domain master be so easy ..."

Xu Zhen waved his hands and sighed in frustration: "It's a little different from what you think, in short ... Even if the domain master is still there, it is almost impossible to return. The things he is facing are unimaginable."

"So, to overturn Zhou Han's rebel thief, we still need to rely on ourselves?"

Xu Zhen nodded: "Not bad."

"That's good too, the prince is not returning, the hearts of the people are floating, no one can really gather everyone. Now that the prince is back, it is the reorganization!" Lin Xuesong said.

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